Title: [Selling] MSDN invites - $35 each (Special offer) Post by: SellMaster3000 on August 20, 2015, 12:47:10 PM Hi there,
I've decided to post this thread separately from my key selling thread. I'm selling MSDN invites for $35 each. The price is a bit higher than the price of some other sellers, but the chance of getting scammed or products that are blocked within a week is much higher there. My policy is that, with fair use, you will always get either a replacement or a refund (whatever you request). You can contact me on Skype to buy them. You can pay by either PayPal or Bitcoin. Price: $35 Skype: realm.rsps _________________________________ - You can check my MSDN keys thread for all my vouches - The -2 negative trust has been given by a person who never bought anything from me Title: Re: [Selling] MSDN invites - $35 each (Special offer) Post by: SellMaster3000 on August 21, 2015, 11:50:53 AM Bump, special offer. $35 only right now!
Title: Re: [Selling] MSDN invites - $35 each (Special offer) Post by: SellMaster3000 on August 24, 2015, 07:36:01 AM Bump
Title: Re: [Selling] MSDN invites - $35 each (Special offer) Post by: SellMaster3000 on August 25, 2015, 08:07:19 AM bump
Title: Re: [Selling] MSDN invites - $35 each (Special offer) Post by: SellMaster3000 on September 03, 2015, 07:11:18 PM bump, just got new stock.
Title: Re: [Selling] MSDN invites - $35 each (Special offer) Post by: jayesh1680 on October 17, 2018, 07:03:11 AM i am interested in buyig is it still available?