Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: TriggerX on November 15, 2015, 12:19:01 AM

Title: Fundraiser for Countries in Crisis
Post by: TriggerX on November 15, 2015, 12:19:01 AM
I'm guessing most of you guys heard about the events occurring in Paris so far. After hearing it, it made me think about other countries that are also in the same scenario. Paris has been receiving a lot of support, but other countries such as Lebanon hasn't gotten much attention lately. Is it possible for the forum to have a fundraiser which includes multiple organizations so the people of this forum can donate to whichever forum they want with an assigned bitcoin address and once it reaches a certain threshold, the organizer would convert it and send it to the organization?

Title: Re: Fundraiser for Countries in Crisis
Post by: brianlee01 on November 15, 2015, 01:00:19 AM
I'm guessing most of you guys heard about the events occurring in Paris so far. After hearing it, it made me think about other countries that are also in the same scenario. Paris has been receiving a lot of support, but other countries such as Lebanon hasn't gotten much attention lately. Is it possible for the forum to have a fundraiser which includes multiple organizations so the people of this forum can donate to whichever forum they want with an assigned bitcoin address and once it reaches a certain threshold, the organizer would convert it and send it to the organization?

I support this act, Pray for Paris

Title: Re: Fundraiser for Countries in Crisis
Post by: Quickseller on November 15, 2015, 01:40:31 AM
The number of bitcoin related scams is very high, and as such it would be difficult to tell the difference between a charity that actually will use the money they receive to the cause they claim to be helping and a charity that will simply pocket the money (aka is a scam). This unfortunately is the case after most disasters and such scams are often quite successful because people often tend to be very generous after disasters.

An even greater concern is that some charities based in the middle east actually funnel the majority of the money they receive to terrorist organizations. 

Title: Re: Fundraiser for Countries in Crisis
Post by: Athertle on November 15, 2015, 01:55:23 AM
The number of bitcoin related scams is very high, and as such it would be difficult to tell the difference between a charity that actually will use the money they receive to the cause they claim to be helping and a charity that will simply pocket the money (aka is a scam). This unfortunately is the case after most disasters and such scams are often quite successful because people often tend to be very generous after disasters.

An even greater concern is that some charities based in the middle east actually funnel the majority of the money they receive to terrorist organizations. 

The scammers who practice that kind of shit are the worst kind. All scammers are despicable, but if you're scamming people who are trying to help people with that money?... Absolutely pathetic.

Maybe there isn't a need to send the money to the large charities in that location...? Not sure how that would work, though. Just a thought.

Title: Re: Fundraiser for Countries in Crisis
Post by: DaddyMonsi on November 15, 2015, 02:04:22 AM
Let the charitable institutions do those charity works, if anyone wan't to help, send it to those institutions since they know how it works, who to help and where to send. What forums like us can do is to promote those charitable institutions, it's much safer than creating our own fund raising with our forum name on it.

Title: Re: Fundraiser for Countries in Crisis
Post by: jacee on November 15, 2015, 02:24:32 AM
The number of bitcoin related scams is very high, and as such it would be difficult to tell the difference between a charity that actually will use the money they receive to the cause they claim to be helping and a charity that will simply pocket the money (aka is a scam). This unfortunately is the case after most disasters and such scams are often quite successful because people often tend to be very generous after disasters.

An even greater concern is that some charities based in the middle east actually funnel the majority of the money they receive to terrorist organizations. 

It may work tho if we could find a trustable individual tho or if we can't then the suggestion of directing the funds to the charity institutions may work. Maybe we can contact them and suggest them to get a bitcoin wallet so in that way we can send them the coins directly. Now we will promote in in forums with the proofs that it is really the institutions that is holding the wallet.

Title: Re: Fundraiser for Countries in Crisis
Post by: subSTRATA on November 15, 2015, 02:28:25 AM
Let the charitable institutions do those charity works, if anyone wan't to help, send it to those institutions since they know how it works, who to help and where to send. What forums like us can do is to promote those charitable institutions, it's much safer than creating our own fund raising with our forum name on it.
the 'charitable institutions' you speak of arent always as charitable as you think; there have been multiple instances of fraud with major charity organizations before, including one of the biggest ones, the red cross.

but wait, theres more! it doesnt stop at natural disasters, people take advantage of cancer too:

id be willing to bet that there will be at least a handful of scam charities popping up around the internet and probably on this forum too; people will take advantage of any tragedy if there's some money involved.
i dont see the harm in creating a small forum-based charity, as long as its backed by a reputable member and we know where the money is going; iirc there was a thread floating around somewhere that accepted donations to send food to less fortunate children or something, cant remember.

as for this incident, if we could find a fairly reputable member of the forum residing in france that had an idea of how and where to spend the donations to aid the victims, we could get something going here.

Title: Re: Fundraiser for Countries in Crisis
Post by: DaddyMonsi on November 15, 2015, 02:36:47 AM
Let the charitable institutions do those charity works, if anyone wan't to help, send it to those institutions since they know how it works, who to help and where to send. What forums like us can do is to promote those charitable institutions, it's much safer than creating our own fund raising with our forum name on it.
the 'charitable institutions' you speak of arent always as charitable as you think; there have been multiple instances of fraud with major charity organizations before, including one of the biggest ones, the red cross.

but wait, theres more! it doesnt stop at natural disasters, people take advantage of cancer too:

id be willing to bet that there will be at least a handful of scam charities popping up around the internet and probably on this forum too; people will take advantage of any tragedy if there's some money involved.
i dont see the harm in creating a small forum-based charity, as long as its backed by a reputable member and we know where the money is going; iirc there was a thread floating around somewhere that accepted donations to send food to less fortunate children or something, cant remember.

as for this incident, if we could find a fairly reputable member of the forum residing in france that had an idea of how and where to spend the donations to aid the victims, we could get something going here.

I agree with you on that even those known organizations can go wrong or scam people and unfortunately even the Government take for example is the recent typhoon Haiyan in Philippines, ever wonder why other Countries who helped did not even mind helping in form of monetary aid but instead they sent goods and send directly to the people in need? So better choose the ones and with good reputation. If you can help directly no one will stop that individual to help.

Title: Re: Fundraiser for Countries in Crisis
Post by: Quickseller on November 15, 2015, 02:52:24 AM
The number of bitcoin related scams is very high, and as such it would be difficult to tell the difference between a charity that actually will use the money they receive to the cause they claim to be helping and a charity that will simply pocket the money (aka is a scam). This unfortunately is the case after most disasters and such scams are often quite successful because people often tend to be very generous after disasters.

An even greater concern is that some charities based in the middle east actually funnel the majority of the money they receive to terrorist organizations. 

It may work tho if we could find a trustable individual tho or if we can't then the suggestion of directing the funds to the charity institutions may work. Maybe we can contact them and suggest them to get a bitcoin wallet so in that way we can send them the coins directly. Now we will promote in in forums with the proofs that it is really the institutions that is holding the wallet.
Unfortunately these scammers are often able to get away with the money they steal without consequence. It is often difficult to do proper due diligence when considering to donate to a charity.  Even if you give your money to a "legit" charity, a decent portion of the money often goes to waste (see below).

Let the charitable institutions do those charity works, if anyone wan't to help, send it to those institutions since they know how it works, who to help and where to send. What forums like us can do is to promote those charitable institutions, it's much safer than creating our own fund raising with our forum name on it.
the 'charitable institutions' you speak of arent always as charitable as you think; there have been multiple instances of fraud with major charity organizations before, including one of the biggest ones, the red cross.
Unfortunately this is correct. A lot of charities spend large percentages of the money they collect on administrative costs. My understanding is that it is difficult to tell how much money is being spent on administrative costs for the "average" person and as a result many charities who spend most of their money on administrative costs can continue to collect money. I understand that the Red Cross does spend a large dollar amount on administrative costs, however as a percentage of the money they collect, it is lower then other charities that are truly wasteful. 

Title: Re: Fundraiser for Countries in Crisis
Post by: TriggerX on November 15, 2015, 02:58:56 AM
Maybe instead of owning our own fundraiser for bitcoin we could be in contact with some major charities such as the Red Cross and see if there could be an agreement where we could pay in bitcoin?

Title: Re: Fundraiser for Countries in Crisis
Post by: dogie on November 15, 2015, 03:10:39 AM
so the people of this forum can donate to whichever forum they want with an assigned bitcoin address and once it reaches a certain threshold, the organizer would convert it and send it to the organization?

This has and never will work on a bitcoin forum.

Title: Re: Fundraiser for Countries in Crisis
Post by: SFR10 on November 15, 2015, 05:41:02 AM
I also support this idea but the dark side to it is really who will be the one's receiving it since it could easily be scammed so my suggestion would be perhaps some of the donators in the forum or even moderators if they could be the one to collect and send to the people in need, that way the risk is much less in comparison to doing it in another way