Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Narydu on October 27, 2012, 02:02:41 AM

Title: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Narydu on October 27, 2012, 02:02:41 AM
Help me build up this list...

NEW 29/10/12: I will try to keep updated and organized this initial list as for new readers to jump straight to the last post (last checked #76) and reads there on to add his…

I might not have added all of them (plese PM me if you think yours should have been posted).

By the way, you can post your Bitcoiner Status based on your positive answers as 30/102 (being 102 the amount of actual Whens written on the main list)

You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
01.   You read all this thread…
02.   You would love to have at least some freeelance job that pays you in BTC...
03.   You feel you really understand something that others do not...
04.   You think Cryptocurrency is the best Digital Revolution after the internet…
05.   You keep creating situations in social meetings where you can introduce a bitcoin explanation...
06.   Your friends are tired of you mentionning bitcoin, or trying to make them jump into it every time possible…
07.   You are still searching for the perfect explanation under 10 seconds. Always trying different approaches…
08.   You believe that you are helping to change the world...
09.   You memorized the Genesis Block address…
10.   You paid for a year's subscription to Bitcoin Magazine…
11.   You ask each and every cashier at any POS if you can pay in BTC…
12.   You mail site owners you like, asking why they don’t accept donations in Bitcoin...
13.   You email random people on the net, asking if they accept bitcoin payments…
14.   You seriously consider giving people Bitcoins for Christmas and Birthdays…
15.   You welcome every new bitcoiner with open arms and warm words of WARNING…
16.   You get banned from other internet forums for constantly talking about bitcoin...
17.   You meet up with strangers in McDonalds and sell them bitcoins for cash…
18.   You finally had enough and tell the community you're done, then post ten minutes later why you're still leaving and replying to other posters who gave you grief why you're still posting…
19.   You get a lot of sleep deprivation because your addiction to any bit of info, stream of data related to BTC…
20.   Every time you log on your PC to do REAL work you spend some valuable and inexistant spare time to check, the forum, and gox order books…
21.   You joined and mine 24/7…
22.   Your family believes you are completely nuts...
23.   You think in giving your wife the 100% of your belongings in exchange of YOU keeping the 100% of "your SHITTY Bitcoins", as she calls them…
24.   You lost your job, wife, ando house because you spend all your time on and none of the above bothers you because you have a wallet file with 10 BTC in it and this will "soon" make you rich …
25.   You always think on how to help jobless people by teaching them about bitcoin…
26.   You want to give up your job and your life and become a bitcoin missionary in Africa to evangelise bitcoin to the unconverted…
27.   You dreamed about Bitcoin…
28.   You have about 20 bookmarks to bitcoin sites…
29.   Your phone always suggests Bitcoin for the next word…
30.   Your home pc, work pc, and cell phone has a Bitcoin Wallpaper...
31.   You have at least 1 bitcoin related tab open in my mobile phone's browser at all times…
32.   You assume every QR code is a Bitcoin address…
33.   You been logged into this forum over 20 days…
34.   You buy bitcoins and/or mining equipment instead of buying a new car…
35.   Your country's general populace is oppressed…
36.   You read some ECB analysis document as if it were your favorite mystery novel…
37.   You seriously planned which Maybach model u would buy for 20 BTC in a couple of years…
38.   You think that 1 BTC = USD 50,000 is a pessimistic scenario...
39.   You've never read the do-not-trust-anybody thread...
40.   You get a NSFW tattoo…
41.   You got Zhou-Tonged…
42.   You know who Bruce Wagner is...
43.   You know who Pinkie Pie was…
44.   You know the two words that follow: From the Desk of ...
45.   You've seen Genjix in a dress in RL…
46.   You believe that Zhou Tong is real…
47.   You've memorized all of Atlas's alts...
48.   You know who Phineaus Gage is…
49.   You recogn most/all the names of the bitcoiners who've answered the thread…
50.   If you got at least screwed by one scammer on this forum.
51.   You reply to this thread…

You really are a TRUE Bitcoin Speculator when...
52.   You hate and love Mt Gox at the same time…
53.   You do or keep planning to start an exchange...
54.   You take a look at the price at least 12 times a day...
55.   Your first thing in the morning it to check Bitcoin price…
56.   You're nowhere near a computer but suddenly feel a disturbance at MtGox…
57.   Your speculation only takes into account your final BTC Balance...
58.   You take codeine to spend less time away from your charts.
59.   Your heart beats are the same under plunge situations...
60.   All your wage gets redirected to Mt Gox…
61.   You bought bitcoins in an exchange while driving…
62.   No one understands why you keep smiling when your holdings just decreased by a 30%...
63.   You've watched the price fall by $2 or more, then recoup that value within a day...
64.   You've started a sell order on Mt. Gox just when your asking price becomes one penny too high at the latest sell…
65.   You've started a sell order on Mt. Gox only to see the price plummet.
66.   You've kept fiat at Mt. Gox pending for a price crash.
67.   You remember $2 and were EXCITED!
68.   You get the federal government to authenticate your documents in order to increase the limits on your bitcoin trading account…

You really are a TRUE Bitcoin Miner when...
69.   You are forced to sleep in another room because your room is too noisy…
70.   You jump on any half-promising alt-chain in hope to become a rich early adopter…
71.   Nobody can enter your room because there is "to much open mining equipment" laying around...
72.   You simultaneously suffer a heatstroke, frostbite, and asphyxiation while cooling your rigs by dumping liquid nitrogen across your floor…
73.   The window is open and it’s snowing outside…
74.   You helped your friends to get involved in bitcoin and set up their mining machines…
75.   You start a Mining Op…
76.   You relocate a Mining Op to your job's office, storage site, data-hosting company, shed, garage, or somewhere beyond the bedroom / living room / basement…
77.   The cost of running your Mining Op exceeds cost of rent or mortgage or car payment….
78.   When you learn Verilog just so you could develop FPGA miners…
79.   Your browser is constantly opened to a pool of your choice…
80.   You have real-time, text, and/or email alerts for if your miners go down...
81.   You've burned out mining hardware…
82.   Your pets have crashed mining hardware…
83.   You wish a graphics card company could pay you for the three weeks of profit downtime during an RMA…
84.   You've lost some hearing...
85.   The drone of 80+% fanspeeds is now normal to you…
86.   You've run your own 200'+ Internet landlines for a mining op through ceilings…
87.   Friend: "Let's go party tonight!"  You: "Can't, I need to do maintenance on my mining rigs."…
88.   You are envious of your friends when they talk about the great games they have been playing, and you haven't been able to play any of the games you wanted to for over a year…
89.   At LAN parties, you have the best, most powerful PC with the best graphics capabilities, and your friends are pissed at you because all you use it for is minesweeper and solitaire…
90.   You are not afraid to leave thousands of dollars worth of equipment lying in the open without cases...
91.   The sole purpose of your smartphone is to check if your still mining (when your are not home)…
92.   You are getting nervous if you don't have an internet connection on your smartphone for seconds.... to check the hash rate…
93.   You go to a computer shop and ask the workers there how much MH/s that particular GPU has…
94.   You then try to explain to them what you are doing with X HD7970..... (in the shop)…
95.   You start a flame war against NVIDIA Cards because of their low MH/s rate (still in the shop)…
96.   No girl can sleep at your place because it's too noisy and hot there…
97.   if you need to use earplugs (orpax) to get a decent night of sleep (i actually have to do this!)…
98.   The utility company turns you in due to a spike in your electric bill, believing something nefarious must to be going on in your basement when, in fact, there's nothing Nerfario going on…

Funniest Section
99.   You learn all about advanced security practices, SHA-256, and brain wallets to completely eliminate counter-party risk, and then invest in a fund promising 7% returns per week…
100.   After being scammed by some redneck, you engage in the mega-thread choirs…
101.   You're able to put a together a team--one French banker (not named Baker), a photographer, an ex-felon, a foundation guy, a pastel artist living with an urban chicken farmer/photographer, a data center guy who operates a mining pool who happens to live and work near the epicenter of the endeavor, and a Walmart greeter doing assembly, possibly soon operating a piece of equipment purchased off eBay--to produce, in house, the next generation Bitcoin mining equipment, amassing $9M USD in pre-orders, to date, as their noble contribution to the Bitcoin community.
102.   If you just don’t get surprised that the former one turns to be a scam and someone runs away with your btcs (once more).

Kind Ideas
What if we put it everything together and make a book and all sales from the book should go directly to the forum as a donation.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: ralree on October 27, 2012, 04:06:19 AM
Instead of buying a new car, you buy bitcoins and/or mining equipment.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: BorderBits on October 27, 2012, 04:10:52 AM
You simultaneously suffer a heatstroke, frostbite, and asphyxiation while cooling your rigs by dumping liquid nitrogen across your floor. 

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: jojo69 on October 27, 2012, 04:15:15 AM
the window is open and its snowing outside

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: BorderBits on October 27, 2012, 04:18:49 AM
You got Zhou-Tonged (

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on October 27, 2012, 04:24:37 AM
You know who Bruce Wagner is.

You memorized the Genesis Block address.

You have butterflies in your belfry and bats in your lab.

The color orange no longer bothers you.

Unremorsefully is part of your vocabulary.

You viewed the After Christmas Christmas Special--TWICE!

You have the image saved on your computer of Rassah's coffee table.

You know who Pinkie Pie was.

You've been banned two times or more for posting off-topic.

You try to bribe theymos to end a ban.

You create an alt who's a bitch, crying like a baby during your ban as a way to interact with your friends.  ;D

You know the two words that follow: From the Desk of ...

You hate and love Mt Gox at the same time.

You've seen Genjix in a dress in RL.

You believe that Zhou Tong is real.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Daily Anarchist on October 27, 2012, 04:38:40 AM
Help me build up this list... (for speculators and global bitcoiners)

You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
01. Your speculation only takes into account your final BTC Balance...
02. Your heart beats are the same under plunge situations...
03. Your family believes you are completely nuts...
04. Nowone understands why you keep smiling when your holdings decreased by a 30%...
05. You feel you really understande something that others do not...
06. You would love to have at least some freeelance job that pays you in BTC...
07. You believe that you are helping to change the world...
08. You keep creating situations in social meetings where you can introduce a bitcoin explanation...
09. You take a look at the price at least 12 times a day...
10. You bitcoin is the first thing you check in the morning...

All of these apply to me except #3. Nice job!

Edit: I take that back. A few probably do.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: majamalu on October 27, 2012, 05:34:44 AM
You read all this thread.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: kangasbros on October 27, 2012, 05:38:35 AM
I stopped following the bitcoin exchange rate actively after a while, I think it doesn't matter that much. However I still check everything bitcoin related all the time :D

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on October 27, 2012, 05:45:05 AM
You know who Bruce Wagner is.

You memorized the Genesis Block address.

You have butterflies in your belfry and bats in your lab.

The color orange no longer bothers you.

Unremorsefully is part of your vocabulary.

You viewed the After Christmas Christmas Special--TWICE!

You have the image saved on your computer of Rassah's coffee table.

You know who Pinkie Pie was.

You've been banned two times or more for posting off-topic.

You try to bribe theymos to end a ban.

You create an alt who's a bitch, crying like a baby during your ban as a way to interact with your friends.  ;D

You know the two words that follow: From the Desk of ...

You hate and love Mt Gox at the same time.

You've seen Genjix in a dress in RL.

You believe that Zhou Tong is real.

Good GOD Bruno, you have been a member of this forum one month longer than I have and I only know of or was involved in about one quarter of your list. You really do need a full time job dude. LOL

Buying and selling barn wood around the Chicagoland area is a full time job. The time I spend on here is when I'm on the shitter for an extended period of time or in the office between orchestrating deliveries and shipments. And at night prior to going to bed, like now.

Another one(s) for the list:

You've memorized all of Atlas's alts.

You paid for a year's subscription to Bitcoin Magazine.

You get a NSFW tattoo.

You've never read the do-not-trust-anybody thread.

I stopped following the bitcoin exchange rate actively after a while, I think it doesn't matter that much. However I still check everything bitcoin related all the time :D

Same here. I hope it's still somewhere between 9 and 12, but it doesn't matter like it used to.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Rassah on October 27, 2012, 05:45:38 AM
You know who Bruce Wagner is.

Fuuuuuuu..... I know every single one of those things. I think I've been spending way too much time on here  :-\

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on October 27, 2012, 05:49:08 AM
You know who Bruce Wagner is.

Fuuuuuuu..... I know every single one of those things. I think I've been spending way too much time on here  :-\

Don't you have to go to Lowes and buy some plywood and batteries? And bubble wrap to protect that precious coffee table of yours?

And another one:

You look out for your fellow Bitcoiner.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: SaintDevil on October 27, 2012, 06:01:36 AM
you helped your friends to get involved in bitcoin and set up their mining machines.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Rassah on October 27, 2012, 06:23:22 AM
You look out for your fellow Bitcoiner. You think "F you, got mine" is a perfectly fine view to hold.

Storms are always over exaggerated. What's a little rain?

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: DoomDumas on October 27, 2012, 06:38:06 AM
your RL friend are tired of you mentionning bitcoin every time possible, or trying to make them bet, in bitcoin

you ask each and every cashier at any POS if you can pay in BTC

you get a lot of sleep depravation because your adicted to any bit of info, stream of data related to BTC

you reply to this thread

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Come-from-Beyond on October 27, 2012, 07:14:46 AM
Help me build up this list... (for speculators and global bitcoiners)

...If u seriously planned which Maybach model u would buy for 20 BTC in a couple of years.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: istar on October 27, 2012, 07:22:16 AM
You know who Phinnaeus Gage is.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: molecular on October 27, 2012, 08:40:43 AM
you welcome every new bitcoiner with open arms and warm words of warning

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: DublinBrian on October 27, 2012, 10:42:33 AM
- You email random people on the net, asking if they accept bitcoin payments.

- You get banned from other internet forums for constantly talking about bitcoin.

- You meet up with strangers in McDonalds and sell them bitcoins for cash.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Technomage on October 27, 2012, 11:04:30 AM
- You get banned from other internet forums for constantly talking about bitcoin.

This has happened to me. Multiple times. Although it's more because I've advertised my own site too much, not simply because I talk about Bitcoin.

Great thread in general, most of the points in the OP apply to me and many of the newer ones as well.

The most effective marketing method for us is to simply ask merchants to accept bitcoins once you buy something from them. Always ask. This will add up eventually.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: molecular on October 27, 2012, 02:08:12 PM
The most effective marketing method for us is to simply ask merchants to accept bitcoins once you buy something from them. Always ask. This will add up eventually.

It's probably true: however, I'm usually in a rush to get out of the store and such an inquiry might backfire in that regard ;).

A cool infografix-style flyer (kinda like the first pages of bitcoinmagazine issues #2 and #3) that explains bitcoin for dummies might be valuable.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: AndrewBUD on October 27, 2012, 02:14:19 PM
You know who Bruce Wagner is.

Fuuuuuuu..... I know every single one of those things. I think I've been spending way too much time on here  :-\

Ditto.... I need out... :)

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on October 27, 2012, 03:50:17 PM
You know who Bruce Wagner is.

Fuuuuuuu..... I know every single one of those things. I think I've been spending way too much time on here  :-\

Ditto.... I need out... :)

You finally had enough and tell the community you're done, then post ten minutes later why you're still leaving and replying to other posters who gave you grief why you're still posting.

You know all the names of bitcoiners who've done the above.

You've done the above, but blamed it on your meds.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Liquid on October 27, 2012, 03:50:52 PM
you joined and mine 24/7

Have about 20 bookmarks to bitcoin sites  :D

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: molecular on October 27, 2012, 05:31:34 PM
you joined and mine 24/7

Have about 20 bookmarks to bitcoin sites  :D

you jump on any half-promising alt-chain in hope to become a rich early adopter

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: ChipGeek on October 27, 2012, 06:12:39 PM
20. You loose your job because you spend all your time on

21. Your spouse divorces you because you lost your job because you spend all your time on

22. You loose you house because of either or both of the above

23. Even though you're now homeless, none of the above bothers you because you know that the thumb drive in the pocket of your only pair of pants contains a wallet file with 10 BTC in it and this will "soon" make you as wealthy as Bill Gates.   ;D

(Great thread BTW!)

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Herodes on October 27, 2012, 06:25:59 PM
You know who Bruce Wagner is.

You memorized the Genesis Block address.

You have butterflies in your belfry and bats in your lab.

The color orange no longer bothers you.

Unremorsefully is part of your vocabulary.

You viewed the After Christmas Christmas Special--TWICE!

You have the image saved on your computer of Rassah's coffee table.

You know who Pinkie Pie was.

You've been banned two times or more for posting off-topic.

You try to bribe theymos to end a ban.

You create an alt who's a bitch, crying like a baby during your ban as a way to interact with your friends.  ;D

You know the two words that follow: From the Desk of ...

You hate and love Mt Gox at the same time.

You've seen Genjix in a dress in RL.

You believe that Zhou Tong is real.

You know Phinnaeus Gage has a black belt in google fu.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: weex on October 27, 2012, 06:48:50 PM
You remove all Bitcoin related links from your computers but don't miss a stride in news and price updates.

You start an exchange.

Your phone always suggests Bitcoin for the next word.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: molecular on October 27, 2012, 07:01:23 PM
You think silkroad is a cover-op for cleaning bitcoins.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on October 27, 2012, 09:04:18 PM
You know who Bruce Wagner is.

You memorized the Genesis Block address.

You have butterflies in your belfry and bats in your lab.

The color orange no longer bothers you.

Unremorsefully is part of your vocabulary.

You viewed the After Christmas Christmas Special--TWICE!

You have the image saved on your computer of Rassah's coffee table.

You know who Pinkie Pie was.

You've been banned two times or more for posting off-topic.

You try to bribe theymos to end a ban.

You create an alt who's a bitch, crying like a baby during your ban as a way to interact with your friends.  ;D

You know the two words that follow: From the Desk of ...

You hate and love Mt Gox at the same time.

You've seen Genjix in a dress in RL.

You believe that Zhou Tong is real.

You know Phinnaeus Gage has a black belt in google fu.

Wrong, son of Vibullia Alcia Agrippina.

Red Belt or Sash: Red signifies the red-hot heat of the Sun as the knowledge learned is now passed and nurtured to the newest and purist white belt. As a red belt student acquires even more detailed knowledge. Red is a sign of danger, and the red belt is beginning to become dangerous with their knowledge and abilities but also posses the knowledge to pass the system along and keep the energy flowing.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Mushoz on October 27, 2012, 09:14:22 PM
-I dream about Bitcoin.
-I've been logged in into this forum for close to 24 days.
-I've been reading this forum while being logged out for longer than I care to know =p

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Mushoz on October 27, 2012, 09:15:43 PM
One more:
-I have at least 1 bitcoin related tab open in my mobile phone's browser at all times

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on October 27, 2012, 09:22:14 PM
You go to convention/conference in Las Vegas to display/visit a Bitcoin booth, and not take time off to gamble or visit a Ranch-type site, instead spending all your waking hours rubbing shoulders with fellow bitcoiners. You then return home and tell your loved ones that while in Vegas you didn't cheat on her and she'll believe you knowing that it's the truth.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: BR0KK on October 27, 2012, 09:23:30 PM
Nobody can enter your room because there is "to much open mining equipment" laying around.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: evoorhees on October 27, 2012, 09:39:15 PM
You learn all about advanced security practices, SHA-256, and brain wallets to completely eliminate counter-party risk, and then invest in a fund promising 7% returns per week  :P

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: SaintDevil on October 27, 2012, 09:55:06 PM
I have an idea, what if we put it everything together and make a book and all sales from the book should go directly to the forum as a donation  ;)

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: paraipan on October 27, 2012, 09:59:58 PM
You always think on how to help jobless people by teaching them about bitcoin.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: beckspace on October 27, 2012, 10:12:28 PM
You are still searching for the perfect explanation under 10 seconds. Always trying different approaches.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Trader Steve on October 27, 2012, 10:54:23 PM
You learn all about advanced security practices, SHA-256, and brain wallets to completely eliminate counter-party risk, and then invest in a fund promising 7% returns per week  :P


Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on October 28, 2012, 03:52:34 AM
You are still searching for the perfect explanation under 10 seconds. Always trying different approaches.

You pre-order from Otis Labs their latest model, so that when it hopefully arrives in time, you can practice said explanation in the comfort of your own home between the first and second floor.

You learn all about advanced security practices, SHA-256, and brain wallets to completely eliminate counter-party risk, and then invest in a fund promising 7% returns per week  :P

After being scammed by some redneck, you engage in the mega-thread choirs, but at the end of the day, when all the ink has dried, you revert back to the former happy place where _____________ (drew a blank--insert best finish)

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Narydu on October 28, 2012, 04:40:29 AM
I have updated the initial post. Please read.

- Your home pc, work pc, and cell phone has a Bitcoin Wallpaper...
- You think in giving your wife the 100% of your belongings in exchange of you keeping the 100% of "your SHITTY Bitcoins", as she calls them.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: SysRun on October 28, 2012, 04:45:17 AM
Your country's general populace is oppressed.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: The-Real-Link on October 28, 2012, 09:07:58 AM
Haha funny, OP!  Guilty of a few of those.

Let's see:

1.  You start a Mining Op.
2.  You relocate a Mining Op to your job's office, storage site, data-hosting company, shed, garage, or somewhere beyond the bedroom / living room / basement.
3.  The cost of running your Mining Op exceeds cost of rent or mortgage or car payment.
4.  Friend: "Let's go party tonight!"  You: "Can't, I need to do maintenance on my mining rigs."
5.  Your browser is constantly opened to a pool of your choice.
6.  You have real-time, text, and/or email alerts for if your miners go down.
7.  You've watched the price fall by $2 or more, then recoup that value within a day.
8.  You've started a sell order on Mt. Gox just when your asking price becomes one penny too high at the latest sell ;)
9.  You've started a sell order on Mt. Gox only to see the price plummet.
10.  You've kept fiat at Mt. Gox pending for a price crash.
11.  You remember $2 and were EXCITED!
12.  You've given up trying to explain Bitcoin to clueless relatives.
13.  You've not bothered to explain Bitcoin to other clueless relatives because the tech is over their heads.
14.  You've burned out mining hardware.
15.  Your pets have crashed mining hardware.
16.  You wish a graphics card company could pay you for the three weeks of profit downtime during an RMA
17.  You've lost some hearing...
18.  The drone of 80+% fanspeeds is now normal to you.
19.  You've run your own 200'+ Internet landlines for a mining op through ceilings.
20.  It's December in Michigan and you insist in having the window open.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: DublinBrian on October 28, 2012, 09:53:43 AM
You want to give up your job and your life and become a bitcoin missionary in Africa to evangelise bitcoin to the unconverted.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: molecular on October 28, 2012, 12:23:04 PM
You always think on how to help jobless people by teaching them about bitcoin.

fuck, it's true.

very nice thread, liked evorhees contribution best, nicely wraps it up.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: paraipan on October 28, 2012, 12:58:58 PM
You always think on how to help jobless people by teaching them about bitcoin.

fuck, it's true.

very nice thread, liked evorhees contribution best, nicely wraps it up.

Yeah, and the best part is a few months later when they give you a big thanks  :)

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Rassah on October 28, 2012, 03:27:41 PM
You are envious of your friends when they talk about the great games they have been playing, and you haven't been able to play any of the games you wanted to for over a year.
At LAN parties, you have the best, most powerful PC with the best graphics capabilities, and your friends are pissed at you because all you use it for is minesweeper and solitaire.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Desolator on October 28, 2012, 04:06:08 PM
when you're nowhere near a computer but suddenly feel a disturbance in the Gox :P

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: BitLucky on October 28, 2012, 04:36:39 PM
you assume every QR code is a Bitcoin address.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: BR0KK on October 28, 2012, 06:44:15 PM
if you are not afraid to leave thousands of dollars worth of equipment lying in the open without cases.

if the sole purpose of your smartphone is to check if your still mining (when your are not home)

if you are getting nervous if you don't have an internet connection on your smartphone for seconds.... to check the hash rate

if you go to a computer shop and ask the workers there how much MH/s that particular GPU has.

if you then try to explain to them what you are doing with X HD7970..... (in the shop)

if you start a flame war against NVIDIA Cards because of their low MH/s rate (still in the shop)

if no girl can sleep at your place because it's to noisy and hot there

if you need to use earplugs (orpax) to get a decent night of sleep (i actually have to to this! :D)


Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: ArticMine on October 28, 2012, 08:01:51 PM
You get the federal government to authenticate your documents in order to increase the limits on your bitcoin trading account

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on October 28, 2012, 08:14:25 PM
...the utility company turns you in due to a spike in your electric bill, believing something nefarious must to be going on in your basement when, in fact, there's nothing Nerfario going on.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: BR0KK on October 28, 2012, 08:18:01 PM
...the utility company turns you in due to a spike in your electric bill, believing something nefarious must to be going on in your basement when, in fact, there's nothing Nerfario going on.

nice :)

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: bigbox on October 28, 2012, 08:25:58 PM seriously consider giving people Bitcoins for Christmas and birthdays.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: BR0KK on October 28, 2012, 08:41:52 PM
if you got at least screwed by one scammer on this forum.

if you are waiting to receive your true scammer sign on this forum.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: DoomDumas on October 28, 2012, 10:18:30 PM
You mail site owner that you wish to donate asking why they dont accept donation in Bitcoin, and told them you'll donate and tell you friend if they were to accept them !

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: evoorhees on October 29, 2012, 12:49:02 AM
you assume every QR code is a Bitcoin address.

LOL this!!

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Liquid on October 29, 2012, 06:59:36 AM
All your wage gets redirected to Mt Gox

Forced to sleep in another room because your room is too noisy

Think Cryptocurrency is the best Digital Revolution after the internet

Stand proud comrades

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: HorseRider on October 29, 2012, 11:04:23 AM
You've memorized all of Atlas's alts...

what does "alts" mean? thanks.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: teknohog on October 29, 2012, 01:03:36 PM
if no girl can sleep at your place because it's to noisy and hot there

if you need to use earplugs (orpax) to get a decent night of sleep (i actually have to to this! :D)

What's a girl?

Seriously though, invest in good quality coolers like Shaman for GPUs, and you won't hear a thing. Of course, once you're filthy rich from all that mining, you'll have a hard time keeping all the girls out, so it may be a good idea to get the noise levels back up.

Back on topic: you know you're a true Bitcoiner when you learn Verilog just so you could develop FPGA miners.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: BitMonkey on October 29, 2012, 03:08:45 PM
Help me build up this list... (for speculators and global bitcoiners)

...If u seriously planned which Maybach model u would buy for 20 BTC in a couple of years.

I think Im going with the Landaulet..

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: beckspace on October 29, 2012, 03:17:41 PM
You bought bitcoins in an exchange while driving.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: AndrewBUD on October 29, 2012, 03:19:46 PM
That when something like this:

happens it's no big deal :P

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on October 29, 2012, 04:02:22 PM're able to put together a Dream Team--one French banker (not named Baker), a photographer, an ex-felon, a foundation guy, a pastel artist living with an urban chicken farmer/photographer, a data center guy who operates a mining pool who happens to live and work near the epicenter of the endeavor, and a Walmart greeter doing assembly, possibly soon operating a piece of equipment purchased off eBay--to produce, in house, the next generation Bitcoin mining equipment, amassing $9M $10M USD in pre-orders, to date, as their noble contribution to the Bitcoin community, (EDIT-->) causing Pirate to lose sleep due to not thinking of this first, thus only profiting <1/18th <1/20th of said potential loot before migrating to Mexico along with the monarchs for a well-deserved permanent holiday en un rancho de cabra.

That's the epitome of being a TRUE bitcoiner.

Unless you count those who've pre-ordered said product from the Dream Team consisting of one French banker (not named Baker)...

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Trader Steve on October 29, 2012, 04:17:07 PM
when you're nowhere near a computer but suddenly feel a disturbance in the Gox :P

Nice..."may Satoshi be with you" my friend...

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: BorderBits on October 29, 2012, 05:59:14 PM're able to put a together a team--one French banker (not named Baker), a photographer, an ex-felon, a foundation guy, a pastel artist living with an urban chicken farmer/photographer, a data center guy who operates a mining pool who happens to live and work near the epicenter of the endeavor, and a Walmart greeter doing assembly, possibly soon operating a piece of equipment purchased off eBay--to produce, in house, the next generation Bitcoin mining equipment, amassing $9M USD in pre-orders, to date, as their noble contribution to the Bitcoin community.

You forgot about the part where they never deliver and run off with everyone's cash.  Because bitcoin.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: paraipan on October 29, 2012, 07:55:19 PM
You read some ECB analysis document ( as if it were your favorite mystery novel

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on October 29, 2012, 08:01:37 PM
You read some ECB analysis document ( as if it were your favorite mystery novel

You read Discipline by Paco Ahlgren at an average pace of one page a day.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Narydu on October 29, 2012, 09:40:23 PM
You bought bitcoins in an exchange while driving.

Shit shit shit, I did it!!!!

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Sitarow on October 29, 2012, 09:46:41 PM
Instead of buying a new car, you buy bitcoins and/or mining equipment.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Narydu on October 29, 2012, 10:16:00 PM
Every time you log on your PC to do REAL work you spend some valuable and inexistant spare time to check, the forum, and order books.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: BR0KK on October 29, 2012, 10:17:57 PM're able to put a together a team--one French banker (not named Baker), a photographer, an ex-felon, a foundation guy, a pastel artist living with an urban chicken farmer/photographer, a data center guy who operates a mining pool who happens to live and work near the epicenter of the endeavor, and a Walmart greeter doing assembly, possibly soon operating a piece of equipment purchased off eBay--to produce, in house, the next generation Bitcoin mining equipment, amassing $9M USD in pre-orders, to date, as their noble contribution to the Bitcoin community.

That's the epitome of being a TRUE bitcoiner.

Unless you count those who've pre-ordered said product from the team consisting of one French banker (not named Baker)...

nice one too

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: majamalu on October 30, 2012, 02:08:28 AM
You think that 1 BTC = USD 50,000 is a pessimistic scenario.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Raoul Duke on October 30, 2012, 03:02:57 AM
You read some ECB analysis document ( as if it were your favorite mystery novel

You read Discipline by Paco Ahlgren at an average pace of one page a day.

Uh? It took me 2 days.

Now my contribution to this thread: You buy Discipline by Paco Ahlgren using an Amazon gift card you bought on bitcointalk with bitcoins :-)

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Stapleddiet on October 30, 2012, 03:16:35 AM
You take codeine to spend less time away from your charts on the toilet.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Narydu on October 30, 2012, 04:31:36 AM
Just updated the original thread.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Yuhfhrh on October 30, 2012, 07:27:57 AM
when you're nowhere near a computer but suddenly feel a disturbance in the Gox :P

I have had this happen to me multiple times lol

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on October 30, 2012, 08:14:21 AM
...after months pasted of being zhou tonged, you no longer feel the arrow in the knee.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: boozer on October 30, 2012, 02:47:41 PM
... you have several mining rigs, but realize you can also throw an extra state-of-the-art card in your main computer alongside your mediocre one, then decide to mine on both cards and are perfectly fine with occasional screen delays since you don't want to turn off mining on either card for that short time you use the computer due to a minute mining profit loss... have to explain to your gaming buddies why you run at medium graphics settings when you have a state of the art card in your machine as its for BTC only.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on October 30, 2012, 03:32:17 PM subscribe to logansryche's RSS feed to keep you abreast of late-breaking developments of interests effecting bitcoiners.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: AndrewBUD on October 31, 2012, 02:41:15 PM
You quit gaming all together due to Gaming costing you BTC.....

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: paraipan on October 31, 2012, 02:43:07 PM
You quit gaming all together due to Gaming costing you BTC.....

^so true  :)

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: misterbigg on October 31, 2012, 03:33:24 PM
And what is it when you're in the top 10 richest addresses?

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on October 31, 2012, 04:48:13 PM start a TV show about Bitcoin with life partner and broadcast it in two different languages.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: paraipan on October 31, 2012, 05:12:43 PM start a TV show about Bitcoin with life partner and broadcast it in two different languages.

So Matthew is still among us?

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Narydu on November 01, 2012, 12:14:20 AM
Why matheus? Bruce! Or i missed something?

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: molecular on November 01, 2012, 03:18:07 PM
Why matheus? Bruce! Or i missed something?

Matthew N. Wright, once part of the bitcoinmag team until he made quite a stupid bet about pirate paying up and weaseled out of it, once had a show, I think it was called

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Gabi on November 02, 2012, 04:25:47 PM
You quit gaming all together due to Gaming costing you BTC.....
Luckily asic will fix that! Gamers all over the world, rejoyce!

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: weex on November 03, 2012, 12:47:14 AM
What if we put it everything together and make a book and all sales from the book should go directly to the forum as a donation.

How about a bounty for someone to study for delivery and then do an audio or video act?

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: SysRun on November 03, 2012, 01:11:31 AM
I'll even cut in the actual laugh track if the bounty is high enough.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: molecular on November 03, 2012, 10:40:02 AM
What if we put it everything together and make a book and all sales from the book should go directly to the forum as a donation.

no. not the forum. Look at all the donators. I think a donator badge is BTC 50 nowadays? The forum is financed well enough the way I see it.

Sales from the book will be extremely low anyhow. Let it just go to the people that took the effort to compile it.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: joshv06 on November 03, 2012, 03:45:47 PM
You quit gaming all together due to Gaming costing you BTC.....

^so true  :)

Haha, my brother always want's to play COD on my mining rig, I keep limiting him to 1 hour, or start charging XD. I play on buying BO2 when Asics come out :)

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Realpra on November 03, 2012, 11:49:12 PM seriously consider giving people Bitcoins for Christmas and birthdays.
Wuut? I did that what's wrong with that... three times.. oh well they will thank me later.

- You own Casascius coins.

- You bought your first house after selling 2 pizzas some years back ;)

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: crazy_rabbit on November 04, 2012, 12:04:28 AM
You start a church of the bitcoin.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 04, 2012, 04:19:29 AM
You start a church of the bitcoin.

And soon after there's talk about forking said church because the first church is flawed in some way.

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Raoul Duke on November 04, 2012, 10:45:07 AM
You start a church of the bitcoin.

And soon after there's talk about forking said church because the first church is flawed in some way.

Would you prefer spooning instead of forking?

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Narydu on November 04, 2012, 12:56:12 PM
Ok we have to new winners for the hilarious post... Guess which?

Title: Re: You really are a TRUE bitcoiner when...
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 04, 2012, 02:41:04 PM
You start a church of the bitcoin.

And soon after there's talk about forking said church because the first church is flawed in some way.

Would you prefer spooning instead of forking?

I've read that how's Portugalians try to procreate, until their parents enter the room and break up the boys.  ;D


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