Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Scam Accusations => Topic started by: jasinlee on October 08, 2012, 11:58:18 PM

Title: MPOE-PR MPEX Representative Instigating FUD and Pedaling Illegal Child Porn
Post by: jasinlee on October 08, 2012, 11:58:18 PM
MPOE-PR Has consistently trolled, no big deal really, but the 24/7 spam of any and all threads about how terrible all other services are so that she/he can influence people to join their exchange. When GLBSE decided to shut down, the announcement was immediately posted that the registration would now be a further price gouge by raising it to 30 bitcoins. Meanwhile the company that peddles the exchange allows hosting of pornea of children, gore and various other "entertainment" that is unmoderated and in my opinion never associated with this forum. Their site belongs on the .onion domains just as posts for hitmen, threats of personal violence are not promoted on the forums either. I am sure there are plenty of other things, but these are just off the top of my head.

When asked to explain any of the items above all I achieved in response was that I had made the ignore list.

Title: Re: MPOE-PR MPEX Representative Instigating FUD and Pedaling Illegal Immoral Service
Post by: LoupGaroux on October 09, 2012, 01:54:41 AM
And this is deserving of public airing in a bitcoin forum why?

Title: Re: MPOE-PR MPEX Representative Instigating FUD and Pedaling Illegal Immoral Service
Post by: Littleshop on October 09, 2012, 02:04:00 AM
MPOE-PR Has consistently trolled, no big deal really, but the 24/7 spam of any and all threads about how terrible all other services are so that she/he can influence people to join their exchange. When GLBSE decided to shut down, the announcement was immediately posted that the registration would now be a further price gouge by raising it to 30 bitcoins. Meanwhile the company that peddles the exchange allows hosting of pornea of children, gore and various other "entertainment" that is unmoderated and in my opinion never associated with this forum. Their site belongs on the .onion domains just as posts for hitmen, threats of personal violence are not promoted on the forums either. I am sure there are plenty of other things, but these are just off the top of my head.

When asked to explain any of the items above all I achieved in response was that I had made the ignore list.

This does not belong in scam accusations.  While charging 30 BTC to join an exchange is too much and snide remarks by representatives is a clear message to stay away.......    That does not make it a scam. 

Title: Re: MPOE-PR MPEX Representative Instigating FUD and Pedaling Illegal Immoral Service
Post by: stochastic on October 09, 2012, 02:51:43 AM
If it is spam then report it to the moderators.  If it i child porn report it to the ISP that is in charge of the IP address.

Title: Re: MPOE-PR MPEX Representative Instigating FUD and Pedaling Illegal Immoral Service
Post by: guruvan on October 09, 2012, 12:18:44 PM
LOL usagi, you're an idiot.

1. Most of the time people accuse others of that which they are most ashamed of within themselves. We've already seen the logs where you tried to pay EskimoBob to troll for you.

2. Mircea certainly isn't paying me to do anything other than what he's paying any other person for: The line in my sig on this forum.

3. Mircea (and MPEx) has never given me any stocks, bonds, or any other asset.

4. Mircea and I have only exchanged a couple PMs on IRC and emails: my requests for tech support w/ MPEx.

5. I have not trusted you since I first watched you start your "companies" I had not evidence at that time. Now that you've operated for several months, and shown that you're either incompetent, or have likely criminal intent, I will be happy to support the arguments that others are willing to spend the time to find the hard evidence to make. I, frankly, thought it was a waste of my time to dig that evidence up, as I would never have invested in your companies, so I had little interest.

6. You're plenty capable of ruining your own reputation with your constant hysteria about trolls and so on while3 your companies are in the shitter. Y^ou certainly don't need my help.

7. Please show me where I've reuined your reputation of anyone else's?

Finally: Do any of your fucking americans realize that there are other countries in the world, and their laws aren't the same? Do you asshats screaming CP actually even know what the definition of a child is in Romania? I thought not

If you don't like it - don't look at it. If you think it's a crime, report it (not to the ISP you the POLICE!If those really wer echildren, that's a serious CRIME...not just something to get your internetz cut off! FFS people.)

Now, MPOE-PR has been known to troll pretty hard. I'll give y'all that.It took me a bit to get over the attitude before I registered on MPEx. Superior policy and superior technical design changed my mind, and made me ignore the trolls. You don't like it?  IGNORE IT. If you can't figure out how to click the little link, wonder you have trouble figuring out NAV.

RE: Scammer tag for MPOE-PR - where's some evidence of where MPOE, MPEx, or MP himself have scammed anyone? PMs? Emails? Where has he not delivered and failed to return funds paid? Know any really unhappy customers? Any screaming scam? Compare that to usagi's companies for just a minute.

Usagi, you were doing better in STFU mode. Keep this up and you'll have a zillion trolls people more financially skilled than you motivated again to warn your investors

Title: Re: MPOE-PR MPEX Representative Instigating FUD and Pedaling Illegal Immoral Service
Post by: usagi on October 09, 2012, 10:31:46 PM
LOL usagi, you're an idiot.

No, you're an idiot.

[snipped senseless bullshit where guruvan shows his extreme bias for MPEX]

RE: Scammer tag for MPOE-PR - where's some evidence of where MPOE, MPEx, or MP himself have scammed anyone? PMs? Emails? Where has he not delivered and failed to return funds paid? Know any really unhappy customers? Any screaming scam? Compare that to usagi's companies for just a minute.

[snip more senseless bs]

I have an idea, stop fucking trying to turn it around on me, go bother gigavps or meni. Here's a clue. GIGAVPS lost 40,000 bitcoins (half a million fucking dollars) of investor money. I merely invested in a broad range of companies like gigamining. Investors made their own decisions. And you're damned right I edit my posts. This isn't a damned newspaper.

Title: Re: MPOE-PR MPEX Representative Instigating FUD and Pedaling Illegal Immoral Service
Post by: jamesg on October 10, 2012, 01:27:38 AM
Go bother gigavps or meni. Here's a clue. GIGAVPS lost 40,000 bitcoins (half a million fucking dollars) of investor money.

Hi usagi,

I'm not sure where you get your figures from, but it seems like you are getting the wrong information. Also, it does not help your case that you are trying to drag me into whatever mess you have created here.

Now, please continue trolling whomever else or whatever else you are doing here.

Best regards,

Title: Re: MPOE-PR MPEX Representative Instigating FUD and Pedaling Illegal Immoral Service
Post by: usagi on October 10, 2012, 04:05:19 AM
Go bother gigavps or meni. Here's a clue. GIGAVPS lost 40,000 bitcoins (half a million fucking dollars) of investor money.

Hi usagi,

I'm not sure where you get your figures from, but it seems like you are getting the wrong information. Also, it does not help your case that you are trying to drag me into whatever mess you have created here.

Now, please continue trolling whomever else or whatever else you are doing here.

Best regards,

It's not you, it's just mining bonds and mining in general. GIGAMINING had 40,000 shares outstanding last time I checked, and fell from 1.50 to .50. That's 40,000 bitcoins, or half a million dollars at $12.50/coin. I just used your statistic because it's the only one I could remember off the top of my head. The point is that it's no one's fault. It was the bitcoin price increase. Bitcoins are worth more now, so it takes fewer bitcoins to buy the same hardware. This is why mining bonds suffered.

Title: Re: MPOE-PR MPEX Representative Instigating FUD and Pedaling Illegal Immoral Service
Post by: greyhawk on October 10, 2012, 01:05:38 PM
While you are at it, please give a scammer tag to the people MPOE-PR (Mircea) has paid to troll and ruin people's reputations on these forums: Puppet, Deprived, and Eskimobob. I also strongly suspect Guruvan and Greyhawk because they usually repeat the same arguments as the first three.

MPOE is not paying me to ruin people's reputations.

It's CONsolidated Bankers Against Digital Bitcoin Obsessed Youth (CON-BADBOY)

Title: Re: MPOE-PR MPEX Representative Instigating FUD and Pedaling Illegal Immoral Service
Post by: ElectricMucus on October 10, 2012, 01:27:05 PM
You guys are hilarious. Engaging in a public mud fight is one thing, but acting it out in various places which are supposed to be for Forum management is totally disruptive.

If I were responsible for this Forum you'd all have a week posting break.

Title: Re: MPOE-PR MPEX Representative Instigating FUD and Pedaling Illegal Immoral Service
Post by: Akka on October 10, 2012, 02:10:26 PM
It's CONsolidated Bankers Against Digital Bitcoin Obsessed Youth (CON-BADBOY)

How can I join them? Or is that one of the groups that find you?

Back to topic:

MPOE-PR might be trolling every competitive thread and is insulting every user that doesn't share his/her believes.

But to take care of that we already have a solution, its called a Ignore button (I for myself find MPOE-PR entertaining as hell, and will never ignore him/her)

The scammer tag is to easily spot people that purposely caused financial damage to other people.

I can't see that in any of MPOEs actions.

Edit: I'm really looking forward to the next few days in this thread. They will probably be very amusing.

Title: Re: MPOE-PR MPEX Representative Instigating FUD and Pedaling Illegal Immoral Service
Post by: LoupGaroux on October 10, 2012, 04:50:22 PM
Well, if we can paid to slag one another, please feel free to subscribe to our service at the Society for Marketing Alternate Coin Keys, Techniques, Hazards and Technology, BITCoin Hardware United for Progress (SMACK THAT BITCH UP).

We are willing to say bad things about anybody, anywhere, anytime. Even ourselves.

Title: Re: MPOE-PR MPEX Representative Instigating FUD and Pedaling Illegal Immoral Service
Post by: Raize on October 10, 2012, 05:45:42 PM
MPOE-PR has had difficulty listening to logic & reason, continued to assume malfeasance despite evidence to the contrary, and when the evidence was presented to him that the things he thought were being "hidden" were, in fact, publicly accessible on this forum, tried to use the fact that they were made publicly-accessible as an argument that the actions were thusly, criminal, and scammer-by-default, without knowing what jurisdiction they would be criminal in, or even having evidence that theymos would know what laws were broken. In fact, there still seems to be some question about exactly what problems Nefario is having that prevent him from following his own by-laws, but whatever they are, the evidence that they are SEC-related in origin remains undiscovered. Instead they may be of his own design as part of trying to take the exchange legal no-matter-what-the-cost.

That said, if you don't like users that don't listen to reason or logic, especially to a fault of their own moral compass (anyone remembering Rarity's articulate and calm defense of Zimmerman's actions last year would find his comments against theymos in the past few days utterly bizarre), there is an ignore button. The scammer tag has typically been for people actively trying to bilk users of their Bitcoin and requires direct or overwhelming evidence. MPOE-PR has not done this. Just as I'd be upset if theymos got a scammer tag for conspiracy mongering and circumstantial evidence, so too would I be upset if MPOE-PR got one for the same reasons as well.

Title: Re: MPOE-PR MPEX Representative Instigating FUD and Pedaling Illegal Immoral Service
Post by: organofcorti on October 10, 2012, 09:11:07 PM
MPOE-PR is a womyn.

MP is a tiny-peckered wombat.

It is appropriate to say "her", not "he", when referring to MPOE-PR.  It is appropriate to say "he", "it", or "that poor thing" when discussing MP.

Please stop insulting transgendered wombats, reeces. A comparison to MPOE-PR is unfair and unwarranted.

Title: Re: MPOE-PR MPEX Representative Instigating FUD and Pedaling Illegal Immoral Service
Post by: Bitcoin Oz on October 11, 2012, 12:06:19 AM
It's CONsolidated Bankers Against Digital Bitcoin Obsessed Youth (CON-BADBOY)

How can I join them? Or is that one of the groups that find you?

Back to topic:

MPOE-PR might be trolling every competitive thread and is insulting every user that doesn't share his/her believes.

But to take care of that we already have a solution, its called a Ignore button (I for myself find MPOE-PR entertaining as hell, and will never ignore him/her)

The scammer tag is to easily spot people that purposely caused financial damage to other people.

I can't see that in any of MPOEs actions.

Edit: I'm really looking forward to the next few days in this thread. They will probably be very amusing.

You could argue that posting defamation about competitors is economically damaging. Nefario never goes in MPEX threads and calls them criminals or scammers for example in response to the same words from MPOE-PR.

Title: Re: MPOE-PR MPEX Representative Instigating FUD and Pedaling Illegal Immoral Service
Post by: MPOE-PR on October 11, 2012, 12:25:06 PM
Nefario never goes in MPEX threads and calls them criminals or scammers for example in response to the same words from MPOE-PR.

Now why exactly do you think that is?

Title: Re: MPOE-PR MPEX Representative Instigating FUD and Pedaling Illegal Immoral Service
Post by: LoupGaroux on October 11, 2012, 01:35:03 PM
Nefario never goes in MPEX threads and calls them criminals or scammers for example in response to the same words from MPOE-PR.

Now why exactly do you think that is?

hyp·o·crite   [hip-uh-krit] noun

1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.
2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, especially one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.

Title: Re: MPOE-PR MPEX Representative Instigating FUD and Pedaling Illegal Child Porn
Post by: 🏰 TradeFortress 🏰 on October 11, 2012, 10:47:15 PM
And how is this a scam again?

Title: Re: MPOE-PR MPEX Representative Instigating FUD and Pedaling Illegal Child Porn
Post by: ElectricMucus on October 13, 2012, 05:12:13 PM
And how is this a scam again?

Most people who got the scammer tag didn't receive it for something which could be defined as a scam.
This subforum and the scammer tag is a joke, because there's no proof required to get someone labeled as a scammer.

This is the /b/ of bitcointalk.

I always thought that was the speculation forum.

Title: Re: MPOE-PR MPEX Representative Instigating FUD and Pedaling Illegal Child Porn
Post by: MPOE-PR on July 14, 2013, 02:23:05 PM
Bitcointalk is now a little more famous (

Title: Re: MPOE-PR MPEX Representative Instigating FUD and Pedaling Illegal Child Porn
Post by: freedomno1 on July 14, 2013, 06:49:07 PM
Why was this necroed  ???
Colorful but legit PR-Rep of an exchange

Title: Re: MPOE-PR MPEX Representative Instigating FUD and Pedaling Illegal Immoral Service
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on July 16, 2013, 04:05:31 AM
And this is deserving of public airing in a bitcoin forum why?

I miss Loup!

I think he lives in my neck of the woods. I would love to buy him dinner some night.

Title: Re: MPOE-PR MPEX Representative Instigating FUD and Pedaling Illegal Immoral Service
Post by: MPOE-PR on July 17, 2013, 10:52:53 PM
And this is deserving of public airing in a bitcoin forum why?

I miss Loup!

I think he lives in my neck of the woods. I would love to buy him dinner some night.

MP sez: Post pics, get 1 BTC.