Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: tjohej on October 28, 2012, 09:19:29 AM

Title: Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?
Post by: tjohej on October 28, 2012, 09:19:29 AM
List of companies that have contributed to the bundles over the months/years and their stance:
Capybara Games, 2013-01-18, "Unfortunately we do not accept Bitcoin as payment."

I don't have any Humble Indie Bundles at all and I thought of one use case of using Bitcoin to buy them, or at least HIB6 which got Torchlight and Rochard.
I'm on linux(Ubuntu) and I would like HIB6 for that system. I don't know if anyone is selling but why don't you add a comment if you've bought the humble indie bundle or if you want to sell one? If this is not the right place just add a comment if you are interested in buying the HIB with bitcoins and we can see how many we are...

Editing this post with the idea to put links to past bundles and if any game dev was interested:
  • The Humble Bundle Mojam 2
  • Humble Bundle with Android 5

Title: Re: Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?
Post by: Stephen Gornick on October 28, 2012, 05:43:03 PM
add a comment if you are interested in buying the HIB with bitcoins and we can see how many we are...


Quote from: Eric Samuel on November 30 2011
Hey there,

At this time Bitcoin still is not an option, and we have no timeframe nor a commitment to make it happen. There are numerous issues to factor in.

Thank you for your continued support,

Eric Samuel
Support Ninja Master
Humble Bundle, Inc.

Though it wouldn't hurt to remind them of their options (like to add as one of the many payment processors they use).

Please contact us with any comments or questions. We love hearing from people!

They know the existing payment options they provide are not ideal:

I got charged twice for one bundle!

My Prepaid/Gift Card won't work


Title: Re: Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?
Post by: Ranguvar on October 28, 2012, 07:42:23 PM
HIB has an awesome, flexible payment processing, I think that if they add BitPay or similar, other companies might consider following. Good stuff.

Title: Re: Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?
Post by: tjohej on October 29, 2012, 01:04:52 PM
Reading at I got inspired to contact(I sent them an email) the Humble Bundle team to say that my intention is still the same. I will donate/buy with Bitcoins only regarding the HIB.

I also added the hints of the two basic core technologies that Bitcoin is made up of: Public key cryptography and something like hashcash(I forgot to refer to it as "Proof of Work", argh). Anyway I'm not expecting this to make any difference but at least they got +1 email from some user at bitcointalk that they wish to purchase HIB with Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?
Post by: Stephen Gornick on October 29, 2012, 04:13:16 PM
at least they got +1 email from some user at bitcointalk that they wish to purchase HIB with Bitcoin.

Every avalanche starts with a snowflake.

Title: Re: Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?
Post by: enkrates on October 30, 2012, 05:59:06 PM
I think bitcoin and HIB are a perfect match...except that they are in the business of helping game makers make a living, not in opening up new monetary trails. I would expect HIB to be one of the last groups to accept bitcoin, rather than one of the first.

Title: Re: Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?
Post by: tjohej on November 07, 2012, 01:52:16 PM
I'm having a hard time navigating interesting stuff regarding ppl trading HIB for Bitcoin. I'll also try to list threads which are "dead ends" which have not developed for one reason or the other. People who act as middlemen/"middlewomen" for a purchase have so far been found under the "scams" section, let's hope the scams stop or somethin'. Just saving and I'm hoping for an update when I know more.

Multiple bundles:
by Lumpy "[WTS] Nearly complete HIB Collection, Six Indie Royale Bundles, Portal 1 and 2"
by Bananington "[WTS] Humble Bundles for 0.6BTC each!/Steam Keys"

Humble Bundle for Android(Released Jan 31, 2012)
by Qoheleth

Humble Indie Bundle 6(Released Sep 18, 2012)
by Mr. Coinman "Humble Indie Bundle 6 Steam Key"

Humble Indie Bundle 7(Released Dec 19, 2012)
CLOSED in marketplace by vuce "[CLOSED] Humble Indie Bundle 7"

'dead ends':
by corvid "Successful purchase of Humble Bundle V from Qoheleth"
by corvid "Successful transaction with Qoheleth"

by crusadar "Humble Bundle Embezzlement"
by SHlFT "Want a HumbleBundle?! Buy with Bitcoins!"
Also, I'm considering doing a donation of the least amount of USD/EUR in disapproval of HIB not yet accepting Bitcoin. I'm considering to also send them an email explaining my position without expecting a reply, just explaining why I'll give them the least amount for HIB7(if it gets released).

Some user here I've read will boycott HIB completely but I think it's best to do some kind of action and donating the least amount will give them a strong message(even if it doesn't I don't care, their loss!) instead of just not doing anything. In all instances I'll of course notify them of my thinking and explanations of why Bitcoin and cryptocurrency really is something to accept.

Title: Re: Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?
Post by: Kazimir on November 07, 2012, 03:16:25 PM
Also, I'm considering doing a donation of the least amount of USD/EUR in disapproval of HIB not yet accepting Bitcoin. I'm considering to also send them an email explaining my position without expecting a reply, just explaining why I'll give them the least amount for HIB7(if it gets released).

Some user here I've read will boycott HIB completely but I think it's best to do some kind of action and donating the least amount will give them a strong message(even if it doesn't I don't care, their loss!) instead of just not doing anything. In all instances I'll of course notify them of my thinking and explanations of why Bitcoin and cryptocurrency really is something to accept.
Hey, that's not a bad idea at all.

I really do like the Humble Indie Bundle concept, and have supported them in the past by buying bundles for a good price. But I hate the fact that they still don't accept Bitcoin and only work with malicious companies like PayPal. I too have been in touch with them requesting for Bitcoin support, and got the same answer as mentioned before.

Next time I will buy the bundle for an absolute minimum payment in USD (like 0.01$ or whatever is their bottom price), and then send a followup mail that if they publish their Bitcoin address, I will be happy to pay a few BTC on top of that. But BTC only, NO € or $ or £ or other spoofed fiat money.

Title: Re: Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?
Post by: tjohej on November 13, 2012, 05:21:54 PM
This is what I sent the Humble indie Bundle team through email after buying the "Humble Bundle for Android 4" for 0.01 USD:
Subject: I donated 0.01 USD - I want to explain why

This is about Bitcoin and why I donated 0.01 USD. I'll try to keep it short.

I opened a thread on at with title "Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?". The reason I opened it was to discover if people were buying bundles but also would wish you to support donations in Bitcoins.
I communicated with someone who didn't want to buy any bundle any more because you don't support Bitcoin. I personally think it's better to do something than nothing, so I really donated 0.01 USD to show symbolically "please let me donate in Bitcoins".
There is 1 BTC waiting for you in my digital wallet. 1 BTC is valued at around 11(10.8-10.9 USD to be more exact) USD at the moment.

Now to be frank and honest I would want you to understand Bitcoin before accepting it. I can help you understand Bitcoin but that requires that you show interest. I know 2 core technologies Proof of Work and Public key cryptography that are a part of Bitcoin. These technologies have existed in theory for more than 25 years since at least 1982(only theory), but it was only in 2008 that the instructions how such a system is possible in practice were published, the double spend problem was finally solved, read more at In 2009 software was published that showed Bitcoin in practice, and it proved that such a system works in real life.

Also if you do send a reply(the last email I sent I got no reply to, maybe the email was lost?) can I post it on the thread on bitcointalk that I opened? I know that emails are personal or confidential so that's why I'm asking.

Best wishes

Title: Re: Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?
Post by: tjohej on November 14, 2012, 04:17:56 PM
I'm contacting developers of the various games that are part of the bundle(but only games that I like and that DON'T crash for me on linux) to get out the message that there is 1 BTC(~10.90 USD) waiting for them as my appreciation of their work. For the moment my focus is on the EufloriaHD game.

Title: Re: Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?
Post by: tjohej on November 15, 2012, 05:02:49 PM
Got a reply from someone at Humble Bundle and they said that they like Bitcoin and would like to accept it but because they contacted the EFF legal team they hesitate to get involved yet. They also said they are looking at working with Bitcoin startups and will be trying to learn more about Bitcoin in the future.

Note:I got no comments if I can publish the message they sent me nor any comment on my thread(this one!) here on bitcointalk. Still I have the feeling that if more people make a "boycott of the USD, EUR etc etc." when getting bundles by giving 0.01 USD as a donation, this may get noticed and ultimately Humble Bundle's interest may grow to start accepting Bitcoin.
Ontopic advertisement note: The Humble Bundle ends in about 7 days!

Title: Re: Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?
Post by: pinnpe on November 15, 2012, 11:01:39 PM
Hi doesn't accept bitcoins
they seem to be afraid of it

I send them an email a few months ago and they replied that they
only used the payment methods currently available.

For the future check out Coinlab ( for bitcoin related games

Title: Re: Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?
Post by: tjohej on November 16, 2012, 11:45:07 PM
A little news: Some games got added to the bundle I already purchased today: Avadon: The Black Fortress, Canabalt, Cogs, Swords & Soldiers HD and Zen Bound 2. These games shouldn't have appeared as they show that one must pay above the average, although I don't feel that applies to me because I was and am ready to send them my 1 BTC once they open up donations in BTC.

For the future check out Coinlab ( for bitcoin related games
Right, but that's clearly offtopic...This is what an employee of Humble Bundle inc. told me:
"We like BitCoin and would love to accept it, but after contacting the EFF" and you know how it goes. Let's show 'em we do care.

You know what? Join this campaign, all of you who like the Humble Bundle purchase it for 0.01 USD. Do what I did, I sent them an email explaining why I did so and also put a link to this thread.
If you send them dollars then maybe that proves you don't care enough and you are just "bought in" to the dollar.
Instead boycott(!) the dollar by sending minimum amounts (ie 0.01 USD) and link to this thread. Do what I did or do it your way, as long as you boycott USD, EUR etc. and ask them to support Bitcoin.
If they get enough of 0.01 USD's they'll soon know what they are losing out on when not accepting BTCs.

You may be discouraged, but think like this:
Q1: 10 users 0.01 USD, Q2: 100 users 0.01 USD, Q3: 1000 users 0.01 USD. Of course we may be masked by all those who don't want to give more than one penny, but HIB should know that accepting Bitcoin will give them huge incomes, no kidding because from that day I'll be thinking about what I owe them in Bitcoin(for bundles I gave 0.01 USD) and since I'm a linux user they should expect about double the average. I may not keep my 'personal debt' eternally but for at least the last 4-5 bundles, that's the plan.

Title: Re: Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?
Post by: Stephen Gornick on November 17, 2012, 09:50:48 PM
If they get enough of 0.01 USD's they'll soon know what they are losing out on when not accepting BTCs.

Or someone could sell Humble Bundle giftcodes for bitcoins:

To give the bundle as a gift for someone else, just make sure this checkbox is checked and enter <b>your own email</b> as you normally would.  You will be emailed a special gift URL that you can give to the recipient, which will let them retrieve the content at any time.  There is no time limit on your gift.

Do what I did, I sent them an email

And then that seller can share with HB the volume of giftcodes which where paid for in bitcoins and show that even in this roundabout way there are bitcoins that want to buy Humble bundles.

Let's see if things change now after WordPress is onboard.   It really makes taking the EFF's stance look foolish now.

Title: Re: Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?
Post by: tjohej on November 23, 2012, 07:28:37 PM
Just adding that The Humble Bundle for Android 4 is over. I had thought about buying some extra "gifts" but well it only stayed as an idea. Maybe next time.

I contacted the people behind many games that were released in the bundle but I got no reply on their stance of me wishing to donate some Bitcoins...well it's their loss after all. I contacted at least the makers of Eufloria and Waking Mars. Still I enjoyed some of the games.
My favourite is I think Waking Mars, which also is a pretty stable game on linux(doesn't crash much often). This game reminds me somewhat about Aquaria in the physics and graphics aspect. Then there's the game Eufloria which also is pretty stable. A fun strategy game, but maybe a bit too challenging at times. It sure has it's beauty.

Title: Re: Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?
Post by: Kris on December 02, 2012, 01:33:22 PM
You might be interested in this.

Title: Re: Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?
Post by: prezbo on December 02, 2012, 02:28:23 PM
You might be interested in this.

Wow, this is excellent. Thanks for this. Will this also be in place for future humble bundles?

Title: Re: Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?
Post by: Kazimir on December 02, 2012, 07:24:23 PM
A while ago I said:
Next time I will buy the bundle for an absolute minimum payment in USD (like 0.01$ or whatever is their bottom price), and then send a followup mail that if they publish their Bitcoin address, I will be happy to pay a few BTC on top of that. But BTC only, NO € or $ or £ or other spoofed fiat money.
And so I just did.

I appreciate WalletBit's initiative, and I hope it helps getting them to accept Bitcoin (and increase global acceptance of Bitcoin in general). But personally I prefer to send a more direct message and incentive to Humble Bundle.

So $1.00 it is, and eager to add some $25 or whatever IN BITCOINS, as soon as they publicly accept it.

If anyone from Humble Bundle is reading this: please, give Bitcoin another thought. It's good for everybody (except banks/paypal/visa/mastercard and oppressing governments). It's free, fair, safe, simple, open, independent, and unlike euros and dollars it doesn't suffer from fraud, manipulation or forgery. Thanks for your consideration.

Title: Re: Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?
Post by: Kris on December 03, 2012, 04:33:29 AM
You might be interested in this.

Wow, this is excellent. Thanks for this. Will this also be in place for future humble bundles?

If this bear fruition, yes.

Title: Re: Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?
Post by: tjohej on January 01, 2013, 02:31:08 AM
Regarding "Humble Bundle for Android 4" I contacted AA, a developer of Eufloria and I was asked if I would still like to give 1 Bitcoin(I had offered in a previous email to give a Bitcoin) as he would like to give Bitcoin a try. That's freakin awesome that somebody of a game of the bundle is interested, though he said he's not ready yet to spend time trying Bitcoin out as he's helping in porting Eufloria to Android.

I donated the same amount 0.01 USD for the latest bundle(HIB7 which will end in about ~45 hours). I want direct support or at least support from game devs of some of the bundle's games.(see above)
I didn't post the 'official standpoint' so here are parts of the reply I got for HIB4(Android):
The EFF has a great statement on BitCoin that closely follows our feelings toward BitCoin, which is available here:

We like BitCoin and would love to accept it, but after contacting the EFF and a lawyer specializing in this sort of thing, we are not comfortable with the plethora of untested issues and legal traps, which would be a major distraction for us. We have been in contact with a number of bitcoin startups, and will be monitoring the landscape carefully.
Ok there's the official message. I'm continuing my 0.01 USD donation. The people I contact when I offer my Bitcoins are the developers of games(which I like!) which are made available through the bundle.

I had mentioned earlier about from the moment they accept Bitcoin I will give them lots of money. I take that back actually as I try to contact individual developers of the games that they release, and give them the Bitcoins and in that way I feel I've "paid my debt", so this idea of being in debt is no longer an issue for me. Of course once they start accepting Bitcoin I'll buy the bundles from them and stop this kind of "1 cent USD boycott".

Title: HIB4FA and HIB 7 status
Post by: tjohej on January 10, 2013, 11:02:52 PM
For Humble Indie Bundle 7 I once again boycotted the USD, but today I contacted Nicalis who made Cave Story+(a great retro style game which I quite enjoy!) and told them that I like their game and that 1 Bitcoin will go to them if they're interested.
So for
HIB4FA: 0.01 USD and 1 BTC for Eufloria devs(Thx for a great game!)
HIB7: 0.01 USD. No BTC takers! Fine with me, I've donated my bitcoin elsewhere, actually to a free open source game which had nothing to do with the bundle, though it had to do 100% with indie game developers  :D

Anyone else had any luck contacting any game devs of the Humble Indie Bundles?

Title: More on Cave Story+ and one more message to Humble Bundle inc.
Post by: tjohej on January 13, 2013, 01:51:44 PM
I continue playing Cave Story+. No word from Nicalis, now I contact Pixel, Cave Story's Developer.
Subject: I have 1 Bitcoin for you if you want it for your work on Cave Story+
Message: Thx for your great game cave story+ is my favourite in HIB7! I have 1
BTC for you for my appreciation if you want it.
1 BTC is ~1295 JPY and around ~13-14 USD and ~10-11 Euro.
I appreciate this game which was part of HIB7.

Now I sent another message to Humble Bundle inc.
Message: Thanks for your reply. I thank you for providing your/Humble Bundle inc's view on the matter. As a way to not let my donation stay at 0.01 USD and 0.00 BTC I try to contact developers of games which are part of HIB who may consider accepting my Bitcoins.
I had a positive response from one of the Eufloria developers but they have not yet requested the BTC, and I understand both your concern and anyone else's who is not too familiar with this simple pairing of two old technologies that were invented before year 2000, into one which is today known since 2009 as Bitcoin. Bitcoin is in its core a pair of numbers in reality, which people through the use of Bitcoin software find valuable. If that is considered a crime, counting from 1 to 10 could as well be considered a crime.

I'm not expecting you to accept Bitcoin but as it is now ,and it is unfortunate as I would like to give parts of what I share to Eufloria developers and others, I can only donate to you in this small symbolic amount. I thank you for your efforts and if anyone of you would like to try Bitcoin out I am ready to send you some amount for you to experiment with.
So in short I explain why my amount will stay at symbolic 0.01 USD and also my own willingness to help them learn about Bitcoin if they so want to try it out some time. Though I added some stuff about counting from 1 to 10 in the last minute and I quite regret it now, but done is done, damn.

Title: Good news! (Don't get excited yet, because HiB inc is not yet accepting...)
Post by: tjohej on January 15, 2013, 06:44:16 AM
We’re anticipating the future of BitCoin and are open to considering it as a payment method for future bundles, but are currently holding off until they become a little more established. We’re keeping our eye on Bitcoin though!

Thank you for your support,
We understand each other now. Great! I need to send them no more e-mails now  ;D

I did good in contacting the indie game devs and artists who contribute to HiB(that could help in getting Bitcoin more well known  ;)). Recently I've contacted an artist(of Swords & Sworcery), who is interested in the idea though will research how Bitcoin works first before he gives it a chance.

Swords & Sworcery queried. capybaragames reply was
Unfortunately we do not accept Bitcoin as payment

Title: Re: Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?
Post by: b!z on January 15, 2013, 12:29:16 PM
Some people sell bundle keys for Bitcoin in the Marketplace.

Title: Re: Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?
Post by: tjohej on January 20, 2013, 11:43:43 AM
Some people sell bundle keys for Bitcoin in the Marketplace.
At "[CLOSED] Humble Indie Bundle 7" vuce wanted to buy 3 bundles for Bitcoin through chris200x9 by paying 3*6.53*1.2 = 23.508$ = 1.77BTC.

That means vuce pays a 20% fee to chris200x9 for the effort and service of being the middleperson for the purchase, thus paying 1.77BTC. Though if it was done today it would be 1.5BTC since you pay more dollars for Bitcoin at this moment.
I would do something similar if it wasn't for the change of tactic that I've begun to employ.

Title: Re: Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?
Post by: tjohej on January 20, 2013, 10:39:45 PM
Klei Entertainment who made Shank 2 in HiB7 favourited a tweet where I offered 1BTC. This doesn't necessarily mean anything, and the tweet is only about 3 hours old, so I'll wait and see if they want my BTC.
@klei Thanks for your game #Shank2. I got it through #HiB7. I have 1 #Bitcoin for you if you want it. If you want it just say so.

Title: Re: Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?
Post by: tjohej on January 22, 2013, 05:19:07 PM
Since Jan 13 I've contacted some indie game developers of HiB7, offering 1 BTC. No great interest, the most positive response I got was from Shank 2 developers, who took my tweet as rather flattering. That's good. When they ask for the BTC I promised they'll have them, but for my donation total for HiB7 not to stay on 0.01 USD, I've donated my 1 BTC somewhere.

I've given 1BTC to DreadKnight to fix the shield found here for the game flarerpg. It's not 100% certain that improved art will get into the game but I'm happy all the same that some new art has been added. Here's the art All(there's actually only a buckler) of it is under CC0 if it makes any difference.

Will be interesting when HiB8 comes out...

Title: Re: Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?
Post by: tjohej on February 23, 2013, 01:13:07 AM
This is a general thing for companies why they may not consider BTC. The simplicity lies in that they can't purchase services that they are interested in. Let's take hosting. Hosting the games on costs money for bandwidth. Let's assume that the company the HiB inc pays doesn't accept BTC.

Now something more real and serious: Let us assume that the game devs of the games included in the bundles don't use Bitcoin. Hey, HiB inc could pay them in Bitcoin, I don't say that would make it final so that would make them switch instantly but it's a helping thing.

Now you may see why I think it makes sense contacting the game devs contributing to the bundles. Just a little insight  :D  8)

Title: Re: Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?
Post by: tjohej on April 02, 2013, 10:03:47 PM
Update: I've finally sent the payment/donation to Alex Amsel who contributed to the game Eufloria. Not 1BTC as I don't have one. So what I donated was 0.18BTC, that's pretty much by today's Bitcoin buy/sell "standards".(not really a "standard" since this freakin standard changes like every half minute!  :D)

This is the public address of Alex Amsel

This is the first game dev that I know of that contributed to a game(EufloriaHD) in the humble bundle, Humble Indie Bundle for Android 4, that accepted my donation in BTC. This for now, I can add that Alex was enthusiastic about the 'pay what you want' model for Bitcoin, though it will remain to be seen if this is just a wish or if it could be realized.

If Humble Bundle inc. starts accepting BTC officially then the problem will of course be solved  ;D