Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Currency exchange => Topic started by: farlack on October 12, 2012, 03:04:01 AM

Title: Trading Greendot Moneypaks for BTC $1:1 trade
Post by: farlack on October 12, 2012, 03:04:01 AM
I'm looking to trade GDMP's for BTC.

These are 3rd party GDMP's from customers who I have been working with for 7+ months.

I have to many to cash out, and as I cash them myself, I cant keep an updated list.
Please let me know about a range you're looking for, I may be able to provide exacts, but others might be over/under from the exact number I.E. you want $35, I may have one for $38 etc.

Most people are charging high markups, to start off I'm going to offer a 1:1 exchange.

I'm willing to trade first to reputable customers.

Before anyone comes in and starts harassing about charge backs..

In no order. Please ask if in stock, I cash these out too.

Thank you.

Edit: I have a bunch between $40-$100

Skype me @ twgreens
If you message skype, please pm me, or post here to confirm identity, thank you.

Title: Re: Trading Greendot Moneypaks for BTC
Post by: RandomQ on October 12, 2012, 03:41:43 AM
Welcome to the Boards and Congrats on getting out of Newbie Jail.

Any member that does trade with farlack please post feedback or a Bitcoin-OTC Rating.

Here is his thread from the newbie section

FYI:Any member that try to sell anything in the newbie section is usually big red flag as a scammer. Most members will avoid that person like the plague.
I don't sell Green Dots  ;D

Title: Re: Trading Greendot Moneypaks for BTC
Post by: farlack on October 12, 2012, 03:48:07 AM
Thank you RandomQ, and I do understand about the paranoia thing, scamming is everywhere online.

But my plans are to stay here, I plan to exchange these BTC for cash from another board member.

Title: Re: Trading Greendot Moneypaks for BTC
Post by: farlack on October 14, 2012, 11:08:50 AM
Already sold a few, still have more.

Title: Re: Trading Greendot Moneypaks for BTC
Post by: farlack on October 14, 2012, 04:36:27 PM
I added a current stock.

Title: Re: Trading Greendot Moneypaks for BTC
Post by: J.Socal on October 15, 2012, 09:56:00 AM
Ok lets try you out..I'll take a 325 m.pak.I'll need the zipcode for that m.pak also..

Title: Re: Trading Greendot Moneypaks for BTC
Post by: farlack on October 15, 2012, 12:03:37 PM
You don't 'need' it, but I'll gladly provide the zip code on where it was purchased.

Since you're not a trusted buyer, the only way the trade is going down is if you go first, if you're still interested please send me a pm. We can talk over skype if you wish.

Title: Re: Trading Greendot Moneypaks for BTC
Post by: farlack on October 16, 2012, 03:43:02 PM

Title: Re: Trading Greendot Moneypaks for BTC
Post by: laststop on October 17, 2012, 07:34:38 PM
any reviews on this guy MP for btc could be convenient?

Title: Re: Trading Greendot Moneypaks for BTC
Post by: farlack on October 17, 2012, 08:23:30 PM
I've done a few trades with one member, went smooth, lets see if he will post.

Title: Re: Trading Greendot Moneypaks for BTC
Post by: farlack on October 17, 2012, 09:06:35 PM
I don't ask for the receipt, nor a picture of the card. Sorry it would be to much of a burden for my customers to upload that, especially since some of these cards are 3+ weeks old, I doubt they even have it.

Title: Re: Trading Greendot Moneypaks for BTC
Post by: J.Socal on October 18, 2012, 06:19:41 AM
Of course I need the zipcode..Moneypak's website always asks for the zipcode..

Title: Re: Trading Greendot Moneypaks for BTC
Post by: farlack on October 18, 2012, 08:55:06 AM
They want your zip code, not the zip where it was bought.

Title: Re: Trading Greendot Moneypaks for BTC
Post by: farlack on October 19, 2012, 11:51:17 PM
still available

Title: Re: Trading Greendot Moneypaks for BTC
Post by: farlack on November 07, 2012, 04:54:54 AM
still available

Title: Re: Trading Greendot Moneypaks for BTC $1:1 trade
Post by: farlack on November 10, 2012, 01:57:01 AM

Title: Re: Trading Greendot Moneypaks for BTC $1:1 trade
Post by: farlack on November 10, 2012, 10:01:31 PM
Hi, no longer wanting to go first, too trusting on my part.

Long wall of text, but basically why I'm not going first  ::)

Hi twgreens! I’d like to add you on Skype. Derek fountain
[11/9/2012 7:55:52 PM] Derek fountain: hey AnonX here from btc forum.. you still selling gdmp?
[11/9/2012 8:55:10 PM] twgreens: twgreens has shared contact details with Derek fountain.
[11/9/2012 8:55:30 PM] twgreens: yes sir.
[11/9/2012 8:55:45 PM] twgreens: What amount are you looking for?
[11/9/2012 9:00:32 PM] Derek fountain: i am looking for at least 400 ish i can take it in parts since i've seen your OP says you have various amounts
[11/9/2012 9:01:01 PM] twgreens: Awesome, let me see what I can do.
[11/9/2012 9:01:15 PM] twgreens: Do you have otc, or anything?
[11/9/2012 9:01:23 PM] Derek fountain: OTC
[11/9/2012 9:01:53 PM] Derek fountain: yes
[11/9/2012 9:01:54 PM] twgreens: cool, I'm willing to go first. can you pm me on forums.
[11/9/2012 9:01:56 PM] twgreens: and link otc
[11/9/2012 9:02:17 PM] Derek fountain:
[11/9/2012 9:02:24 PM] Derek fountain: ill pm you when i get home :)
[11/9/2012 9:03:24 PM] twgreens: Ok cool, I should be around, let me know when you're able to send coins.
[11/9/2012 9:03:48 PM] Derek fountain: okay
[11/9/2012 9:04:17 PM] Derek fountain: i can send coins anytime, its just i dont log in my acct from my laptop... i do it from my desktop since hhackers are out there
[11/9/2012 9:04:23 PM] Derek fountain: lol i know you understand
[11/9/2012 9:05:51 PM] twgreens: Are you going to cash these with paypal?
[11/9/2012 9:06:03 PM] Derek fountain: most likely, or just use prepaid card
[11/9/2012 9:06:27 PM] Derek fountain: sometimes paypal doesnt take them, so if it says i cant i will use card
[11/9/2012 9:06:32 PM] twgreens: Ok, tip, don't cash to fast. They will close your accounts if you cash 4 of them in 30 seconds.
[11/9/2012 9:06:40 PM] Derek fountain: of course
[11/9/2012 9:06:57 PM] Derek fountain: theres another guy on btc forum selling, but he has very bad service.
[11/9/2012 9:07:08 PM] Derek fountain: not into the scam or winlock thing either.
[11/9/2012 9:07:35 PM] twgreens: Awesome, so you're familiar with the gdmp works. I'll go ahead and send one to you for now this way we can get it rolling.
[11/9/2012 9:07:50 PM] Derek fountain: yeah pretty much
[11/9/2012 9:07:54 PM] Derek fountain: how much do you have?
[11/9/2012 9:08:12 PM] Derek fountain: and you are still doing 1=1 right?
[11/9/2012 9:08:16 PM] twgreens: yes
[11/9/2012 9:08:20 PM] twgreens: mtgox value
[11/9/2012 9:08:23 PM] Derek fountain: which is
[11/9/2012 9:08:24 PM] Derek fountain: ok
[11/9/2012 9:08:25 PM] Derek fountain: cool
[11/9/2012 9:08:29 PM] Derek fountain: good
[11/9/2012 9:08:34 PM] Derek fountain: how much do you have
[11/9/2012 9:09:11 PM] twgreens: I should be able to make your $400 quota
[11/9/2012 9:09:20 PM] twgreens: right now I have around 9 cards
[11/9/2012 9:09:33 PM] Derek fountain: okay i mean i can buy more but for right now thats all i need
[11/9/2012 9:09:41 PM] twgreens: yes you can
[11/9/2012 9:09:53 PM] twgreens: I have 10 cards I cash them with, but its only 21 a month per card
[11/9/2012 9:10:12 PM] Derek fountain: oh okay i do understand that
[11/9/2012 9:10:21 PM] Derek fountain: okay lets talk totals of btc
[11/9/2012 9:10:27 PM] Derek fountain: for the 400 gdmp
[11/9/2012 9:10:32 PM] Derek fountain: can you price it out for me?
[11/9/2012 9:11:10 PM] twgreens: I don't have a $400, but $400 total

$400 @ 10.9 = 36.69 btc
[11/9/2012 9:11:39 PM] Derek fountain: thats what i got from my total too
[11/9/2012 9:11:44 PM] Derek fountain: okay i'll buy then
[11/9/2012 9:11:56 PM] Derek fountain: just codes? any receipts?
[11/9/2012 9:12:12 PM] twgreens: They're 3rd party from customers, no reciepts.
[11/9/2012 9:12:53 PM] Derek fountain: okay
[11/9/2012 9:13:00 PM] Derek fountain: i mean if they chargeback i know its on my own
[11/9/2012 9:13:18 PM] twgreens: Well, technically they cant  but if they do let me know i'll refund it.
[11/9/2012 9:13:27 PM] Derek fountain: okay but shouldnt be a problem
[11/9/2012 9:13:36 PM] Derek fountain: with it
[11/9/2012 9:14:45 PM] twgreens: Right, I've never had a problem.
[11/9/2012 9:14:53 PM] Derek fountain: okayy then no problem then!
[11/9/2012 9:15:47 PM] Derek fountain: We can exchange, and i think there is one other member who wants to deal with you also, if mines go good
[11/9/2012 9:16:42 PM] twgreens: 6299-0757-8806-01 $117
10.67 bitcoin
[11/9/2012 9:16:53 PM] Derek fountain: okay
[11/9/2012 9:16:57 PM] Derek fountain: you wnt to do one by one?
[11/9/2012 9:17:02 PM] Derek fountain: want*
[11/9/2012 9:17:20 PM] twgreens: for now id prefer since I'm going first,
[11/9/2012 9:17:25 PM] Derek fountain: no problem
[11/9/2012 9:18:17 PM] Derek fountain: okay just a sec
[11/9/2012 9:20:57 PM] Derek fountain: dude
[11/9/2012 9:21:05 PM] Derek fountain: its asking me for a refund??
what that means?
[11/9/2012 9:21:17 PM] twgreens: whats asking you for a refund?
[11/9/2012 9:21:52 PM] Derek fountain: greendot site
[11/9/2012 9:22:02 PM] Derek fountain: paypal wont take it so i went to green dots site
[11/9/2012 9:22:33 PM] Derek fountain: and it gaveme a page with a refund'
[11/9/2012 9:23:24 PM] twgreens: screenshot? never seen before?
[11/9/2012 9:23:28 PM] Derek fountain: sure just a sec
[11/9/2012 9:24:03 PM] *** Derek fountain sent IMG_09112012_212359.png ***
[11/9/2012 9:24:50 PM] Derek fountain: see it?
[11/9/2012 9:24:54 PM] Derek fountain: it took me to that
[11/9/2012 9:25:36 PM] twgreens: sorry have 900 things open still loading it lol
[11/9/2012 9:25:42 PM] Derek fountain: its okay
[11/9/2012 9:26:10 PM] Derek fountain: now it says this
[11/9/2012 9:26:12 PM] twgreens: uh, how did you enter the numbers lol?
[11/9/2012 9:26:15 PM] twgreens: ive never seen it say that
[11/9/2012 9:26:19 PM] *** Derek fountain sent IMG_09112012_212615.png ***
[11/9/2012 9:26:24 PM] Derek fountain: what is going on?
[11/9/2012 9:26:33 PM] Derek fountain: i entered them in like normal
[11/9/2012 9:26:38 PM] Derek fountain: like i always do
[11/9/2012 9:27:08 PM] Derek fountain: u did nt add it somewhere did you??
[11/9/2012 9:27:15 PM] twgreens: no
[11/9/2012 9:27:27 PM] Derek fountain: it gave me refund screen first
[11/9/2012 9:27:42 PM] Derek fountain: then when i tried to redeem it again it says it had a zero balance
[11/9/2012 9:27:59 PM] Derek fountain: might have been blocked but i can still pay u for it if need be
[11/9/2012 9:28:54 PM] Derek fountain: ?
[11/9/2012 9:31:14 PM] twgreens: sorry trying to see what is going on
[11/9/2012 9:31:19 PM] Derek fountain: oh okay i figured
[11/9/2012 9:31:34 PM] Derek fountain: it definitely didnt go on my card and i can show proof of that also
[11/9/2012 9:32:19 PM] twgreens: just a sec, i checked the balance before i sent so looking into it
[11/9/2012 9:32:25 PM] Derek fountain: thank you
[11/9/2012 9:32:38 PM] Derek fountain: u didnt accidentally use the balance did you?
[11/9/2012 9:33:22 PM] twgreens: no
[11/9/2012 9:33:48 PM] Derek fountain: yeah im on my card acct and its not there and i can screen cap that too if need be
[11/9/2012 9:34:57 PM] twgreens: I just called it said it was cashed. Lets wait a bit before we figure out what to do. I never had this problem before, and I've cashed a few thousand and sold a few dozen
[11/9/2012 9:35:11 PM] Derek fountain: if i accidentally got it blocked i can pay for it but i def didnt use it at all
[11/9/2012 9:35:54 PM] twgreens: Yeah just wait a bit, jumping from PP to a debit might have flagged maybe, but I don't want you to send funds just yet.
[11/9/2012 9:36:03 PM] Derek fountain: okay
[11/9/2012 9:36:15 PM] Derek fountain: do u want me to try another card smaller or just wait in total
[11/9/2012 9:36:37 PM] twgreens: 6539-9374-5021-04 $35 on this one.
[11/9/2012 9:37:37 PM] Derek fountain: illl try this one
[11/9/2012 9:38:27 PM] Derek fountain: okay this one was fine it worked.
[11/9/2012 9:38:37 PM] *** Derek fountain sent IMG_09112012_213833.png ***
[11/9/2012 9:39:15 PM] twgreens: Awesome, and I cant prove or not if you got the card blocked, it sucks to lose the $117, but I cant force you to pay for something you were not able to cash, so I guess thats your call.
[11/9/2012 9:39:56 PM] Derek fountain: well i understand how business is. and things like gdmp gets blocked sometimes.. the other guy i dealt with, one of his got blocked. idk why they do that but it does happen
[11/9/2012 9:40:05 PM] Derek fountain: its really ur call because i do understand
[11/9/2012 9:40:32 PM] Derek fountain: i want to check the rest before i pay so this doesnt happen again if you don't mind its up to ypu on that one
[11/9/2012 9:40:35 PM] Derek fountain: you*
[11/9/2012 9:41:05 PM] twgreens: What do you mean check the rest? has a gdmp checker.
[11/9/2012 9:41:10 PM] Derek fountain: yes
[11/9/2012 9:41:14 PM] Derek fountain: u use it?
[11/9/2012 9:41:16 PM] Derek fountain: be careful
[11/9/2012 9:41:25 PM] Derek fountain: u can always check by
[11/9/2012 9:41:29 PM] Derek fountain: going to green dot site
[11/9/2012 9:41:35 PM] Derek fountain: enter ur card number and dont redeem
[11/9/2012 9:41:38 PM] Derek fountain: also a great way
[11/9/2012 9:41:54 PM] Derek fountain: but if its valid that fine then the 35 one was valid
[11/9/2012 9:42:16 PM] twgreens: Well I know about the gd site, but I don't want them to flag my card number to that card, then another card cash it.
[11/9/2012 9:42:26 PM] Derek fountain: nah they dont
[11/9/2012 9:42:32 PM] Derek fountain: nnever happened to me
[11/9/2012 9:43:55 PM] twgreens: Ok well, as for the first card, its just bad business for the first trade to not go so well. So leave it at a loss for me, but if you want just send $50 for it if you're wanting to pay lol.
[11/9/2012 9:44:10 PM] Derek fountain: haha i understand
[11/9/2012 9:44:40 PM] twgreens: Just never had that issue, so I don't know how to handle it lol
[11/9/2012 9:45:18 PM] Derek fountain: right i understand
[11/9/2012 9:45:47 PM] Derek fountain: well after we deal we can figure out compensation for that
[11/9/2012 9:45:59 PM] Derek fountain: u want me to pa for the 35 or keep going with the dealing?
[11/9/2012 9:46:04 PM] Derek fountain: pay*
[11/9/2012 9:46:38 PM] twgreens: Pay please. just 3.5 is fine.
[11/9/2012 9:46:46 PM] Derek fountain: okay
[11/9/2012 9:46:52 PM] Derek fountain: give me address again
[11/9/2012 9:48:07 PM] twgreens: [Friday, November 09, 2012 9:16 PM] twgreens:

<<< 1QJo3FKytPVdBjaNxXr3o4neWr3o8PAXEs
[11/9/2012 9:48:10 PM] Derek fountain: [Friday, November 09, 2012 9:16 PM] twgreens:

<<< 1QJo3FKytPVdBjaNxXr3o4neWr3o8PAXEs
[11/9/2012 9:48:13 PM] Derek fountain: ok
[11/9/2012 9:48:16 PM] Derek fountain: hold on
[11/9/2012 9:49:36 PM] twgreens: ok, I have to go get my other half from work, I'll be back in a bit.
[11/9/2012 10:21:56 PM] twgreens: .hello
[4:58:16 PM] twgreens: Thanks for not logging back in, its not like my 2 year old needed to eat this week or anything.