Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Marketplace => Topic started by: giantdragon on October 05, 2012, 02:25:04 AM

Title: Commission-free advertising network business model
Post by: giantdragon on October 05, 2012, 02:25:04 AM
As you probably know, advertising networks like Google AdSense charge considerable commission fees ( from the funds, paid by advertisers (commission can even reach as much as 50%).
From the other side, some large services with heavy load and big maintenance expenditures like Wikipedia rely 100% on the donations from its users.

I have an idea to create absolutely free ad network where publishers will receive 100% of the funds, paid by advertisers. To get enough funding for the hosting and other costs (which unfortunately becomes very tangible with service's growth) I am considering to offer service's users to select a percent, which they are ready to donate when making a withdrawal.

Do you think this model is viable?

Title: Re: Commission-free advertising network business model
Post by: mhughes on October 05, 2012, 12:42:57 PM
As an advertiser, I don't really care if the ad network or the site displaying my ads get the money.  I want the ad service to be matching my ads to people most likely to want what's in those ads, and I want the widest possible distribution on high quality sites.

If me selecting a higher percentage to go to the network lowers the chance my ad will show up on a site, I don't imagine I would.

Title: Re: Commission-free advertising network business model
Post by: HostFat on October 05, 2012, 12:47:47 PM
You should try for a limited time,example:
- coinurl won't get any fee during the next x weeks ( this is a test )
then you will see if the business work :)

Title: Re: Commission-free advertising network business model
Post by: giantdragon on October 05, 2012, 01:37:28 PM
You should try for a limited time,example:
- coinurl won't get any fee during the next x weeks ( this is a test )
then you will see if the business work :)
CoinURL doesn't charges any commissions so far, but as service grows and cheap virtual hosting no more suitable I need start receiving some income. Ads without fees is very attractive to the publishers, therefore I want to save this advantage as long as I can.

I will try voluntary donation model for some time and see how it will work.

Title: Re: Commission-free advertising network business model
Post by: giantdragon on October 06, 2012, 02:28:58 AM
We have decided to try out model of the donation-funded ad network on the CoinURL!

Now you can select percent from the amount you are withdrawing to donate. We believe this funding model will be enough to cover expenditures and may be CoinURL become the first commission-free ad network in the world!