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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Gleb Gamow on October 14, 2015, 02:00:47 AM

Title: I just took the IQ test.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on October 14, 2015, 02:00:47 AM

I scored a 76 in spite of getting ALL the answers incorrect by simply clicking the first option. What does one have to do to get an even lower IQ score, given that skipping a question is not an option?

Title: Re: I just took the IQ test.
Post by: Anmol_Verma on October 14, 2015, 04:03:19 AM
i think this is only the way to get lower just have to give wrong said you scored 76 and you give all wrong answer,may be you have given 1 or 2 questions right that you thought were wrong?

Title: Re: I just took the IQ test.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on October 14, 2015, 05:56:03 AM
i think this is only the way to get lower just have to give wrong said you scored 76 and you give all wrong answer,may be you have given 1 or 2 questions right that you thought were wrong?

Upon completion of the test, you're presented with ALL the correct answers, none of which is the first choice, of which I wasn't aware of that fact prior to opting to go that route. It was a fluke, thus perhaps why I received the Genius Retard IQ 76 rating.

Title: Re: I just took the IQ test.
Post by: Anmol_Verma on October 14, 2015, 07:55:49 AM
i think this is only the way to get lower just have to give wrong said you scored 76 and you give all wrong answer,may be you have given 1 or 2 questions right that you thought were wrong?

Upon completion of the test, you're presented with ALL the correct answers, none of which is the first choice, of which I wasn't aware of that fact prior to opting to go that route. It was a fluke, thus perhaps why I received the Genius Retard IQ 76 rating.
Then may be the site on which you took the iq test might given you inaccurate result.try on different iq test and then compare the result?

Title: Re: I just took the IQ test.
Post by: vlajce on October 14, 2015, 04:21:17 PM
Knowing all the answers and picking the wrong ones. Duh

Title: Re: I just took the IQ test.
Post by: Lethn on October 14, 2015, 04:49:06 PM
I think pattern based IQ tests are a real thing but I question the viability of IQ tests in general. I remember taking one that was posted up on here awhile back and got something like 40 or so because it was mostly based on mathematics, then I more recently took a similar sort of IQ test and got 101 points. IQ tests just don't fucking work, they're a very poor measurement of somebodies true intelligence and really I think it's only intelligent people that realise what bullshit most tests are to begin with because rather than measure your actual ability it's testing memory instead.

One thing I will say though, someone like me for instance who is fairly weak in mathematics to begin with is always going to score low on those kinds of tests because that is really all most IQ tests are made up of, maths questions, you could also technically exploit these tests by getting very good at the various types of maths questions and understanding how it all works, which naturally means that your IQ points are going to end up increasing dramatically.

The only real way to test out somebodies intelligence is to scientifically examine each person individually and check out how they react to certain things or how their thought process works.

Title: Re: I just took the IQ test.
Post by: --Encrypted-- on October 14, 2015, 04:53:51 PM
I think knowing how to use the internet is worth 76 IQ score.  :P

Title: Re: I just took the IQ test.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on October 14, 2015, 06:00:56 PM
I think knowing how to use the internet is worth 76 IQ score.  :P

So true, now if only I could get My Napster to stop flashing 12:00.