Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Service Announcements => Topic started by: desired_username on August 22, 2015, 11:20:29 AM

Title: [Announcing] BollockStream Inc.
Post by: desired_username on August 22, 2015, 11:20:29 AM
BollockStream Inc. 2015 (

BollockStream was founded to develop new ways to gain control and suffocate Bitcoin development while forcing the users to centralized layers, controlled by us.
We are partnered with the 5 biggest banks and captured 4 pioneers of digital cash to impose the ways we want, how we want.


We believe in centrally planned, restricted innovation.

In the grand tradition of internet protocols that gave rise to the government controlled, fragile and insecure Open Internet, we aim to foster a similar ecosystem where nothing can progress without permission issued by our founding members and undisclosed partners.


We believe that most people are not smart enough to make decisions for themselves and should not have the chance to access information freely.

We want to power interoperable markets that are provided and managed by BollockStream.
We will provide safety, privacy, scalability, unicorns and miniature Millenium Falcons to our followers while eliminating the cancer of decentralization and transparency.


We are in this together 8===> ():

We believe there is an important need for an authority that can decelerate and control the evolution of crypto currency, open assets and smart contracts. We are a private company with a very public mission: the transformation of technologies to remove their fundamental values and disruption of the userbase using lies, FUD and propaganda.

Please stay tuned for highly censored and filtered news, developments and announcements.

You can support our attempt at complete domination by running our reference client,BollockStream Core, available from or sending BTC to 12zWV6mgnLfu6idecdvC2vXS5KxsKxVbHK

Title: Re: [Announcing] BollockStream Inc.
Post by: desired_username on August 22, 2015, 11:20:43 AM
Due to popular demand we are disclosing our funding members and the core team behind BollockStream Inc.

Adolf Back, PHD

Having worked on failed e-cash protocols all his life, he reached the highest levels of being butthurt seeing Bitcoin succeed.

From that day, Adolf Back, PHD, took on a mission to cripple bitcoin and destroy its current form. Mind, He has a PHD and does not tolerate differing opinion.

FUDory Maxbeard

Wizard of constructing circular arguments. Nobody has a stronger vision of Bitcoin. Maxwell has been schooling Satoshi himself on the impossibility of Bitcoin.

James Murdock

The finest corporate shill with vast cronyism experience from google itself.

Rusty Russell

We like to think that he has no idea of our plans.

Patrick Strawman

The person who made the Intersango hack possible. We cannot thank him enough.

Erik Svenson

Bitcoin suppression professional. There are many projects which could only grew after his departure.  

Jonathan Wilkills

The fist of bollockstream. This guy will organize a DDOS on anyone our company have a problem with. Yes...even in meatspace.

Pieter Wuille, Ph.D.

Another PHD holder from google.

Francesca Hall

The source of coffee and quick reliefs.

Title: Re: [Announcing] BollockStream Inc.
Post by: desired_username on August 24, 2015, 12:47:36 PM