Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Bitcoinpro on November 19, 2015, 07:20:51 AM

Title: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: Bitcoinpro on November 19, 2015, 07:20:51 AM
ive noticed alot of dodgy overseas contracts emerging with links to the Chinese communist party, is it possible that bribes are being made in Crypto which is

enabling the scrutiny of the deals to be overlooked, where bribes made in cash or via bank transfer would otherwise blow the deal wide open!

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: ClownSpider on November 21, 2015, 05:30:20 AM
Cash bribes are also difficult to catch.
Bribing someone in the US is about as low as $400 cash.
Bitcoin bribes would be as easy as via email!  Encrypted and disposable self deleting messages that is, of course.
I welcome messages, and I accept bitcoin bribes lol.

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: tokeweed on November 21, 2015, 05:36:09 AM
ive noticed alot of dodgy overseas contracts emerging with links to the Chinese communist party, is it possible that bribes are being made in Crypto which is

enabling the scrutiny of the deals to be overlooked, where bribes made in cash or via bank transfer would otherwise blow the deal wide open!

Could be.  Care to share more details via pm? 

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: ROT13 on November 21, 2015, 06:07:57 AM
Enough with the FUD threads with eye catching titles and completely unsubstantiated claims thanks bitcoinpro

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: jeanne0012 on November 21, 2015, 07:21:09 AM
ive noticed alot of dodgy overseas contracts emerging with links to the Chinese communist party, is it possible that bribes are being made in Crypto which is

enabling the scrutiny of the deals to be overlooked, where bribes made in cash or via bank transfer would otherwise blow the deal wide open!
Why not provide any proof to validate your accusation? Don't just sit there and make random comments without taking a moment to think!

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: Bitcoinpro on November 21, 2015, 08:52:27 AM
ive noticed alot of dodgy overseas contracts emerging with links to the Chinese communist party, is it possible that bribes are being made in Crypto which is

enabling the scrutiny of the deals to be overlooked, where bribes made in cash or via bank transfer would otherwise blow the deal wide open!
Why not provide any proof to validate your accusation? Don't just sit there and make random comments without taking a moment to think!

We just blcked China from buying our biggest farm its Massive

but they got our most strategic asset The Port of Darwin

They also got a gigantic gas pipeline

I believe these last two deals will get overturned !!!!

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: ClownSpider on November 21, 2015, 08:55:17 AM
Why not provide links to this information?
What is so bad about Chinese buying things?  They buy land, they cannot export it to China, it remains US territory, and they must pay property tax to the US.  Win-Win, unless you have something against Chinese people.

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: Bitcoinpro on November 21, 2015, 08:56:31 AM
Why not provide links to this information?
What is so bad about Chinese buying things?  They buy land, they cannot export it to China, it remains US territory, and they must pay property tax to the US.  Win-Win, unless you have something against Chinese people.

Google it

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: Kprawn on November 21, 2015, 09:01:25 AM
You should ask this guy about corruption in China;u=44572 ... He seems to know a lot about China and I saw him comment on

other threads that Chinese bribes are a big problem. I cannot see why this could not be done, because almost all countries have a problem with this. The whole political system in

the world, make decision based on back room dealings and bribes. They just call it campaign funding.  ::)

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: ClownSpider on November 21, 2015, 09:03:03 AM
Why not provide links to this information?
What is so bad about Chinese buying things?  They buy land, they cannot export it to China, it remains US territory, and they must pay property tax to the US.  Win-Win, unless you have something against Chinese people.

Google it

No thank you.
If you cannot provide links to back up your allegations, your report is less valuable than a school essay.
Besides your point sounds racist, my google results are unlikely to provide any racist point of view or any Chinese involvement on the matter at all.

Ever tried googling "a gigantic gas pipeline" before?  
For that matter have you ever even used google?
I guarantee nobody will find whatever the hell you are talking about based on "a gigantic gas pipeline".

"The Port of Darwin" will not result in Chinese bribery and conspiracy information either.
Unless I google "Chinese bribery and The Port of Darwin"
Do you even realize what kind of off topic tinfoil hat results that will create?
They will have almost NOTHING to do with whatever you claim to have casually noticed in your implied random espionage.  

You want to be a whistle blower, then get to puffing!
Don't tell me to google "a gigantic gas pipeline".  I have safe search turned off, and I don't want to go blind.

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: ClownSpider on November 21, 2015, 09:04:10 AM
So if the Chinese want to pay bribe tax, to buy some land that remains in the US, then pay property tax, big deal.  What are they going to do, take over the USA with a pipeline?  Pipe some oil perhaps?  Big deal.

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: franky1 on November 21, 2015, 10:13:35 AM
ive noticed alot of dodgy overseas contracts emerging with links to the Chinese communist party, is it possible that bribes are being made in Crypto which is

enabling the scrutiny of the deals to be overlooked, where bribes made in cash or via bank transfer would otherwise blow the deal wide open!

change the title and then move it to speculation..

your title misleads people to think it happens.. yet your question reveals you have no clue/proof

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: hf100 on November 21, 2015, 10:31:12 AM
They mostly use cash for bribes. They found 200 million yuan ($33 million) in cash at an energy official called Wei Pengyuan’s home. They had to use 16 note counting machines to count it, and there were so many notes four of the machines broke under the load.

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: Bitcoinpro on November 21, 2015, 12:50:16 PM
ive noticed alot of dodgy overseas contracts emerging with links to the Chinese communist party, is it possible that bribes are being made in Crypto which is

enabling the scrutiny of the deals to be overlooked, where bribes made in cash or via bank transfer would otherwise blow the deal wide open!

change the title and then move it to speculation..

your title misleads people to think it happens.. yet your question reveals you have no clue/proof

But its untraceble rigth and the dodgy deals r surging right?

I proved evidence on the dodgy deals if i proved ecidence of

the bribes r u going to chair me off the field ?

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: worhiper_-_ on November 21, 2015, 12:53:21 PM
ive noticed alot of dodgy overseas contracts emerging with links to the Chinese communist party, is it possible that bribes are being made in Crypto which is

enabling the scrutiny of the deals to be overlooked, where bribes made in cash or via bank transfer would otherwise blow the deal wide open!

Why is there never a link to where you get those stories from?

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: Bitcoinpro on November 21, 2015, 12:56:11 PM
Clown head u have serious mental problems n u didnt try to do a google search

n u prob found the pipeline im talking about why all the lies go lose yourself

the moment sounds about right

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: Bitcoinpro on November 21, 2015, 12:58:15 PM
ive noticed alot of dodgy overseas contracts emerging with links to the Chinese communist party, is it possible that bribes are being made in Crypto which is

enabling the scrutiny of the deals to be overlooked, where bribes made in cash or via bank transfer would otherwise blow the deal wide open!

Why is there never a link to where you get those stories from?

use google if ur so smart that u think u can belate me with ur fugatzi account

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: More Coin on November 21, 2015, 01:19:50 PM
ive noticed alot of dodgy overseas contracts emerging with links to the Chinese communist party, is it possible that bribes are being made in Crypto which is

enabling the scrutiny of the deals to be overlooked, where bribes made in cash or via bank transfer would otherwise blow the deal wide open!
Why not provide any proof to validate your accusation? Don't just sit there and make random comments without taking a moment to think!

We just blcked China from buying our biggest farm its Massive

but they got our most strategic asset The Port of Darwin

They also got a gigantic gas pipeline

I believe these last two deals will get overturned !!!!

If you can afford buying The Port of Darwin, you can buy it. It is free market. Work hard and earn, do not complain always.

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: Bitcoinpro on November 21, 2015, 01:24:11 PM
ive noticed alot of dodgy overseas contracts emerging with links to the Chinese communist party, is it possible that bribes are being made in Crypto which is

enabling the scrutiny of the deals to be overlooked, where bribes made in cash or via bank transfer would otherwise blow the deal wide open!
Why not provide any proof to validate your accusation? Don't just sit there and make random comments without taking a moment to think!

We just blcked China from buying our biggest farm its Massive

but they got our most strategic asset The Port of Darwin

They also got a gigantic gas pipeline

I believe these last two deals will get overturned !!!!

If you can afford buying The Port of Darwin, you can buy it. It is free market. Work hard and earn, do not complain always.

and treat people fairly instead of being a lying scum sucking murderer

go take ur trash elsewhere

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: Pierre 2 on November 21, 2015, 04:04:43 PM
I would not be surprised if they do. Absolute power in bureaucracy corrupts absolutely.
But I think it is good for bitcoin. We don't really care about who uses bitcoin for what purpose.

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: CIYAM on November 21, 2015, 04:09:24 PM
Bribes are paid in many forms in China but I don't think that Bitcoin would be a preferred form at this stage (as you can't really actually *use* Bitcoin in China as a currency).

Things like "shopping cards" are generally more useful for amounts ranging from say 10K to 100K RMB and for much larger amounts property would be more likely to be used.

If corrupt officials were going to use Bitcoin for anything it would most likely be to transfer their wealth (or ill gotten gains if you prefer) outside of China (as the capital controls make it very hard to move large sums of RMB).

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: USB-S on November 21, 2015, 04:55:50 PM
Bribes are paid in many forms in China but I don't think that Bitcoin would be a preferred form at this stage (as you can't really actually *use* Bitcoin in China as a currency).

Things like "shopping cards" are generally more useful for amounts ranging from say 10K to 100K RMB and for much larger amounts property would be more likely to be used.

If corrupt officials were going to use Bitcoin for anything it would most likely be to transfer their wealth (or ill gotten gains if you prefer) outside of China (as the capital controls make it very hard to move large sums of RMB).


However more likely big bribes are payed with property and other means of value. Bitcoin may be used but is highly unlikely, since the adoption rate isn't that big, especially in government officials. However anything can and will happen in this world.

However bribing in general has definitely happened in the bitcoin ecosystem and will continue to happen, because the nature of bitcoins.

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: Bitcoinpro on November 21, 2015, 05:56:12 PM
Bribes are paid in many forms in China but I don't think that Bitcoin would be a preferred form at this stage (as you can't really actually *use* Bitcoin in China as a currency).

Things like "shopping cards" are generally more useful for amounts ranging from say 10K to 100K RMB and for much larger amounts property would be more likely to be used.

If corrupt officials were going to use Bitcoin for anything it would most likely be to transfer their wealth (or ill gotten gains if you prefer) outside of China (as the capital controls make it very hard to move large sums of RMB).


However more likely big bribes are payed with property and other means of value. Bitcoin may be used but is highly unlikely, since the adoption rate isn't that big, especially in government officials. However anything can and will happen in this world.

However bribing in general has definitely happened in the bitcoin ecosystem and will continue to happen, because the nature of bitcoins.

the whole bitcoin foundation took bribes and everyone was cheering them n mtgox until  they imploded and wiped out

almost everything, i kept this whole thing together  while u though programming was some  kind

of God and Gavin n Andreas Pharaohs , it was lols day after day,  trade fotress was the biggest spastic of the lot

and his retarded company stayed on the foundation websites 6 months atleast after he had ripped hundreds

of people off

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: Elwar on November 21, 2015, 06:53:39 PM
ive noticed alot of dodgy overseas contracts emerging with links to the Chinese communist party, is it possible that bribes are being made in Crypto which is

enabling the scrutiny of the deals to be overlooked, where bribes made in cash or via bank transfer would otherwise blow the deal wide open!

change the title and then move it to speculation..

your title misleads people to think it happens.. yet your question reveals you have no clue/proof

But its untraceble rigth and the dodgy deals r surging right?

I proved evidence on the dodgy deals if i proved ecidence of

the bribes r u going to chair me off the field ?

Very strange that this user went from articulate English in the past to this.

How much does a legendary account go for these days? I'm genuinely curious.

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: aso118 on November 22, 2015, 01:57:22 AM
They mostly use cash for bribes. They found 200 million yuan ($33 million) in cash at an energy official called Wei Pengyuan’s home. They had to use 16 note counting machines to count it, and there were so many notes four of the machines broke under the load.

A year ago. Let us hope they get tech-savvy enough to use Bitcoin.
If Chinese officials want to stash illegal wealth abroad, Bitcoin offers an opportunity. Why get bribes in RMB, convert it to BTC and then transfer it out? Why not get bribes directly in BTC?  :P

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: fuddudle on November 22, 2015, 04:32:44 AM
The exchanges still give information to the government about who wired what to where. Its still going to be difficult.

The story that China were buying cause of the capital controls was just a bit of news to help the pump along. Clearly that wasn't the real reason behind the pump as there would have been a much longer sustained rally as well higher volume magnitude overall.

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: Bitcoinpro on November 22, 2015, 07:26:20 AM
The exchanges still give information to the government about who wired what to where. Its still going to be difficult.

The story that China were buying cause of the capital controls was just a bit of news to help the pump along. Clearly that wasn't the real reason behind the pump as there would have been a much longer sustained rally as well higher volume magnitude overall.

All the Capital control stuff is fake the Communist party does wateva they want

buying up assets with illegal bribes, the end is near Bitcoin will crush them!

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: Blue_Tiger73 on November 22, 2015, 10:16:22 AM
This doesn't really surprise me. I know what the Chinese are like and they will go to any length to get what they want.

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: BirtRenaldsFan on February 19, 2016, 10:26:55 AM
I at least appreciate the Chinese occupying the currency. It's good that they use it as they are a more developed country in the land of technology.

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: EdenHazard on February 19, 2016, 03:15:31 PM
ive noticed alot of dodgy overseas contracts emerging with links to the Chinese communist party, is it possible that bribes are being made in Crypto which is

enabling the scrutiny of the deals to be overlooked, where bribes made in cash or via bank transfer would otherwise blow the deal wide open!
is that true?they should be have secret plan with this,if they bribes in bitcoin,they may be have mission to make bitcoin more have place in chinese poeple.

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: Snorek on February 19, 2016, 03:26:24 PM
Until someone is caught red-handed and direct link between corrupt individuals can be proven then we have no really base to discuss this further.
I still believe that bitcoin as bribing tool is more problematic than normal FIAT. Unless of course you have to accumulate HUGE amount of money and transfer it abroad.

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: btcltccoins on February 19, 2016, 03:34:01 PM
Bitcoin can be used for any purpose just like any other currency. also its difficult to trace the transactions.

In fact i don't really care about who uses bitcoin for what purpose. It good that bitcoins is used everywhere

Title: Re: Chinese communist officials allegedly paying bribes in Bitcoin
Post by: Kprawn on February 19, 2016, 05:27:34 PM
The exchanges still give information to the government about who wired what to where. Its still going to be difficult.

The story that China were buying cause of the capital controls was just a bit of news to help the pump along. Clearly that wasn't the real reason behind the pump as there would have been a much longer sustained rally as well higher volume magnitude overall.

All the Capital control stuff is fake the Communist party does wateva they want

buying up assets with illegal bribes, the end is near Bitcoin will crush them!

Why would Bitcoin crush them... The pseudo-anonymous nature of Bitcoin gives them even more anonymity than any other method used for these

bribes at the moment. If Bitcoin were a solution to bribes in governments, they would simply ban it and that would be the end of Bitcoin in that

country. Like you said, they can do what they want... that includes banning Bitcoin.