Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: remotemass on October 19, 2015, 10:18:18 AM

Title: Why 'Time-Lock Encryption' and Prediction Markets based on blockchain will rule!
Post by: remotemass on October 19, 2015, 10:18:18 AM
I am pretty sure that the implementation of "Time-Lock Encryption" systems will bring about the greatest disruption in gambling of all time.
See: (
Because gambling games can then become about guessing things that are already set in stone and that nobody without Mind or God powers can guess, And that is a very primal need in us all. To be more sure that there is or there is not God, there is or there is not such thing as Mind Powers.

I have been requesting for many years that we do the National Loto both as it is today and also with the tombola covered.
There would be two extractions:
1) The tombola is uncovered and the winners of the covered Loto are known.
2) The uncovered Loto extraction is done and the winners of it are known
3) The tombola is covered and the covered extraction is done and waits for 1)

What I say is simple:
I say that the percentage of winners in the covered Loto would be much more than that of the uncovered one.
Everything is the same. It is exactly the same game! But now the results will be set in stone days in advance and millions of people will be cooperating to guess them using Mind Powers. Think: prediction markets!


Title: Re: Why 'Time-Lock Encryption' and Prediction Markets based on blockchain will rule!
Post by: unamis76 on October 19, 2015, 10:47:15 AM
How would people go on about guessing what's on the covered tombola? It would be exactly the same kind of "guessing" game as it is with the uncovered tombola, the difference being the fact that someone can break the rules and sneak under the covered tombola to see the results before the winning numbers are announced.

Title: Re: Why 'Time-Lock Encryption' and Prediction Markets based on blockchain will rule!
Post by: remotemass on October 19, 2015, 11:07:13 AM
With the help of Spirits working on a molecular level, for instance.
If you believe in the power of mind, there is no difficulty in seeing the possibility of guessing the covered results.
Actually, 'Uri GELLER' proved scientifically that this is possible, and the results were published in three of the most important scientific publications at that time, including Nature.
He proved scientifically that some people have psychic powers and can act over matter using only their minds without using suggestion or any kind of trickery.
Uri Geller can read minds. He has worked for the CIA doing 'Remote Viewing', and as proved there is such thing as ESP. This is 100% true and it pisses that nobody recognizes the man.

Title: Re: Why 'Time-Lock Encryption' and Prediction Markets based on blockchain will rule!
Post by: harrymmmm on October 19, 2015, 12:52:18 PM
With the help of Spirits working on a molecular level, for instance.
If you believe in the power of mind, there is no difficulty in seeing the possibility of guessing the covered results.
Actually, 'Uri GELLER' proved scientifically that this is possible, and the results were published in three of the most important scientific publications at that time, including Nature.
He proved scientifically that some people have psychic powers and can act over matter using only their minds without using suggestion or any kind of trickery.
Uri Geller can read minds. He has worked for the CIA doing 'Remote Viewing', and as proved there is such thing as ESP. This is 100% true and it pisses that nobody recognizes the man.

I dunno how this kind of rubbish made it into your head.
Not a single fact you stated above is actually true. Go do some research on uri geller. Wikipedia is a great start.

Title: Re: Why 'Time-Lock Encryption' and Prediction Markets based on blockchain will rule!
Post by: remotemass on October 19, 2015, 01:44:23 PM
That's just denial. If you were really scientific you should rather say something like:
"I'm all up for it. Let's do it and see the results. We never know... Hell, let's do it!"
I don't understand you guys. This would be so simple to do. What are you afraid of?
Everyone would be talking a lot about the new National Loto modality. That means billions in terms of publicity. There is no way people would play less because of introducing this modality. People would actually play much more! Only the number of winners could be different but in terms of the House Edges that wouldn't matter at all. The House Edges would be exactly the same and people would be playing a lot more, which means better profits.

Anyway, I hope we will not have to wait for them and something from the world of cryptography will free us all.

Title: Re: Why 'Time-Lock Encryption' and Prediction Markets based on blockchain will rule!
Post by: remotemass on October 30, 2015, 08:58:27 AM

Believe it or not, when I explain this new modality for the popular national loto games I am often asked how would I prevent the owners of the game from cheating.
I usually just say that independent auditing and security should be enforced at all times.
But actually there is an extra measure that could at least make 100% sure that those that are willing to prove that there is always more winning (in percentage) in this modality will not be cheated in their mission.
Simply, the machinery that physically covers the results from the covered extraction with a physical time-lock encapsulation is able to recognize the results from the extraction using its internal sensors and publish the most secure cryptographic hash of them appended by a random gibberish provided by players concatenated with a random gibberish provided internally concatenated with the hash of the next block from the bitcoin network that is added just after the covered extraction.

For example:
If the results from the covered extraction were, for instance, "[34,23,36,2,7]"
the internals of the physical covering machinery would publish to the outside:
Sha256("34 23 36 2 7" . Random_Gibberish_provided_by_players . Random_Gibberish_provided_internally . Next_Bitcoin_Block_Hash)

This would make sure that no one could alter the results so that they were not actually set in stone (pre-determined) as required since the exact moment of the covered extraction. Results could not come from a previous event and they would not be able to come from a later one.

Any comments?