Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Kuna on November 24, 2015, 03:46:09 AM

Title: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: Kuna on November 24, 2015, 03:46:09 AM
How do you become the owner of the idea of ​​the first (real) Ukrainian Exchange Bitcoin? No restrictions in terms of turnover, liquidity and the Commission, as in the western areas, fully legitimate legal model, and even partially decentralized. You say that these sites are already in Ukraine and not just one. They are all built around the personal custom account . What has taught us brave police - such Exchange closes for 3 seconds.
What is the difference of our offer? We have been extensively tested and working model of decentralized storage UAH. Bitcoin is to be stored centrally, but we are already looking at a decentralized concepts.
To minimize the risks it is necessary also to decentralize the ownership structure. We announce the first round of kraudseyl (crowdsale)! To start the project, we need to further BTC 200 or the equivalent of 1.7 million UAH for the 20% stake in the Ukrainian Exchange. Sroudsale course will be organized on blokcheyn and you get Cryptotokens.
Items will be very soon. Everything will blokchain!

The last posting from your IP was less than 360 seconds ago.
360SEC? rly? NEXT MESSAGE?  guys you need new modern developers who can change it in "6 min".

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: franky1 on November 24, 2015, 04:12:11 AM
sorry scammer

but if you do not even have $64,000 of your own funds to set up your own exchange.. then no one is ever going to trust you!

especially when they go about it by asking for large lump sums.. on a forum., using a brand new username that has meaningless reputation and zero real life identifying data.

so how about getting a real job and stop asking for scammed handouts.

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: HabBear on November 24, 2015, 05:33:59 AM
The last posting from your IP was less than 360 seconds ago.
360SEC? rly? NEXT MESSAGE?  guys you need new modern developers who can change it in "6 min".

I believe the time limit between posts for new members is to keep people from coming on here and spamming the forum for any dumb reason. Of course spamming is bullshit at any level, but this rule at least keeps new members from doing so.

You come here for business and then you insult people? Not a great way to make friends...

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: DebitMe on November 24, 2015, 05:38:35 AM
Possibly one of the dumbest things I have ever heard.  Here is absolutely no information about the project, development, revenue, income, ourselves...etc...etc...please give me 200 bitcoins.

Just go away, no one needs this shit here.

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: yenxz on November 24, 2015, 05:56:25 AM
Dont talk too much newbie,we all havw situation like that when we are newbie.. ;D

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: avatar_kiyoshi on November 24, 2015, 06:35:15 AM
LoL scammer is don't know place to do a scam, you definitely wrong section and your post is obviously scam purpose.

Please if you want to start a serious project, make a team, better to use your/team personal money.

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: MRKLYE on November 24, 2015, 06:41:48 AM
This forum has seen countless (and I truly mean countless) scam attempts.

Coming in here, Claiming you are going to set up some sort of legitimate exchange and then ask for 200BTC for 20% of your imaginary company?
Christ sakes man, you need to really re-evaluate your life if you honestly think that shit was going to work.

Protip for you: Learn some useful skills instead of being a fucking scamtard on the internet. It's a hell of alot easier to learn a skill and trade it for BTC than it is to sit there and feel sorry for yourself while your shit scam attempts fail. Evolve you mongoliod.

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: iv4n on November 24, 2015, 06:50:42 AM
How people even think that someone will believe them when they say story's like this one. Just like that 200 bitcoins haha, well like someone said find a job man and stop with this scams.
But at least u wish 200, others try to scam for 10 cents,  dollar or two but u my friend are the winner.  Better delete this account and go do something more honest.

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: dothebeats on November 24, 2015, 07:11:08 AM
Eh, don't ask for initial funding here in a form of croedfunding and a newbie account with no established identity, connections or whatsoever. No one will believe in such a project without a concrete plan or at least a layout of project. Just no.

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: crazyivan on November 24, 2015, 08:09:40 AM
Pathetic attempt to scam people. As Japanese say, in God we trust, everybody else, bring papers. No papers? NO FUNDING!

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: Amph on November 24, 2015, 08:33:04 AM
no, to minimize the risk you need to buy bitcoin, this is how it work, with bitcoin begging is prohibited, because they are not printed out of thin air like fiat, and to increase their value we need to educate the other to actually buy bitcoin, not acquiring for free and then dumping for fiat

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: MRKLYE on November 24, 2015, 08:40:46 AM
no, to minimize the risk you need to buy bitcoin, this is how it work, with bitcoin begging is prohibited, because they are not printed out of thin air like fiat, and to increase their value we need to educate the other to actually buy bitcoin, not acquiring for free and then dumping for fiat

Buy bitcoin or set up services that use bitcoin as a payment.

It's not that hard to set up a shop with BTC.. It really isn't. Numerous Worpress plugins actually exist allowing even complete noobs to set up a shop and sell their skills and wares.. We need to stop the faucet tards and beggars and re-direct them onto paths that help BTC grow.

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: kpitti on November 24, 2015, 08:49:58 AM
It looks like there are very smart people there who wants to start the project. I try to read several times but not understand anything. Just that they need 200 BTC ;D
No way.

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: TastyChillySauce00 on November 24, 2015, 09:04:47 AM
newbie offering something that's too good to be true, seems creepy, and dude if you want get fast access to reply any thread or making post , make your account level higher

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: newcoins1978 on November 24, 2015, 09:09:46 AM
Uhh? What did I just read?

If you're actually looking for some answers I would suggest to edit your post a bit.

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: Mickeyb on November 24, 2015, 10:36:24 AM
Uhh? What did I just read?

If you're actually looking for some answers I would suggest to edit your post a bit.

He is looking to collect 200 BTCs! This is not such a bad idea, I might open a thread like this tomorrow! For me, 100 BTCs will be enough! :) What do you think everybody, should I try doing it?

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: Altynbekova on November 24, 2015, 12:47:15 PM
Uhh? What did I just read?

If you're actually looking for some answers I would suggest to edit your post a bit.

He is looking to collect 200 BTCs! This is not such a bad idea, I might open a thread like this tomorrow! For me, 100 BTCs will be enough! :) What do you think everybody, should I try doing it?

Why not "If you have a dream for something go for it" I am also going to want 100 BTC one day.

But I like more to hear that a lot of people know about bitcoin or just spend BTC daily where I live that is my dream.

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: Piltover on November 24, 2015, 12:59:06 PM
Kinda confusing post but you should contact the whales.

You can find them at sea.

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: Denker on November 24, 2015, 01:06:23 PM
Uhh? What did I just read?

If you're actually looking for some answers I would suggest to edit your post a bit.

He is looking to collect 200 BTCs! This is not such a bad idea, I might open a thread like this tomorrow! For me, 100 BTCs will be enough! :) What do you think everybody, should I try doing it?

I will do the same and only need 50 BTC! So what do you think now?
And if I do it extremely properly maybe 25 BTC could be enough. That's a good deal don't you think? ::)
So come aboard and I'm sure nobody will regret it! ;) ;D

Damn these stupid scammers are a bit late I guess. I remember a time here, attempts like that popped up every day.

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: CryptoBjorn on November 24, 2015, 02:54:00 PM
Uhh? What did I just read?

If you're actually looking for some answers I would suggest to edit your post a bit.

He is looking to collect 200 BTCs! This is not such a bad idea, I might open a thread like this tomorrow! For me, 100 BTCs will be enough! :) What do you think everybody, should I try doing it?

I will do the same and only need 50 BTC! So what do you think now?
And if I do it extremely properly maybe 25 BTC could be enough. That's a good deal don't you think? ::)
So come aboard and I'm sure nobody will regret it! ;) ;D

Damn these stupid scammers are a bit late I guess. I remember a time here, attempts like that popped up every day.
For me 25BTC is enough I will just hold and invest the 25% of bitcoin and 75% just for holding.
If I have 25BTC then.

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: newcoins1978 on November 24, 2015, 02:57:30 PM
Uhh? What did I just read?

If you're actually looking for some answers I would suggest to edit your post a bit.

He is looking to collect 200 BTCs! This is not such a bad idea, I might open a thread like this tomorrow! For me, 100 BTCs will be enough! :) What do you think everybody, should I try doing it?
Of course, 100BTC the dream! Strive for your goals!

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: AMVM on November 24, 2015, 03:23:07 PM
He doesn't even bother commenting that's really pathetic.

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: Kprawn on November 24, 2015, 03:32:26 PM
He doesn't even bother commenting that's really pathetic.

Probably took him 5 days to compile that post.. give it a day or two and he will be ready with some of the answers. He might be busy with a detailed business plan as we speak.

 ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

We should simply ignore these types of threads, but it's too tempting to make an example of these people to discourage this kind of behavior. What world are these people living in,

to come to a public forum, with the hopes that they will get 200 BTC { $ 64 820 at today's rate } by posting a single post and begging for money? Give me some of the stuff they

smoking...  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: azeminjo09 on November 24, 2015, 03:36:46 PM
wow, you just registered, made a topic and you asking for 200BTC? Is everything ok with you??

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: Zaun on November 24, 2015, 03:49:11 PM
wow, you just registered, made a topic and you asking for 200BTC? Is everything ok with you??
Is this your first time in Bitcointalk?? Don't be in shocked this is the daily post of everyone saying I want 100-200BTC or saying like next year BTC will be 10.000USD.
But if you are new here in Bitcointalk than Welcome have fun this a good community.

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: megatron1337 on November 24, 2015, 03:51:16 PM
Don't we wish it was that easy?  lol
Might be a troll also...  This is the Internet after all.

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: Mickeyb on November 24, 2015, 05:26:29 PM
Uhh? What did I just read?

If you're actually looking for some answers I would suggest to edit your post a bit.

He is looking to collect 200 BTCs! This is not such a bad idea, I might open a thread like this tomorrow! For me, 100 BTCs will be enough! :) What do you think everybody, should I try doing it?

Why not "If you have a dream for something go for it" I am also going to want 100 BTC one day.

But I like more to hear that a lot of people know about bitcoin or just spend BTC daily where I live that is my dream.

I don't think you understood my post or anything out of this thread. OP is begging for 200 BTCs and quite possibly looking to scam. So I have made a joke that I will do the same tomorrow but I will be a but more modest, I will ask only for 100 BTCs! :)

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: lolgato on November 24, 2015, 05:29:42 PM
This guy must be desperate for bitcoins I mean seriously  xd

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: USB-S on November 24, 2015, 06:29:06 PM
at least the more professional scammers write a wall full of text with some graphs showing how the investor is going to the moon and whatnot. This however is just pathetic. Try harder next time.

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: RodeoX on November 24, 2015, 06:36:57 PM
Come on guys, he may just be new. No need to jump on him.

Kuna, what everyone is trying to tell you is that getting a loan that large will be just as hard as getting it from the bank. You will need lawyers, papers of incorporation, professional business plans, collateral, etc. Bitcoin is not magic, it's just money and asking for $64,000 will work about as well as if you asked random people on the street.   

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: franky1 on November 24, 2015, 06:52:02 PM
Come on guys, he may just be new. No need to jump on him.

Kuna, what everyone is trying to tell you is that getting a loan that large will be just as hard as getting it from the bank. You will need lawyers, papers of incorporation, professional business plans, collateral, etc. Bitcoin is not magic, it's just money and asking for $64,000 will work about as well as if you asked random people on the street.   

we know it was a scam, Kuna knows it was a scam.. and now Kuna is trying to 'save face' by saying it was a prank to test peoples bullsh*t meters

Thank you for all your response. It's very important for us.

This was a teaser. Only your own brain can protect you from scam, enjoy it, and do not trust anyone. Even us.

Viva Blockchain!

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: RodeoX on November 24, 2015, 08:41:01 PM
Come on guys, he may just be new. No need to jump on him.

Kuna, what everyone is trying to tell you is that getting a loan that large will be just as hard as getting it from the bank. You will need lawyers, papers of incorporation, professional business plans, collateral, etc. Bitcoin is not magic, it's just money and asking for $64,000 will work about as well as if you asked random people on the street.   

we know it was a scam, Kuna knows it was a scam.. and now Kuna is trying to 'save face' by saying it was a prank to test peoples bullsh*t meters

Thank you for all your response. It's very important for us.

This was a teaser. Only your own brain can protect you from scam, enjoy it, and do not trust anyone. Even us.

Viva Blockchain!
I write that stuff for an actual new user who sees this and thinks that is how it's done. I could guess that Kuna was not so ignorant as to expect 64k in BTC from a stranger. It would be an epic thread if someone did loan him the money!  :D

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: krumblez on November 24, 2015, 08:42:20 PM
Oh, hello, I have a plan, it requires me to get some nice BTC, so, to help me with my plan please send your *spare* BTC to 19hyum5jc4QpX9zPaYELtEys4umaL4aKhF


#1 You will get nothing in return.

#2 This is time sensitive

#3 If you have got this far please refer to #1

Title: Re: WHO HAVE BTC 200?
Post by: NorrisK on November 24, 2015, 10:22:47 PM
Oh, hello, I have a plan, it requires me to get some nice BTC, so, to help me with my plan please send your *spare* BTC to 19hyum5jc4QpX9zPaYELtEys4umaL4aKhF


#1 You will get nothing in return.

#2 This is time sensitive

#3 If you have got this far please refer to #1

Sounds like a solid plan. How much do you need?

Seriously, anybody falling for this kind of stuff should get their head checked for some brain damage.