Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: Shotgun_WooWoo on November 11, 2012, 05:20:55 AM

Title: Securing BTC and it's affiliates
Post by: Shotgun_WooWoo on November 11, 2012, 05:20:55 AM
Seeing as how BTC has undercome a lot of scrutiny over the past few years, perhaps there should be an initiative to secure it as an independent entity.  I've noticed a lot of the bad 'press' talks about BTC being a currency and a digital one at that; the messages portray BTC as a leech to USD or other currencies in my opinion.  I don't necessarily think that it's a bad representation, but one that should be better understood.  If BTC doesn't build itself as a secure and independent project that can stand on it's own during the first few years it is around, it will surely crash. 

I think looking at mining rigs and hearing a miner whizz and whurr is all great fun.  Which is why I think BTC should succeed, but I do not think it has all of the necessary support or 'confidentiality' it should atm.  I see BTC mentioned on a lot of sites that contain stuff the web just shouldn't contain.  4chan being a good example...

I question not only my affiliation with such sites, but BTCs as well.  If BTC is truly a computed currency that is generated through algorithms, then it should be able to pick up on this negative affiliation and deal with it accordingly.   

What implementations have been made to make sure BTC meets its 21++ end date and what publications have been made that ensure BTC is a safe and fun project?

Title: Re: Securing BTC and it's affiliates
Post by: Xenland on November 11, 2012, 06:04:59 AM
I'm attempting to help prevent website hacks by starting the Bitcoin Financial Web Development Kit (BFWDK) library which will provide a secure interface to their Bitcoin clients as well as educate the developers on how to secure their Bitcoins in the safest manner possible when dealing with Bitcoin transactions and their websites. Only in due time will the library prove its security but someone has to start it some time.

Bitcoin Financial Web Development Kit Source Code:

Title: Re: Securing BTC and it's affiliates
Post by: Shotgun_WooWoo on November 11, 2012, 06:10:29 PM
Sounds great, I'm all for helping out this cool new hobby.

Title: Re: Securing BTC and it's affiliates
Post by: Xenland on November 12, 2012, 10:10:28 AM
Lol i ment to say "help prevent website hacks" but i put "help website hacks"... so I'm updating my post above