Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: jwinterm on August 22, 2015, 01:06:22 AM

Title: FUD is at an all-time high...Time to buy some coins?
Post by: jwinterm on August 22, 2015, 01:06:22 AM
With all of the back and forth over Core v. XT, and BIP101 v. 1 MB blocks v. something else, it seems like there's never been more disinformation flying around about worthless coins, old blockchains, and tor unmaskings. Blocksize hodlers are sharing links that if this hardfork occurs, the next thing that Hearn, Gavin, and the NSA will impose is an increase in the maximum number of coins (See this link in the IRC transcript below: ) :

[17:47:26] <zeusey> shellak: yes, but as soon as they step foot on the territory of technical arguments, can't we verify them with evidence?
[17:47:47] <KipIngram> jwinterm: How do I query blockchain download progress?
[17:48:07] <Tim-> belcher:  it is Inevitable, the hard fork  increases 21milion cap.  I'm actually suprised it hasn't happened by now, or has it?
[17:48:19] <-- kejoma1 ( has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[17:48:20] <jwinterm> ./bitcoincli getinfo
[17:48:21] <belcher> why is it inevitable?
[17:48:25] <-- GAit ( has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[17:48:34] <Tim-> I agree with John Matonis:
[17:48:35] <piqure> ^^^ WARNING: any URL may lead directly or indirectly to COIN-STEALING MALWARE! ^^^
[17:48:45] <shellak> zeusey: yes, but the trade-offs have different value depending on the stakeholder (even if they agree on the technicals)
[17:49:03] <gmaxwell> I do too.
[17:49:06] <ftlio_> Tim- it's not inevitable, but the hard fork definitely shows why/how it can be done
[17:49:07] <belcher> me too
[17:49:12] <gmaxwell> I think Jon has been spot on with this subject.
[17:49:14] <zeusey> late adopters would probably outnumber the early adopters ... late adopters have more reason to inflate
[17:49:14] <Tim-> just like altcoins were inevitable, making more hardforks are inevitable
[17:49:27] <gmaxwell> ftlio_: it is inevitable that people will propose it (actually people have but not with much force)
[17:49:38] <belcher> im currently working on ideas to trade btc-core and btc-xt futures
[17:49:46] <ftlio_> tim- ironically, i posted about the incentives possibly being there to never hit zero sum on Reddit, and i assume the same people outcrying for a bigger block size are the same people who told me it's simply not possible
[17:49:50] <belcher> so the price between them can be discovered before a hardfork actually happens
[17:50:00] <gmaxwell> But it is inevitable that they will propose it with force, and media blitz later- and cries of urgency and perhaps a (manufactuored) disaster.
[17:50:05] --> SuchWow (~SuchWow@unaffiliated/suchwow) has joined #bitcoin
[17:50:09] --> jzig (~jzig@ has joined #bitcoin
[17:50:11] <gmaxwell> And we, as a community, must say no.
[17:50:15] <zeusey> shellak: true.. i guess i just havent seen much agreement between both sides on the technical args
[17:50:18] <zeusey> as of yet
[17:50:24] <belcher> maybe the economic consensus will go heavily towards one side
[17:50:41] <gmaxwell> belcher: sounds interesting, but we'd need to make sure the fork is clean and the both sides operate in that case.
[17:50:46] <-- Mr_Net (~mr_net@2001:7e8:d694:d501:9dfd:77a6:c814:8ed1) has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[17:50:59] <gmaxwell> Right now the situation is setup for a big mushroom cloud. :)

Core dev and blocksize hodler gmaxwell says he agrees with that tweet, and that "we, as a community, must say no" otherwise "the situation is setup for a big mushroom cloud. :)"

So, with all these emotions, appeals to emotion, and intentional disinformations flying around...good time to snag some cheap coins?

Title: Re: FUD is at an all-time high...Time to buy some coins?
Post by: hdbuck on August 22, 2015, 02:12:09 AM
The actual Bitcoin Lead Dev Wladimir J. van der Laan putting back Mickey Hearn where he belongs:

This mascarade wont last long now.

Title: Re: FUD is at an all-time high...Time to buy some coins?
Post by: jwinterm on August 22, 2015, 02:28:58 AM
The actual Bitcoin Lead Dev Wladimir J. van der Laan putting back Mickey Hearn where he belongs:

This mascarade wont last long now.

You didn't answer the question  :-\

Title: Re: FUD is at an all-time high...Time to buy some coins?
Post by: hdbuck on August 22, 2015, 02:29:59 AM
The actual Bitcoin Lead Dev Wladimir J. van der Laan putting back Mickey Hearn where he belongs:

This mascarade wont last long now.

You didn't answer the question  :-\

once gavin and hearn are out of the picture: CCMF!

Title: Re: FUD is at an all-time high...Time to buy some coins?
Post by: Mickeyb on August 22, 2015, 09:19:07 AM
Yes, FUDsters are having time of their lives at the moment. Let them enjoy it since this won't last too long. I also have some feeling that the consensus will be reached much sooner than everyone is expecting.

So yes, I would buy if I had money at the moment. This is the artificial price at the moment, much lower than about $300 that we should be around. Once this mess clears, price will shoot up very quickly.

Title: Re: FUD is at an all-time high...Time to buy some coins?
Post by: Wexlike on August 22, 2015, 09:39:15 AM
FUD is at an all-time high...Time to buy some coins?

FUD, yes. Fear? Not at all.

Title: Re: FUD is at an all-time high...Time to buy some coins?
Post by: randy8777 on August 22, 2015, 09:59:04 AM
at this point i would wait a bit before buying coins. i don't think the whole xt drama and panic is over yet. especially when the amount of xt nodes is still rising.

Title: Re: FUD is at an all-time high...Time to buy some coins?
Post by: gentlemand on August 22, 2015, 01:20:34 PM
at this point i would wait a bit before buying coins. i don't think the whole xt drama and panic is over yet. especially when the amount of xt nodes is still rising.

The numbers have sagged slightly. Perhaps there'll be a fresh burst nearer the time or maybe that was all the ammo XT fans had. Perhaps this scalability conference thing next month will kill it off completely.

Title: Re: FUD is at an all-time high...Time to buy some coins?
Post by: ssmc2 on August 22, 2015, 01:22:27 PM
I hope they keep the FUD up for at least the next month so I can keep buying at these levels or lower.  ;)

Title: Re: FUD is at an all-time high...Time to buy some coins?
Post by: Alley on August 22, 2015, 01:30:31 PM
Why would any miner update their software to a version that increased the 21 mil cap and lowering the value of all their coins?

Title: Re: FUD is at an all-time high...Time to buy some coins?
Post by: jwinterm on August 22, 2015, 02:08:12 PM
Why would any miner update their software to a version that increased the 21 mil cap and lowering the value of all their coins?

I agree, they wouldn't, and the fact that this is being thrown around as a threat if blocksize increases by hardfork is just indicative of the ridiculous level this debate has devolved to.

Title: Re: FUD is at an all-time high...Time to buy some coins?
Post by: onemorexmr on August 22, 2015, 02:25:16 PM
Why would any miner update their software to a version that increased the 21 mil cap and lowering the value of all their coins?

Because it may simultaneously double the block reward?

(2 * $100) BTC better than (1 * $180) BTC, correct?

its more like 2*$0
and miners know this....

blocksize has nothing to do with money-supply

Title: Re: FUD is at an all-time high...Time to buy some coins?
Post by: dothebeats on August 22, 2015, 04:15:20 PM
Only a few answered your question. I would say yes. My strategy is I buy a small fraction every week regardless of the price and keep it in my stash for long-term holding. I don't think there are still many who can still do that without fear. And Wladimir is right, any changes made to the code by a single entity/group of devs without proper consensus should be removed his commit access privilege. I wonder how long does this drama last?

Title: Re: FUD is at an all-time high...Time to buy some coins?
Post by: NorrisK on August 22, 2015, 04:19:56 PM
Only a few answered your question. I would say yes. My strategy is I buy a small fraction every week regardless of the price and keep it in my stash for long-term holding. I don't think there are still many who can still do that without fear. And Wladimir is right, any changes made to the code by a single entity/group of devs without proper consensus should be removed his commit access privilege. I wonder how long does this drama last?

I'm trying to do the same on a monthly basis.

It will average out the buy in price, so you never really over pay.

Title: Re: FUD is at an all-time high...Time to buy some coins?
Post by: Beefcake on August 22, 2015, 04:20:01 PM
I really don't think this price is from the xt fears.  

The market was clearly manipulated.  If you look at the size of the dump, it looks like a whale or group of whales intentionally tanked the price, almost certainly to short and accumulate at a low price.  Also there are world economic problems in china and usa this week, so this may have been bad timing all around.

Any price plummet like this will of course shake people up, and cause panic selling.  But once the fear is gone, I expect a price recovery back towards 300-ish level.

XT fears might be adding to the picture, but I don't think it is the main cause of the price drop. Not at all.