Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: toddtervy on November 22, 2015, 05:30:31 PM

Title: Enacting Death penalty on the terrorist cell pretending to be U.S.A. government
Post by: toddtervy on November 22, 2015, 05:30:31 PM
I think it's time, would like to see them tortured as they deserve, but this might not be widely accepted.

Title: Re: Enact Death penalty on corrupt government - enough is enough
Post by: toddtervy on November 22, 2015, 06:04:31 PM
Die traitors

Title: Re: Enacting Death penalty on corrupt terrorist cell the U.S.A. government
Post by: toddtervy on November 22, 2015, 08:57:10 PM
Update:  treasonous, corrupt psychopathic retarded terrorist u.s.a government and it's supporters still engaging in stalking...

Title: Re: Enacting Death penalty on the terrorist cell pretending to be U.S.A. government
Post by: BADecker on November 22, 2015, 11:18:58 PM
Destroy the American terroristic government, and you just might have to live under Islamic or Communist rule. Then you will see what true slavery is about.


Title: Re: Enacting Death penalty on the terrorist cell pretending to be U.S.A. government
Post by: croato on November 23, 2015, 12:36:29 AM
My country was part of Yugoslavia till 1990. when we fought bloody war just to get out of communist rule. I can tell you mate, before 1990. you would get shot by Yugoslav UDBA for shitting on authorities. You obviously dont know what you are talking about. Sure USA is not perfect but it is great place to live, trust me.

Title: Re: Enacting Death penalty on the terrorist cell pretending to be U.S.A. government
Post by: CryptoDatabase on November 23, 2015, 12:42:39 AM
I like my terrorist USA government, it sure beats the alternative of having my government behead my wife for refusing to sleep with their soldiers. Don't like the USA? Then get the fuck out.

Title: Re: Enacting Death penalty on the terrorist cell pretending to be U.S.A. government
Post by: BADecker on November 23, 2015, 12:51:46 AM
My country was part of Yugoslavia till 1990. when we fought bloody war just to get out of communist rule. I can tell you mate, before 1990. you would get shot by Yugoslav UDBA for shitting on authorities. You obviously dont know what you are talking about. Sure USA is not perfect but it is great place to live, trust me.

I like my terrorist USA government, it sure beats the alternative of having my government behead my wife for refusing to sleep with their soldiers. Don't like the USA? Then get the fuck out.

I concur. Let's work on making the USA better, not destroying her.


Title: Re: Enacting Death penalty on the terrorist cell pretending to be U.S.A. government
Post by: toddtervy on November 23, 2015, 01:23:42 AM
I like my terrorist USA government, it sure beats the alternative of having my government behead my wife for refusing to sleep with their soldiers. Don't like the USA? Then get the fuck out.
You're a pathetic coward.  So the only alternative to a  satanic government is an even more satanic government

Title: Re: Enacting Death penalty on the terrorist cell pretending to be U.S.A. government
Post by: CryptoDatabase on November 23, 2015, 01:26:34 AM
I like my terrorist USA government, it sure beats the alternative of having my government behead my wife for refusing to sleep with their soldiers. Don't like the USA? Then get the fuck out.
You're a pathetic coward.  So the only alternative to a  satanic government is an even more satanic government

I am a pathetic coward yes. A pathetic coward who lives in the greatest country in the history of the world. You go move to ISIS controlled territory and tell me how you feel getting fucked in your ass by a dude in a turban and then get back to me on how much my great country sucks.

Title: Re: Enacting Death penalty on the terrorist cell pretending to be U.S.A. government
Post by: CryptoDatabase on November 23, 2015, 01:30:45 AM
I like my terrorist USA government, it sure beats the alternative of having my government behead my wife for refusing to sleep with their soldiers. Don't like the USA? Then get the fuck out.
You're a pathetic coward.  So the only alternative to a  satanic government is an even more satanic government

I am a pathetic coward yes. A pathetic coward who lives in the greatest country in the history of the world. You go move to ISIS controlled territory and tell me how you feel getting fucked in your ass by a dude in a turban and then get back to me on how much my great country sucks.

When you live in a terrorist country, anything the media reports will be a lie.  For all we know ISIS territory is like paradise, maybe get a clue/ a bit less naive.

Tell that to the 'pathetic cowards' who were blown up in Paris by your friends.

Title: Re: Enacting Death penalty on the terrorist cell pretending to be U.S.A. government
Post by: toddtervy on November 23, 2015, 01:32:04 AM
I like my terrorist USA government, it sure beats the alternative of having my government behead my wife for refusing to sleep with their soldiers. Don't like the USA? Then get the fuck out.
You're a pathetic coward.  So the only alternative to a  satanic government is an even more satanic government

I am a pathetic coward yes. A pathetic coward who lives in the greatest country in the history of the world. You go move to ISIS controlled territory and tell me how you feel getting fucked in your ass by a dude in a turban and then get back to me on how much my great country sucks.

When you live in a terrorist country, anything the media reports will be a lie.  For all we know ISIS territory is like paradise, maybe get a clue/ a bit less naive.
In addition the 'things could be worse' argument is pretty stupid seeing how thing could pretty much always be worse

Title: Re: Enacting Death penalty on the terrorist cell pretending to be U.S.A. government
Post by: HardForkComing on November 23, 2015, 01:36:49 AM
Yah, every terrorist group in this world pretends to be US government, so the administration gets some bad light.

Because the good guys always get FUD, right?

I lold with specific "terrorist country" comments. There's no such thing. Every single country is a terrorist organization. People who have a brain bigger than a bean know that.

USA is the biggest terrorist in the world, yet, you "enjoy" your freedom by paying crazy taxes which are made up by crazy people.
Let's not forget how you give freedom to other countries, by invading them and killing innocent people.

Wait, this happens only in movies. I should turn off my TV.

My country was part of Yugoslavia till 1990. when we fought bloody war just to get out of communist rule. I can tell you mate, before 1990. you would get shot by Yugoslav UDBA for shitting on authorities. You obviously dont know what you are talking about. Sure USA is not perfect but it is great place to live, trust me.

Hail Tito

Title: Re: Enacting Death penalty on the terrorist cell pretending to be U.S.A. government
Post by: BADecker on November 23, 2015, 02:23:58 PM
Terrorist Todd Tervy.   :)

Title: Re: Enacting Death penalty on the terrorist cell pretending to be U.S.A. government
Post by: Okurkabinladin on June 15, 2017, 03:59:51 AM
See this thread:
  Re: NSA, CIA, IRS, DHS, ATF, FBI, GCHQ, Federal Reserve, ISIS are Terrorists

A crisis stabilization unit is in effect an emergency room for psychiatry, frequently dealing with suicidal, violent, or otherwise critical individuals. Open units are psychiatric units that are not as secure as crisis stabilization units. Another type of psychiatric hospital is medium term, which provides care lasting several weeks. In the United Kingdom, both crisis admissions and medium term care is usually provided on acute admissions wards. Juvenile or adolescent wards are sections of psychiatric hospitals or psychiatric wards set aside for children or adolescents with mental illness. Long-term care facilities have the goal of treatment and rehabilitation back into society within a short time-frame (two or three years). Another institution for the mentally ill is a community-based halfway house.