Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Micro Earnings => Topic started by: misterbit on October 16, 2015, 04:49:41 PM

Title: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: misterbit on October 16, 2015, 04:49:41 PM
Hi, I think that owners of faucets that are one of the things that do not hurt are the use of proxies, as yesterday looking for and looking for found this site that helps us quite the truth.

It is insert this code at the top of the index.php of the template we are using.

Where $contactEmail="Your mail";

Then where <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" Content="0; URL=web.html"> web.html is a text file that is made with Notepad and we put inside for example (It appears you're a Proxy / VPN / bad IP, please contact [Your mail] for more information) and we got it to the main directory where you will find the config.php.

This is what makes redirect proxies to web.html visits

Sorry the code is incomplete, go to github
* A PHP function that interacts with to look up an IP address
* returns TRUE if the IP returns a value greater than $banOnProability,
* FALSE otherwise, including errors
* HTTP error codes are NOT explicitly implemented here
* This should be used as a guide, be sure to edit and test it before using it in production

* MIT License

//function requires curl
function checkProxy($ip){
$contactEmail="Your mail";
$timeout=3//by default, wait no longer than 3 secs for a response
$banOnProability=0.99//if getIPIntel returns a value higher than this, function returns true, set to 0.99 by default

//init and set cURL options
$ch curl_init();

//if you're using custom flags (like flags=m), change the URL below
curl_setopt($chCURLOPT_URL"http[Suspicious link removed]c($ch);


if (
$response > $banOnProability) {
return true;
} else {
if (
$response < 0 || strcmp($response, "") == 0 ) {
//The server returned an error, you might want to do something
//like write to a log file or email yourself
//This could be true due to an invalid input or you've exceeded
//the number of allowed queries. Figure out why this is happening
//because you aren't protected by the system anymore
return false;


if (checkProxy(
$ip)) {
/* A proxy has been detected based on your criteria
 * Do whatever you want to here
Refresh" Content="0URL=web.html">';    


I am new to this scene so they will be welcomed the recommendations and suggestions, sorry for my language, I am Spanish.



Another way to block proxies

Put this in your .htaccess, remove RewriteEngine on in the event that already is in the .htaccess

RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{HTTP:VIA} !^$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP:FORWARDED} !^$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP:USERAGENT_VIA} !^$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X_FORWARDED_FOR} !^$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP:HTTP_PC_REMOTE_ADDR} !^$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP:HTTP_CLIENT_IP} !^$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ – [F]

Then in the index.php of the template on <!DOCTYPE html>

<?php if(@fsockopen($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 80$errstr$errno1))
"Here a message, for example prohibited use proxies");



Friends I am new and I don't know much php only try to help us all, sorry for my mistakes.

By the way I sell advertising space on my website I would be helpful

Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: misterbit on October 16, 2015, 05:43:29 PM
Updated the tutorial.

Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: examplens on October 16, 2015, 06:21:18 PM
Nice work sir, thanks for the idea of where to start with this faith. will be good to get more people involved in this project

Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: misterbit on October 16, 2015, 06:23:40 PM
Yes thank you, and really works look for proxies online and you will see ;)

Nice work sir, thanks for the idea of where to start with this faith. will be good to get more people involved in this project

Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: wuasax on October 17, 2015, 04:12:11 AM
misterbit can help me to put that code in my web? disculpa mi ingles es malisimo pero me ayudarias a colocar ese codigo en mi pagina?

Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: misterbit on October 17, 2015, 06:27:47 AM
Send me private message that the Forum is in English
misterbit can help me to put that code in my web? disculpa mi ingles es malisimo pero me ayudarias a colocar ese codigo en mi pagina?

Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: misterbit on October 17, 2015, 06:48:54 AM
Thank you friend for taking the time to help us, I'm not at all an expert on codes or php, the problem is that we are suffering a continuous attack bots and I was just looking for a solution to the problem.

Hi there, I'd like to correct some misconceptions from OP's post. don't specifically look for countries like Brazil, the machine learning algorithm does not care what the ISP name is, where it's registered, or the country origin because they can be changed with a simple SWIP request. The algorithm looks at more technical details about a particular IP & details that can't be changed easily.

I looked at the .htaccess file and I can it appears a noticeable amount are not proxies. Some IP addresses aren't even route-able (via the public internet) as of this post. Here's a list of them:
Code: : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3

If you traceroute any of these IPs, you'll see it'll be dropped by your ISP because there's no BGP sessions for these IP addresses. Note that as this post ages, it might change but as of now, they are not route-able.

Some of the IPs I've looked at your list aren't from Brazil. Some seems like residential ADSL+ lines. Some IPs return a value >= 0.99 but it's still in the list. So from what I gather, the .htaccess file is an old list of abusers you've encountered in the past and it was your attempt to block them. Thus, adding the .htaccess file does not necessarily complement proxy detection in a general sense.

I'd like to add that if you exceed the amount of queries per minute, your site will no longer be protected. People that exceed the query limit on a daily basis and failure to correct it could result in a ban where the system returns "-5" for all queries. I do try to send a courtesy email to the contact address but this is not guaranteed.

This is why I have a section that says

//The server returned an error, you might want to do something

You should definitely take action when this happens because the assumption that you are still protected is false. It's also bad for me too because people start to think the website isn't accurate or doesn't work, which is not true. If the error handling section is not filled out, it's bad for both me and the user.


Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: misterbit on October 17, 2015, 07:03:58 AM
I have decided to remove the ips of the htaccess since I found it on the net and am not sure that they are not real people as you say.
What do you think we should do to protect ourselves?
Thank you very much for your help.
Hi there, I'd like to correct some misconceptions from OP's post. don't specifically look for countries like Brazil, the machine learning algorithm does not care what the ISP name is, where it's registered, or the country origin because they can be changed with a simple SWIP request. The algorithm looks at more technical details about a particular IP & details that can't be changed easily.

I looked at the .htaccess file and I can it appears a noticeable amount are not proxies. Some IP addresses aren't even route-able (via the public internet) as of this post. Here's a list of them:
Code: : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3 : -3

If you traceroute any of these IPs, you'll see it'll be dropped by your ISP because there's no BGP sessions for these IP addresses. Note that as this post ages, it might change but as of now, they are not route-able.

Some of the IPs I've looked at your list aren't from Brazil. Some seems like residential ADSL+ lines. Some IPs return a value >= 0.99 but it's still in the list. So from what I gather, the .htaccess file is an old list of abusers you've encountered in the past and it was your attempt to block them. Thus, adding the .htaccess file does not necessarily complement proxy detection in a general sense.

I'd like to add that if you exceed the amount of queries per minute, your site will no longer be protected. People that exceed the query limit on a daily basis and failure to correct it could result in a ban where the system returns "-5" for all queries. I do try to send a courtesy email to the contact address but this is not guaranteed.

This is why I have a section that says

//The server returned an error, you might want to do something

You should definitely take action when this happens because the assumption that you are still protected is false. It's also bad for me too because people start to think the website isn't accurate or doesn't work, which is not true. If the error handling section is not filled out, it's bad for both me and the user.


Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: misterbit on October 17, 2015, 07:27:20 AM
Then in
if ($response < 0 || strcmp($response, "") == 0 ) {
What should we put?

//The server returned an error, you might want to do something

You should definitely take action when this happens because the assumption that you are still protected is false. It's also bad for me too because people start to think the website isn't accurate or doesn't work, which is not true. If the error handling section is not filled out, it's bad for both me and the user.


Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: on October 17, 2015, 12:56:11 PM
Now it's working for me  ;D
instead echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" Content="0; URL=web.html">'; I used echo "<script> window.location.replace('web.html') </script>"; and it worked

Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: misterbit on October 17, 2015, 01:47:53 PM
Great, was another way of doing it.
You must also take into account the recommendations of getipintel It seems that it does not support many queries

Now it's working for me  ;D
instead echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" Content="0; URL=web.html">'; I used echo "<script> window.location.replace('web.html') </script>"; and it worked

Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: zeflex on October 22, 2015, 03:59:09 AM

Happy to find this kind of post. I did also some protections for my faucets. The same than yours but a little bit different as it's coded inside a php framework. Also I will suggest to cache ip datas for few days to avoid useless queries to their API, as they limit calls to 1000 requests per day. (tuto for beginners:

BTW, I wanna know if you have some stats related to users who use bitcoins, per percentage. Maybe we can share our analytics stats (by country) to compare?

What do you think ?

Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: misterbit on October 22, 2015, 07:16:30 AM

Happy to find this kind of post. I did also some protections for my faucets. The same than yours but a little bit different as it's coded inside a php framework. Also I will suggest to cache ip datas for few days to avoid useless queries to their API, as they limit calls to 1000 requests per day. (tuto for beginners:

BTW, I wanna know if you have some stats related to users who use bitcoins, per percentage. Maybe we can share our analytics stats (by country) to compare?

What do you think ?
Hello, so great that the cache the compare data as my site is too new

Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: misterbit on October 22, 2015, 07:27:07 AM

Happy to find this kind of post. I did also some protections for my faucets. The same than yours but a little bit different as it's coded inside a php framework. Also I will suggest to cache ip datas for few days to avoid useless queries to their API, as they limit calls to 1000 requests per day. (tuto for beginners:

BTW, I wanna know if you have some stats related to users who use bitcoins, per percentage. Maybe we can share our analytics stats (by country) to compare?

What do you think ?
And your code would go before or after the code GetIPIntel?

Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: zeflex on October 22, 2015, 03:14:08 PM
Both of them:

You check if the ip datas is in your local cache
- If yes
> process datas

- If no
> request datas from the api
> Save datas in your cache
> process datas

Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: misterbit on October 22, 2015, 03:18:51 PM
Both of them:

You check if the ip datas is in your local cache
- If yes
> process datas

- If no
> request datas from the api
> Save datas in your cache
> process datas
OK, but finally not that cache system worked me, it gave me error.
I tried others but cacheaba the page and I do not know if it generated errors with visitors at the time of receiving the reward.

Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: zeflex on October 22, 2015, 03:34:42 PM
My code is :

	private function _checkProxyVpn() {

$ipAddress = $this->request->clientIp(false);

$bannedIps = Cache::read('ip_banned', '8week') ? Cache::read('ip_banned', '8week') : array();
if (isset($bannedIps[$ipAddress])) {
return true;

if (Cache::read('ip_' . $ipAddress, '1week')) {
return false;

if (Cache::read('getipintel_lock', '1h')) {
return false;

$url = sprintf('', $ipAddress);
list($httpCode, $res) = self::curlIt($url);

if ($httpCode === 200) {
$res = json_decode($res);
if ($res->status === 'success') {
if ($res->result >= 0.9) {
$bannedIps[$ipAddress] = $res->result;
Cache::write('ip_banned', $bannedIps, '8week');

return true;
Cache::write('ip_' . $ipAddress, $res, '1week');
} else {
} elseif ($httpCode === 429) {
Cache::write('getipintel_lock', 1, '1h');
} else {

return false;

It's not documented but it could help a little bit to understand the logic.

Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: pjsonowal on October 22, 2015, 03:42:54 PM
Hi, I think that owners of faucets that are one of the things that do not hurt are the use of proxies, as yesterday looking for and looking for found this site that helps us quite the truth.

It is insert this code at the top of the index.php of the template we are using.

Where $contactEmail="Your mail";

Then where <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" Content="0; URL=web.html"> web.html is a text file that is made with Notepad and we put inside for example (It appears you're a Proxy / VPN / bad IP, please contact [Your mail] for more information) and we got it to the main directory where you will find the config.php.

This is what makes redirect proxies to web.html visits

Sorry the code is incomplete, go to github
* A PHP function that interacts with to look up an IP address
* returns TRUE if the IP returns a value greater than $banOnProability,
* FALSE otherwise, including errors
* HTTP error codes are NOT explicitly implemented here
* This should be used as a guide, be sure to edit and test it before using it in production

* MIT License

//function requires curl
function checkProxy($ip){
$contactEmail="Your mail";
$timeout=3//by default, wait no longer than 3 secs for a response
$banOnProability=0.99//if getIPIntel returns a value higher than this, function returns true, set to 0.99 by default

//init and set cURL options
$ch curl_init();

//if you're using custom flags (like flags=m), change the URL below
curl_setopt($chCURLOPT_URL"http[Suspicious link removed]c($ch);


if (
$response > $banOnProability) {
return true;
} else {
if (
$response < 0 || strcmp($response, "") == 0 ) {
//The server returned an error, you might want to do something
//like write to a log file or email yourself
//This could be true due to an invalid input or you've exceeded
//the number of allowed queries. Figure out why this is happening
//because you aren't protected by the system anymore
return false;


if (checkProxy(
$ip)) {
/* A proxy has been detected based on your criteria
 * Do whatever you want to here
Refresh" Content="0URL=web.html">';    


I am new to this scene so they will be welcomed the recommendations and suggestions, sorry for my language, I am Spanish.



Another way to block proxies

Put this in your .htaccess, remove RewriteEngine on in the event that already is in the .htaccess

RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{HTTP:VIA} !^$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP:FORWARDED} !^$ [OR]

hmmm.. thanx as i was just going to open a faucet myself.....THANX a LOTT :)
RewriteCond %{HTTP:USERAGENT_VIA} !^$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X_FORWARDED_FOR} !^$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP:HTTP_PC_REMOTE_ADDR} !^$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP:HTTP_CLIENT_IP} !^$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ – [F]

Then in the index.php of the template on <!DOCTYPE html>

<?php if(@fsockopen($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 80$errstr$errno1))
"Here a message, for example prohibited use proxies");



Friends I am new and I don't know much php only try to help us all, sorry for my mistakes.

By the way I sell advertising space on my website I would be helpful

Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: misterbit on October 22, 2015, 03:49:29 PM
My code is :

	private function _checkProxyVpn() {

$ipAddress = $this->request->clientIp(false);

$bannedIps = Cache::read('ip_banned', '8week') ? Cache::read('ip_banned', '8week') : array();
if (isset($bannedIps[$ipAddress])) {
return true;

if (Cache::read('ip_' . $ipAddress, '1week')) {
return false;

if (Cache::read('getipintel_lock', '1h')) {
return false;

$url = sprintf('', $ipAddress);
list($httpCode, $res) = self::curlIt($url);

if ($httpCode === 200) {
$res = json_decode($res);
if ($res->status === 'success') {
if ($res->result >= 0.9) {
$bannedIps[$ipAddress] = $res->result;
Cache::write('ip_banned', $bannedIps, '8week');

return true;
Cache::write('ip_' . $ipAddress, $res, '1week');
} else {
} elseif ($httpCode === 429) {
Cache::write('getipintel_lock', 1, '1h');
} else {

return false;

It's not documented but it could help a little bit to understand the logic.
Thank you friend

Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: misterbit on October 22, 2015, 04:21:24 PM
My code is :

	private function _checkProxyVpn() {

$ipAddress = $this->request->clientIp(false);

$bannedIps = Cache::read('ip_banned', '8week') ? Cache::read('ip_banned', '8week') : array();
if (isset($bannedIps[$ipAddress])) {
return true;

if (Cache::read('ip_' . $ipAddress, '1week')) {
return false;

if (Cache::read('getipintel_lock', '1h')) {
return false;

$url = sprintf('', $ipAddress);
list($httpCode, $res) = self::curlIt($url);

if ($httpCode === 200) {
$res = json_decode($res);
if ($res->status === 'success') {
if ($res->result >= 0.9) {
$bannedIps[$ipAddress] = $res->result;
Cache::write('ip_banned', $bannedIps, '8week');

return true;
Cache::write('ip_' . $ipAddress, $res, '1week');
} else {
} elseif ($httpCode === 429) {
Cache::write('getipintel_lock', 1, '1h');
} else {

return false;

It's not documented but it could help a little bit to understand the logic.

PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected 'private' (T_PRIVATE) in /index.php on line 2

Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: zeflex on October 22, 2015, 04:25:15 PM
You can not use this code like this ....

It's oop php , it's simply an example of the logic I use...

Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: on October 22, 2015, 04:32:22 PM
You can not use this code like this ....

It's oop php , it's simply an example of the logic I use...

It would be nice if you share full tutorial because here many who don't understand a single word written in php like me :(

Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: zeflex on October 22, 2015, 04:38:11 PM
I can but I use a php Framework (Take a look on CakePhp) and it uses framework functionnalities.

Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: onemorexmr on October 22, 2015, 04:40:57 PM
just curious: why do you want to block proxies?
imho as long as your ad provider pays you all should be fine? or are they refusing payments in that case?

Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: on October 22, 2015, 04:44:15 PM
just curious: why do you want to block proxies?
imho as long as your ad provider pays you all should be fine? or are they refusing payments in that case?

What do you think ad provider is fool and many using AdSense so do you think Google is fool will pay you for proxy visit ?

AdSense will just ban if lot of proxy traffic your site get.

Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: zeflex on October 22, 2015, 05:20:54 PM
just curious: why do you want to block proxies?
imho as long as your ad provider pays you all should be fine? or are they refusing payments in that case?

What do you think ad provider is fool and many using AdSense so do you think Google is fool will pay you for proxy visit ?

AdSense will just ban if lot of proxy traffic your site get.

And also what do you think if the same user change X times his ip in order to request more and more satos without waiting minimum time?

Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: mari88 on October 24, 2015, 02:39:23 PM
My code is :

	private function _checkProxyVpn() {

$ipAddress = $this->request->clientIp(false);

$bannedIps = Cache::read('ip_banned', '8week') ? Cache::read('ip_banned', '8week') : array();
if (isset($bannedIps[$ipAddress])) {
return true;

if (Cache::read('ip_' . $ipAddress, '1week')) {
return false;

if (Cache::read('getipintel_lock', '1h')) {
return false;

$url = sprintf('', $ipAddress);
list($httpCode, $res) = self::curlIt($url);

if ($httpCode === 200) {
$res = json_decode($res);
if ($res->status === 'success') {
if ($res->result >= 0.9) {
$bannedIps[$ipAddress] = $res->result;
Cache::write('ip_banned', $bannedIps, '8week');

return true;
Cache::write('ip_' . $ipAddress, $res, '1week');
} else {
} elseif ($httpCode === 429) {
Cache::write('getipintel_lock', 1, '1h');
} else {

return false;

It's not documented but it could help a little bit to understand the logic.
Thank you friend

sounds really interesting will test your code on my Faucet ;)

kind regrads

Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: wdnj on February 09, 2016, 10:47:01 PM
I'm using second way to block proxies but it's not working :(

Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: Kprawn on February 10, 2016, 02:55:12 PM
just curious: why do you want to block proxies?
imho as long as your ad provider pays you all should be fine? or are they refusing payments in that case?

A lot of users use proxies because some countries get higher payouts from faucets. They would much rather exert the same energy / electricity and get

paid more for their efforts. Some ad providers already started blocking some faucets, because they detected these proxies being used on a large scale.

In the long run, everyone will suffer when these ad providers pull the funding for all faucet websites.  :(

Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: on February 10, 2016, 05:05:45 PM
I have decided to block proxy from claiming free bits /satoshi I don't stop them from accessing my website .

so I don't use php part before docktyp I just used that in main index.php to stop giving free bits when they claim .

Title: Re: [Tutorial] How to avoid visits by Proxies
Post by: wdnj on February 10, 2016, 07:34:35 PM
I have decided to block proxy from claiming free bits /satoshi I don't stop them from accessing my website .

so I don't use php part before docktyp I just used that in main index.php to stop giving free bits when they claim .
plz how I can do this on my faucet site :)