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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: herzmeister on October 14, 2012, 10:29:41 PM

Title: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: herzmeister on October 14, 2012, 10:29:41 PM

Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation

(—A common theme of science fiction movies and books is the idea that we're all living in a simulated universe—that nothing is actually real. This is no trivial pursuit: some of the greatest minds in history, from Plato, to Descartes, have pondered the possibility. Though, none were able to offer proof that such an idea is even possible. Now, a team of physicists working at the University of Bonn have come up with a possible means for providing us with the evidence we are looking for; namely, a measurable way to show that our universe is indeed simulated. They have written a paper describing their idea and have uploaded it to the preprint server arXiv.

The team's idea is based on work being done by other scientists who are actively engaged in trying to create simulations of our universe, at least as we understand it. Thus far, such work has shown that to create a simulation of reality, there has to be a three dimensional framework to represent real world objects and processes. With computerized simulations, it's necessary to create a lattice to account for the distances between virtual objects and to simulate the progression of time. The German team suggests such a lattice could be created based on quantum chromodynamics—theories that describe the nuclear forces that bind subatomic particles.

To find evidence that we exist in a simulated world would mean discovering the existence of an underlying lattice construct by finding its end points or edges. In a simulated universe a lattice would, by its nature, impose a limit on the amount of energy that could be represented by energy particles. This means that if our universe is indeed simulated, there ought to be a means of finding that limit. In the observable universe there is a way to measure the energy of quantum particles and to calculate their cutoff point as energy is dispersed due to interactions with microwaves and it could be calculated using current technology. Calculating the cutoff, the researchers suggest, could give credence to the idea that the universe is actually a simulation. Of course, any conclusions resulting from such work would be limited by the possibility that everything we think we understand about quantum chromodynamics, or simulations for that matter, could be flawed.

More information: Constraints on the Universe as a Numerical Simulation, arXiv:1210.1847 [hep-ph] (

Observable consequences of the hypothesis that the observed universe is a numerical simulation performed on a cubic space-time lattice or grid are explored. The simulation scenario is first motivated by extrapolating current trends in computational resource requirements for lattice QCD into the future. Using the historical development of lattice gauge theory technology as a guide, we assume that our universe is an early numerical simulation with unimproved Wilson fermion discretization and investigate potentially-observable consequences. Among the observables that are considered are the muon g-2 and the current differences between determinations of alpha, but the most stringent bound on the inverse lattice spacing of the universe, b^(-1) >~ 10^(11) GeV, is derived from the high-energy cut off of the cosmic ray spectrum. The numerical simulation scenario could reveal itself in the distributions of the highest energy cosmic rays exhibiting a degree of rotational symmetry breaking that reflects the structure of the underlying lattice.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on October 15, 2012, 12:37:23 AM
That would explain the genetically altered orange tribbles, possibly some omniscient entity's pets, seemingly popping in and out of existence.

Seriously, the OP was written so well, I understood 95% of it. Interesting theory.


Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: dank on October 15, 2012, 12:48:03 AM
Our reality is not real.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: jasinlee on October 15, 2012, 12:54:16 AM
Love this subject, I wish there was a way to view what was present before any of the universe was developed ahead of the dark matter expanding.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on October 15, 2012, 02:23:11 AM
Love this subject, I wish there was a way to view what was present before any of the universe was developed ahead of the dark matter expanding.

All will be revealed with the 21,000,000th coin is mined.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: hamdi on October 15, 2012, 02:28:56 AM
these people should go, take a shovel and do some real work.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: legolouman on October 15, 2012, 02:34:47 AM
Woah, this is getting existential.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: myrkul on October 15, 2012, 03:21:19 AM
these people should go, take a shovel and do some real work.

So, theoretical physics isn't "real work," is it?

Go ahead, call Stephen Hawking a slacker. And I suppose you mine Bitcoins with a pickaxe? Satoshi just wrote down some math, same as these guys. I suppose he should have picked up a shovel and gone and done some real work, instead of inventing Bitcoin?

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: quasarbtc on October 15, 2012, 05:17:46 AM

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: jasinlee on October 15, 2012, 05:37:00 AM
Since the universe is constantly expanding as is the theory, would constantly spent energy be required to continue the expansion and where would that energy be generated from? Maybe a "weak force" of some sort that is on one of the extra dimensions is fueling it?

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: thebaron on October 15, 2012, 05:43:35 AM
Too many eyes looking at things is going to crash the system. Only enough computing power to observe so much at a time.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: Spekulatius on October 16, 2012, 05:36:13 PM
Too many eyes looking at things is going to crash the system. Only enough computing power to observe so much at a time.

Thats what I was thinking as well (if you are getting at the same idea as I am).
If the universe and everything what's in it is a simulation, including our very existences and actions, how are we supposed to know?

Two ways come to mind (essentially what those guys are trying to do also):

1.: Go to the boundaries of the simulation.
What that means is: Anything (as far as we know) can only be simulated to a certain degree in detail. After that point either computing power comes to its limits or there is no point in making the simulation more detailed. Like creating a 3D world for recreational purposes. You cannot be infinitely precise with the number of polygones as computing power sets the limits but most of the time you dont even have to, because for most purposes a certain degree of detail of sufficient to create the natural environment you desire for your application/simulation.
Same principle with "reality". If it is a simulation, there will be limits of detail, like definite smallest particles or absolute zero temperature. Limits of whats feasible and/or reasonable to compute in a simulation.

2.: Find inconsistencies.

If we can find (and science has done so many times in its history) inconsistencies in the way the universe works, based on predictions of older theories, we can gather evidence that something is "wrong". What usually happens if some inconsistency is discovered in any theory is that it is changed and adapted to whats observed in order to no more cause friction between what is supposed to happen and what actually happens. That can be seen as a natural and totally justified way of science to approach truth and improve its theories. If we on the other hand find some "real" inconsistencies that expose a flaw in the rules imposed on the simulation by those that created our universe, then we are at risk of disregarding those inconsistencies as flaws our own theories rather then flaws of rules of the universe (what an absurd idea, right?). One of the many still not disregarded inconsistencies is the black hole singularity and also the big bang singularity, where familiar rules of the universe seem not to apply. It may be, because it posed too much overhead for the creators to completely compute those cases, so they just left it untouched and patched that inconsistency up with some exception rule. Who knows. If we look for the borders of the simulation and of what its capable of, we may find some more inconsistencies of the system.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: herzmeister on October 16, 2012, 06:51:40 PM
We've already reached the boundaries and found inconsistencies. For me, quantum mechanics has sufficiently proved that we're living in a simulation.

Wave function collapse ( Game engine rendering at work.

Schrödinger's cat ( Lazy evaluation (

Quantum entanglement ( Pointers to the same object in the machine's memory.


Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: teflone on October 16, 2012, 08:53:48 PM

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: flynn on October 16, 2012, 09:04:46 PM
Big Bang => simulation rebooted ?

* rewatch "The Thirteenth Floor" *

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: grondilu on October 16, 2012, 09:11:59 PM

I bet 100BTC that it is not a simulation.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: jojo69 on October 16, 2012, 09:12:03 PM guys know what happens to civilizations that ask this question right?

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: thebaron on October 16, 2012, 09:18:44 PM guys know what happens to civilizations that ask this question right?

They win the game, then get to play a whole new one.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: Luno on October 16, 2012, 10:06:30 PM
This is a spinoff of the holographic cosmology model where the faster than light expanding universe has an event horizon boundary layer like black holes have an event horizon where matter that fall in appears to stay at the horizon to the outside observer, while the observer inside the event horizon sees matter pass as normal (some math proofs that both realities exist). If that's the case with our universe, galaxies and we exist also on the 2D  surface on the expanding universe and we are just 3d projections of the 2D surface reality.

The argument for this theory is that such a 2D surface on the bit level (the Planck scale in physics), can hold the exact amount of information needed to describe every force and particle in our inside 3D universe.

In my opinion, this is not enough for a theory, and trying to support it with statistics, is just another way to calculate the same known relation, and not adding anything to the theory. What these guys should be doing is to formulate a standard model in 2D+time space, then I would start think they were on to something. But they can't, as they would have to invent a new kind of complex relativity and quantum mechanics to describe what we know so far in a 2D model.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: Spekulatius on October 17, 2012, 01:48:47 AM
This is a spinoff of the holographic cosmology model where the faster than light expanding universe has an event horizon boundary layer like black holes have an event horizon where matter that fall in appears to stay at the horizon to the outside observer, while the observer inside the event horizon sees matter pass as normal (some math proofs that both realities exist). If that's the case with our universe, galaxies and we exist also on the 2D  surface on the expanding universe and we are just 3d projections of the 2D surface reality.

The argument for this theory is that such a 2D surface on the bit level (the Planck scale in physics), can hold the exact amount of information needed to describe every force and particle in our inside 3D universe.

In my opinion, this is not enough for a theory, and trying to support it with statistics, is just another way to calculate the same known relation, and not adding anything to the theory. What these guys should be doing is to formulate a standard model in 2D+time space, then I would start think they were on to something. But they can't, as they would have to invent a new kind of complex relativity and quantum mechanics to describe what we know so far in a 2D model.

Could you elaborate a little on that "we are just 3D projections of the 2D surface reality" part?

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: rexcoin on October 17, 2012, 01:55:53 AM
Next week scientist will make a theory and spend billions of dollars on proving we are all in the matrix. So god must be neo?

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: rexcoin on October 17, 2012, 01:57:41 AM
Big Bang => simulation rebooted ?

* rewatch "The Thirteenth Floor" *

lol futurama had a epoisode about exactly that.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: dank on October 17, 2012, 02:22:33 AM guys know what happens to civilizations that ask this question right?

They win the game, then get to play a whole new one.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: kokojie on October 17, 2012, 03:04:57 AM
If the universe is simulated, we will never know, period. It's simply impossible for us to find out.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: grondilu on October 17, 2012, 03:50:11 AM
If the universe is simulated, we will never know, period. It's simply impossible for us to find out.

Then please explain to us what is wrong in the following reasonning:

« With computerized simulations, it's necessary to create a lattice to account for the distances between virtual objects and to simulate the progression of time. The German team suggests such a lattice could be created based on quantum chromodynamics—theories that describe the nuclear forces that bind subatomic particles.

To find evidence that we exist in a simulated world would mean discovering the existence of an underlying lattice construct by finding its end points or edges. In a simulated universe a lattice would, by its nature, impose a limit on the amount of energy that could be represented by energy particles. This means that if our universe is indeed simulated, there ought to be a means of finding that limit. In the observable universe there is a way to measure the energy of quantum particles and to calculate their cutoff point as energy is dispersed due to interactions with microwaves and it could be calculated using current technology. Calculating the cutoff, the researchers suggest, could give credence to the idea that the universe is actually a simulation. »

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: grondilu on October 17, 2012, 03:52:26 AM
Could you elaborate a little on that "we are just 3D projections of the 2D surface reality" part?
Google "holographic principle".

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: myrkul on October 17, 2012, 04:54:40 AM
Could you elaborate a little on that "we are just 3D projections of the 2D surface reality" part?
Google "holographic principle".

Basically, imagine a sphere. On that sphere, draw a complex pattern. Shine a light through that pattern. Now, imagine standing at the center of that sphere. If the pattern is complex enough, and drawn in the right manner, the interplay of light and shadow causes you to see an image projected around you. It's grossly oversimplified, but that's the idea.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: Luno on October 17, 2012, 05:12:17 AM
You'll have to google the holographic universe, there are Youtube videos also. But basically they say that our world exists on the outside flat surface of our universe, but to us appears to be 3D, like a hologram.

They use Einstein to explain how our world is perceived as 3D and Quantum mechanics to explain why information is conserved in the event horizon.

Hawkings and Penrose also applied Quantum Mechanics to describe the event horizon of black holes, but they don't claim to be sure of what is happening on the inside, except that it is the same space as outside. If the Holographic universe is a fact, it sounds like there could be an entire universe within every black hole, but that runs into other problems with General relativity and inflation.

There is a cosmology forum; Often a famous physicist drops by and nails a thread. It's also where bored LHC employees go in their spare time to discuss experiments. Quite a fascinating forum and no questions are to plain to get an answer! I'm a hobby cosmologist and have learned a lot by just reading old posts there.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: dank on October 17, 2012, 06:21:29 AM
Our reality was created from a single point of consciousness.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: luffy on October 17, 2012, 08:13:39 AM
i think it is not possible for a lab rat to find out that it is a lab rat (or what that means) :D
But who knows? MATRIX FTW!

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: myrkul on October 17, 2012, 08:30:22 AM
i think it is not possible for a lab rat to find out that it is a lab rat (or what that means) :D
But who knows? MATRIX FTW!

The real question is, if we're in a simulation, are we simulated, too, or are we "jacked in" somehow? And if we're all simulated "NPCs", Who's the PC?

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: muyuu on October 17, 2012, 09:09:01 AM
Fascinating subject. I've heard about the simulation theory before, explained by Neil deGrasse Tyson who spoke about the probability of it.

Related to it, which covers this theory and others.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: grondilu on October 17, 2012, 12:15:03 PM
For those interested in the holographic principle, there is this presentation from Leonard Susskind (pretty much the guy who developped the concept):

The world as an hologram (

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: dank on October 17, 2012, 03:42:15 PM
i think it is not possible for a lab rat to find out that it is a lab rat (or what that means) :D
But who knows? MATRIX FTW!

The real question is, if we're in a simulation, are we simulated, too, or are we "jacked in" somehow? And if we're all simulated "NPCs", Who's the PC?

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: grondilu on October 17, 2012, 03:47:19 PM
i think it is not possible for a lab rat to find out that it is a lab rat (or what that means) :D
But who knows? MATRIX FTW!

The real question is, if we're in a simulation, are we simulated, too, or are we "jacked in" somehow? And if we're all simulated "NPCs", Who's the PC?

Lol.  Exactly.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: herzmeister on October 17, 2012, 03:51:35 PM
Lots of NPCs around too though.  8)

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: Energizer on October 17, 2012, 04:02:14 PM
If you've ever experienced a lucid dream, you would more likely believe that reality is a governed projection of conciseness. It feels real when your connected/tuned to the same level of conciseness. Who knows, we may be traveling between multiple levels of conciseness all the time without even realizing it.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: grondilu on October 17, 2012, 04:27:39 PM
If you've ever experienced a lucid dream, you would more likely believe that reality is a governed projection of conciseness. It feels real when your connected/tuned to the same level of conciseness. Who knows, we may be traveling between multiple levels of conciseness all the time without even realizing it.

You wrote "conciseness" three times.  If you're a computing simulation, there's a bug.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: thebaron on October 17, 2012, 04:41:10 PM
If you've ever experienced a lucid dream, you would more likely believe that reality is a governed projection of conciseness. It feels real when your connected/tuned to the same level of conciseness. Who knows, we may be traveling between multiple levels of conciseness all the time without even realizing it.

You wrote "conciseness" three times.  If you're a computing simulation, there's a bug.

If it's a bug, then you're just part of the self-healing ring topology.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: dank on October 17, 2012, 05:01:56 PM
I guess spirituality isn't so far fetched after all! :)

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: grondilu on October 17, 2012, 05:38:25 PM
This thread reminds me of a theory from Nikodem Poplawski ( according to which the universe might be inside a black hole (and that black holes are actually alternate universes).

I have to dig into his work one of this days because it's much more credible than one might think.

Did you know that apart from neutron stars and black holes, the only thing whose radius is of the same order of magnitude than its Scharzchild radius is the observable universe itself??

If you link this to the holographic principle, then a black hole's horizon is kind of a 2D quantum-computer which simulates its own universe.  And we would be the result of such a simulation.

I don't think the proposed test in this thread could be applied though.  From what I understand, they imagined kind of an inferior type of computer.  Not as powerful as a black hole horizon.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: grondilu on October 17, 2012, 07:10:17 PM
Just watched "the 13th floor" for the first time.  It was nice.  Funny it came out the same year Matrix did.

It made me think of the following dialog:

- Damn those simulated human beings are so annoying.  They keep exploring the artificial world we create for them.
- So? That's good right?  It means they have curiosity and initiative.
- Yeah, but eventually they always manage to find out the limit of the domain and then they realize they are not real.  It's messed up.  So we have to make an other world and reboot the whole thing.
- Can't you make a bigger world?  Or a world topologically round?  Like a sphere?
- We did.  We made a round planet for them to live on, with a force that attracts them to the center, so that people on the lower half don't fell off.
- Makes sense.  Did that work?
- Nope, they did explore the whole planet but those morons also started to look at the sky.  Like, "with a telescope" look.
- What's the problem with that?
- The problem is that it gave them the idea of exploring space as well.
- Jeez.  And now you need to make a closed-curved universe as well?
- Screw that.  I don't have enough energy and resource to do something like that.  I'll make it simpler.   I'll make it look like the universe is extremely big and that stars are separated by huge distances, like light-years distances.
- Won't work:  at some point they'll manage to increase the speed of their spaceships and they'll reach your limits again.
- Yeah, that's why I'll add a rule saying that mass increases with speed, so that one needs an infinite amount of energy to accelerate above the speed of light.
- I see.  With such a rule, interstellar space travel will never be possible for them so whatever they do they'll never encouter the limits of your data.  Good work.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: thebaron on October 17, 2012, 07:18:18 PM

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: herzmeister on October 17, 2012, 10:05:37 PM
From Plato's Cave to the 13th Floor and the Matrix in 1999 it was all just fun and games and curious thought experiments, but Nick Bostrom's paper ( a while later in 2003 really quite hardened this idea. The argument is so strong that there's hardly a way around it actually.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: grondilu on October 17, 2012, 10:34:24 PM
The argument is so strong that there's hardly a way around it actually.

I would have much difficulty to explain why, but I have a strong belief that the kind of simulation he's talking about can not run faster than reality.  Therefore, It is not possible for evolved conscious beings to simulate their evolutionary history up to their current level of consciousness, as it would take way too much time.  So they would not do that, either because it would be pointless (who wants to wait a billion years for the result of a computation?), or because they would just have no time to do it in the universe they live in (considering their universe might have a finite lifespan for cosmological reasons).

So I think amongst his three hypothesis, it's the second which is true:

« any posthuman civilization is extremely unlikely to run a significant number of simulations of their evolutionary history (or variations thereof); »

It doesn't mean they can not gather enough computing power.  It just means that having an infinite computing power does not mean you can simulate anything as fast as you want.

It's a very interesting paper though.  Thanks.  I'll read it more thoroughly some day.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: herzmeister on October 17, 2012, 10:49:06 PM
They can run simulations with different degrees of faithfulness and different physical laws, which would result in different computational complexity, i.e. different frame rates of time (from the simulator's perspective, not from the inhabitants).

The dialog you quoted from the 13th Floor already suggests they use different complexities of physical laws in different simulations, and of course (I've seen the movie once but I don't remember much of it) they would have to ask the question if they're living in a simulation themselves.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: grondilu on October 17, 2012, 10:52:15 PM
They can run simulations with different degrees of faithfulness and different physical laws, which would result in different computational complexity, i.e. different frame rates of time (from the simulator's perspective, not from the inhabitants).

True.  Kind of like Conway's game of life, but in more complicated I guess.  Haven't thought about that.

The dialog you quoted from the 13th Floor
It's not from the 13th floor.  I imagined it.   :D

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: Deafboy on October 17, 2012, 11:21:44 PM
The real question is, if we're in a simulation, are we simulated, too, or are we "jacked in" somehow?
From now on I'm going to feel terrible for killing the processes :( . What if thew were self conscious?

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: myrkul on October 17, 2012, 11:26:52 PM
The real question is, if we're in a simulation, are we simulated, too, or are we "jacked in" somehow?
From now on I'm going to feel terrible for killing the processes :( . What if thew were self conscious?
Look at it as mercy killings. They were locked up or otherwise misbehaving, or you wouldn't have needed to kill them.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: lebing on October 17, 2012, 11:37:48 PM
Could you elaborate a little on that "we are just 3D projections of the 2D surface reality" part?
Google "holographic principle".

Basically, imagine a sphere. On that sphere, draw a complex pattern. Shine a light through that pattern. Now, imagine standing at the center of that sphere. If the pattern is complex enough, and drawn in the right manner, the interplay of light and shadow causes you to see an image projected around you. It's grossly oversimplified, but that's the idea.

Myrkul is now explaining the holographic theory?!!!

We have to be living in a simulation because this would never happen in the real world.


Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: myrkul on October 17, 2012, 11:44:40 PM
Could you elaborate a little on that "we are just 3D projections of the 2D surface reality" part?
Google "holographic principle".

Basically, imagine a sphere. On that sphere, draw a complex pattern. Shine a light through that pattern. Now, imagine standing at the center of that sphere. If the pattern is complex enough, and drawn in the right manner, the interplay of light and shadow causes you to see an image projected around you. It's grossly oversimplified, but that's the idea.

Myrkul is now explaining the holographic theory?!!!

We have to be living in a simulation because this would never happen in the real world.


One can understand something without agreeing with it. In fact, it is necessary to understand something in order to disagree with it.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: thebaron on October 18, 2012, 12:52:25 AM
Seeing pictures is on thing, feeling them is another.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: flynn on October 18, 2012, 06:47:15 PM
- Won't work:  at some point they'll manage to increase the speed of their spaceships and they'll reach your limits again.
- Yeah, that's why I'll add a rule saying that mass increases with speed, so that one needs an infinite amount of energy to accelerate above the speed of light.
- I see.  With such a rule, interstellar space travel will never be possible for them so whatever they do they'll never encouter the limits of your data.  Good work.

It would not stop exploration.

A traveller would see the space in front of him getting contracted (and behind too) and he can go at any distance of the universe in any timelapse (if he can go fast enough, i.e. close enough to c)

Once he stops, space is not contracted anymore, and if he divides the mesured travelled distance by the (local) time it took to travel that distance, he'll find a value > c

It's no paradox, this speed is not a physical speed, but that value is all what matters to the traveler ! The only thing to remember is that this is a one-way ticket.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: myrkul on October 18, 2012, 07:04:50 PM
- Won't work:  at some point they'll manage to increase the speed of their spaceships and they'll reach your limits again.
- Yeah, that's why I'll add a rule saying that mass increases with speed, so that one needs an infinite amount of energy to accelerate above the speed of light.
- I see.  With such a rule, interstellar space travel will never be possible for them so whatever they do they'll never encounter the limits of your data.  Good work.

It would not stop exploration.

Uh, yeah. It would. Barring something like the Alcubierre drive (, you cannot get anywhere, even to our nearest stellar neighbor, within a human lifetime.

This is because in order to get something to go faster, you have to push it harder. In order to push it harder, you need more fuel. The more fuel you have, the more weight you need to push, and the harder you have to push it to get going the same speed. The faster something moves, the heavier it gets, meaning to push it faster, you need more fuel to push harder, which in itself is getting heavier, requiring more fuel to push it harder....

And around and round we go.

It would not stop expansion, assuming you were willing to hop on a colony ship and either freeze yourself for centuries or resign yourself to the fact that it's going to be your distant descendents that actually colonize the new world (if you can find one), and you'll die before you're really even on your way. Exploration, on the other hand, requires explorers that can go out, check several places, and get back to make reports before they die. Not going to happen with slowships. Probes, with radios that can reach back home, are an option, but not technologically feasible at the moment.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: goodlord666 on October 18, 2012, 07:17:42 PM

So, theoretical physics isn't "real work," is it?

Go ahead, call Stephen Hawking a slacker. [...]

Yeah I know it's mean ;)

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: grondilu on October 18, 2012, 07:20:19 PM
It would not stop exploration.

A traveller would see the space in front of him getting contracted (and behind too) and he can go at any distance of the universe in any timelapse (if he can go fast enough, i.e. close enough to c)

Damn, you're right.   Ok, then I'll also create something I'll call "dark energy" and this thing will have the power of expanding the universe at an ever-accelerating rate.

I know it sounds totally lubricious but for some reason I'm sure they'll buy it.  ;)

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: flynn on October 18, 2012, 07:25:31 PM
It would not stop exploration.

A traveller would see the space in front of him getting contracted (and behind too) and he can go at any distance of the universe in any timelapse (if he can go fast enough, i.e. close enough to c)

True.  But it won't matter as this traveler won't be able to come back to earth.  So he will travel a few light years, encounter the limits of the data, realize he is inside a simulation, and then we'll just destroy it.  It will be a negligible loss.

Kind of like the Bermuda triangle.  For the hidden puppet master, it does not matter if the explorers of the Bermuda triangle meet him there, as long as they don't come back and tell others.

He can come back the same way he went there, and it will take him the same time. The only problem is a long loooong time would have passed on (virtual)-Earth ; quite a challenge for the simulation to stay accurate IMO. (During my physics classes, we were warned that the biggest opportunity to make a mistake with SR is to behave like you have the gift of ubiquity and to be at every point of your thought experiment at a time. That is exactly the position of the simulation engine, sooo ...)

But anyway, the Lorentz equations. may not be part of the simulation :)

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: grondilu on October 18, 2012, 07:33:17 PM
That is exactly the position of the simulation engine, sooo ...

Interesting point.   Simulating a Lorentz invariant world got to be tricky.  I don't quite see how the simulator's clock could fit when compared to those of the simulation.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: quasarbtc on October 20, 2012, 03:45:00 AM
If it is a simulation, would it be reasonable to assume the entity that generated or that is running the simulation is going to be at least a step or two ahead of the intelligence within the simulation?

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: grondilu on October 20, 2012, 05:38:27 AM
If it is a simulation, would it be reasonable to assume the entity that generated or that is running the simulation is going to be at least a step or two ahead of the intelligence within the simulation?

This entity does not need to have any intelligence, conscience or whatever.  For instance in the holographic principle, the simulation is realized by the very particular physics occuring at the horizon of a black hole.  And there is no need to imagine that a black hole is some kind of self-aware being.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: dancupid on October 20, 2012, 06:57:54 AM
The argument is so strong that there's hardly a way around it actually.

I would have much difficulty to explain why, but I have a strong belief that the kind of simulation he's talking about can not run faster than reality.  Therefore, It is not possible for evolved conscious beings to simulate their evolutionary history up to their current level of consciousness, as it would take way too much time.  So they would not do that, either because it would be pointless (who wants to wait a billion years for the result of a computation?), or because they would just have no time to do it in the universe they live in (considering their universe might have a finite lifespan for cosmological reasons).

So I think amongst his three hypothesis, it's the second which is true:

« any posthuman civilization is extremely unlikely to run a significant number of simulations of their evolutionary history (or variations thereof); »

It doesn't mean they can not gather enough computing power.  It just means that having an infinite computing power does not mean you can simulate anything as fast as you want.

It's a very interesting paper though.  Thanks.  I'll read it more thoroughly some day.

With Moore's law nothing takes a billion years.
A billion years of computing today is 1 million in 10 years time, 1000 in 20 years, 1 year in 30 years, 6 hours in 40 years, 22 seconds in 50 years, 0.022 in 60 years.
ie in 60 years we should be able to do a billion years worth of today's computing in substantially less than 1 second.

(I'm using Kurzweil's price performance model of doubling every year- perhaps this is somewhat optimistic)

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: grondilu on October 20, 2012, 01:05:37 PM
With Moore's law nothing takes a billion years.

Not even a subatomic-scaled simulation of a billion years of evolution for a whole universe?  I doubt so.

I believe reality goes "as fast as possible".  If you could go faster, it seems to me that it kind of would mess up with the very definition of time.   But I confess I'd have difficulties to rigorously explain why.  It's an intuition I got.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: istar on October 20, 2012, 01:15:00 PM
Is a simulation not real? It has to be simulated in some kind of reality?

If you pinch yourself, does it feel lika a simulation?

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: mem on October 20, 2012, 01:47:56 PM
I think our universes designers are smarter than this, why not use SVG instead of a flat image format.
No matter how far we zoom in, it will still render smoothly :D

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: Vod on October 20, 2012, 02:35:37 PM
Imagine if the programmer of this simulation worked a 6 day work week, and got the last day off...   :o

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: dancupid on October 20, 2012, 03:47:12 PM
With Moore's law nothing takes a billion years.

Not even a subatomic-scaled simulation of a billion years of evolution for a whole universe?  I doubt so.

I believe reality goes "as fast as possible".  If you could go faster, it seems to me that it kind of would mess up with the very definition of time.   But I confess I'd have difficulties to rigorously explain why.  It's an intuition I got.

There's no need to simulate the entire universe, just the bit being observed. You buy a microscope in the simulated world and the simulation just calculates the part you are looking at. It just needs to be consistent at all scales of observation.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: herzmeister on October 20, 2012, 08:07:56 PM
I think our universes designers are smarter than this, why not use SVG instead of a flat image format.
No matter how far we zoom in, it will still render smoothly :D

Well apparently they weren't smarter (

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: grondilu on October 23, 2012, 02:29:40 AM
Somehow it seems to me the following video might be relevant in this thread:

NASA | Computer Model Shows a Disk Galaxy's Life History (

It's amazing how they manage to see how a galaxy gets this typical disk form.   This the central black whole, spiral-shaped branches and all.  I mean, ten years ago this process was pretty much a mystery, and now it can be reproduced on computer.  That's impressive.

Title: Re: Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if universe is a simulation
Post by: moni3z on October 23, 2012, 02:45:31 AM
What happens if it's pretty conclusive it is a simulation. Can we then develop matrix like hacks for our environment