Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: johny1976 on September 12, 2015, 11:17:03 AM

Title: [QUESTION] Bitcoin Ad network
Post by: johny1976 on September 12, 2015, 11:17:03 AM
Hi guys,

I'm aware about a few Bitcoin ad networks (like The problem with those services is that the quality of clicks/traffic is very low. Their mechanism doesn't recognize the clicking/viewing fraud and that makes the price for clicks/views very low and therefore attractive neither to publishers nor advertisers.

My question is - if there was an ad service which would be google-like quality, had strict fraud detectors and high quality of clicks guaranteed, would that service find some decent number of customers? Could it grow in a decent company and find it's market?

What do you think?

Title: Re: [QUESTION] Bitcoin Ad network
Post by: OmegaStarScream on September 12, 2015, 11:22:51 AM
Hi guys,

I'm aware about a few Bitcoin ad networks (like The problem with those services is that the quality of clicks/traffic is very low. Their mechanism doesn't recognize the clicking/viewing fraud and that makes the price for clicks/views very low and therefore attractive neither to publishers nor advertisers.

My question is - if there was an ad service which would be google-like quality, had strict fraud detectors and high quality of clicks guaranteed, would that service find some decent number of customers? Could it grow in a decent company and find it's market?

What do you think?

Definitly , you will find a lot of customers , at least I know I will use it for sure .
Google Adsense is the best without any competitor IMO however their only problem is that they have limited payment methods which is really annoying and sometimes people can't get their earnings , so if you could do something like Google Adsense quality and include more payment methods (BTC as main one of course) it would be awesome .

Title: Re: [QUESTION] Bitcoin Ad network
Post by: CryptInvest on September 12, 2015, 12:54:27 PM
I use There's a good API to a site with an easy tool. I think if you can offer something better, you should start. However, do not expect quick success and gradually develop the project.

Title: Re: [QUESTION] Bitcoin Ad network
Post by: melisande on September 13, 2015, 07:28:10 AM
Hi guys,

I'm aware about a few Bitcoin ad networks (like The problem with those services is that the quality of clicks/traffic is very low. Their mechanism doesn't recognize the clicking/viewing fraud and that makes the price for clicks/views very low and therefore attractive neither to publishers nor advertisers.

My question is - if there was an ad service which would be google-like quality, had strict fraud detectors and high quality of clicks guaranteed, would that service find some decent number of customers? Could it grow in a decent company and find it's market?

What do you think?
If I will be frank with you the answer to your question is YES, webmasters and website owner interests will return to bitcoin ppc when they are sure that there are keywords that could earn they up to 0.40Btc per click.

Title: Re: [QUESTION] Bitcoin Ad network
Post by: coinableS on September 13, 2015, 07:21:43 PM
Yes thisir would be useful. There are many publishers that are looking for betree paying ad networks. Currently, nothing comes close to adsense payouts.

Title: Re: [QUESTION] Bitcoin Ad network
Post by: CryptInvest on September 13, 2015, 09:08:29 PM
Contextual advertising on the Bitcoin should have an advantage in speed of payments and the minimum rate of the minimum amount for withdrawal. In conventional systems, contextual advertising is very slow payments and numerous restrictions

Title: Re: [QUESTION] Bitcoin Ad network
Post by: gogxmagog on September 14, 2015, 12:05:40 AM
Adsense detects fraud with an algorithm and human checkers. The algorithm detects fraud like behaviour and then an actual human being takes a closer look. Their algorithm is top secret (if it was known it could be subverted) and the humans are pretty damn busy. I forget the numbers but Google Adsense has somewhere in the area of a billion publishers in their program. It's a lot to police. I can't imagine there are that many publishers using btc ad networks so it would be smaller scale to watch over.

If security is not tight and fraud is rampant no advertiser will use. It would be worthwhile to hire outside security. There are many cyber fraud securities companies out there. Even still, Google keeps it very quiet but I would guess at least half their clicks are bogus, despite their best efforts. Think about this; have you ever, even once, clicked an ad on purpose intending to buy something? Ask around. The answer is almost always "no"

PPC advertising doesn't work. The only person who profits is Google (and click fraudsters)

Title: Re: [QUESTION] Bitcoin Ad network
Post by: Sweminer777 on September 14, 2015, 04:24:34 AM
Adsense detects fraud with an algorithm and human checkers. The algorithm detects fraud like behaviour and then an actual human being takes a closer look. Their algorithm is top secret (if it was known it could be subverted) and the humans are pretty damn busy. I forget the numbers but Google Adsense has somewhere in the area of a billion publishers in their program. It's a lot to police. I can't imagine there are that many publishers using btc ad networks so it would be smaller scale to watch over.

If security is not tight and fraud is rampant no advertiser will use. It would be worthwhile to hire outside security. There are many cyber fraud securities companies out there. Even still, Google keeps it very quiet but I would guess at least half their clicks are bogus, despite their best efforts. Think about this; have you ever, even once, clicked an ad on purpose intending to buy something? Ask around. The answer is almost always "no"

PPC advertising doesn't work. The only person who profits is Google (and click fraudsters)


They way google work is more complex.

It's not google who pays, but the company gets charget by google for each click.

Google charges we say 7 dollars for each click to the company, from that 7 dollars they pay the members 0.3cents.

The ones who profit are google, not the partners.

Then google have many different kind of advertising, were you can pay a monthly fee to be a member and your ads will show in youtube videos. or in google search.

google fraud system is very complex aswell.

google checks how much time you stay on the clicked webpages, if you click and close it won't count, the longer you have stayed on the page linked the more the partner gets payed.

It will count aswell a limit for each IP, if clicks only comes from same IP it will bring you too a red flag and possible bann you.

But google is not dumb either.

If you are a partner whit google. you have to pay google so you can get payed.

Minium withdraw is 60 us , but they charge you 60us for withdrawal so you gotta earn atleast the dubbel to benefit.

Google is the Maffia of the internet.

It is really hard to get competitive whit such broad market when google owns most of the media . they own youtube, android, and is one of the biggest and most used search engines.

You need to bring something really big into the table to compete whit them, maybe a new youtube whit not so many restricitons. more anonymity , such things that Bitcoin it self points it self as make it strong and wear the Bitcoin fundamentals.

Title: Re: [QUESTION] Bitcoin Ad network
Post by: avatar_kiyoshi on September 14, 2015, 05:02:33 AM
Hi guys,

I'm aware about a few Bitcoin ad networks (like The problem with those services is that the quality of clicks/traffic is very low. Their mechanism doesn't recognize the clicking/viewing fraud and that makes the price for clicks/views very low and therefore attractive neither to publishers nor advertisers.

My question is - if there was an ad service which would be google-like quality, had strict fraud detectors and high quality of clicks guaranteed, would that service find some decent number of customers? Could it grow in a decent company and find it's market?

What do you think?

Yes it will be good if there are bitcoin ad network which will be google-like quality. but i think this hard to make it, like @gogxmagog said, it's complex.

Title: Re: [QUESTION] Bitcoin Ad network
Post by: p.nusia on September 15, 2015, 11:26:53 AM
I use . Like these guys. Friendly team and good interface
They are always trying to improve the quality of their clicks and even if occasionally I find fraud clicks in my stats they provide a refund ;D ;D ;D
try their ad network

Title: Re: [QUESTION] Bitcoin Ad network
Post by: gogxmagog on September 16, 2015, 01:41:34 AM
Adsense detects fraud with an algorithm and human checkers. The algorithm detects fraud like behaviour and then an actual human being takes a closer look. Their algorithm is top secret (if it was known it could be subverted) and the humans are pretty damn busy. I forget the numbers but Google Adsense has somewhere in the area of a billion publishers in their program. It's a lot to police. I can't imagine there are that many publishers using btc ad networks so it would be smaller scale to watch over.

If security is not tight and fraud is rampant no advertiser will use. It would be worthwhile to hire outside security. There are many cyber fraud securities companies out there. Even still, Google keeps it very quiet but I would guess at least half their clicks are bogus, despite their best efforts. Think about this; have you ever, even once, clicked an ad on purpose intending to buy something? Ask around. The answer is almost always "no"

PPC advertising doesn't work. The only person who profits is Google (and click fraudsters)


They way google work is more complex.

It's not google who pays, but the company gets charget by google for each click.

Google charges we say 7 dollars for each click to the company, from that 7 dollars they pay the members 0.3cents.

The ones who profit are google, not the partners.

Then google have many different kind of advertising, were you can pay a monthly fee to be a member and your ads will show in youtube videos. or in google search.

google fraud system is very complex aswell.

google checks how much time you stay on the clicked webpages, if you click and close it won't count, the longer you have stayed on the page linked the more the partner gets payed.

It will count aswell a limit for each IP, if clicks only comes from same IP it will bring you too a red flag and possible bann you.

But google is not dumb either.

If you are a partner whit google. you have to pay google so you can get payed.

Minium withdraw is 60 us , but they charge you 60us for withdrawal so you gotta earn atleast the dubbel to benefit.

Google is the Maffia of the internet.

It is really hard to get competitive whit such broad market when google owns most of the media . they own youtube, android, and is one of the biggest and most used search engines.

You need to bring something really big into the table to compete whit them, maybe a new youtube whit not so many restricitons. more anonymity , such things that Bitcoin it self points it self as make it strong and wear the Bitcoin fundamentals.

google charges the company that wants to advertise an agreed upon rate. The publisher of online content that hosts the google ads gets a small percentage of that rate. google takes the lion's share.

in order for google to retain their clients (advertisers) they try very hard to prevent click-fraud. they want to ensure their clients that they are getting real and valuable sales leads from each click.

i believe over 50% of clicks are either accidents or frauds. google wants to keep this fact a secret because they would lose billions in revenue.

no one likes ads. they are annoying. pay per click ads are a broken system since almost no one chooses to visit an an ad.

i am familiar with click fraud systems. years ago one could use bots to simulate clicks and steal money from google and their ad clients. now one must use rings of coordinated humans who manually change IP, wipe cookies, visit each other's blogs, open 20 pages, leave open for 5 minutes, click on an ad, browse ad for 5 minutes filling out any forms, then repeat for the next fraudster in the ring. it is a "you scratch my back i scratch your's" type deal, meaning every click fraudster who visits a site and clicks ads expects the owner of said site to do the same for them. since it is all done manually by humans it is hard to recognize patterns and is more viable than other automated methods.

anyways...back to my original statement.... ask anyone you know if they have ever genuinely clicked on an ad, with real consumer interest. the answer is invariably NO

my question is... how is this of any value to advertisers?

Title: Re: [QUESTION] Bitcoin Ad network
Post by: coinableS on September 16, 2015, 02:06:38 AM


anyways...back to my original statement.... ask anyone you know if they have ever genuinely clicked on an ad, with real consumer interest. the answer is invariably NO

my question is... how is this of any value to advertisers?

There has been a few times when I have seen an ad that actually interested me.
Did I click on it? Heck no! I grew to learn that pop-ups and clicking on banners leads to viruses and malware.
So instead I took note of the site or service and then manually browsed my way there.
The site owner gets nothing, since I went around the ad, but the advertiser could still gain a customer.