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Other => Meta => Topic started by: GoldTiger69 on November 02, 2015, 11:00:36 AM

Title: Someone told me I've been hacked
Post by: GoldTiger69 on November 02, 2015, 11:00:36 AM
I don't know if this topic belongs here, but I can't figure it out where to post it.

Just a couple of hours a go, some Sr. Member sent me a PM telling me the following: "Don't view your messages , its a trap".

So I ask him to be more specific, and he said: "I meant I can see you viewing your Personal messages."

When I asked him how could I read my PM's privately, he said: "Well, you can't. Seems your PC is hacked, someone is sharing your screen online".

then I turned off my computer, restarted it, I checked my logs (I'm using Ubuntu 15.04), and everything looked fine to me. When I sent the Sr. Member another two PM's to make sure that I no longer was being hacked, he did not answered me back (may be hi is busy).

Have any of you guys experienced something similar? (I do remember some time a go getting an email from btk telling me that the accounts where somehow hacked, and that I needed to change my password, which I did). It could be related to that? or is this something totally different?

Thanks in advance for any help or advice that you can offer.

Title: Re: Someone told me I've been hacked
Post by: omahapoker on November 02, 2015, 11:07:16 AM
You can't know if he is telling the truth, but just to be safe, change your password. I mean even if its true, it doesnt make sense to warn you.
How can he know, and why would he tell you that?

Change your password and move on.

Title: Re: Someone told me I've been hacked
Post by: shorena on November 02, 2015, 11:08:22 AM
You can't know if he is telling the truth, but just to be safe, change your password. I mean even if its true, it doesnt make sense to warn you.
How can he know, and why would he tell you that?

Change your password and move on.

I dont think "I can watch your screen" can be fixed by changing your password here.

Title: Re: Someone told me I've been hacked
Post by: mexxer-2 on November 02, 2015, 11:11:18 AM
Sorry there , seems I was trolled by someone. Here's what happened
Well what actually happened was I got a PM from a guy who claimed to have hacked Bitcointalk, I asked him to give some proof and he gave me a screenshot of you viewing your personal message along with several other member's activity. From which I guessed he must have infected your computer.
Although , just now while I was going through the , I saw it was just a hidden feature that anyone can have a look at. Sorry if I caused any misunderstanding, that person who sent me PM must be some troll.
I apologize if I caused any inconvenience

Title: Re: Someone told me I've been hacked
Post by: torusJKL on November 02, 2015, 01:16:28 PM
I apologize if I caused any inconvenience
Better safe than sorry.

Title: Re: Someone told me I've been hacked
Post by: Spoetnik on November 02, 2015, 02:38:47 PM
The OP changed his password Today at 03:02:36 AM via email so he's prob fine now..

Title: Re: Someone told me I've been hacked
Post by: GoldTiger69 on November 02, 2015, 08:03:11 PM
The OP changed his password Today at 03:02:36 AM via email so he's prob fine now..

Yes, thanks for all the concern, everything seems fine so far. I'm going to close the thread.