Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: xeno2016 on August 19, 2015, 03:52:09 PM

Title: Company plans to build $50 Billion supercomputer in NewMexico for Bitcoin mining
Post by: xeno2016 on August 19, 2015, 03:52:09 PM
What are your thoughts guys, is it real, mining with these supercomputers or some scam, and how we can make sure before investing in such ventures?

Exascale Power Co., a Portland, Ore.-based company, plans to build a supercomputer in New Mexico that will boost the power of the block chain processing infrastructure. The “One ExaFlop” system will bring parity with the computational power of machine systems and the human brain, allowing for the dawn of a new era of true artificial intelligence, the company claims.

Phase two will be a “One Zettaflop” supercomputer, which is one thousand times larger than the Exaflop system.

“Our mission is to build large data centers with wholesale power contracts for economies of scale, allowing us to provide competitively-priced commodity cloud computing services to improve the human condition,” John Fitzpatrick, CEO of Exascale Power Co, told CCN.

Competitive pricing for cloud computing

The primary purpose of each system is to offer competitively-priced commodity cloud computing services to industry. Economies of scale will allow Exascale to price lower than Amazon, Google, Microsoft and all others per CPU hour, Fitzpatrick said.

The secondary purpose of each system is to accelerate computational research in medicine to cure diseases, and energy research to develop clean, cheap fusion power to improve the human condition.

The tertiary purpose of each system is to scale Bitcoin block chain processing for wider adoption in the global financial system, Fitzpatrick said.

"We will have ready access to nearly the entire electrical grid in the United States, and we will get the very best price at any moment in time as a volume buyer of power," said Fitzpatrick noting that New Mexico is at the intersection of the three major power grids in the U.S.

The Exascale power system architecture includes Mellanox Infiniband fiber, Nvidia chipsets, IBM open source power PC chips and custom ASICS chips for block chain processing.

ASICS processors support Bitcoin at present

With ASICS processors, the bitcoin community has already reached an aggregate global capacity of One Exaflop in block chain processing power, he said.

"The barrier to reaching One Exaflop on Linpack with the technology of today is a 1,000-MW power supply," Fitzpatrick said, “and with the New Mexico location, we will have the ability to scale to Zettaflop capacity in phase two."

Scaling of infrastructure is critical to realizing the promise of block chain processing for the global financial system, he noted.

"The enabling part of building out this bitcoin infrastructure is the mining fees,” Fitzpatrick said, "Any bitcoin miner has the seignorage power of a sovereign nation to create money.”

Also read: Australian alternative currency/banking firm DeMorgan Ltd. to offer free webinar on supercomputers beginning June 17

Company files debt offering

Not only does an exascale system require enormous electrical power, but also enormous financial resources for the projected cost of $50 billion, Fitzpatrick said. The company has filed a debt offering with the Securities and Exchange Commission. “Our rights offering is for debt, convertible to equity at buyer discretion,” Fitzpatrick said. “Our lenders own us.”

The company has a core group of 50 engineers, with staffing of 2,500 required at full system build-out,” Fitzpatrick said, noting the company is currently hiring.

The project marks Exascale’s first foray into bitcoin and block chain processing.

The company brings a 15-year history in financial services and supercomputing.

According to the MIT Technology Review, Fitzpatrick in 2002 was president of JJX Capital, a startup hedge fund company. According to the article, JJX Capital was developing a computer to predict the future price movements of every stock, bond, and commodity traded in the U.S.

According to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the U.S. probably won’t build its first practical exascale supercomputer until 2023. To hit that target, engineers will need to do three things. First they’ll need new computer architectures capable of combining tens of thousands of CPUs and graphics-processor-based accelerators. Engineers will also need to deal with the growing energy costs required to move data from a supercomputer’s memory to the processors. Finally, software developers will have to learn how to build programs that can make use of the new architecture.

Title: Re: Company plans to build $50 Billion supercomputer in NewMexico for Bitcoin mining
Post by: BillyBobZorton on August 19, 2015, 04:07:16 PM
Im sure that we'll see more and more countries investing tons of money to become competitive into the Bitcoin mining world as leaders realize Bitcoin will never go away at this point, but I doubt a bit about this. It may be yet another IPO scam. Investors beware.

Title: Re: Company plans to build $50 Billion supercomputer in NewMexico for Bitcoin mining
Post by: RustyNomad on August 19, 2015, 04:09:57 PM
Will this actually be worth it?

Meaning how many coins are still to be mined and at what price taking into account the halving etc...

Title: Re: Company plans to build $50 Billion supercomputer in NewMexico for Bitcoin mining
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on August 19, 2015, 04:14:51 PM
Will this actually be worth it?

Meaning how many coins are still to be mined and at what price taking into account the halving etc...

This ^^

I don't believe this story will bear fruition for a number of reasons. Mainly that bitcoin could still massively fail, 50 billion USD is a hell of a lot of money to invest on something that isn't a sure thing.

Title: Re: Company plans to build $50 Billion supercomputer in NewMexico for Bitcoin mining
Post by: S4VV4S on August 19, 2015, 04:17:44 PM
Will this actually be worth it?

Meaning how many coins are still to be mined and at what price taking into account the halving etc...

No, IMO.
It would be better for them to invest that money to pucrhase as many Bitcoins as possible and to startups.
They will have a better chance of ROI with less trouble.
And no need to employ 2500+ employees.

Title: Re: Company plans to build $50 Billion supercomputer in NewMexico for Bitcoin mining
Post by: maokoto on August 19, 2015, 04:19:12 PM
It is too much money, and not so easy to take it back. Bitcoin is solid, but who nows what can happen when mining is at end. Would the price rise or lower? Also, mass adoption is a wish many have, but perhaps it would not realize.

Title: Re: Company plans to build $50 Billion supercomputer in NewMexico for Bitcoin mining
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 19, 2015, 04:46:54 PM
ACG MN Announces Luncheon Featuring John Fitzpatrick, CEO of Woodcraft Industries – November 13, 2007 (

Hey, maybe John Fitzpatrick is carving out a niche.  ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: Company plans to build $50 Billion supercomputer in NewMexico for Bitcoin mining
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on August 19, 2015, 05:01:07 PM
50 billion? come on guys...i believe it when i see it....

"According to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the U.S. probably won’t build its first practical exascale supercomputer until 2023"

February 27, 2014

some more:

Title: Re: Company plans to build $50 Billion supercomputer in NewMexico for Bitcoin mining
Post by: Brad Harrison on August 19, 2015, 05:04:45 PM
They are starting a little too late I would say

Title: Re: Company plans to build $50 Billion supercomputer in NewMexico for Bitcoin mining
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on August 19, 2015, 05:07:15 PM
in germany there is a company that plans to build a mining farm with 1 Exahash of Power. well, we will see how this will end.

Title: Re: Company plans to build $50 Billion supercomputer in NewMexico for Bitcoin mining
Post by: smoothie on August 19, 2015, 05:10:28 PM
Lots of people plan to do lots of things...doesn't mean it will come to fruition.

More hype BS from some guy who thinks he knows what he is talking about..

PFFT $50 billion...

Yes let's invest $50 billion into a miner/supercomputer for bitcoin mining when the total market cap of bitcoin is $4billion.


Title: Re: Company plans to build $50 Billion supercomputer in NewMexico for Bitcoin mining
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 19, 2015, 05:32:32 PM
Lots of people plan to do lots of things...doesn't mean it will come to fruition.

More hype BS from some guy who thinks he knows what he is talking about..

PFFT $50 billion...

Yes let's invest $50 billion into a miner/supercomputer for bitcoin mining when the total market cap of bitcoin is $4billion.


< with apologies for the famatting>

This letter is a preliminary communication before a formal tender offer to exchange some shares of Exascale Power Co. IRS# 46-4266719 in
Portland, Oregon for all of Intel Corporation IRS# 94-1672743 shares of common stock, CUSIP 458140100.

In my past several months of communication with staff at Intel Corporation, forming a relationship as a potential Intel customer to build the
Worlds first ExaFlop Supercomputer( see )in Oklahoma, I see more of an opportunity to grow my business in large scale
data center development with ownership and controlling interest in Intel Corporation.

The cost detail of nearly $18 Billion in 2014, presented to me as a potential customer for the ExaFlop System mentioned, with a similar amount
needed for upgrade in 2016, and budget of an extra 20 percent for unforeseen cost overuns building a new system, the resulting $50 Billion
budget represents over one third of the present $134 Billion market capitalization of Intel Corporation. With a published Intel profit margin of
50 percent that would represent $25 Billion increased earnings. Trading at the current P/E of 14 means the Intel Market cap would increase by
$350 billion to nearly $500 Billion.

In addition, I proposed entering into an IBM-type service contract with Intel to staff and maintain the Data Center as a turn key operation for
my company as end user.

The Exascale Power Co. Data Center in Oklahoma will generate projected EBITDA of $13 Billion per year, with economies of scale allowing
pricing of the commodity cloud computing service well below Google and Amazon, to capture significant market share. Immediate Future Plans include a ZettaFlop Data Center (1000x larger) in New Mexico in 2016.

My interest would be to continue Intel as a public company, and preserve the published Intel profit margin exceeding 50 percent, while gaining
the efficiencies of merging an aggressive data center developer/operator with Intel, a demonstrated industry leader in hardware, and adding
IBM-type service contracts.

Greater emphasis on big data center development by Intel will also better support Corporate and Industry growth in Mobile and Internet Of
Things markets by substantially reducing cloud computing costs.

John Fitzpatrick
CEO, Exascale Power Co.
1819 SW Fifth Ave #211
Portland, Oregon 97201

Title: Re: Company plans to build $50 Billion supercomputer in NewMexico for Bitcoin mining
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 19, 2015, 05:47:52 PM
Fuck them and the horse they rode in on:

Title: Re: Company plans to build $50 Billion supercomputer in NewMexico for Bitcoin mining
Post by: manselr on August 19, 2015, 07:07:28 PM
They are starting a little too late I would say

Big players like Intel will eventually come #1 miners, no way the developed nations will let Chinese mining and mining away as the mining gods of BTC. But I doubt some random mexican business is going to spend that much on it.

Title: Re: Company plans to build $50 Billion supercomputer in NewMexico for Bitcoin mining
Post by: batesresearch on August 19, 2015, 08:01:37 PM
Looks/Seems very scammy!

Title: Re: Company plans to build $50 Billion supercomputer in NewMexico for Bitcoin mining
Post by: Hopalong on August 19, 2015, 09:15:20 PM
Lots of people plan to do lots of things...doesn't mean it will come to fruition.

More hype BS from some guy who thinks he knows what he is talking about..

PFFT $50 billion...

Yes let's invest $50 billion into a miner/supercomputer for bitcoin mining when the total market cap of bitcoin is $4billion.


And $0.7 billion has disapeared in a couple of days... :D

Title: Re: Company plans to build $50 Billion supercomputer in NewMexico for Bitcoin mining
Post by: Meuh6879 on August 19, 2015, 10:35:23 PM
The company has a core group of 50 engineers, with staffing of 2,500 required at full system build-out,” Fitzpatrick said, noting the company is currently hiring.

For bitcoin mining, all you need is :

- RJ45 clamp
- 5km of Ethernet cable
- 20km of electrical power cord
- 100 ethernet switchs gigabit
- hall
- power supply

so 2 engineer and ... 20 electricals workers.  :P

Title: Re: Company plans to build $50 Billion supercomputer in NewMexico for Bitcoin mining
Post by: BitcoinAddicts on August 19, 2015, 10:43:07 PM
There was a useful thread to help people know if a mining company is a scam or not

Title: Re: Company plans to build $50 Billion supercomputer in NewMexico for Bitcoin mining
Post by: hexafraction on August 19, 2015, 10:46:31 PM
I feel like this article is mixing technical terms. Is this an ASIC farm, or an exascale general purpose processor based supercomputer?

Title: Re: Company plans to build $50 Billion supercomputer in NewMexico for Bitcoin mining
Post by: TheDeathSpiral on August 19, 2015, 10:55:33 PM
I feel like this article is mixing technical terms. Is this an ASIC farm, or an exascale general purpose processor based supercomputer?
Neither, it's a mix of scam and delusion, weighted towards delusion given the quoted communication a few posts up where John Fitzpatrick proposes taking ownership of Intel in exchange for shares in his one-person "company".

Title: Re: Company plans to build $50 Billion supercomputer in NewMexico for Bitcoin mining
Post by: kelsey on August 19, 2015, 10:57:09 PM
Fuck them and the horse they rode in on:

another case of never letting the facts get in the way of a good story

bet this thread is continued on by noobs anyways  :-X

Title: Re: Company plans to build $50 Billion supercomputer in NewMexico for Bitcoin mining
Post by: Mikestang on August 19, 2015, 11:03:17 PM
Maybe they're building massive cpu farms, why else mention flops?  Maybe they haven't heard of ASIC...  ???

Planning massive data centers like this is pointless.  No one knows what the bitcoin network will look like next week, let alone by the time these centers are powered up and running.  I doubt they will ever see the light of day, let alone be profitable.

You could spend $50 billion on almost anything else, like lottery tickets, and most likely see more return on investment.