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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Wilikon on October 15, 2015, 05:00:49 AM

Title: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: Wilikon on October 15, 2015, 05:00:49 AM

A star identified by the Kepler Space Telescope may harbour structures which could point to an advanced technological civilisation

A large cluster of objects in space look like something you would "expect an alien civilization to build", astronomers have said. 

Jason Wright, an astronomer from Penn State University, is set to publish a report on the “bizarre” star system suggesting the objects could be a “swarm of megastructures”, according to a new report.

I was fascinated by how crazy it looked,” Wright told The Atlantic. “Aliens should always be the very last hypothesis you consider, but this looked like something you would expect an alien civilization to build.”

The snappily named KIC 8462852 star lies just above the Milky Way between the constellations Cygnus and Lyra. It first attracted the attention of astronomers in 2009 when the Kepler Space Telescope identified it as a candidate for having orbiting Earth-like planets.

But KIC 8462852 was emitting a stranger light pattern than any of the other stars in Kepler’s search for habitable planets.

Tabetha Boyajian, a postdoc at Yale told The Atlantic: “We’d never seen anything like this star. It was really weird. We thought it might be bad data or movement on the spacecraft, but everything checked out.”

In 2011 the star was flagged up again by several members of Kepler’s “Planet Hunters” team – a group of ‘citizen scientists’ tasked with analysing the data from the 150,000 stars Kepler was watching.

The analysts tagged the star as “interesting “ and “bizarre” because it was surrounded by a mess of matter in tight formation.

This was consistent with the mass of debris that surrounds a young star just as it did with our sun before the planets formed. However this star wasn’t young and the debris must have been deposited around it fairly recently or it would have been clumped together by gravity – or swallowed by the star itself.

Boyajian, who oversees the “Planet Hunters” project, recently published a paper looking at all the possible natural explanations for the objects and found all of them wanting except one – that another star had pulled a string of comets close to KIC 8462852. But even this would involve an incredibly improbable coincidence.

That’s when Wright, the astronomer from Penn State University and his colleague Andrew Siemion, the Director of SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) got involved. Now the possibility that the objects were created by intelligent creatures is being taken very seriously by the team.

The three astronomers want to point a radio dish at the star to look for wavelengths associated with technological civilizations. And the first observations could be ready to take place as early as January, with follow-up observations potentially coming even quicker.

“If things go really well, the follow-up could happen sooner,” Wright told The Atlantic. “If we saw something exciting… we’d be asking to go on right away.”


I wonder if the Wow signal came from that direction...

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: 1aguar on October 15, 2015, 05:59:14 AM
Water on Mars was disclosed in 1991 in Phoenix Journal #33:

"Mars has grown very much older [than Earth]. It still has water but oxygen-dependent life is nearing its end upon it. Deserts take up a large area of it and it is more oblate than the earth."

Introduction to the writings:
Discussing the origin of these writings on Reddit:
The Journal in point; also available via Google Books:

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: Wilikon on October 15, 2015, 06:14:41 AM

Forget and ignore this thread.

Go here:

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: vero on October 15, 2015, 06:23:53 AM
There are aliens out there, just as there are on Earth.... but they are much smaller than we think. Please stop dreaming in cloud cuckoo land and get back to the real world. Doing our bit for the country is much more important than gazing into space blankly.

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: chennan on October 15, 2015, 03:05:48 PM
What the hell??  I just posted this topic on here last night, and when I woke up it was gone...

Anyways, I think this is really cool.. but won't get much attention from the media, until they actually do find radio frequencies, and/if the government won't shut them up in time for them not to go public with the discovery.

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: Wilikon on October 15, 2015, 04:39:39 PM
What the hell??  I just posted this topic on here last night, and when I woke up it was gone...

Anyways, I think this is really cool.. but won't get much attention from the media, until they actually do find radio frequencies, and/if the government won't shut them up in time for them not to go public with the discovery.

Check out post #3 for the link for your post. Your thread was created minutes before mine so I told everyone to support your thread instead. After that people are free to chose.

So your thread is not gone. I just tested the link.

I have a feeling this structure was discovered a while back. The water on mars, and pluto, etc, were, maybe, meant to smooth this story in...?

Water = life = Hey! Look! A Dyson sphere!

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: Spendulus on October 16, 2015, 01:54:22 AM
What the hell??  I just posted this topic on here last night, and when I woke up it was gone...

Anyways, I think this is really cool.. but won't get much attention from the media, until they actually do find radio frequencies, and/if the government won't shut them up in time for them not to go public with the discovery.

I have a feeling this structure was discovered a while back. The water on mars, and pluto, etc, were, maybe, meant to smooth this story in...?

Water = life = Hey! Look! A Dyson sphere!

Maybe, because the story isn't new...

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: StratusOakmont on October 16, 2015, 02:02:48 AM
Dyson Spere can be created by level 2 civilization and above. And that we see today happen 1500 years ago. Humans civilization is only level 0.1 - 0.2 .  We will be in trouble if they know we are here.

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: chennan on October 16, 2015, 02:08:32 AM
Dyson Spere can be created by level 2 civilization and above. And that we see today happen 1500 years ago. Humans civilization is only level 0.1 - 0.2 .  We will be in trouble if they know we are here.

What do you mean "level 2" .. how would you go about grading the progress of a civilization, if we ourselves don't know how far we can come along as man?

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: Spendulus on October 16, 2015, 02:11:43 AM
Dyson Spere can be created by level 2 civilization and above. And that we see today happen 1500 years ago. Humans civilization is only level 0.1 - 0.2 .  We will be in trouble if they know we are here.

The variations in the stellar output that are the subject of this inquiry are indeed odd.  Intervals of variation in brightness of 22 and 14% for example.  Large amounts of light are being shielded.  This is not the work of typical planets, those being tiny compared to the output of a sun (yet we detect those small variations, and calculate orbit from dopplar effect, and mass of the planets). 

A gas cloud with an orbital periodicity could exist around a star for a period of time.  Lets say max a few thousand years.  Might be a few million years, many factors influence it.

The gas would aggregate, and either fall into a gravity well of a planet or form one.

This is evidence of "odd" but not exactly evidence of "et."

Now if the periodicity of the variations formed a code that enabled the unlocking of encrypted data streams in what was previously thought to be natural noise of the Hydrogen spectra from the vicinity of the star in question, why that's huge.

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: Gronthaing on October 16, 2015, 02:15:47 AM
Dyson Spere can be created by level 2 civilization and above. And that we see today happen 1500 years ago. Humans civilization is only level 0.1 - 0.2 .  We will be in trouble if they know we are here.

What do you mean "level 2" .. how would you go about grading the progress of a civilization, if we ourselves don't know how far we can come along as man?

He is talking about the Kardashev scale. it is based on how much energy a civilization can use. So a type 2 can use all the energy of their star. While we aren't even a type 1 yet.

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: StratusOakmont on October 16, 2015, 02:16:47 AM
Dyson Spere can be created by level 2 civilization and above. And that we see today happen 1500 years ago. Humans civilization is only level 0.1 - 0.2 .  We will be in trouble if they know we are here.

What do you mean "level 2" .. how would you go about grading the progress of a civilization, if we ourselves don't know how far we can come along as man?

Sorry for my mistake, humans currently at 0.74 level. It would takes 100 to 200 years to reach Level 1.

Type I

    "Technological level close to the level presently attained on earth, with energy consumption at ≈4×1019 erg/sec (4 × 1012 watts)."[1] Guillermo A. Lemarchand stated this as "A level near contemporary terrestrial civilization with an energy capability equivalent to the solar insolation on Earth, between 1016 and 1017 watts."[3]

Type II

    "A civilization capable of harnessing the energy radiated by its own star (for example, the stage of successful construction of a Dyson sphere), "with energy consumption at ≈4×1033 erg/sec."[1] Lemarchand stated this as "A civilization capable of utilizing and channeling the entire radiation output of its star. The energy utilization would then be comparable to the luminosity of our Sun, about 4×1033 erg/sec (4×1026 watts)."[3]

Type III

    "A civilization in possession of energy on the scale of its own galaxy, with energy consumption at ≈4×1044 erg/sec."[1] Lemarchand stated this as "A civilization with access to the power comparable to the luminosity of the entire Milky Way galaxy, about 4×1044 erg/sec (4×1037 watts)."[3]

Type IV

   Beings who can control or use the entire universe.

Type V

who control collections of universes. The power output of the visible universe is within a few orders of magnitude of 1045 W. Such a civilization approaches or surpasses the limits of speculation based on current scientific understanding, and may not be possible.

    Zoltán Galántai has argued that such a civilization could not be detected, as its activities would be indistinguishable from the workings of nature (there being nothing to compare them to).[23]

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: Spendulus on October 16, 2015, 11:35:47 AM
Dyson Spere can be created by level 2 civilization and above. And that we see today happen 1500 years ago. Humans civilization is only level 0.1 - 0.2 .  We will be in trouble if they know we are here.

What do you mean "level 2" .. how would you go about grading the progress of a civilization, if we ourselves don't know how far we can come along as man?

Sorry for my mistake, humans currently at 0.74 level. It would takes 100 to 200 years to reach Level 1.

Type I

    "Technological level close to the level presently attained on earth, with energy consumption at ≈4×1019 erg/sec (4 × 1012 watts)."[1] Guillermo A. Lemarchand stated this as "A level near contemporary terrestrial civilization with an energy capability equivalent to the solar insolation on Earth, between 1016 and 1017 watts."[3]

Type II

    "A civilization capable of harnessing the energy radiated by its own star (for example, the stage of successful construction of a Dyson sphere), "with energy consumption at ≈4×1033 erg/sec."[1] Lemarchand stated this as "A civilization capable of utilizing and channeling the entire radiation output of its star. The energy utilization would then be comparable to the luminosity of our Sun, about 4×1033 erg/sec (4×1026 watts)."[3]

Type III

    "A civilization in possession of energy on the scale of its own galaxy, with energy consumption at ≈4×1044 erg/sec."[1] Lemarchand stated this as "A civilization with access to the power comparable to the luminosity of the entire Milky Way galaxy, about 4×1044 erg/sec (4×1037 watts)."[3]

Type IV

   Beings who can control or use the entire universe.

Type V

who control collections of universes. The power output of the visible universe is within a few orders of magnitude of 1045 W. Such a civilization approaches or surpasses the limits of speculation based on current scientific understanding, and may not be possible.

    Zoltán Galántai has argued that such a civilization could not be detected, as its activities would be indistinguishable from the workings of nature (there being nothing to compare them to).[23]

I don't believe a Dyson sphere is capable of being built and maintained, physically.

Interesting concepts though.

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: subSTRATA on October 16, 2015, 12:05:33 PM
Dyson Spere can be created by level 2 civilization and above. And that we see today happen 1500 years ago. Humans civilization is only level 0.1 - 0.2 .  We will be in trouble if they know we are here.

What do you mean "level 2" .. how would you go about grading the progress of a civilization, if we ourselves don't know how far we can come along as man?

Sorry for my mistake, humans currently at 0.74 level. It would takes 100 to 200 years to reach Level 1.

Type I

    "Technological level close to the level presently attained on earth, with energy consumption at ≈4×1019 erg/sec (4 × 1012 watts)."[1] Guillermo A. Lemarchand stated this as "A level near contemporary terrestrial civilization with an energy capability equivalent to the solar insolation on Earth, between 1016 and 1017 watts."[3]

Type II

    "A civilization capable of harnessing the energy radiated by its own star (for example, the stage of successful construction of a Dyson sphere), "with energy consumption at ≈4×1033 erg/sec."[1] Lemarchand stated this as "A civilization capable of utilizing and channeling the entire radiation output of its star. The energy utilization would then be comparable to the luminosity of our Sun, about 4×1033 erg/sec (4×1026 watts)."[3]

Type III

    "A civilization in possession of energy on the scale of its own galaxy, with energy consumption at ≈4×1044 erg/sec."[1] Lemarchand stated this as "A civilization with access to the power comparable to the luminosity of the entire Milky Way galaxy, about 4×1044 erg/sec (4×1037 watts)."[3]

Type IV

   Beings who can control or use the entire universe.

Type V

who control collections of universes. The power output of the visible universe is within a few orders of magnitude of 1045 W. Such a civilization approaches or surpasses the limits of speculation based on current scientific understanding, and may not be possible.

    Zoltán Galántai has argued that such a civilization could not be detected, as its activities would be indistinguishable from the workings of nature (there being nothing to compare them to).[23]

I don't believe a Dyson sphere is capable of being built and maintained, physically.

Interesting concepts though.
not yet to out extent of knowledge at least. given a few hundred years into the future, im all for the possibilities of having something like this exist. now if the megastructure nasa found was indeed a dyson sphere the possibility of a type 3 civilization somewhere doesnt seem all too impossiible.

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: Gronthaing on October 18, 2015, 02:30:56 AM
Dyson Spere can be created by level 2 civilization and above. And that we see today happen 1500 years ago. Humans civilization is only level 0.1 - 0.2 .  We will be in trouble if they know we are here.

What do you mean "level 2" .. how would you go about grading the progress of a civilization, if we ourselves don't know how far we can come along as man?

Sorry for my mistake, humans currently at 0.74 level. It would takes 100 to 200 years to reach Level 1.

Type I

    "Technological level close to the level presently attained on earth, with energy consumption at ≈4×1019 erg/sec (4 × 1012 watts)."[1] Guillermo A. Lemarchand stated this as "A level near contemporary terrestrial civilization with an energy capability equivalent to the solar insolation on Earth, between 1016 and 1017 watts."[3]

Type II

    "A civilization capable of harnessing the energy radiated by its own star (for example, the stage of successful construction of a Dyson sphere), "with energy consumption at ≈4×1033 erg/sec."[1] Lemarchand stated this as "A civilization capable of utilizing and channeling the entire radiation output of its star. The energy utilization would then be comparable to the luminosity of our Sun, about 4×1033 erg/sec (4×1026 watts)."[3]

Type III

    "A civilization in possession of energy on the scale of its own galaxy, with energy consumption at ≈4×1044 erg/sec."[1] Lemarchand stated this as "A civilization with access to the power comparable to the luminosity of the entire Milky Way galaxy, about 4×1044 erg/sec (4×1037 watts)."[3]

Type IV

   Beings who can control or use the entire universe.

Type V

who control collections of universes. The power output of the visible universe is within a few orders of magnitude of 1045 W. Such a civilization approaches or surpasses the limits of speculation based on current scientific understanding, and may not be possible.

    Zoltán Galántai has argued that such a civilization could not be detected, as its activities would be indistinguishable from the workings of nature (there being nothing to compare them to).[23]

I don't believe a Dyson sphere is capable of being built and maintained, physically.

Interesting concepts though.

Why not? The idea of a completely solid shell maybe not. It could have too many problems and maybe not worth doing compared to other structures. But other types of dyson spheres are probably possible and not hard to maintain. Like the one dyson was originally talking about. Many independent segments around a star instead of a rigid shell.

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: christycalhoun on October 18, 2015, 03:33:50 AM
Do they have any images of this discovery available. I would need to see it to believe it.

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: d-trix on October 19, 2015, 12:29:14 AM
I really do believe that there are alien civilizations out there who are far more technologically advanced.

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: Spendulus on October 19, 2015, 01:02:26 AM
Dyson Spere can be created by level 2 civilization and above. And that we see today happen 1500 years ago. Humans civilization is only level 0.1 - 0.2 .  We will be in trouble if they know we are here.

What do you mean "level 2" .. how would you go about grading the progress of a civilization, if we ourselves don't know how far we can come along as man?

Sorry for my mistake, humans currently at 0.74 level. It would takes 100 to 200 years to reach Level 1.

Type I

    "Technological level close to the level presently attained on earth, with energy consumption at ≈4×1019 erg/sec (4 × 1012 watts)."[1] Guillermo A. Lemarchand stated this as "A level near contemporary terrestrial civilization with an energy capability equivalent to the solar insolation on Earth, between 1016 and 1017 watts."[3]

Type II

    "A civilization capable of harnessing the energy radiated by its own star (for example, the stage of successful construction of a Dyson sphere), "with energy consumption at ≈4×1033 erg/sec."[1] Lemarchand stated this as "A civilization capable of utilizing and channeling the entire radiation output of its star. The energy utilization would then be comparable to the luminosity of our Sun, about 4×1033 erg/sec (4×1026 watts)."[3]

Type III

    "A civilization in possession of energy on the scale of its own galaxy, with energy consumption at ≈4×1044 erg/sec."[1] Lemarchand stated this as "A civilization with access to the power comparable to the luminosity of the entire Milky Way galaxy, about 4×1044 erg/sec (4×1037 watts)."[3]

Type IV

   Beings who can control or use the entire universe.

Type V

who control collections of universes. The power output of the visible universe is within a few orders of magnitude of 1045 W. Such a civilization approaches or surpasses the limits of speculation based on current scientific understanding, and may not be possible.

    Zoltán Galántai has argued that such a civilization could not be detected, as its activities would be indistinguishable from the workings of nature (there being nothing to compare them to).[23]

I don't believe a Dyson sphere is capable of being built and maintained, physically.

Interesting concepts though.

Why not? The idea of a completely solid shell maybe not. It could have too many problems and maybe not worth doing compared to other structures. But other types of dyson spheres are probably possible and not hard to maintain. Like the one dyson was originally talking about. Many independent segments around a star instead of a rigid shell.
The one that dyson originally proposed is ridiculously unfeasible.  Large numbers of independent segments essentially work against each other's gravitational fields hence require energy inputs and propulsion to maintain their orbits.

Interestingly, the exact amount of energy for such offsets can be calculated at lest to a first approximation.  I doubt it would be a significant fraction of the solar output collected by the surfaces deployed in the orbits, but how would such thrust be done?

1.  Ion engines.  Really?  You are going to throw huge numbers of ions into the system, essentially gas it up?
2.  Chemical thrust.  Impossible, and worse than #1
3.  Some method we are currently not aware of.
4.  Solar sails?

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: StratusOakmont on October 19, 2015, 09:04:50 AM
We are like primitives compared to this advance aliens who may have evolve and build civilization million years ahead of us.

I'm sure we would have a hard time understanding their technologies much like the human primitives understanding our current technologies now.

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: Vod on October 19, 2015, 09:42:12 AM
We are like primitives compared to this advance aliens who may have evolve and build civilization million years ahead of us.

I doubt there are any civilizations that are millions of years ahead of us. 

They would eventually destroy themselves.  How would they get past AI?

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: anthonycamp on October 19, 2015, 09:47:27 AM
to say that mars was already habited i agreen but civilization died or go to other planet but to see civilizations into less tahn 1000 years light in planets it must be us to colonize.

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: subSTRATA on October 19, 2015, 09:51:41 AM
We are like primitives compared to this advance aliens who may have evolve and build civilization million years ahead of us.

I doubt there are any civilizations that are millions of years ahead of us. 

They would eventually destroy themselves.  How would they get past AI?
survival may be possible in a hivemind sort of civilization where free will doesnt exist, but rather the will of a central few. but i doubt it as well, if any civilization out there existed that were millions of years ahead of ours, they wouldve likely contacted us or tried (and succeeded) to exterminate us.

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: StratusOakmont on October 19, 2015, 09:54:05 AM
We are like primitives compared to this advance aliens who may have evolve and build civilization million years ahead of us.

I doubt there are any civilizations that are millions of years ahead of us.  

They would eventually destroy themselves.  How would they get past AI?

We actually don't know if they are AI themselves who takeover their creators.

Or the civilizations itself is like a big colony and acts like one super organism.

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: StratusOakmont on October 19, 2015, 10:01:19 AM
We are like primitives compared to this advance aliens who may have evolve and build civilization million years ahead of us.

I doubt there are any civilizations that are millions of years ahead of us.  

They would eventually destroy themselves.  How would they get past AI?
survival may be possible in a hivemind sort of civilization where free will doesnt exist, but rather the will of a central few. but i doubt it as well, if any civilization out there existed that were millions of years ahead of ours, they wouldve likely contacted us or tried (and succeeded) to exterminate us.

We would never know for sure. But what makes us so special out of 1 trillion planets in milky way galaxy alone. This is not include the other 100 billion galaxies.

Why they never contacted us?
1. The could be very far from us.
2. We don't know if they tried contacting us before. We just delevelop the capacity to read signals in just a century ago. This is like a pico second time lapse in the universe.
3. They  already controlling us without us knowing it.
4. They see us like ants not worthy of contacting.

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: subSTRATA on October 19, 2015, 10:07:08 AM
We are like primitives compared to this advance aliens who may have evolve and build civilization million years ahead of us.

I doubt there are any civilizations that are millions of years ahead of us. 

They would eventually destroy themselves.  How would they get past AI?
survival may be possible in a hivemind sort of civilization where free will doesnt exist, but rather the will of a central few. but i doubt it as well, if any civilization out there existed that were millions of years ahead of ours, they wouldve likely contacted us or tried (and succeeded) to exterminate us.

We would never know for sure. But what makes us so special out of 1 trillion planets in milky way galaxy alone. This is not include the other 100 billion galaxies.

Why they never contacted us?
1. The could be very far from us.
2. We don't know if they tried contacting us before. We just delevelop the capacity to read signals in just a century ago. This is like a pico second time lapse in the universe.
3. They  already controlling us without us knowing it.
4. They us like ants not worth of contacting.
for number 1, assuming the hypothetical civilization is indeed millions of years ahead of ours, i wouldnt expect distance to be an issue, assuming sci-fi style space travel was possible in this universe. as for number 1, if the civilization was indeed that advanced, contacting us shouldnt be a problem either with their vastly superior technology. nothing to say for statement 3, but for #4, its very possible they are merely observing us for now, judging weather we are worth contacting, or may be a future threat to their civilization.

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: StratusOakmont on October 19, 2015, 10:24:01 AM

We are like primitives compared to this advance aliens who may have evolve and build civilization million years ahead of us.

I doubt there are any civilizations that are millions of years ahead of us.  

They would eventually destroy themselves.  How would they get past AI?
survival may be possible in a hivemind sort of civilization where free will doesnt exist, but rather the will of a central few. but i doubt it as well, if any civilization out there existed that were millions of years ahead of ours, they wouldve likely contacted us or tried (and succeeded) to exterminate us.

We would never know for sure. But what makes us so special out of 1 trillion planets in milky way galaxy alone. This is not include the other 100 billion galaxies.

Why they never contacted us?
1. The could be very far from us.
2. We don't know if they tried contacting us before. We just delevelop the capacity to read signals in just a century ago. This is like a pico second time lapse in the universe.
3. They  already controlling us without us knowing it.
4. They us like ants not worth of contacting.
for number 1, assuming the hypothetical civilization is indeed millions of years ahead of ours, i wouldnt expect distance to be an issue, assuming sci-fi style space travel was possible in this universe. as for number 1, if the civilization was indeed that advanced, contacting us shouldnt be a problem either with their vastly superior technology. nothing to say for statement 3, but for #4, its very possible they are merely observing us for now, judging weather we are worth contacting, or may be a future threat to their civilization.

If Einstein is right that are no faster than light. The distance of this civilization is 1500 light years away. If they point their instruments now to our Solar System what they see is what happen 1500 years ago. We are still not emiting radio signals yet. No rockets, spaceship or satelites floating in space. We are still fighting with swords.  

If they are near level 2 civilization they are still begining exploring the other solar systems near them.

I assume life in the universe is common. Why they go to earth if there are other nearer million planets available.  

If they visit us and they insist they don't wan't to be seen. I'm sure they would be invisible to us. Their spaceship would be superstealthy and has cloaking device.

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: ridery99 on October 19, 2015, 02:07:46 PM
This kind of news shows how much NASA is lacking funds nowadays, it's sad really

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: Wilikon on October 19, 2015, 03:54:53 PM
This kind of news shows how much NASA is lacking funds nowadays, it's sad really

That is why it is time to switch to private companies and entrepreneurs... It will make everything faster, with less waste of money.

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: Tzupy on October 19, 2015, 05:52:47 PM
/start speculation
The "structures" are debris from a former planet, where the Rebel Alliance had it's base, which planet was recently blown up by the Death Star.
/ end speculation

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: Nobitcoin on October 19, 2015, 06:23:22 PM
Maybe its some weird time loop thing where we are watching ourselves landing on Mars in the future and seeing what is left of our civilization.

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: Spendulus on October 20, 2015, 11:40:54 AM

We are like primitives compared to this advance aliens who may have evolve and build civilization million years ahead of us.

I doubt there are any civilizations that are millions of years ahead of us.  

They would eventually destroy themselves.  How would they get past AI?
survival may be possible in a hivemind sort of civilization where free will doesnt exist, but rather the will of a central few. but i doubt it as well, if any civilization out there existed that were millions of years ahead of ours, they wouldve likely contacted us or tried (and succeeded) to exterminate us.

We would never know for sure. But what makes us so special out of 1 trillion planets in milky way galaxy alone. This is not include the other 100 billion galaxies.

Why they never contacted us?
1. The could be very far from us.
2. We don't know if they tried contacting us before. We just delevelop the capacity to read signals in just a century ago. This is like a pico second time lapse in the universe.
3. They  already controlling us without us knowing it.
4. They us like ants not worth of contacting.
for number 1, assuming the hypothetical civilization is indeed millions of years ahead of ours, i wouldnt expect distance to be an issue, assuming sci-fi style space travel was possible in this universe. as for number 1, if the civilization was indeed that advanced, contacting us shouldnt be a problem either with their vastly superior technology. nothing to say for statement 3, but for #4, its very possible they are merely observing us for now, judging weather we are worth contacting, or may be a future threat to their civilization.

If Einstein is right that are no faster than light. The distance of this civilization is 1500 light years away. If they point their instruments now to our Solar System what they see is what happen 1500 years ago. We are still not emiting radio signals yet. No rockets, spaceship or satelites floating in space. We are still fighting with swords.  

If they are near level 2 civilization they are still begining exploring the other solar systems near them.

I assume life in the universe is common. Why they go to earth if there are other nearer million planets available.  

If they visit us and they insist they don't wan't to be seen. I'm sure they would be invisible to us. Their spaceship would be superstealthy and has cloaking device.

The only purpose for capturing a significant part of the energy of a start would be some thing having to do with travel, or communication, across stellar sized distances.

There is nothing having to do with materials that can use such amounts of energy.  No industrial processes.

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: 1aguar on October 20, 2015, 08:40:42 PM
Why they never contacted us?
There has already been contact; I posted about it here in this thread. The CONTACT newspaper and Phoenix Journals are the record of that contact.

4. They see us like ants not worthy of contacting.
Since the record of the contact already exists, it is up to you to decide to read it; only you can choose if you think it is worth your time to "reach out and touch someone"--LIKE GOD.

#4, its very possible they are merely observing us for now, judging weather we are worth contacting, or may be a future threat to their civilization.

The planet has already received the contact and guidance that was sought, just as promised.

Please, read these messages and discern the validity of the information for yourself.

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: BADecker on October 20, 2015, 08:51:56 PM
Why they never contacted us?
There has already been contact; I posted about it here in this thread. The CONTACT newspaper and Phoenix Journals are the record of that contact.

4. They see us like ants not worthy of contacting.
Since the record of the contact already exists, it is up to you to decide to read it; only you can choose if you think it is worth your time to "reach out and touch someone"--LIKE GOD.

#4, its very possible they are merely observing us for now, judging weather we are worth contacting, or may be a future threat to their civilization.

The planet has already received the contact and guidance that was sought, just as promised.

Please, read these messages and discern the validity of the information for yourself.

The biggest problem with your idea of contact is, nobody can verify for a fact that any particular place is where the contact originated. Somebody might say that there is contact, somebody might say he/she received contact by automatic writing, somebody might say he she received contact while in a trance, but there isn't any verification.

Believe it if you want, but there isn't any independent verification of it. None of the scientific methods in existence can verify it. Chance are you or any of your cronies wouldn't get on the stand in a court of law and verify it under oath or affirmation.

In other words, even if it is true, nobody knows for sure.

As far as timing about the contact, it was coincidental. Give a monkey a typewriter, he's going to type a word sometime.


Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: Wilikon on October 20, 2015, 09:14:45 PM
Why they never contacted us?
There has already been contact; I posted about it here in this thread. The CONTACT newspaper and Phoenix Journals are the record of that contact.

4. They see us like ants not worthy of contacting.
Since the record of the contact already exists, it is up to you to decide to read it; only you can choose if you think it is worth your time to "reach out and touch someone"--LIKE GOD.

#4, its very possible they are merely observing us for now, judging weather we are worth contacting, or may be a future threat to their civilization.

The planet has already received the contact and guidance that was sought, just as promised.

Please, read these messages and discern the validity of the information for yourself.

The biggest problem with your idea of contact is, nobody can verify for a fact that any particular place is where the contact originated. Somebody might say that there is contact, somebody might say he/she received contact by automatic writing, somebody might say he she received contact while in a trance, but there isn't any verification.

Believe it if you want, but there isn't any independent verification of it. None of the scientific methods in existence can verify it. Chance are you or any of your cronies wouldn't get on the stand in a court of law and verify it under oath or affirmation.

In other words, even if it is true, nobody knows for sure.

As far as timing about the contact, it was coincidental. Give a monkey a typewriter, he's going to type a word sometime.


... Have some faith. Believe!
 :) ;)

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: BADecker on October 20, 2015, 09:31:13 PM
Why they never contacted us?
There has already been contact; I posted about it here in this thread. The CONTACT newspaper and Phoenix Journals are the record of that contact.

4. They see us like ants not worthy of contacting.
Since the record of the contact already exists, it is up to you to decide to read it; only you can choose if you think it is worth your time to "reach out and touch someone"--LIKE GOD.

#4, its very possible they are merely observing us for now, judging weather we are worth contacting, or may be a future threat to their civilization.

The planet has already received the contact and guidance that was sought, just as promised.

Please, read these messages and discern the validity of the information for yourself.

The biggest problem with your idea of contact is, nobody can verify for a fact that any particular place is where the contact originated. Somebody might say that there is contact, somebody might say he/she received contact by automatic writing, somebody might say he she received contact while in a trance, but there isn't any verification.

Believe it if you want, but there isn't any independent verification of it. None of the scientific methods in existence can verify it. Chance are you or any of your cronies wouldn't get on the stand in a court of law and verify it under oath or affirmation.

In other words, even if it is true, nobody knows for sure.

As far as timing about the contact, it was coincidental. Give a monkey a typewriter, he's going to type a word sometime.


... Have some faith. Believe!
 :) ;)

I am like that at times, as well. Sometimes people can't tell when I am being sarcastic and when I am not.


Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: Wilikon on January 25, 2016, 03:32:33 PM

That bizarre-looking star just got a lot weirder — and yes, it could be aliens

Three months ago, news broke that a giant "alien megastructure" could exist around a bizarre-looking star 1,500 light-years away.

While the prospect of aliens was first launched by Penn State astronomer Jason Wright, almost everyone in the astronomy community agreed that the chances that this was the case were "very low."

Now, the latest investigations into this strange star by Louisiana State University astronomer Bradley Schaefer have reignited the alien theory, New Scientist reported.

What makes this star, KIC8462852, so bizarre is the drastic changes in light we see from it over time. Many stars experience temporary fluctuations in brightness, increasing and decreasing in luminosity over time, but KIC8462852's changes are severe by comparison.

Between 2009 and 2013, astronomers using the Kepler space telescope discovered that it would sometimes lose up to 20% of its brightness. What's more, the changes didn't follow any obvious pattern.

That would suggest something gigantic must be blocking the light at random times, meaning that it couldn't be a planet or other regular orbiting object because that would generate a distinct pattern of dimming light. It must be something that changes shape over time, thereby blocking different levels of light at random intervals.

Surprise: It's probably not comets

An alien megastructure, called a Dyson swarm, was suggested as one explanation for what scientists have observed, but the most likely reason astronomers came up with was comets — a giant family of them.

But Shaefer says not so fast.

"The comet-family idea was reasonably put forth as the best of the proposals, even while acknowledging that they all were a poor lot," Schaefer told New Scientist. "But now we have a refutation of the idea, and indeed, of all published ideas."

To make his discovery, Schaefer had to dig deep down into the astronomy archives at Harvard. It turns out, astronomers have data on KIC8462852 dating back as far as 1890.

By analyzing over 1,200 measurements of this star's brightness taken from 1890 through 1989, Schaefer found that the irregular dimming of KIC8462852 has been going on for over 100 years. Schaefer published his findings in the online preprint server

What's more, he explains in his paper that this "century-long dimming trend requires an estimated 648,000 giant comets (each with 200 km diameter) all orchestrated to pass in front of the star within the last century," which he said is "completely implausible."

So what is it?

By killing the comet theory, Schaefer has brought us one step closer to finding out what is really happening around KIC8462852.

At the same time, he's also reignited the possibility that the source could be an alien megastructure that an advanced alien civilization has been slowly building over time. One thing's certain for Schaefer: The bizarre dimmings are probably caused by a single, physical mechanism that's undergoing some type of ongoing change.

"The century-long dimming and the day-long dips are both just extreme ends of a spectrum of timescales for unique dimming events, so by Ockham's Razor, all this is produced by one physical mechanism," Shaefer said in his paper. "This one mechanism does not appear as any isolated catastrophic event in the last century, but rather must be some ongoing process with continuous effects."

Schaefer isn't the only one interested in learning more about KIC8462852. Late last year, astronomer Doug Vakoch and his team at the new organization called SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) International — not to be confused with the SETI Institute — went hunting for aliens around KIC8462852.

They searched for signals that an alien civilization might be beaming toward Earth either in radio or visible wavelengths, but ultimately they came up empty handed. So, if it is aliens, then they're being awfully quiet.

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: BADecker on January 25, 2016, 03:46:04 PM
The so-called rivers on Mars, might resemble rivers. They might have some similarity to water flowing. But they have many differences as well. The thing that the Martian rivers match perfectly is, electric plasma arc channels.

NASA isn't telling us the truth. Why? Who knows. Perhaps it has to do with all the scientific theories about Mars that might go down the drain. Perhaps NASA doesn't want people to even start thinking in the direction of an electric cosmos for the same reason extended to astronomy physics in general -

But here is a video that shows clearly that the rivers on Mars were created by electric arc action caused by static electricity dissipation in a near-planet fly-by -

There are other videos that express the same.


Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: BADecker on January 25, 2016, 04:00:17 PM
The so-called rivers on Mars, might resemble rivers. They might have some similarity to water flowing. But they have many differences as well. The thing that the Martian rivers match perfectly is, electric plasma arc channels.

NASA isn't telling us the truth. Why? Who knows. Perhaps it has to do with all the scientific theories about Mars that might go down the drain. Perhaps NASA doesn't want people to even start thinking in the direction of an electric cosmos for the same reason extended to astronomy physics in general -

But here is a video that shows clearly that the rivers on Mars were created by electric arc action caused by static electricity dissipation in a near-planet fly-by -

There are other videos that express the same.


Oh, Btw, the earth is similar in some geology to Mars. For example, what would the Grand Canyon look like if there had been no erosion? Here is a video that suggests that it would look like an electric arc channel.


Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: Spendulus on January 25, 2016, 04:21:58 PM
We are like primitives compared to this advance aliens who may have evolve and build civilization million years ahead of us.

I doubt there are any civilizations that are millions of years ahead of us. 

They would eventually destroy themselves.  How would they get past AI?
All AI built must have a weakness.

Doesn't matter what, could be beer.

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: Wilikon on January 25, 2016, 04:36:05 PM
We are like primitives compared to this advance aliens who may have evolve and build civilization million years ahead of us.

I doubt there are any civilizations that are millions of years ahead of us. 

They would eventually destroy themselves.  How would they get past AI?
All AI built must have a weakness.

Doesn't matter what, could be beer.

Even with quantum neural networks, built from artificially grown diamonds ...?

Yeah, maybe...

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: BADecker on January 25, 2016, 04:50:46 PM
We are like primitives compared to this advance aliens who may have evolve and build civilization million years ahead of us.

I doubt there are any civilizations that are millions of years ahead of us.  

They would eventually destroy themselves.  How would they get past AI?
All AI built must have a weakness.

Doesn't matter what, could be beer.

Even with quantum neural networks, built from artificially grown diamonds ...?

Yeah, maybe...

Well of course... since the only practical AI that is around is built by God... namely people.

But look at those prices. No wonder I don't drink.


Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: eon89 on January 25, 2016, 04:59:16 PM
Those are alien prices. Not normal human, earth-like prices. That's why you're confused. It'll pass.

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: Wilikon on January 25, 2016, 06:41:34 PM
Those are alien prices. Not normal human, earth-like prices. That's why you're confused. It'll pass.

Beer prices are relative in the grand scheme of the event horizon, when you take the time to think about it for a second. The memory of the night becomes a black hole when you wake up the next morning anyway...

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: eon89 on January 26, 2016, 01:19:59 AM
Water on Mars? Bleh. Call me when they discover beer on Mars. Or turn that water into wine - either one will do.

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: Wilikon on January 26, 2016, 02:30:40 AM
Water on Mars? Bleh. Call me when they discover beer on Mars. Or turn that water into wine - either one will do.

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: eon89 on January 26, 2016, 02:38:05 AM
Hahaha! That's the bomb! Thanks! You made my day!

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: Dahhi on April 21, 2016, 07:10:42 PM
There are aliens out there, just as there are on Earth.... but they are much smaller than we think. Please stop dreaming in cloud cuckoo land and get back to the real world. Doing our bit for the country is much more important than gazing into space blankly.

You never know when they will crash in on you unexpectedly. Another advantage of space exploration is that you get to mine metals in their pure form from those asteroids floating aimlessly about.

Title: Re: Water on Mars? Bleh. Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures'
Post by: Wilikon on April 22, 2016, 02:46:16 AM
There are aliens out there, just as there are on Earth.... but they are much smaller than we think. Please stop dreaming in cloud cuckoo land and get back to the real world. Doing our bit for the country is much more important than gazing into space blankly.

You never know when they will crash in on you unexpectedly. Another advantage of space exploration is that you get to mine metals in their pure form from those asteroids floating aimlessly about.