Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: lophie on November 11, 2012, 06:52:26 AM

Title: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: lophie on November 11, 2012, 06:52:26 AM
Hi guys. I have a very small VPN service I offer to my college mates. I introduced bitcoin payment and I raised alot of eye brows so I wrote them a small introduction. Just the info they needed to get the basic ideas. I just want your opinions on it. Thanks ^_^. So here it is:

What is bitcoin?

Bitcoin is an independent online digital currency and payment system. You can think of Bitcoin as an alternative to PayPal or CashU

To explain the difference we give an example. In case of Cashu, Your Cashu points are equivalent to US dollars. so mostly you just see a "$" amount and not Cashu points account. To spend them you have to log-in your CashU account and send them to another CashU user (It can be a merchant or just a user). To get more credit to your CashU account, you can transfer cash to CashU or buy CashU cards and use the scratched hidden numbers on the back of the card.

In case of Bitcoins, we can say that instead of CashU holding your credit, The whole Bitcoin network holds your credit. Each and every peer in it. Then Lets just say your password to spend those bitcoins is a very lengthy one , I mean like, huge!. You have to keep the password in a file right? That is called your Bitcoin wallet.

Bitcoin is anoymous (Relativily speaking) and therefore you can open as many accounts as you want and have all of those long passwords in your digital wallet or in several ones. To send your bitcoins to another bitcoin user (For exchange of services if the other user was a merchant of some sort), You will need a bitcoin client. Such client would keep track of your coins and gives you a nice tidy interface of your contacts list and your own accounts to recieve bitcoins and send them. Some clients even have backups and many interesting features. Some of them are web-based or even run on mobile phones!

The "coins" on the Bitcoin network are generated (In a stable predictible rate) by a special type of Bitcoin users called "Miners" (Which you can be one yourself! it is not an exclusive club!). Some of these coins are offered for sale on various websites like Mt. Gox, Bitcoin-nordic and BitInstant. Because of the nature of Bitcoin's "coins" being a free market. The price fluctuates alot. So hoarding bitcoins is a risky investment. But using Bitcoin to pay for various services is fun, easy, speedy, cheap and more secure than the other alternatives .

So, what do you think? It is the first draft which I wrote in a boring class. Don't grill me alot over it >_<!

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: odolvlobo on November 11, 2012, 07:51:53 AM
In my opinion, the typical explanation, "Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency" is too hard to understand. If I told you that "a Higgs boson is a peer-to-peer cryptoparticle", would that mean anything to you? I prefer, "Bitcoin is an independent online digital currency and payment system." Everyone understands what all those words mean.

Don't use the term "fiat currency". It doesn't mean anything to most people, and people that use the term "fiat currency" tend to be (perceived as) a little nutty.

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: cunicula on November 11, 2012, 07:57:13 AM
Yes, drop the term fiat currency. If you use the normal definition in economics, bitcoin is also a fiat currency. It is only the libertarian asshats who claim otherwise.

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: lophie on November 11, 2012, 08:08:14 AM

It took me a while to respond to the thread because I was lost in euphoria just imagining an "asshat"

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: lophie on November 11, 2012, 08:09:30 AM
In my opinion, the typical explanation, "Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency" is too hard to understand. If I told you that "a Higgs boson is a peer-to-peer cryptoparticle", would that mean anything to you? I prefer, "Bitcoin is an independent online digital currency and payment system." Everyone understands what all those words mean.

Don't use the term "fiat currency". It doesn't mean anything to most people, and people that use the term "fiat currency" tend to be (perceived as) a little nutty.

Yup it looks much better. Thanks.  :D

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: istar on November 11, 2012, 09:19:46 AM
In my opinion, the typical explanation, "Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency" is too hard to understand. If I told you that "a Higgs boson is a peer-to-peer cryptoparticle", would that mean anything to you? I prefer, "Bitcoin is an independent online digital currency and payment system." Everyone understands what all those words mean.

Don't use the term "fiat currency". It doesn't mean anything to most people, and people that use the term "fiat currency" tend to be (perceived as) a little nutty.

"Bitcoin is the worlds only free independent online digital currency and payment system."
Unlike FIAT currency (in its usual meaning.) there will only be 21 million Btc so you can be sure your coins should hold their value.
Since each can be divided in 100 000 000 pieces each that is not a problem, its more than 14 times all mg of gold ever mined in the entire history of humans.
According to a post by Niko here.

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: lophie on November 11, 2012, 09:47:46 AM
Thank you it is very good but as you can see not every introduction is a full intro this is an introduction to Bitcoin as an alternative payment system to CashU and paypal. Every intro is intended to a specific audience otherwise it would be full of info about cryptography  :o

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: thoughtfan on November 11, 2012, 10:08:46 AM
"Bitcoin is the worlds only free independent online digital currency and payment system."
Unlike FIAT currency (in its usual meaning.)...
'Usual meaning' is potentially problematic.  There appears to me to be two distinct commonly used meanings for the term 'fiat currency', one of which is the 'normal' meaning for economists who use it to mean an 'unbacked currency'; the other is 'currency used by decree'.  Depending on which you mean, Bitcoin is or isn't fiat.

This does not seem to be an issue upon which people are happy to agree to disagree.  Among forum users here it is generally the latter meaning ('by decree) that is meant when used to distinguish Bitcoin from currencies issued by governments.  This meaning is defended passionately by those looking to dictionary definitions and the derivation of the word.

Then there are those who use the term in its more common usage outside of the Bitcoin community, which I'd guess is also overall the most common (or technically, 'usual') meaning.  I would guess it is for historic reasons that this usage has become commonpace because prior to Bitcoin the only 'unbacked' currencies that could survive were those whose use was by government decree.  They were, and some would argue, still are corollaries.  One could safely use 'fiat' to mean 'unbacked' because all surviving unbacked currencies were also 'fiat' in the stricter sense of 'by decree'.

So whilst those who use it as 'by decree' tend to think it outrageous someone could use it to mean 'unbacked' because it tarnishes the 'purity of Bitcoin' with the same brush as government issued money, those who use it in the more common (arguably sloppy) use in economist circles tend to be a bit lofty, disparaging and even insulting (see above) of those who use it as 'by decree'.

Sorry the whole of this post has been off topic.  I'm just following through from the multiple 'fiat' commentary which is actually quite funny seeing as you didn't use the term 'fiat' in your introduction in the first place.  It only came about in the form of advice not to use it!  Then everybody (including me) stuck our oar in. you can be sure your coins should hold their value.

***WARNING*** Alarm bells should be ringing when you read or write something like this.  You can not be sure Bitcoin will hold their value simply because scarcity is only one factor of many that determine value (whether you mean in realtion to other currencies or to goods/services).  The scarcity element means it is not prone to the same inflationary pressures as fiat currency ;) but be very wary of believing, let alone claiming, that this necessarily means it will hold its value.

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: cunicula on November 11, 2012, 10:24:28 AM
I agree with the above. Including the part about me being lofty, disparaging, and insulting. The takeaway message is do not use the term fiat. It opens a can of worms that does not need opening.

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: thoughtfan on November 11, 2012, 10:50:15 AM
I agree with the above. Including the part about me being lofty, disparaging, and insulting. The takeaway message is do not use the term fiat. It opens a can of worms that does not need opening.
Thanks for being a good sport, cunicula :)  Incidentally I was only saying you were insulting because of the specific, though novel, insult ('asshats') you used.  'Lofty' and 'disparaging' (and insulting) were what I've picked up elsewhere on the boards in my short few weeks here - and from talking to an economics teacher friend.

I agree with you (and odolvlobo) that its use in an introductory statement is not helpful.

The penny has now dropped for me that the OP had been edited before I saw it to take out the original statement referring to 'fiat' as recommended by odolvlobo so apologies to you odolvlobo for implying (by my expressed amusement) that you were being off topic in 'raising' the term.

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: deepceleron on November 11, 2012, 12:12:18 PM
Bitcoin is erroneously compared in the first paragraph with companies that transfer dollars. That is similar to saying "The Japanese Yen is like Western Union". Bitcoin is a currency of its own which gets its value from having a built-in transfer mechanism that allows people to send it to anyone in the world instantly without the need for, or interference by, a bank. In addition, Bitcoin's set rate of money creation is known, making it's value inflation-resistant; more can't just be printed by a government whenever they need to debase your savings to bail out their banking cronies.

If you are explaining Bitcoin to, and soliciting Bitcoin payment from, people who have never heard of it, the next thing you should address is how to get it. "So I just have to buy them?". "You might choose to do so. However, no. Do you just have to buy US Dollars? Anything you do that creates value can earn you Bitcoin: services, goods, even related money services (or as the authorities see it: prostitution, drugs, gambling and money laundering). Even running Internet services can earn you Bitcoin."

Investigating Bitcoin quickly makes people start to ponder what money actually is - like: Why does money have value? Why do we pay taxes to a government in their own currency, when they can just manufacture it themselves (Is it because inflation takes from the rich?) Is it really a "government backed" currency, or more a "government mandated" currency? - any private enterprise could take Bitcoin, but when you pay your taxes or parking tickets you must have some government-issued money to pay them.

Plus spell-check...

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: Longmarch on November 11, 2012, 12:20:42 PM

Plus spell-check...

Yes... Relativily -> Relatively

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: deepceleron on November 11, 2012, 12:29:35 PM

Plus spell-check...

Yes... Relativily -> Relatively

bitcoin -> Bitcoin
anoymous -> anonymous
predictible -> predictable
alot -> a lot

Because of the nature of Bitcoin's "coins" being a free market. The price fluctuates alot.

Fragment sentence. Not just to be ironic.

But using Bitcoin...

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: Roger_Murdock on November 11, 2012, 12:52:17 PM
"Bitcoin is the worlds only free independent online digital currency and payment system."
Unlike FIAT currency (in its usual meaning.)...
'Usual meaning' is potentially problematic.  There appears to me to be two distinct commonly used meanings for the term 'fiat currency', one of which is the 'normal' meaning for economists who use it to mean an 'unbacked currency'; the other is 'currency used by decree'.  Depending on which you mean, Bitcoin is or isn't fiat.

So does that mean that gold is a "fiat" currency if we're using the "unbacked currency" definition? Bitcoin has more in common with gold than it does with U.S. dollars.  Bitcoin is a scarce digital commodity. It's true that Bitcoin isn't "backed," but it seems to me that the concept of "backing" only makes sense when the thing you're backing isn't reliably scarce, e.g. printed pieces of paper.  The purpose of backing is to keep the issuer honest by acting as a constraint on its ability to inflate the currency supply.  That scenario isn't possible with Bitcoin.

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: remotemass on November 11, 2012, 01:11:10 PM
I use: Bitcoin is digital cash.

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: thoughtfan on November 11, 2012, 01:22:04 PM
So does that mean that gold is a "fiat" currency if we're using the "unbacked currency" definition? Bitcoin has more in common with gold than it does with U.S. dollars.  Bitcoin is a scarce digital commodity. It's true that Bitcoin isn't "backed," but it seems to me that the concept of "backing" only makes sense when the thing you're backing isn't reliably scarce, e.g. printed pieces of paper.  The purpose of backing is to keep the issuer honest by acting as a constraint on its ability to inflate the currency supply.  That scenario isn't possible with Bitcoin.
I agree with all of that.  For the reasons you say I don't think 'fiat' could be defined in relation to whether or not it's 'backed' because it simply doesn't hold water once you start digging (if you'll excuse the mixed metaphor!).  I was responding to istar's 'usual meaning' comment to point out that outside of these circles the 'usual meaning' isn't what most of us here tend to think of it as.  I would not be surprised, should Bitcoin become established enough to be included in economics curricula, that this use of 'fiat' would fade away because in the light of Bitcoin it simply doesn't make sense.

In the meantime I think it's a good idea that we who use it as one thing know that others using the same word (or reading what we have written) may take it to mean something else.  It matters less to me who is 'right' or 'wrong' in this than that we are aware of both usages.

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: cunicula on November 11, 2012, 01:29:57 PM
So does that mean that gold is a "fiat" currency if we're using the "unbacked currency" definition? Bitcoin has more in common with gold than it does with U.S. dollars.  Bitcoin is a scarce digital commodity. It's true that Bitcoin isn't "backed," but it seems to me that the concept of "backing" only makes sense when the thing you're backing isn't reliably scarce, e.g. printed pieces of paper.  The purpose of backing is to keep the issuer honest by acting as a constraint on its ability to inflate the currency supply.  That scenario isn't possible with Bitcoin.

The economics definition is that gold is "commodity money" because gold has intrinsic value (it directly enters the utility function). Money which does not directly enter the utility function is called "fiat money."

State backing, etc. is irrelevant to the classification.

Of course, in bitcoin-land, fiat means something different which is not in accord with the definition in economics.

No, the economics definition will not change. These are well-defined technical terms. Money is sometimes modeled as "fiat money" and other times as "commodity money". The terms are referring to how money operates in mathematical models, not to how money operates in the real world. If you randomly revise the language, it would make communication difficult.

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: lophie on November 11, 2012, 01:43:13 PM
Bitcoin is erroneously compared in the first paragraph with companies that transfer dollars. That is similar to saying "The Japanese Yen is like Western Union".

Please refer to Satoshi's paper. The title says what exactly? I am not mentioning Bitcoin(s), I am mentioning Bitcoin. The payment system.

And guys thank you for not grilling me over something I wrote while I was bored in calculus class -_-, so mature of you, Oh dear forum dwellers.

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: lophie on November 11, 2012, 01:44:14 PM
BTW all of the spelling mistakes are because error correction doesn't work on my ubuntu netbook :P too lazy to fix that!

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: franky1 on November 11, 2012, 01:46:26 PM
try replacing the word FIAT with
paper money
native currency
national currency
standard currency

think about wording it to be aimed at grade-highschool people that dont have university degree's in economics or computing

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 11, 2012, 01:56:29 PM
Hi guys. I have a very small VPN service I offer to my college mates. I introduced bitcoin payment and I raised alot of eye brows so I wrote them a small introduction. Just the info they needed to get the basic ideas. I just want your opinions on it. Thanks ^_^. So here it is:

Upon reading the title of your thread, my first reaction was to pen a post stating that I have not, nor will not, read it, due to the one misspelling in said title. I simply felt that this is just another train wreck.

But I changed my mind and opted to read, thus giving the author the benefit of the doubt. But, lo and behold, I was immediately met with, "Hi guys." I almost stopped right there, but continued reading to only learn that the author is in college.

Now, I ain't no wordsmith, and surely this sentence proves that, but really!

Here's how you could have obtained my, and possibly others, attention:

I offer a small VPN to my college mates. When I first mentioned Bitcoin, I raised a few eyebrows, therefore I wrote an introduction to further elicit their emotions, touching upon only the basics.

I look forward to reading your opinions, thanking you in advance.

If something like the above were penned, from that point onward you could have been excused of at least a half dozen grammatical errors. But what comes across to me is a high school student claiming to be enrolled in college providing a VPN.

I hope my opinion was hopefully.

~Bruno K~

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: lophie on November 11, 2012, 01:57:06 PM
try replacing the word FIAT with
paper money
native currency
national currency
standard currency

think about wording it to be aimed at grade-highschool people that dont have university degree's in economics or computing

Precisely come on guys those are the majority. Speak their language for a change  :-\.

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 11, 2012, 02:02:17 PM
try replacing the word FIAT with
paper money
native currency
national currency
standard currency

think about wording it to be aimed at grade-highschool people that dont have university degree's in economics or computing
resident evil 6 thier

Precisely come on guys those are the majority. Speak their language for a change  :-\.


Now you have me curious, and am going' to read this thread.

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: lophie on November 11, 2012, 02:03:41 PM
LoL I keep getting grilled. Look English is not my first language and I spent less than 12 minutes writing this. The opinions I was looking for are not for the language used but for the approach to Bitcoin. But thanks I really needed the mental spanking to remind myself I am expected to do better.

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: lophie on November 11, 2012, 02:05:19 PM
try replacing the word FIAT with
paper money
native currency
national currency
standard currency

think about wording it to be aimed at grade-highschool people that dont have university degree's in economics or computing
resident evil 6 thier

Precisely come on guys those are the majority. Speak their language for a change  :-\.


Now you have me curious, and am going' to read this thread.

LoL I was writing something to a friend. What else is stuck in my paste bin -_-!

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 11, 2012, 02:06:48 PM
LoL I keep getting grilled. Look English is not my first language and I spent less than 12 minutes writing this. The opinions I was looking for are not for the language used but for the approach to Bitcoin. But thanks I really needed the mental spanking to remind myself I am expected to do better.

Granted, English is not your mother language, but you are penning your introduction in English for English speaking readers. If not, then what is the point of this exercise?

~Bruno K~

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: lophie on November 11, 2012, 02:12:52 PM
To be honest I wrote it in English to avoid writing it in Arabic. There is almost no content whatsoever on the Internet about Bitcoin. So writing about it in Arabic will make me translate some terminologies literally which would need even further explanations. I thought this way I could give them "a thread".

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 11, 2012, 02:26:47 PM
Bitcoin is erroneously compared in the first paragraph with companies that transfer dollars. That is similar to saying "The Japanese Yen is like Western Union".

Please refer to Satoshi's paper. The title says what exactly? I am not mentioning Bitcoin(s), I am mentioning Bitcoin. The payment system.

And guys thank you for not grilling me over something I wrote while I was bored in calculus class -_-, so mature of you, Oh dear forum dwellers.

How does one become bored in calculus class? Is it either doesn't like it or knows it all? Concerning the maturity aspect, rid these "-_-" (I don't even know what they're called, but believe it's some kind of shorthand for smileys).

All in all, this is an informable thread.

~Bruno K~

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 11, 2012, 02:28:41 PM
To be honest I wrote it in English to avoid writing it in Arabic. There is almost no content whatsoever on the Internet about Bitcoin. So writing about it in Arabic will make me translate some terminologies literally which would need even further explanations. I thought this way I could give them "a thread".

But you are living here in the states, aren't you?;u=62227;sa=statPanel

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: lophie on November 11, 2012, 02:35:39 PM
I enjoy descrete math. I don't hate calculus very much but my software engineering curriculum has 3 courses of calculus. That's just too much calculus for my taste!.

And no I am not in the states I am in Saudi Arabia. A very sandy (<- sorry no pun intended) place far away.

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 11, 2012, 02:43:57 PM
I enjoy descrete math. I don't hate calculus very much but my software engineering curriculum has 3 courses of calculus. That's just too much calculus for my taste!.

And no I am not in the states I am in Saudi Arabia. A very sandy (<- sorry no pun intended) place far away.

You have calculus class in Saudi Arabia on Sunday?

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: lophie on November 11, 2012, 02:48:01 PM
Our weekend days are thursday and friday. crazy right? But you see the Muslims version of the sunday service at the church is on friday noon!

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: thoughtfan on November 11, 2012, 03:53:21 PM
The economics definition is that gold is "commodity money" because gold has intrinsic value (it directly enters the utility function). Money which does not directly enter the utility function is called "fiat money."

No, the economics definition will not change. These are well-defined technical terms.  The terms are referring to how money operates in mathematical models, not to how money operates in the real world.

Thanks for the clarification cunicula.  I stand corrected regarding the economics definition.  I guess without looking into the mathematical differences it is not possible to understand properly what the difference is?

The problem I have is with this matter of 'intrinsic value' or 'utility'.  Bitcoin is useful, not in industry but as an extremely efficient medium of exchange.  Gold has 'utility' in industry but I was persuaded by an argument I read recently that its value grew (prior to its use as a medium of exchange) largely because it's pretty.  Also that its value grew as a medium of exchange (by some orders of magnitude) because it is soft and easily divisible.  In other words it wouldn't be considered as having anywhere near the 'intrinsic value' it does today were it not for its utility as a medium of exchange.  In common with gold, Bitcoin derives some of its own value for being mathematically 'pretty'. People really appreciate the beauty in its design and because some people become involved for that reason it forms part of the reason it is valued.  It is also, as we all know, easily divisible and for that and other advantages it has over gold, as I said, is a fantastic medium of exchange.  The only thing it's missing is the 'industry' bit.  But I can't see why that disqualifies it.

Maybe the 'intrinsic value' bit comes less out of satisfying certain (possibly arbitrary) conditions and more out of an acceptance of value across the board which enabled it to be used to back paper money?  But I'm afraid I am failing to see the critical distinction between Bitcoin and Gold just because a very small proportion of gold is used to do something that allows it to be classified it as a 'commodity' whereas Bitcoin doesn't.  I certainly can't yet see it as belonging in the same classification as a piece of paper that only has value because someone decided to print something on it and give it an arbitrary denomination.

Of course, in bitcoin-land, fiat means something different which is not in accord with the definition in economics.

If you randomly revise the language, it would make communication difficult.

I think you are being a tad unfair here.  Going to the derivation of a word, to its original meaning and/or using definitions from respected dictionaries is hardly 'randomly revis[ing] language'.  Whilst I am trying to get to the bottom of how economists justify their use of the word I still don't think it's helpful for advocates of either side to be making the other side out to be stupid.  I'm not trying to say economists 'should' see it the same way as I do.  I'm just trying to understand why economists use it as they do.  I had a theory (the corollary one) which now looks likely not to hold so I'd like a better idea.

I'll restate again, what matters most is that people understand that there are two distinct meanings so they know they need to work out, before disputing or agreeing with what somebody wrote, which meaning they had intended.

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: Roger_Murdock on November 11, 2012, 05:00:46 PM
So does that mean that gold is a "fiat" currency if we're using the "unbacked currency" definition? Bitcoin has more in common with gold than it does with U.S. dollars.  Bitcoin is a scarce digital commodity. It's true that Bitcoin isn't "backed," but it seems to me that the concept of "backing" only makes sense when the thing you're backing isn't reliably scarce, e.g. printed pieces of paper.  The purpose of backing is to keep the issuer honest by acting as a constraint on its ability to inflate the currency supply.  That scenario isn't possible with Bitcoin.

The economics definition is that gold is "commodity money" because gold has intrinsic value (it directly enters the utility function). Money which does not directly enter the utility function is called "fiat money."

State backing, etc. is irrelevant to the classification.

Of course, in bitcoin-land, fiat means something different which is not in accord with the definition in economics.

No, the economics definition will not change. These are well-defined technical terms. Money is sometimes modeled as "fiat money" and other times as "commodity money". The terms are referring to how money operates in mathematical models, not to how money operates in the real world. If you randomly revise the language, it would make communication difficult.

When I google "define fiat currency" here are the first five results.

From wikipedia:
Fiat money is money that derives its value from government regulation or law.

From investopedia:
Currency that a government has declared to be legal tender, despite the fact that it has no intrinsic value and is not backed by reserves. Historically, most currencies were based on physical commodities such as gold or silver, but fiat money is based solely on faith.

Common type of currency issued by official order, and whose value is based on the issuing authority's guarantee to pay the stated (face) amount on demand, and not on any intrinsic worth or extrinsic backing. All national currencies in circulation, issued and managed by the respective central banks, are fiat currencies.

Money that is not backed by anything other than a government trust. Fiat money has no intrinsic value; it only has value at all because all participants in an economy agree to trust the government issuing the currency. All modern money is fiat money. While deflation is possible for fiat money, it is much more susceptible to inflation.

paper currency made legal tender by a fiat of the government, but not based on or convertible into coin.

Each of those definitions includes the idea of government, but they don't all include the idea of a lack of "intrinsic value."  I suppose you could define "fiat currency" as currency that has no "intrinsic value," i.e. currency that has no non-monetary usefulness, without reference to whether or not that currency has any kind of official government status.  And maybe that's how many people (including some self-described "economists") DO use the term.  But clearly there are a large number of people who use and understand the term "fiat" to refer to money that derives its value solely from government decree.  Which definition is "right"? Both. Neither. Language belongs to its users.  (But I'd note that based on the above admittedly-extremely-preliminary research, my definition does appear to be the more widely used one.) What's more interesting to me is the fact that this distinction has probably never been that important.  My guess is that there are very few examples of a market adopting an intrinsically-worthless currency in the absence of government coercion.

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: sharky112065 on November 11, 2012, 07:44:41 PM
Bitcoin is anoymous (Relativily speaking) and therefore you can open as much accounts as you want and have all of those long passwords in your digital wallet or in several ones.

Change the word "much" to "many".

The "coins" on the Bitcoin network are generated (In a stable predictible rate) by a special type of Bitcoin users called "Miners" (Which you can be one yourself! it is not an exclusive club!).

It will be an exclusive club when ASIC's come out in the coming months as most people cannot just use their existing GPU's to mine and make a profit anymore.

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: lophie on November 12, 2012, 07:02:34 AM
GPU mining being not profitable anymore is true. But I think I have to explain my statement. I talk about Bitcoin with the people around me, ALOT!. Almost every single time I am asked "Sounds too good to be true someone must be taking all our money. It is just a complex scheme!". What I meant by my statement is no one is stopping you from joining the miners. Yes GPU mining made CPU mining not profitable but it is still possible! Unlike if you join "mining" USD using your HP inkjet! That's illegal! Then what if you used a super duper money printer to create an exact copy of their air-backed USB $$? Even more illegal!

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: thoughtfan on November 12, 2012, 07:59:46 AM
It will be an exclusive club when ASIC's come out in the coming months as most people cannot just use their existing GPU's to mine and make a profit anymore.

I agree with lophie.  The option to use your GPU (or even CPU) to experiment with and get the principles is still open.  The only difference is one has to decide to buy some equipment specifically for mining.  It is all but exclusive when you think the cheapest ASICs are within the price range of even most students and that the breakeven point for the student with one Jalapeno is not far off the same as for the biggest 'farmers' with their massive stups - especially if you think a good proportion of students live in accommodation where their rent is inclusive of electricity bills.

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: sharky112065 on November 12, 2012, 10:08:20 AM
It will be an exclusive club when ASIC's come out in the coming months as most people cannot just use their existing GPU's to mine and make a profit anymore.

I agree with lophie.  The option to use your GPU (or even CPU) to experiment with and get the principles is still open.  The only difference is one has to decide to buy some equipment specifically for mining.  It is all but exclusive when you think the cheapest ASICs are within the price range of even most students and that the breakeven point for the student with one Jalapeno is not far off the same as for the biggest 'farmers' with their massive stups - especially if you think a good proportion of students live in accommodation where their rent is inclusive of electricity bills.

Yes people can buy the cheaper Jalapeno's but most are not likely to do so. Most everyone had a CPU when CPU mining was profitable, then when GPU mining took off, most people already had a GPU or had little reservation buying one as they could use it for gaming or sell it when it all goes to shit. With ASIC you have to buy the equipment special just for mining and if it all goes to shit you are left with useless hardware.

So it will be an "exclusive club" for most people.

My hardware is all paid off (including electricity cost over time) and I'm buying ASIC hardware with my profits, so it will cost me nothing out of pocket and if it all goes to shit I wont loose any sleep over having all that useless hardware sitting around.

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: thoughtfan on November 12, 2012, 12:09:05 PM
Yes people can buy the cheaper Jalapeno's but most are not likely to do so ...
So it will be an "exclusive club" for most people.

Sorry but to me an 'exclusive club' is one that I either can't get into without membership which is difficult and expensive to obtain or one that has deliberately high price on-the-door to keep the riff-raff out, not one that has a reasonable charge, affordable to most, on-the-door regardless of who you are!

Title: Re: I wrote an intro to bitcoins. Want you opinions on it.
Post by: Lethn on November 12, 2012, 12:26:55 PM
LoL I keep getting grilled. Look English is not my first language and I spent less than 12 minutes writing this. The opinions I was looking for are not for the language used but for the approach to Bitcoin. But thanks I really needed the mental spanking to remind myself I am expected to do better.

If I'm writing a long post or something for my website what I do is write it out on a word document first and get a dictionary to double check everything, seems to work just fine, I think the problem with your writing generally is you're using too many paragraphs unnecessarily and your sentences are far too short. Don't use unnecessary exclamation marks either if you're trying to come across as professional, you're also using way too many inverted commas.