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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: ThePrinceofTea on October 08, 2015, 04:04:19 PM

Title: Legalize Marijuana, Illegalize Fissibles
Post by: ThePrinceofTea on October 08, 2015, 04:04:19 PM
Bush Doctor - Peter Tosh. 101.

Title: Re: Legalize Marijuana, Illegalize Fissibles
Post by: iv4n on October 08, 2015, 07:21:02 PM
I'm also a reggae fun and I'm glad to see people like it also. I didn't saw anyone else posted anything similar. I'm from Serbia and we have one nice reggae group with name Del Arno Bend, if u ever have time give it a try maybe u will like it also as I do.

Title: Re: Legalize Marijuana, Illegalize Fissibles
Post by: tommorisonwebdesign on October 08, 2015, 07:44:55 PM
I agree with this. I've been using marijuana as a medicine for over 5 years and I have to say it has worked wonders helping me with my mood disorder. I think it has more medical ethicacy  than prescription pharmaceuticals and I think it should be legal everywhere.

Title: Re: Legalize Marijuana, Illegalize Fissibles
Post by: christycalhoun on October 08, 2015, 07:51:40 PM
I don't use marajuana and I don't plan on ever using it but I think it should be legalized. It is a waste of money to enforce drug laws.

Title: Re: Legalize Marijuana, Illegalize Fissibles
Post by: ThePrinceofTea on October 08, 2015, 09:42:24 PM
I will not jail anyone because they use a plant of the Earth... how can I? however if I have the opportunity, those that have done that... should make their prayers... pull down.

Title: Re: Legalize Marijuana, Illegalize Fissibles
Post by: vero on October 09, 2015, 02:12:46 AM
I don't understand why people are so upset about marijuana smoking becoming normal, drinking alcohol is normal and I've seen people do lots of STUPID, while drinking alcohol.

Title: Re: Legalize Marijuana, Illegalize Fissibles
Post by: BADecker on October 09, 2015, 10:56:03 AM
Don't legalize anything. Rather, repeal all illegalization of everything except:
1. Actual verifiable harming of somebody;
2. Actual verifiable damaging of the property of someone else;
3. The breaking of a clear contract.


Title: Re: Legalize Marijuana, Illegalize Fissibles
Post by: chennan on October 09, 2015, 11:44:21 AM
I believe that more research needs to be done with marijuana before it gets legalized fully, especially if it were to be used for recreational use.  I used to smoke all the time back in high school and college, and it was nice and stabled my mood, but it did become a bit habit forming for me and noticed that I would become a little depressed if I didn't have some when I got home from a stressful day.

Now I know what you all are thinking. marijuana isn't habit forming! I know, but for those who have addiction in their families like I do (not to mention bipolarism) then it's harmful to some people. 

I think in the long run, just the canabanoid oil that seems to be the beneficial component for medical reasons will be legalized to make on a federal level to treat certain illnesses... but it's going to be hard to get a lot of people on board with the complete legalization of it for recreation, because of the fact that the baby boomers are still around and have the Nixon mentality of the "War on drugs" still in their mind.  I would like to use again if I could grab a little every now and then, like I do with alcohol, but until it becomes out for safe public consumption, I won't touch it.

Title: Re: Legalize Marijuana, Illegalize Fissibles
Post by: BADecker on October 09, 2015, 11:59:26 AM
At this time in governmental police state control, it is time to go the other direction.

Let government strongly stress the dangers,
let them stress what will happen to you if you harm or injure someone,
Then get rid of the laws.

When you harm someone, you are punished by being harmed in the same way he was, after you pay to see that he is made well again. If he dies, you pay for his family's loss, even if you have to work it off in hard labor for 20 years. Then you are executed.

If you damage the property of someone, you pay to repair it, and more to compensate him for time lost.

Other than that, nothing but very strong governmentally issued warnings. In other words, complete freedom for all. But absolutely DO make people pay when they harm or damage other people, but ONLY then.


Title: Re: Legalize Marijuana, Illegalize Fissibles
Post by: Betwrong on October 09, 2015, 01:35:46 PM
Bush Doctor - Peter Tosh. 101.

haha I love Peter Tosh! Thanks for reminding!  :)

I think mj can make ppl stupid if they are smoking all day long, but ocassionally, on holidays maybe, its not bad.

Title: Re: Legalize Marijuana, Illegalize Fissibles
Post by: BADecker on October 09, 2015, 03:54:12 PM
Who cares if someone decides he wants to become stupid? That's his business. As long as he isn't hurting someone else by being stupid, and as long as he understands that he is going to be made stupid, why should anybody care?

It doesn't bother me at all that some idiot smokes and becomes stupid. I have arranged my finances in such a way that I don't pay taxes. If they go on welfare because they they become to stupid to work, it's no skin off my nose.


Title: Re: Legalize Marijuana, Illegalize Fissibles
Post by: okae on October 09, 2015, 04:27:17 PM
I agree with this. I've been using marijuana as a medicine for over 5 years

marijuana & drugs have been around the humanity since the beginning of times, with lot of useful applications, is an hypocrisy that drinking alcohol is permitted and smoke marijuana is not, so yes im with you.

I don't understand why people are so upset about marijuana smoking becoming normal, drinking alcohol is normal and I've seen people do lots of STUPID, while drinking alcohol.

exactly this, people are so "hypocrite" yes ;)

Title: Re: Legalize Marijuana, Illegalize Fissibles
Post by: gogxmagog on October 09, 2015, 05:57:24 PM
i enjoy pot because i like to get high, i dont really believe the health benefits part... there is some evidence it can reduce the risk of cancer, but not when smoked. smoking negates the benefits... you gotta eat it... plus you'll get super high if you eat it, so i'm ok with that, but mainly i advocate pot for recreation. i think that's a good enough reason, i dont agree with trying to force some unproven magic medicinal theory... it just makes the advocate look less credible. just be honest... it makes you feel good!

I think Rastafarians are sexist idiots. total misogynists and hated in Ethiopia. Ethiopians are pretty square, and they love Hailee Selassie. they dont appreciate a bunch of shady dopers promoting their guy.

 and what the hell is a fissible?

Title: Re: Legalize Marijuana, Illegalize Fissibles
Post by: TheGr33k on October 09, 2015, 06:01:34 PM
I believe that marijuana has every right to be legalized that alcohol does.
It's been proven that CBD and THC inhibit certain cancer cells and fights many unwanted symptoms caused by alternative treatments.
I have seen marijuana treat serious depression first hand.

I have seen so many positive indicators towards the legalization of marijuana beyond the health benefits, but even the simple health benefits are too profound to deny.
Marijuana should be Free-Market.

Title: Re: Legalize Marijuana, Illegalize Fissibles
Post by: BADecker on October 09, 2015, 08:58:30 PM
But if we got rid of all the legalization and illegalization of alcohol, think of how cheap it would become. Everyone would make it without restriction. The price would go way down, big alcohol makers wold go out of business ('cause everyone would make it), and we all would have a lot more fun.


Title: Re: Legalize Marijuana, Illegalize Fissibles
Post by: roldstin on October 10, 2015, 06:34:45 PM
I hope it becomes legal in philippiness

Smoke weed everyday dude

Title: Re: Legalize Marijuana, Illegalize Fissibles
Post by: Balthazar on December 05, 2015, 09:09:30 PM

Title: Re: Legalize Marijuana, Illegalize Fissibles
Post by: BADecker on December 06, 2015, 02:51:14 AM
I hope it becomes legal in philippiness

Smoke weed everyday dude

Don't legalize weed. Get government out of it altogether, not making it legal or illegal. Let the people be free.

Legalization of all kinds of things is a trick governments are covertly using to place the people under their control more and more to take their freedom away.
