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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: ThePrinceofTea on September 29, 2015, 10:49:12 AM

Title: The Fall of Zerohedge
Post by: ThePrinceofTea on September 29, 2015, 10:49:12 AM
It's with regret that I saw Zerohedge fall to the corporate take over of the media. What was once a bastion of free speech, non digested thoughts, and total free for all on expression, has become nothing less than it's corporate master abc.

I realize that of course that it was to be anticipated, as all centralized structure will crumble to ruins (I expect that it will come to if not decentralized).

How may you ask? how to have such a tragic, dramatic and definitive opinion on a website that for many years always valued it's independance?


you can see that 2 pictures, one with the core melted scan by muons have been deleted by the obama admin. maybe the proxy was able to log them, anyway just do a muons scan (what ever it may be) and you can see the melted core run away.

so here is the link of the downfall :

they could have picken up the picture of the muons scans, but no, they chose to old fishy thing. No centralized system can stand. then if you want to see a little bit more how psyops works look at 3 pages of awg scam, then a trial about the pope (that didn't pick up) and you see how they work...

fair well.

Btw I understand that the deal was simple : gitmo or lie. you chose, but you will die in both way. One who knows, but you made your choice. Many didn't surrender.

darker time ahead, interesting indeed. 1/3 is gone.