Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Services => Topic started by: subSTRATA on November 20, 2015, 05:07:27 AM

Title: Offering Java / C++ tutoring / homework help
Post by: subSTRATA on November 20, 2015, 05:07:27 AM
As the school semester comes to an end, its possible that I may not be taking another programming class next semester, and I don't want to get rusty. Instead, ill be offering to tutor or help people with their homework. Please do keep in mind that I cannot help with anything too advanced, and will not be helping with apps / projects, as learning the dependencies in your code, learning the project, etc, is not something I'm willing to dedicate too much time to.

Pricing (BTC) will depend on what you want (will probably range in the 1x usd per topic); I can:
Walk you through the process of the assignment (logic, pseudocode, etc. you can also expect amazing diagrams created via paint for any explanation given by me.)
Explain the topic to you thoroughly (examples will be provided, and ill do my best to present the material in a way such that it can be easily absorbed and understood.)
Flat out complete an assignment you have and explain the code in comments
any combination or variant of the above, including any form of programming help that isnt listed up there. If there's something specific you want me to do, feel free to specify / explain.
Based off of what you want, pricing will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Manner of payments can be discussed on a case by case basis as well (upfront, half and half, upon completion, etc). Howeverm please expect that you will need to pay accordingly for high quality help, even though this will be relatively cheap (but not ridiculously cheap). You get what you pay for.

Please do keep in mind that for me to help you, I must fully understand what it is you need; if you throw some code and coin at me with a message along the lines of "make this work," I'll probably ask you for an address to refund your coins to. Have an assignment sheet? Great, send that over instead of some code and saying "make this work."

However, I am willing to help people out with the most basic of syntactical questions for free should they pm me with a segment of code and a simple question, example:
why am i missing a semicolon?
note: abuse of this will lead to a spot on my pm block list :D

To contact, either shoot me a pm with your question / assignment as well as the details on said questions. I am also on the freenode #bitcoin IRC for a few hours a day under the alias "subs," (may change) but pm me on the forum before proceeding to make sure it's me youre dealing with. Tutorials can be done by pm, IRC, or some screensharing medium such as google hangouts in a khan academy-esque manner if I deem you trustable enough.

Q: skype?
A: no.
Q: Paypal?
A: no.
Q: Refunds
A: refunds will be given in the case that I cannot help you (ie, I don't know the subject matter, not if you are incapable of grasping the concepts. professors dont hand your tuition back if you dont pay attention after all).
Q: Why is the thread self modded?
A: questions that already have answers will be deleted, as well as useless posts that have no resemblance to a question regarding either this service, programming, etc. Hopefully I won't have to use this.

more tba if i feel like adding to it

tips for free help -> 1suBsiiiuh96SAHzCauUP9WPqS4p3vrRu

stuff i've helped with:;

Title: Re: Offering Java / C++ tutoring / homework help
Post by: subSTRATA on November 20, 2015, 07:21:45 PM
reserved for Q&A that people may have.

Title: Re: Offering Java / C++ tutoring / homework help
Post by: Dogedigital on December 11, 2015, 08:54:39 AM
I'm definitely interested.  When will you be available?

Title: Re: Offering Java / C++ tutoring / homework help
Post by: subSTRATA on December 11, 2015, 10:36:39 AM
I'm definitely interested.  When will you be available?
after my last exam which should be finished in about ~10 hours, just shoot me a pm whenever, chances are im awake.

Title: Re: Offering Java / C++ tutoring / homework help
Post by: subSTRATA on January 21, 2016, 11:27:53 AM