Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Spoetnik on November 08, 2015, 07:28:25 AM

Title: Time to Come Clean
Post by: Spoetnik on November 08, 2015, 07:28:25 AM
Well i think it's time to come clean with everyone..
I had been thinking about this and i think you guys are ready.
So here goes ;)

I think you all should come clean and be honest about how many accounts you have here.

This is your chance for a clean slate !
You can set the record straight and have a new start and help the re-birth of Altcoins into a more credible form.
I have seen guys do this on rare occasions.
I think people investors would like to know too.

Pope Spoetnik will forgive you of your Altcoin-Sins if you repent now !
Let the truth free you guys.

Reply back to this topic with a list of account names you control and i will absolve you of your sins.
I will add a list of coin dev's etc to the main post here stating who came clean.

For example i seen a comment by r3wt here before where he mentioned 4 or 5 other accounts he controls.
Accounts you have used or shared with others count also.

You all know this is a problem..
Take the Jackpotcoin ANN topic for example.. or the Max Coin ANN topic
The topics were created by a new account named after the coin.. (typical around here)
This is cowardly behavior and does not instill confidence with the general public.
And if you guys want public altcoin adoption then we need to clean up the mess.. TODAY !

I would have used StartCoin as an example but they never posted an ANN topic here for it.  ::)

Let's build some trust people.

I have never logged into another account here even once. (in case anyone is curious)

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: asepticskeptic on November 08, 2015, 07:53:04 AM
"I think you all should come clean and be honest about how many accounts you have here."

6 including this one used to talk with. 5 of those I don't even know the password because I get pissed off and really just mash a bunch of shit into the browser bar and copy paste it twice then sign out.

Maybe about ten more one-liner profiles, because sometimes it's funny. I don't even remember what they were. I think one of them was papa_harold or something i made to make fun of that asshat that was running its fingers off. He's alright though, prob just romanian. None of which I have a clue of what the password are.

Pretty much all of these accounts are attached to some tempinbox email.

The worst part is, that it doesn't even make sense that you'd even be mad that someone has more than one profile.

I mean, it's kind of weird that someone would even use just one forum account to be honest.

I don't walk around and introduce myself to every person I meet and hand them a textbook of my history in the real world, off the internet. Why in the shit would I start doing anything differently?

If, it were possible to hide post history, I'd have one profile.

But the internets fucking creepy and every single thing you've done is logged and catalogged. How are you even okay with that?

It wouldn't bother you if some dickmeat you met yesterday and whom you've had no interaction with beforehand comes back to you and says "yeah well you remember when you fucked that chick in high school?" like it even fucking matters?

It turns people into stalking fascists, where the each response is tailored to you rather than the merit of what you're trying to work on.

It stops progress completely, and gets in the way of conversation.

If, by the second conversation with every person I've ever met ever, they were to know that I've blown coke, been quite violent, sold less than reputable things, done shit they don't agree with, nobody would get anywhere.

It's called privacy and you should learn to fucking respect it

If you would like to know about my private life, you should probably fucking ask me for it rather than expect to be entitled to it like some slimy piece of shit.

No better than the rest of the fucking scum here.

Title: Pope Spoetnik Forgives !
Post by: Spoetnik on November 08, 2015, 08:00:34 AM
thanks for your honest reply here with us all.. you are forgiven my son  ;)

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: gjhiggins on November 08, 2015, 01:02:21 PM
I think you all should come clean and be honest about how many accounts you have here.


And if you guys want public altcoin adoption then we need to clean up the mess.

That may be the wrong direction to face. Pseudonymity is inherent to the functioning of a peer-to-peer networked cryptocurrency and so it's trivially predictable that this attribute will also be a notable feature in the ancillary support areas such as bct. If it's okay for identity to be irrelevant to altcoin peers then why not the same for bctalk subscribers?

But I doubt it's as significant a factor as you perceive, Bitcointalk basically has miniscule public reach and therefore miniscule influence on public adoption.

Privacy is an issue of course and I have my concerns but I'm in more danger from my own government; I received a letter the other day from HMRC (UK tax authority), it was somewhat worryingly mis-addressed to “Graham Wiggins” and I’m almost certain that I heard faint strains of Aquarela do Brasil ( *.



* The theme music from Terry Gilliam's scarily prophetic 1985 film Brazil (, a must-see if you haven't already, time for a re-visit if you have.

Title: try being more full of shit kthxbye
Post by: Spoetnik on November 08, 2015, 01:24:20 PM
Is there any examples in real life where being anonymous has a benefit ?
How about negatives ?

You guys line up to talk a lot of shit LOL

Would you go to eBay and buy stuff from an anon user ?
How about doing business with your bank in an alley as the bank teller wears a ski mask ?

You guys here have for years claimed that being able to hide like a coward is needed to make Altcoins.
Then why the trust systems ?
How many coins claim to have *verified developers ?
Hell how about this forums trust rating system ?

The Anonymity game is simply an advantage used for exploitation.
I can't even fathom how fucked up this scene would be if theymos released IP logs etc.
(or if a hacker did)

If the site owners here posted proof of all coins posted by what what users.
I think some coins would have been called into question before they could even get off the ground.

Take Doge coin for example.. who believes the dev(s) made 1 coin ?
I would bet they made many before Doge was launched.
If we always know who is doing what their loooooooooooooooong
shitty track records they hide here always would stop them cold in their tracks.

Instead what we have here is another 0 post count noob posting yet another coin ANN topic.

You guys claim you NEED to do that.

and i claim you do it so investors will not know you made a 100 other coins.
if they did you would be up shit creek.

You people are full of shit /.
Quit being little cowards and own up to your dumb scammy fucking bullshit.

all the stock market traders would be doing this stuff if you guys quit with the anon crap.

Title: Re: try being more full of shit kthxbye
Post by: BitUsher on November 08, 2015, 02:14:13 PM
Take Doge coin for example.. who believes the dev(s) made 1 coin ?
I would bet they made many before Doge was launched.
If we always know who is doing what their loooooooooooooooong
shitty track records they hide here always would stop them cold in their tracks.

You people are full of shit /.
Quit being little cowards and own up to your dumb scammy fucking bullshit.

Free Bitcoin every hour + Legit Gambling = or

I empathize with your frustration but may I suggest the first step is to stop promoting the coins in your signature that you criticize?

Is there any examples in real life where being anonymous has a benefit ?

Seriously, you really cant think of any benefits?

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: Spoetnik on November 08, 2015, 02:41:01 PM
promoting Bitcoin in my signature ?

it's a faucet link.. not an endorsement.
kind of like the ones this site posts and the warning that goes with it
you know how the site here says they don't endorse the stuff they advertise.

You guys will use ANYTHING you can shoe horn into an insult with me here
..rather than talking about the topic.

Maybe find some other way to refute what i said.
bad mouthing me for trying to be helpful is not gonna cut it.

Spoetnik has some referral links to a faucet in his sig.
so that means..
Being anonymous is needed to release shit coins.. #FACT

Since the bitcoin one was legit i figured i would tell people about the other Doge one too (run by the same guy)

I am all for free coins rather than taking money out of your bank to try this stuff out.
So i will gladly tell people how to get free coins.. that is how i started.
I went to faucets etc and made between 10 and 12 grand ..0 cents invested.

Advice ?
get free Altcoins and dump them LOL
Maybe use that to invest in Bitcoin ?

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: gambit1 on November 08, 2015, 02:56:08 PM
One account.

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: Spoetnik on November 08, 2015, 03:39:04 PM
One account.

Thanks for making the effort to stay on topic and i will assume your honesty also ;)

If people out there want to hide their account hopping that is fine.
I can't stop people from jumping to different accounts.

But some people may want to come clean or go on the record.
I can't count how many times i have been accused of being someone else here.

I am NOT trying to start a debate topic on whether anonymity has any merit in crypto.
Trying to provide a place where users can come clean with it if they choose to.

Notice i how i used Jackpot coin as an example earlier ?
Well i had confronted the dev about that way early on in the coins ANN topic too.
I told him i really didn't like the fact he posted the ANN with a new account name (named after JPC)
And i had still supported the coin.

You all have embraced a coin scene with more integrity i can see (in the last year)
I think that is simply because alt's dropped in price a lot.
But i will credit you all out there for doing a better job at refusing shit coins.. it was getting bad for a while.

SO lets take the next step maybe and come clean and move forward.
I promise not to jump down anyone's throat for admitting they made multiple accounts.
I am not trying to bait people here so i can flame them or something.

If people post their other account names here i will not give you a hard time about it i promise.

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: Timeline on November 08, 2015, 03:52:24 PM
I have only one account I don't see a reason to have multiple accounts, it's too much trouble.

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: NattyLiteCoin on November 08, 2015, 04:01:26 PM
NattyLiteCoin or NLC on every forum / trollbox I participate in. People with multiple accounts on a single forums are psychos.

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: BitUsher on November 08, 2015, 07:52:15 PM

You guys will use ANYTHING you can shoe horn into an insult with me here
..rather than talking about the topic.

Maybe find some other way to refute what i said.
bad mouthing me for trying to be helpful is not gonna cut it.

I wasn't bad mouthing you ... just found it humorous you are both attacking dogecoin (justified) and promoting it in your signature(yes, advertising a doge faucet is promoting the coin). I was addressing the topic by expressing incredulity that you have to ask for examples where anonymity is useful in real life. Thus the unanswered question remains......

P.S... unless you haven't figured it out yet ... I have never promoted an alt and have absolutely no interest in using any of them. I am highly dubious of crowdfunding as an ethical means to fund a coin as well.

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: Spoetnik on November 08, 2015, 08:01:46 PM

You guys will use ANYTHING you can shoe horn into an insult with me here
..rather than talking about the topic.

Maybe find some other way to refute what i said.
bad mouthing me for trying to be helpful is not gonna cut it.

I wasn't bad mouthing you ... just found it humorous you are both attacking dogecoin (justified) and promoting it in your signature(yes, advertising a doge faucet is promoting the coin). I was addressing the topic by expressing incredulity that you have to ask for examples where anonymity is useful in real life. Thus the unanswered question remains......

P.S... unless you haven't figured it out yet ... I have never promoted an alt and have absolutely no interest in using any of them. I am highly dubious of crowdfunding as an ethical means to fund a coin as well.

STFU and stay on topic kthxbye

You douche's out there want to spend all your time discussing my Avatar and sig ?
maybe start a new topic or better yet have the mods create a whole new sub-forum.
My avatar deserves it's own forum for the amount of off-topic replies i have gotten about it.

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: BitUsher on November 08, 2015, 08:06:04 PM
I have one other abandoned acct... neither have ever promoted any alts.

Is there any examples in real life where being anonymous has a benefit ?

Seriously, you really cant think of any benefits?

STFU and stay on topic kthxbye

What do you think of the ethics of people who promote gambling? Personally, while I think it should be legal and unrestricted I find the promotion distasteful and of low character.

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: Spoetnik on November 08, 2015, 08:17:26 PM
STFU about Ethics.. that is *obviously off-topic.

Learn how to use a forum kid.

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: BitUsher on November 08, 2015, 08:20:53 PM
STFU about Ethics.. that is *obviously off-topic.

Learn how to use a forum kid.

Ethics and anonymity is exactly what this thread is about. I wholeheartedly agree with you that we need to come clean and the best place to start is by looking in the mirror. Don't get your panties in a twist mate just because I am interested in delving into your topic about anonymity that, may I remind you, you brought up.

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: Spoetnik on November 09, 2015, 12:14:42 AM
Alright i was bit harsh on my last comment but i was sort of joking to make a point ;)

That is an old debate around here and not the point i was trying to get into.
I have a bookmark somewhere where the staff here advised users
create a new account if you have something controversial to say.
This was their response to us users going to staff and complaining about the high level of abuse.
And it has been heavily abused here too.

Let's not forget..

- There is no regulations like in the US Stock Markets
- Enabling scammers by going out of your way to provide Anon protection for them could make this place liable.
- Scammers have notoriously used the anon account ability here to cover their crap coin antics.

I will recycle an analogy i used on this matter before..

It would be nice if my Bank left it's vault doors open and allowed people to go in and take their cash
all in good faith.. assuming people will take the correct amount.
But in reality studies have shown that when people know they can NOT get caught they steal like crazy.
Through The Wormhole - S05E03 - Is Poverty Genetic
That TV show presented one of those studies and proved it.

What would motivate people to defy common sense ?
What other financial aspect in society do we provide an anonymous protection platform to conceal financially related thieves ?

I have seen coin cloners cry they do it so they won't get trolled.
Maybe you wouldn't get trolled if you kept your actions out in the open for everyone to see ?
Guys usually get trolled because they have a scammy aspect to the coin.. or
They are accused of having other coins (possibly scammy)

Why would legit coin devs condone a system that protects and rewards scammers and thieves (along side them)

After the financial crisis in 2008 with the housing markets the world chanted REGULATION !
Greenspan waaaay before the crash went on the record claiming that the markets would protect itself
and it would not allow itself to implode.. he was sooo wrong. (even though he was warned heavily)
That is EXACTLY what happened !

And that -is- what happened to Altcoins too.

Anyway Bernanke's (current fed reserve chair) band-aid solution to the economy does not solve the problem either..
(one more piece of the Bush Jr. Legacy)
Real money pro's think another recession is looming.. Bernanke helped to stall the inevitable.
It's hilarious dealing with these morons.. Inflation was rocketing up before and after the recession in 2008
and ohh sooo great shit hot chairman of the FED reserve Greenspan claimed things were going well..
Showing stats and charts (about inflation)
BUT !!!!

He changed the rules LOL
He (Greenspan) changed the criteria for the inflation model by removing a whole ton of stuff
THAT WAS suffering from intense inflation (and still is to this very day)
Things such as Gasoline and Food etc were removed from the inflation model
so he could claim things were going great.. (these things were always included before he came along)

Ya uhh go buy a loaf of bread for $5 and a tank of gas for $50 and tell me inflation is not a problem.
He cooked the books changed the charts and forged the graphs basically.

Hey.. it's what you guys do here in this idiotic crypto crap LOL
Lie cheat and steal your way to some Bitcoin->Fiat ..lambo's Moon Train !!! WIN !!11
..things are going great  ::)

Japan's inflation is now America's inflation.
All that is a template for Altcoin idiocy.. history really does repeat itself.

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: asdf55 on November 09, 2015, 07:52:26 AM
Just this one
with my "engrish" I think I will never create another one  ;D

Title: Re: try being more full of shit kthxbye
Post by: asepticskeptic on November 09, 2015, 10:48:37 AM
Is there any examples in real life where being anonymous has a benefit ?
How about negatives ?

You guys line up to talk a lot of shit LOL

Would you go to eBay and buy stuff from an anon user ?
How about doing business with your bank in an alley as the bank teller wears a ski mask ?

You guys here have for years claimed that being able to hide like a coward is needed to make Altcoins.
Then why the trust systems ?
How many coins claim to have *verified developers ?
Hell how about this forums trust rating system ?

The Anonymity game is simply an advantage used for exploitation.
I can't even fathom how fucked up this scene would be if theymos released IP logs etc.
(or if a hacker did)

If the site owners here posted proof of all coins posted by what what users.
I think some coins would have been called into question before they could even get off the ground.

Take Doge coin for example.. who believes the dev(s) made 1 coin ?
I would bet they made many before Doge was launched.
If we always know who is doing what their loooooooooooooooong
shitty track records they hide here always would stop them cold in their tracks.

Instead what we have here is another 0 post count noob posting yet another coin ANN topic.

You guys claim you NEED to do that.

and i claim you do it so investors will not know you made a 100 other coins.
if they did you would be up shit creek.

You people are full of shit /.
Quit being little cowards and own up to your dumb scammy fucking bullshit.

all the stock market traders would be doing this stuff if you guys quit with the anon crap.

Now I see the nature of the dysfunction.

The internet is full of people you otherwise wouldn't be likely to talk to irl for two reasons. One is obvious geographical/physical limitation like Graham above. The other being not their chosen communication method.

For many, there's no point in even starting a conversation without assistance or reason irl. Like people are socially awkward and wouldn't even strike up a conversation on the street, or some other physical location with people.

The internet basically lets people walk around with giant billboards so that these people who you'd otherwise never hear from actually share a thought or two with the world.

You become part of their safe space, when you walk around with this billboard.

They get mad when you take it away, and its not that you're depriving them of something they're entitled to, its that you're making them seriously consider the very real scenario where they can't reply logically because they don't know how to speak to someone they don't know.

I'm sorry, but that's just not the way I see conversation on the internet. Sure that follows, after an email or key exchange. But up until that point were just a bunch of words looking to be singled out imo.

You're entitled only to the opinion that I'm willing to share, but not my post history.

Sure you can stalk me, figure out who I am. But I won't enable a stranger to do that too much .. In the same way I'd keep walking if people were to treat me the same way on the street. I promise you I'm not even interesting, nor do I think I am, nor should that be hard to figure out. If anything you should be happy I broke up two years of posting into logical chunks.

Asking is much less time consuming than hours of reading, but I guess that's just an opinion nobody feels they have the time for. Gotta get straight to the arguing anyways.

Also I do chuckle a little every time you bring up that mod recommendation about one liner profiles.

That one really gets you.

A viewpoint for you: So you and your buddies are having a loud conversation in Tim hortons about your new prime minister and how you can't wait for him to pass the tpp because its the current year. A dick American happens to overhear you and, clearly offended by your irrational retorts about your fearless leader, he mutters the word 'cuck' under his breath. Maybe one or two of you hear the obscenity and carry on like its a normal day. To you, he's always just gonna be some asshole tourist, but he's got a name and life you're never gonna know.

The mods recommendation is to be that guy every once in a while.

Not for scamming, illegality, raping, murdering, pillaging, doxing, or otherwise being illegitimate. Its a continuation of something that happens every day outside of the internet. Obviously those are a part of it, not that i think those are swell but I'm not gonna give up an inch of my ability so you can feel more secure.

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: goldmaxx on November 09, 2015, 11:02:05 AM



Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: Altcoinsupporter on November 09, 2015, 11:04:46 AM
Just 1 here

Don't see why this bothers you so much

If they're not hurting you, you shouldn't be bothered by it

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: psycodad on November 09, 2015, 01:02:59 PM
People with multiple accounts on a single forums are psychos.
Maybe, but then again not all psyc(h)os have multiple accounts. I for example have only one :P

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: croato on November 10, 2015, 12:51:32 AM
This is my first, only and last account here and everywhere. I see making more accounts as fraud no matter if you do that to cheat sig campaign or just post FUD and shit.

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: onemorexmr on November 10, 2015, 01:12:59 AM
Quote from: onemorexmr
flower1024 -> onemorebtc -> onemorexmr
here is the link to my post from March 03, 2015 where i first mentioned it (

flower1024 is sold (and i miss it)
onemorebtc only shortterm until i saw xmr
and now its onemorexmr. i never used multiple account at the same though.

so, i already feel clean ;-)

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: BitcoinEXpress on November 10, 2015, 02:09:49 AM
Pope Spoetnik will forgive you of your Altcoin-Sins if you repent now !

I only have one alt,;u=138471

 ;D ;D ;D


Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: Mercado on November 10, 2015, 07:35:40 PM

(Hehe maybe the only time I can get away with an answer shorter than +1 LOL)

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: Spoetnik on November 10, 2015, 11:21:08 PM
I think BitcoinEXpres is one of the funniest guys here LOL

And it doesn't seem to matter how many times i say 'one'
people just refuse to believe me  ::)

and don't get me wrong there is obviously some situations where it may be a good idea.
but i personally think we should avoid making more just as a general rule.
it's your personal choice really.

i chose to use one account because i think it helps lend what your saying some credibility.

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: luigi1111 on November 11, 2015, 12:20:50 AM
I am coming clean! I must confess that I control 3 (!) accounts here.

...however, the other two are (going to be) service-related, and presently have 0 posts/activity. Can I still get my sins forgiven and enter some altcoin paradise?

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: Spoetnik on November 11, 2015, 12:57:42 AM
I am coming clean! I must confess that I control 3 (!) accounts here.

...however, the other two are (going to be) service-related, and presently have 0 posts/activity. Can I still get my sins forgiven and enter some altcoin paradise?

For saving the Princess you are forgiven my son  ;D

Don't be shy guys i know some of you have some dirty secrets.
I am waiting for some huge account farmers to come clean LOL

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: Altcoinsupporter on November 16, 2015, 03:51:11 PM
I am waiting for some huge account farmers to come clean LOL

lol don't think this will happen, but good luck waiting on that

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: Crestington on November 18, 2015, 12:49:42 AM
I am coming clean! I must confess that I control 3 (!) accounts here.

...however, the other two are (going to be) service-related, and presently have 0 posts/activity. Can I still get my sins forgiven and enter some altcoin paradise?

For saving the Princess you are forgiven my son  ;D

Don't be shy guys i know some of you have some dirty secrets.
I am waiting for some huge account farmers to come clean LOL

I've only ever posted on this account, about a dozen or so posts on CON_CEO when I didn't have access for about a week and shared access to colossuscoin for a bit.

Surprisingly, I don't have any dirty secrets :P

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: Spoetnik on November 18, 2015, 01:01:47 AM
I am coming clean! I must confess that I control 3 (!) accounts here.

...however, the other two are (going to be) service-related, and presently have 0 posts/activity. Can I still get my sins forgiven and enter some altcoin paradise?

For saving the Princess you are forgiven my son  ;D

Don't be shy guys i know some of you have some dirty secrets.
I am waiting for some huge account farmers to come clean LOL

I've only ever posted on this account, about a dozen or so posts on CON_CEO when I didn't have access for about a week and shared access to colossuscoin for a bit.

Surprisingly, I don't have any dirty secrets :P

You are forgiven my son ..Pope Spoetnik forgives !

Oh and am i trippin' balls or do you have a Bear Spray Coin avatar ?
Did you make that one like the graphics you made me way back ?

That guy earlier is right, i was hoping some juicy drama would have unfolded but nope :(

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: Crestington on November 18, 2015, 01:12:02 AM
I am coming clean! I must confess that I control 3 (!) accounts here.

...however, the other two are (going to be) service-related, and presently have 0 posts/activity. Can I still get my sins forgiven and enter some altcoin paradise?

For saving the Princess you are forgiven my son  ;D

Don't be shy guys i know some of you have some dirty secrets.
I am waiting for some huge account farmers to come clean LOL

I've only ever posted on this account, about a dozen or so posts on CON_CEO when I didn't have access for about a week and shared access to colossuscoin for a bit.

Surprisingly, I don't have any dirty secrets :P

You are forgiven my son ..Pope Spoetnik forgives !

Oh and am i trippin' balls or do you have a Bear Spray Coin avatar ?
Didi you make that one like the graphics you made me way back ?

That guy earlier is right, i was hoping some juicy drama would have unfolded but nope :(

Yeah I did make my avatar, it's police mace, some cartoon spray and yellow Coin logo.

I noticed you used the logo I made for you for your Spoetnik approval, do you want a new avatar? Maybe a badge or specific color scheme?

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: Spoetnik on November 18, 2015, 03:01:44 AM
Yeah i was hoping you notice that.. your effort was put to use :)
Thanks for the offer too.

Do you do videos ?
I always have multiple projects on the go and one them is nobody has made custom animated boot screens
for my Android phone so i started figuring out how it has to be done.
Why is because i have a Moto E 2nd Gen. 2015 edition
Which has a different way of loading animated boot screens.
Gen. 1 loads a series of jpeg's as an animation.
Gen. 2 uses mp4's.
So i have the file location and root and i dumped the encoder param's used on the stock video
and i am creating a profile for Avidemux to mimic encode settings.
I tried one video.. a clip i made of the TV show Metalocalypse but it was too high res and didn't show up on the phone.

People may think all i do is sit here at Bitcointalk running my mouth..
But i have my fingers in a few pies ;)

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: Crestington on November 18, 2015, 04:08:35 AM
Yeah i was hoping you notice that.. your effort was put to use :)
Thanks for the offer too.

Do you do videos ?
I always have multiple projects on the go and one them is nobody has made custom animated boot screens
for my Android phone so i started figuring out how it has to be done.
Why is because i have a Moto E 2nd Gen. 2015 edition
Which has a different way of loading animated boot screens.
Gen. 1 loads a series of jpeg's as an animation.
Gen. 2 uses mp4's.
So i have the file location and root and i dumped the encoder param's used on the stock video
and i am creating a profile for Avidemux to mimic encode settings.
I tried one video.. a clip i made of the TV show Metalocalypse but it was too high res and didn't show up on the phone.

People may think all i do is sit here at Bitcointalk running my mouth..
But i have my fingers in a few pies ;)

Haha I made you a new avatar, looks pretty slick :P

Edit: or this one

Better to ask Fire Rabbit about video's, he does all kind of promo video's and can splice together anything you need.

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: Spoetnik on November 18, 2015, 04:43:19 AM
thanks LOL


i stole my avatar LOL

i never made it but i have been modding it over time.. with Fireworks
i am surprised the guy who made it never showed his face.

then again i am not hhahah

the avatar was put on Ubuntu's forum main page when it got hacked / defaced way back.
which is where i got it from in the first place.

i never hacked the forum i just like making people think i did muahahhah

His name was Sputn1k (different spelling than mine)
And i can show i made my user name all over before that guy did..
I had my Steam account many years before using that name for example.

That guy probably thinks i am fishing to get him to show himself LOL

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: Crestington on November 18, 2015, 04:47:41 AM
thanks LOL


i stole my avatar LOL

i never made it but i have been modding it over time.. with Fireworks
i am surprised the guy who made it never showed his face.

then again i am not hhahah

the avatar was put on Ubuntu's forum main page when it got hacked / defaced way back.
which is where i got it from in the first place.

i never hacked the forum i just like making people think i did muahahhah

His name was Sputn1k (different spelling than mine)
And i can show i made my user name all over before that guy did..
I had my Steam account many years before using that name for example.

That guy probably thinks i am fishing to get him to show himself LOL

Well you got a new one if you want, edited with a little nuke explosion so you have a choice now.

Penguin with a gun seems fitting.

Title: Re: Time to Come Clean
Post by: bitillionaire on November 18, 2015, 06:56:07 AM

This one.

Here's my public key:

Version: GnuPG v2
