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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: worhiper_-_ on October 29, 2015, 09:40:34 AM

Title: Did you know: the Pentagon has never been audited, ~$8.5 trillion unaccounted
Post by: worhiper_-_ on October 29, 2015, 09:40:34 AM

Because of its persistent inability to tally its accounts, the Pentagon is the only federal agency that has not complied with a law that requires annual audits of all government departments. That means that the $8.5 trillion in taxpayer money doled out by Congress to the Pentagon since 1996, the first year it was supposed to be audited, has never been accounted for. That sum exceeds the value of China’s economic output last year.

Title: Re: Did you know: the Pentagon has never been audited, ~$8.5 trillion unaccounted
Post by: Snail2 on October 29, 2015, 10:17:40 AM
Otherwise how would they be able to buy screwdrivers and hammers for 50K USD each, therefore poor democracy would stand in the storm of terrorists and dictators naked and undefended :).

Title: Re: Did you know: the Pentagon has never been audited, ~$8.5 trillion unaccounted
Post by: galdur on October 29, 2015, 10:25:50 AM
Didnīt they wipe out some pesky bean counters there at the Pentagon on 9/11?

On 9/10, 2001, they announced that they couldnīt account for over two trillion dollars but that was soon forgotten of course. And it has totally ballooned since.

Title: Re: Did you know: the Pentagon has never been audited, ~$8.5 trillion unaccounted
Post by: worhiper_-_ on October 29, 2015, 10:32:01 AM
Didnīt they wipe out some pesky bean counters there at the Pentagon on 9/11?

On 9/10, 2001, they announced that they couldnīt account for over two trillion dollars but that was soon forgotten of course. And it has totally ballooned since.

Funny isn't it? People think that this is part of a conspiracy theory while it's actually reality. The statements did take place, the unfortunate time doesn't make them less reliable in some way or another. IRC they later tried to clarify this by saying that they weren't being able to account for that sum because of incompatible payment means.

Title: Re: Did you know: the Pentagon has never been audited, ~$8.5 trillion unaccounted
Post by: galdur on October 29, 2015, 10:42:50 AM
Didnīt they wipe out some pesky bean counters there at the Pentagon on 9/11?

On 9/10, 2001, they announced that they couldnīt account for over two trillion dollars but that was soon forgotten of course. And it has totally ballooned since.

Funny isn't it? People think that this is part of a conspiracy theory while it's actually reality. The statements did take place, the unfortunate time doesn't make them less reliable in some way or another. IRC they later tried to clarify this by saying that they weren't being able to account for that sum because of incompatible payment means.

Well, itīs a chronic problem at the Pentagon, it fails to keep track of its money - how much it has, how much it pays out and how much is wasted or stolen. And since itīs chronic and has been forever itīs most likely meant to be that way to cover fraud and waste.

Title: Re: Did you know: the Pentagon has never been audited, ~$8.5 trillion unaccounted
Post by: SerenaL on October 29, 2015, 11:08:11 AM
I am sure you could find some of it in some bank accounts in the Cayman islands  :D.

Title: Re: Did you know: the Pentagon has never been audited, ~$8.5 trillion unaccounted
Post by: galdur on October 29, 2015, 11:46:06 AM
Didnīt they wipe out some pesky bean counters there at the Pentagon on 9/11?

On 9/10, 2001, they announced that they couldnīt account for over two trillion dollars but that was soon forgotten of course. And it has totally ballooned since.

Funny isn't it? People think that this is part of a conspiracy theory while it's actually reality. The statements did take place, the unfortunate time doesn't make them less reliable in some way or another. IRC they later tried to clarify this by saying that they weren't being able to account for that sum because of incompatible payment means.

Well, as for reality and conspiracy theories; the 9/11 Report describes how some guys with boxcutters inspired by their mastermind with a laptop in a cave in the middle of nowhere


to pull off this attack. So, itīs a theory about people conspiring about criminal activity. A conspiracy theory. Of course much of police work is about the same, unless the perpetrator is working alone, he canīt conspire with himself obviously.

Title: Re: Did you know: the Pentagon has never been audited, ~$8.5 trillion unaccounted
Post by: RustyNomad on October 29, 2015, 11:59:41 AM
Next year will be 20 years since the first audit was supposed to be done and I guess I'm safe in saying that it will not happen within the next 20 years either.

There is nothing as inefficient as government. If you ran any private company the way the government is run you will be shut down or be forced to close down within a matter of a year or three,if that long.

And this problem is not just one in the USA, its worldwide, with the exception of maybe a country here and there.

Title: Re: Did you know: the Pentagon has never been audited, ~$8.5 trillion unaccounted
Post by: christycalhoun on October 29, 2015, 12:16:07 PM
Next year will be 20 years since the first audit was supposed to be done and I guess I'm safe in saying that it will not happen within the next 20 years either.

There is nothing as inefficient as government. If you ran any private company the way the government is run you will be shut down or be forced to close down within a matter of a year or three,if that long.

And this problem is not just one in the USA, its worldwide, with the exception of maybe a country here and there.
I would never trust the government to audit itself. All of the employees of the government are just interested in securing their own paycheck. Very few have the balls to speak out against corruption like Snowden.

Title: Re: Did you know: the Pentagon has never been audited, ~$8.5 trillion unaccounted
Post by: pilscoop on October 29, 2015, 05:23:54 PM
War is an expensive and lucrative business

Title: Re: Did you know: the Pentagon has never been audited, ~$8.5 trillion unaccounted
Post by: galdur on October 29, 2015, 05:42:25 PM
War is an expensive and lucrative business

It certainly is and when the fight is for god and country and democracy you donīt really question the bills.

It can pretty easily turn into a massive gravy-train over time. Businessmen create business opportunities. There seems little reason to expect that businessmen in armaments manufacturing act any differently.

Title: Re: Did you know: the Pentagon has never been audited, ~$8.5 trillion unaccounted
Post by: BADecker on October 29, 2015, 06:16:02 PM
If the Pentagon ever allowed themselves to be audited, we might have to start calling them the REPENTagon.


Title: Re: Did you know: the Pentagon has never been audited, ~$8.5 trillion unaccounted
Post by: BADecker on October 29, 2015, 06:16:51 PM
War is an expensive and lucrative business

It certainly is and when the fight is for god and country and democracy you donīt really question the bills.

It can pretty easily turn into a massive gravy-train over time. Businessmen create business opportunities. There seems little reason to expect that businessmen in armaments manufacturing act any differently.

The fight is for the money, not for God and country.  :)

Title: Re: Did you know: the Pentagon has never been audited, ~$8.5 trillion unaccounted
Post by: galdur on October 29, 2015, 07:01:25 PM
War is an expensive and lucrative business

It certainly is and when the fight is for god and country and democracy you donīt really question the bills.

It can pretty easily turn into a massive gravy-train over time. Businessmen create business opportunities. There seems little reason to expect that businessmen in armaments manufacturing act any differently.

The fight is for the money, not for God and country.  :)

Of course it is, most of the time. But itīs always framed differently for marketing purposes. Theyīre not going to come out and say, we really need to get rid of this dictator and kill a million people to do it to help preserve the American way of life.

Title: Re: Did you know: the Pentagon has never been audited, ~$8.5 trillion unaccounted
Post by: BADecker on October 29, 2015, 07:07:06 PM
War is an expensive and lucrative business

It certainly is and when the fight is for god and country and democracy you donīt really question the bills.

It can pretty easily turn into a massive gravy-train over time. Businessmen create business opportunities. There seems little reason to expect that businessmen in armaments manufacturing act any differently.

The fight is for the money, not for God and country.  :)

Of course it is, most of the time. But itīs always framed differently for marketing purposes. Theyīre not going to come out and say, we really need to get rid of this dictator and kill a million people to do it to help preserve the American way of life.

You know it. I know it. A lot of other people know it, and many more are finding out. Ultimately, fiat will collapse, partially because of what the people are doing to fiat. I hope we don't lose the whole ball of civilization wax when fiat goes down.


Title: Re: Did you know: the Pentagon has never been audited, ~$8.5 trillion unaccounted
Post by: Beliathon on October 30, 2015, 01:32:39 AM
Never audited, but it was once edited  ;D


Title: Re: Did you know: the Pentagon has never been audited, ~$8.5 trillion unaccounted
Post by: galdur on October 30, 2015, 02:24:53 AM
RE: Conspiracy Theories.

So, Don Rumsfeld announced on 10 Sept., 2001 A Monday that there was a two trillion dollar hole in the books. Usually they unload bombshells of this magnitude on Fridays so it can be tuned down by talking heads and presstitutes over the weekend and mostly forgotten next week. Interesting timing. He also declared war on waste at the Pentagon  ;D And the morning after it was war but definitely not on waste, quite the contrary. But fortunately those terriers didnīt wipe out Donnie and the other brass, just some book keepers on the opposite site of the building.

Title: Re: Did you know: the Pentagon has never been audited, ~$8.5 trillion unaccounted
Post by: BADecker on October 30, 2015, 07:49:16 AM


Title: Re: Did you know: the Pentagon has never been audited, ~$8.5 trillion unaccounted
Post by: vero on October 30, 2015, 12:33:46 PM
Gee $8.5 trillion is one half of the current government debt. Is part of the spending problem not knowing where the money goes? Really going to have to lower taxes to pay for this.

Title: Re: Did you know: the Pentagon has never been audited, ~$8.5 trillion unaccounted
Post by: techboy2 on October 30, 2015, 05:35:13 PM
What is the pentagon?