Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: zimmah on August 23, 2015, 08:45:56 AM

Title: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: zimmah on August 23, 2015, 08:45:56 AM
Looking at the comments of its clear that a lot of people have absolutely no idea what Bitcoin is, how to get bitcoins, and why you would even need Bitcoin in the first place.

Even they people answering the question often state that Bitcoin is mainly used in black markets and the deep web.

This is quite shocking, it's good in the sense that it shows Bitcoin has still room to grow, a lot, since most people don't even know about it yet. It's bad in the sense that Bitcoin still has a very bad reputation.

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: NorrisK on August 23, 2015, 08:47:49 AM
Yep, something needs to be done about that. People will soon realize it is smart to have some pieces of bitcoin just as diversification for when the markets start to slow down again.

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: batesresearch on August 23, 2015, 09:08:06 AM
It's very true, people don't know enough about Bitcoin and what they think they know (about Bitcoin only being for drug dealing) is wrong.

I'm starting crypto courses near me later this year but the advertising is more about money not necessarily about Bitcoin. People need to see the benefits of crypto and how it can help them gain control of their money.

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: randy8777 on August 23, 2015, 09:21:12 AM
well, people can get to know the basics of bitcoin with just 15 minutes of reading, which is perfectly fine for most people who don't want to get deeper into the technical aspects of the protocol. the only thing of importance is; how do you reach these people. they obviously won't search for it themselfs.

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: Denker on August 23, 2015, 09:24:37 AM
It's obvious that one Antonopoulos is not enough. We need more people like him who can explain complex and difficult things with really simple analogies. Furthermore you can not force people to get curious about Bitcoin. Sometimes you need desastrous happenings that shows the boys and girls out there that something else exist where they could benefit from.

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: Kazimir on August 23, 2015, 09:41:25 AM
I think what would really help if they start realizing how the current money system works.

Personally I got very interested in alternatives for the existing monetary system after watching Money as Debt ( A documentary that clearly explains how fiat money (like the US Dollar and Euro) really works. One can only come to the conclusion that it's a ridiculous, unfair, rigged, unsustainable, and unethical piece of global fraud and deception.

Without a shadow of a doubt, fiat money is the biggest con in the history of mankind.

Whether people are interested in Bitcoin or decentralization or technological advancement or not, almost everybody is interested in money. Yet almost nobody, surprisingly not even economy teachers or people working at the bank or in the government, actually know where money comes from.

For me, it all comes down to this question: where does money come from, and why is it acceptable to give the sole privilege of literally creating money out of thin air, exclusively to a bunch of private, commercial organizations. And thereby putting the entire society (individuals, companies, governments, states) at a permanent, everlasting, ever growing debt and dependency of a handful of bankers. This is ridiculous.

Once people would realize how they are systematically getting screwed over, perhaps they'd be more open for alternatives like Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: Daniel91 on August 23, 2015, 10:04:27 AM
I agree with you.
When I look people around me, my friends, co-workers, neighbors, almost none of them knows anything about Bitcoin nor are they interested to know.
For them, the highlight of the Internet is to send e-mail to someone, talk via Skype, share photos from holidays on Facebook and those who are using Internet banking are considered to be advanced internet users :)
Of course, bitcoin is not so widespread in my country.
This is likely to change when bitcoin becomes mainstream in the near future but until now I'm afraid people here will remain very skeptical about it.

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: RustyNomad on August 23, 2015, 10:30:19 AM
I agree with you.
When I look people around me, my friends, co-workers, neighbors, almost none of them knows anything about Bitcoin nor are they interested to know.
For them, the highlight of the Internet is to send e-mail to someone, talk via Skype, share photos from holidays on Facebook and those who are using Internet banking are considered to be advanced internet users :)
Of course, bitcoin is not so widespread in my country.
This is likely to change when bitcoin becomes mainstream in the near future but until now I'm afraid people here will remain very skeptical about it.

Very similar situation this side. If you are on WhatsApp you are considered to be 'technologically advanced'. Know anything more and chances are good you will be excluded from the 'click' as you are a tech god and the minions hate feeling inferior.

I'm the only one in our extended group who actually own bitcoin and one of only three who actually know anything about bitcoin and from discussions the only one actually interested in bitcoin. The rest just do not care, have no use for it, do not understand why they should even get it and or use it. Dabbling in something like this [bitcoin] is akin to being involved in a ponzi scheme of sorts and I know some will actually look down on you for being so 'naive' to be investing in such a big 'fraud'.

So saying that I cannot wait for the fiat system to collapse is the understatement of the century.

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: worldinacoin on August 23, 2015, 10:31:11 AM
Educating the public is always a slow and painful process.

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: |Bitcoin| on August 23, 2015, 10:34:11 AM
I agree that bitcoin have still room to grow. It need lots of effort from us to get it mainstream. Many people do not use bitcoin because they think it is for crimes only. They are all wrong. Good company like overstock show interest in bitcoin. Just tat normal people dont know.

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: ralle14 on August 23, 2015, 10:57:12 AM
yeah alot of ppl in my country still unaware of what is bitcoin though
and also others don't accept it....
sometimes we need to accept change like accepting bitcoin

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: tiggytomb on August 23, 2015, 11:14:43 AM
A couple of people I briefly explained it to and also about altcoin trading, interest was there at first but then I think they just didn't want to invest the time to go beyond just listening to me go on.

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: n2004al on August 23, 2015, 11:24:30 AM
Nothing to worries and to surprise. No worries because there are people that don't know yet what is internet. Imagine to speak to them for the bitcoin. No surprise because even most of us which know bitcoin know very few about it. For example known that is a internet digital money with which can be bought several things at merchants which accept it. Know that have real value because can be exchanged with fiat money on to many exchange and that's all. To few. Maximum someone know that is a disruptive revolutionary technology behind this currency and even few something about the technical process of production. Me don't seem to much....

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: eyeknock on August 23, 2015, 11:35:27 AM
Even they people answering the question often state that Bitcoin is mainly used in black markets and the deep web.

yes, this is just a clear movement from "some guys" who dont want bitcoin to have sucess at least not yet, the good news about it is that they will not have succes...

This is quite shocking, it's good in the sense that it shows Bitcoin has still room to grow, a lot, since most people don't even know about it yet. It's bad in the sense that Bitcoin still has a very bad reputation.

dont worry, the word cant be stopped, and everyday more and more people start to know about it.

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: gentlemand on August 23, 2015, 12:18:41 PM
It takes a long, long time for 'the public' to cotton on to new technologies. It's not the type of thing that can be forced. When you chuck questioning the nature of money in too...

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: frankenmint on August 23, 2015, 12:23:04 PM
It takes a long, long time for 'the public' to cotton on to new technologies. It's not the type of thing that can be forced. When you chuck questioning the nature of money in too...

Technology is the offspring of science and the military.  The internet Internet concept (networking computing technology to share data) has been around since the 1950s but took till late 80s to be implemented more or less ubiquitously amongst educational institutions - step 2. Early 90s was early adopters and first large successes of internet technology.  step 3 2000s it matures and more things can be al. 

tl;dr - Takes about 30 years for technology to mature into critical mass you guys.  Look at TVs, Radios, Computing technology, Automobiles.

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: Pingu on August 23, 2015, 12:25:49 PM
Looking at the comments of its clear that a lot of people have absolutely no idea what Bitcoin is, how to get bitcoins, and why you would even need Bitcoin in the first place.

Well why do most people in the mainstream need or want to use it? They don't really have a use for it currently if we're being honest.

Even they people answering the question often state that Bitcoin is mainly used in black markets and the deep web.

Well it mainly is really at the moment, though this will change over time. Hopefully some big industries like the remittance market will get involved.

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: Metadextrous on August 23, 2015, 12:35:51 PM
Yea, the people in my school who knows bitcoin is just 5 people out of around 300 people. Bitcoin awareness in my country is still low, and there also no merchant which accepting bitcoin around here.

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: GreanT on August 23, 2015, 12:39:28 PM
Yep, something needs to be done about that. People will soon realize it is smart to have some pieces of bitcoin just as diversification for when the markets start to slow down again.

I don't think people will soon realize it is smart to have pieces of Bitcoin if the price continues to be so volatile. Huge price fluctuations scare most people, and major dips like the flash crash the other night results in investors and average consumers putting their money elsewhere. BTC has to not only overcome the stigma attached to it as a "black market currency", it also has to overcome the notion that it is the 21st century tulip mania. I tried to convince a friend for months to get into BTC- sent him some links and even gave him a book. He read up on it... I went to buy silver from him the other day and when I offered to pay in BTC he told me to "keep those koopa coins". I think it will take some serious convincing to show people BTC can retain value long-term.

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: ralle14 on August 23, 2015, 12:41:05 PM
this is the sad thing that alot of ppl don't know what bitcoin is
only like 20-30 % in my country knows what bitcoin is and that
is really sad

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: NorrisK on August 23, 2015, 12:52:44 PM
this is the sad thing that alot of ppl don't know what bitcoin is
only like 20-30 % in my country knows what bitcoin is and that
is really sad

That is quite a large number actually.. Where do you live and are you sure the numbers are correct?

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: Mickeyb on August 23, 2015, 01:16:29 PM
This is nothing surprising in my opinion. Bitcoin had more than 10 big areas that one individual should understand before using it. Basics of how it works are necessary for a new user. Why should you trust it, how to send transactions, how to obtain it, how to secure it is a big one, etc..

Trying to tackle all these at once is very hard. This needs interest and time and that's why this mass adoption thing is taking this long. All that we can is keep working hard on familiarizing people and have patience.

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: zimmah on August 23, 2015, 09:16:57 PM
This is nothing surprising in my opinion. Bitcoin had more than 10 big areas that one individual should understand before using it. Basics of how it works are necessary for a new user. Why should you trust it, how to send transactions, how to obtain it, how to secure it is a big one, etc..

Trying to tackle all these at once is very hard. This needs interest and time and that's why this mass adoption thing is taking this long. All that we can is keep working hard on familiarizing people and have patience.

Logical fallacy, no one knows how the fiat currency system works, because if peope knew, there would be riots all over the place.

Everyone would be better of if we switched from fiat to Bitcoin (well everyone except the 0.001% who is printing the fiat currency) but people need to realize how much they are getting scammed first.

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: blackside on August 23, 2015, 11:12:41 PM
I believe Bitcoin's adoption rate is increasing as time goes by, and its ecosystem is improving!After a few years, ppl will get used to it and use it, like the early stage of credit card!

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: voos on August 23, 2015, 11:27:55 PM
Public is largely unaware of how to use and obtain gold too...

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: trior on August 24, 2015, 12:39:09 AM
It's very true, people don't know enough about Bitcoin and what they think they know (about Bitcoin only being for drug dealing) is wrong.

I'm starting crypto courses near me later this year but the advertising is more about money not necessarily about Bitcoin. People need to see the benefits of crypto and how it can help them gain control of their money.

You can't teach someone who doesn't know how to install an app on his phone about something as complicated and confusing as bitcoin , believe me I know a lot off them.
We need to chose easier targets (the geeky people are the simplest they know how to do research ) .
As for other relatively harder targets . We need to develop easier ways to make there first contact smooth and easy .
I find the main software a little bit confusing. I think it would better to avoid it. At first contact .
The seed concept is confusing to, if you chose electrum for first contact .
The waiting for confirmation also confusing .
The online wallets not so secure .
So you better plan before you start a conversation with anyone about bitcoin.

Spending tests for digital goods are the best aproch.
You give him some bitcoin for free or for some $$ and you make him buy the goods.
(give him a taste of what bitcoin  can do).

good luck teaching

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: Harry Hood on August 24, 2015, 06:04:50 AM
We all need to take some responsibility in spreading the awareness. Tell friends and family about it. Support stores that accept bitcoin. Pay for goods (in your local stores) using bitcoin so friends and other customers can see you using and and hear the discussion about the transaction.

Given that the financial markets are sliding right now, I wonder if we'll see a positive bump...we've only seen a slide leading up to the financial market slide. Only time will tell, I guess, but we can all do our part to spread good words and experiences related to bitcoin.

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: btcdealer on August 24, 2015, 10:39:14 AM
There is a massive amount of peoples who are unaware of what bitcoin is and how to earn/get it.
The main reason unknownability is illiteracy, social backwardness, accessability to hardware and somewhat knowledge.
That is why we have to spread the information about bitcoin among the present generation and the upcoming generation. As many respectful members have already said that during this financial drop in the price of bitcoins, it is the right time to educate peoples about bitcoin and to show them ways to get it.

Title: Re: Public still largely unaware of what Bitcoin is, how to use it and how to obtain
Post by: lahm-44 on August 24, 2015, 11:46:18 AM
that's really true...even when I try to teach some peoles about bitcoin they found it too much tough due to its complexity and I also thinks that's its depend on them that how much can they take in their those small because I know they wil not understand this clearly because it completely new to them and even they have never faced so tough things before so it will generally take some time to get an clear idea to them