Bitcoin Forum

Other => Archival => Topic started by: gregorvolkmann on September 17, 2015, 09:42:13 AM

Title: Ads for bitcoin in cinemas?
Post by: gregorvolkmann on September 17, 2015, 09:42:13 AM
Dear Bitcoin Enthusiasts, my name is Gregor Volkmann, I am a german entrepreneur in cinema advertisements and currently planning a crowdfunding for advertising bitcoin in cinemas! I would like to know, what you think about my idea and whether I should start this campaign.

tl;dr: Bitcoin ads in cinemas for bitcoin purchaseable products from local, recently accepting stores. Free ad for accepting bitcoins.

The idea:

The idea is simple, but with a special addition. I want to crowdfund screentime for bitcoin in cinemas (I am in cooperation with a bunch of them and able to get very good prices). But just doing cinema advertisements for bitcoin wouldn’t change anything, since we have just few stores which accept bitcoin here in germany. Now, with the already funded screentime, I will go to local stores and offer it in exchange for accepting bitcoin!

Why I want this to happen:
  • More people will understand bitcoin isn’t just “dark web money”
  • Getting more connected to the local stores and cinemas
  • Bitcoin would be usable by mainstream in the crowdfunded city

Planned stretch goals:
BTC advertisements in my original hometown Lüdenscheid (80k Inhabitants)
For at least 8 local stores I will do 6 months of advertising. Before every movie in the cinema our ad will be running. The minimum playtime for the ad will be 30 seconds, every store promotes in about 5 seconds products you can now buy with the easy to use bitcoins from them. At the end of the ad we will show the animated bitcoin logo and 3 sponsors of this crowdfunding.

Estimated expenses:
400€      Ad costs (6 Months, 30seconds, big hall)
200€      [recruit/collect/aquire] and record stores for the ad
200€      Postproduction
150€      Bitcoin workshop for stores, cinema and their staff

BTC Advertisements in Lüdenscheid & my current hometown Wiesbaden (80k+270k Inhabitants)
8 Stores in each Lüdenscheid and Wiesbaden. 30 seconds each ad. Also see the above stretch goal.

Estimated expenses:
~1.000€   Ad costs Wiesbaden (6 Months, 30seconds, three halls)
200€      [recruit/collect/aquire] and record stores for the ad
200€      Postproduction
250€      Bitcoin workshop for stores, cinema and their staff (location may cost)
1.150€      Luedenscheid (see above + second hall)

Each planned stretch goal is calculated for minimal effort and no rent for additional equipment, so every excess of the stretch goal to the next one will be used to refine the actual production (more stores, better sound/lighting). Details on my filming gear in a later post.

First test run:
I already asked local stores here in Wiesbaden, whether they could imagine accepting bitcoins in exchange for getting free advertisements in their local cinemas. Not only have I received acceptance and adoption promises, I also were allowed to film example footage to give the people interested in the crowdfunding a better idea of what I am talking about! Depending on how the reception of my post is, I will put the footage together and share it with you guys.

What do you think of this planned campaign?

Beste Grüße, Gregor

Title: Re: Ads for bitcoin in cinemas?
Post by: okae on September 17, 2015, 09:50:30 AM
as i always sayd, all help are welcome, i mean, if this will help our lovely bitcoin to grow up and to spread the word, then lets do it :)

your initiative seems to me pretty good and im sure that you will have success, i wish you the best with it man!!

I will put the footage together and share it with you guys.

yes please do it, i will take a look on it as soon as you do it, also i will try to share your info on the social networks, who know, maybe this can help you a little bit  :)

Title: Re: Ads for bitcoin in cinemas?
Post by: bitgolden on September 17, 2015, 10:16:51 AM
Nice idea. Good estimations. Seems a working plan. So curious to see how it goes....

Title: Re: Ads for bitcoin in cinemas?
Post by: unamis76 on September 17, 2015, 10:40:10 AM
I was about to say that there are enough ads on the movies already :D But this is actually quite a nice idea... if the stores do keep their promise to accept Bitcoin, and it would be an amazing bonus if they held on to some of those Bitcoins (not just convert them into fiat straight away)

It would be, for sure, an interesting ad :)

Title: Re: Ads for bitcoin in cinemas?
Post by: EternalWingsofGod on September 17, 2015, 10:53:40 AM
Dear Bitcoin Enthusiasts, my name is Gregor Volkmann, I am a german entrepreneur in cinema advertisements and currently planning a crowdfunding for advertising bitcoin in cinemas! I would like to know, what you think about my idea and whether I should start this campaign.

tl;dr: Bitcoin ads in cinemas for bitcoin purchaseable products from local, recently accepting stores. Free ad for accepting bitcoins.

What do you think of this planned campaign?

Beste Grüße, Gregor

I think this would be a good idea for double PR it gets people aware of local stores and Bitcoin at the same time the main question is how to get them started in using Bitcoin while advertising it such as a simple message like download the Blockchain wallet app available on Android today etc.

That said having a good estimate of costs to do it is a good step best of luck with your project and hopefully it gains some traction.

Title: Re: Ads for bitcoin in cinemas?
Post by: ikydesu on September 17, 2015, 11:26:56 AM
It's great campaign for promote bitcoin to the world, especially your country. Just some suggestion from me, your ads should simple, accurate and easy to understand, also make a people to be interested in using bitcoin.

For stores i think you need to make them believe to use bitcoin as payment, not exchange only.
Keep it work mate, it's will be awesome :)

Title: Re: Ads for bitcoin in cinemas?
Post by: runpaint on September 17, 2015, 12:12:21 PM
Looks like a good idea so far.

But I think it would be better to make the ads, and then anyone can buy local advertising themselves.  That way we don't have to collect funds.

We could just have a short video, and if someone wants to spend money on it then they call their local theatre and buy the ad time.

Title: Re: Ads for bitcoin in cinemas?
Post by: pavan@hosur on September 17, 2015, 12:33:33 PM
yeah its a good idea and we can do ads in public place also it ill also get good response and i think we need to use a word "Bitcoin" in some popular upcoming movies

Title: Re: Ads for bitcoin in cinemas?
Post by: Netnox on September 17, 2015, 01:23:40 PM
Great idea and should be implemented in more cinemas worldwide, especially if you can pay in the same cinema with btc.

Title: Re: Ads for bitcoin in cinemas?
Post by: Q7 on September 17, 2015, 01:44:03 PM
It's a great idea. I think the most important part is having a catchy ad message that portrays the innovative side of bitcoin. Don't forget moviegoers are there for entertainment and we don't want something that will get them bored or intrusive.

Title: Re: Ads for bitcoin in cinemas?
Post by: RodeoX on September 17, 2015, 01:48:20 PM
You go!  :D
It's nice to see someone doing something and not just posting "What computer buttons do I push to get rich!"

Title: Re: Ads for bitcoin in cinemas?
Post by: n2004al on September 17, 2015, 02:04:07 PM
Every initiative that serve to know bitcoin to the people is naturally very appreciable. In this view your idea is excellent and must be applauded and supported. I wish your success and hope that you will finalize that.

Title: Re: Ads for bitcoin in cinemas?
Post by: gregorvolkmann on September 18, 2015, 06:24:17 AM
Hello everyone and thank you very much for the positive freedback and suggestions! After the weekend I will release a precomposed bitcoin advertisement, so each other has a better idea of what we are talking about. In addition, my next update will cover the following points with more detail:

  • Bind stores to accepting bitcoin as long as the ad runs!
  • Best way getting newcomers started with bitcoin?
  • Make ad interesting, catchy, innovative!
  • Why collect funds?

Schönes Wochenende euch, Gregor

Title: Re: Ads for bitcoin in cinemas?
Post by: NorrisK on September 18, 2015, 06:55:35 AM
Sounds like a pretty solid plan, especially giving the companies some free ad time for being on board :D

I never knew it was that cheap to run an ad for 6 months in a cinema :o How many visitors does the single hall attract daily on avarage?

Title: Re: Ads for bitcoin in cinemas?
Post by: turvarya on September 18, 2015, 07:44:05 AM
I think the whole effort pretty much will go to waste, if there is no clear path a standard user can follow.
So, besides the question: "Where can I spend Bitcoin?" it should also answer: "How to I use Bitcoin?" and "Where can I get Bitcoin?"

So, in my humble opinion, you should get a Mobile Wallet provider and an exchange on board.
Another question is: "Why would people use Bitcoin?", if there is no discount of any kind involved, people will not get through the effort to install an App and buy Bitcoin just so they can spend it.