Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: Elwar on October 12, 2012, 07:10:34 PM

Title: BitPools: Pooling Bitcoins for coordinated Bitcoin spending
Post by: Elwar on October 12, 2012, 07:10:34 PM
I have been working on the back end to this project and am in the very early stages of getting the front end set up.

The tl;dr of it is to have a way of pooling your Bitcoins with people who hold a common goal in mind and "voting" with your bitcoins for the best idea. The idea that gets enough funding moves forward and those who voted to support it can move forward together and plan further goals. While those who did not "vote" for it may later buy in to gain access to future planning.

The key to the whole thing is a system I have set up where you will set aside Bitcoins in an address that you own but you have dedicated toward funding various projects. The site will keep track of your pledges and available funds and have a running tally for any project and allow people to submit proposals.

Each proposal can be in any form of voting structure. It can request one person/one vote or one person many votes, a vote total for passing, an amount of BTC per vote, a structure for the people who will be handling the funds or an escrow service, a cost for "membership" for anyone after the vote who may want to be admitted and how the fees are distributed to the members (again, no funds to be held centrally). Along with many other adaptations as time goes on.

I would work toward making the front end very communication friendly so that people working toward the same goal can have plenty of opportunity to interact and hash things out to keep the total amount of voting to a minimum, probably charging a small fee per proposal to fund the site.

I would also likely include the ability to do small voting tallies for things that do not involve funding such as putting someone in charge or other minor things that do not require funding, this would involve a vote using a small amount of BTC like mBTC or uBTC. This would also probably be customizable and included in the proposals.

I have been hardening the back-end to make sure that security is built in from the bottom up so I have not been doing much on the web interface yet. But I would hope that this would be of enough interest to people that I could get it going and hopefully have some successful projects.

Title: Re: BitPools: Pooling Bitcoins for coordinated Bitcoin spending
Post by: Mike Hearn on October 13, 2012, 11:11:53 AM
You may wish to read this:

It can be done in an entirely p2p way.

Title: Re: BitPools: Pooling Bitcoins for coordinated Bitcoin spending
Post by: Elwar on October 13, 2012, 08:35:26 PM
You may wish to read this:

It can be done in an entirely p2p way.

Interesting approach. I will look into that approach a bit more. I already have a transparent way for everyone to vote and have their votes counted.