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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: davidKp on November 26, 2015, 01:10:37 AM

Title: Obama wants to kill you.
Post by: davidKp on November 26, 2015, 01:10:37 AM
Hello everybody..

Well i think the time has arrive, Obama and his demented elite have advanced from creating terrorist groups like al qaeda which later become into isis to create take overs on the sovereign countries they want to control without the disaprove of the international community.

In other words, they are acting just like Hitler but as they learnt from him, they knew is not good to be the "bad boy" of the movie, so they have been creating this virtual and not existent problems on those countries to have an excuse to send troops and control them, at the end the result is the same: an invasion of a sovereign contry.

But now that their plans have not been as planned, that "shady" and discrete operation is not valid anymore!, Obama is directly promoting a WW3!, now they ended caring even what the international community is saying to accomplish their goals.

Obama said it was a valid move to shot down the Rusian aircraft!! That could be enough motives for others to start a big war, so it seems obama care more of Rusia killing their "moderate" rebels (who shoots soldiers in parachute) than starting the WW3 because maybe that's what they want!, they want a big war to save their country from bankrupt!.

So any president triying to trigger and provoke another country who has thousands of nuclear weapons to enter a big war means he want to start the WW3.

If a new big war starts now it will obviously kill millions of people in tens of countries, this means Obama doesnt care if you or your relatives die, that's it, the beast revealed itself as what it is: the evil.

Title: Re: Obama wants to kill you.
Post by: Chef Ramsay on November 26, 2015, 04:18:32 AM
While I tend to agree w/ you, Obama isn't in charge and is merely a puppet for those that are. First of all, this country has grown weary of wars and especially using our boys and girls as the ground game when it didn't work so well in Iraq and Afghanistan. This ineptness in his leadership is what is driving the people to want a stronger president to lead a tough America once again. It's all by design and this is why I hope Rand Paul starts catching on so his foreign policy of non-interventionism will win the day and make America safer once again and not blowing heaps of money on this crap.

Title: Re: Obama wants to kill you.
Post by: btckold24 on November 26, 2015, 06:32:57 AM
well lets not compound the problem and elect hillary next.... UGH!  I'm not opposed to a female president but she is a bitchy robot

Title: Re: Obama wants to kill you.
Post by: zenitzz on November 26, 2015, 11:34:21 AM
The entire world knows Obama is a failed experiment. America will NEVER make that mistake again.

Title: Re: Obama wants to kill you.
Post by: freedomno1 on November 26, 2015, 12:12:31 PM
well lets not compound the problem and elect hillary next.... UGH!  I'm not opposed to a female president but she is a bitchy robot

I don't really blame you for that I'm leaning more towards Donald Trump and or Bernie
Kind of a ABH at the moment but that's mainly due to my strong distaste of Monsanto.

Title: Re: Obama wants to kill you.
Post by: ultimatesky on November 26, 2015, 02:35:23 PM
I doubt that it's only Obama, there are a bunch of people, ex. advisors for everything that he makes a desiscion for.

He's not doing this on his own, he's just the front man that comes out publicly

Title: Re: Obama wants to kill you.
Post by: MaxTax on November 26, 2015, 03:25:24 PM
Of course he's evil, their whole government are corrupt. I believe most of the countries goverment in the world are corrupt.

I don't believe that they meant to do good for their country.

Title: Re: Obama wants to kill you.
Post by: bitcoin-hunter on November 26, 2015, 03:29:07 PM
The entire world knows Obama is a failed experiment. America will NEVER make that mistake again.

Haha that is funny "Obama is a failed experiment".

I don't know what will happend when Obama is not the president anymore.

What do you guys think?

Title: Re: Obama wants to kill you.
Post by: BADecker on November 26, 2015, 03:51:58 PM
The entire world knows Obama is a failed experiment. America will NEVER make that mistake again.

Do you know who George W. Bush's grandfather was? He was a Hitler supporter in WW2. People voted for Bush and didn't even know or care. People will always vote in a crook and criminal.


Title: Re: Obama wants to kill you.
Post by: Hashminers on November 26, 2015, 04:12:48 PM
The entire world knows Obama is a failed experiment. America will NEVER make that mistake again.

Do you know who George W. Bush's grandfather was? He was a Hitler supporter in WW2. People voted for Bush and didn't even know or care. People will always vote in a crook and criminal.


Are you serious I didn't knew that George W. Bush's grandfather was a supporter of Hitler.
So much hate at the goverment I am just lucky that I am still alive.

Title: Re: Obama wants to kill you.
Post by: troleybüs on November 26, 2015, 05:26:11 PM
As Chef Ramsay said Obama is just a figuration, his time is passed already, he can't be elected for the third time and he's living his last days as President. He doesn't have ability to decide wars, he's gone in less than a year.
Besides this fact I believe Obama made better presidency than republicans in last 8 years.

Title: Re: Obama wants to kill you.
Post by: croato on November 26, 2015, 05:30:32 PM
I am surprised lot of ppl actually think Obama runs USA. USA president is only puppet in most cases and if he dont do what wirepuller want, they shot him. Real boss in USA is dollar, you can buy politician there absolutely legal and cause of that American people lost control over their country long time ago.

Title: Re: Obama wants to kill you.
Post by: ridery99 on November 26, 2015, 07:48:56 PM
cockroaches will win never gonna happen it's just a saying

Title: Re: Obama wants to kill you.
Post by: BADecker on November 26, 2015, 08:56:33 PM
cockroaches will win never gonna happen it's just a saying

Even cockroaches die.    ;D

Title: Re: Obama wants to kill you.
Post by: densuj on November 28, 2015, 09:26:54 AM
Do you have a proof?

Title: Re: Obama wants to kill you.
Post by: bryant.coleman on November 28, 2015, 05:19:12 PM
I am surprised lot of ppl actually think Obama runs USA. USA president is only puppet in most cases and if he dont do what wirepuller want, they shot him. Real boss in USA is dollar, you can buy politician there absolutely legal and cause of that American people lost control over their country long time ago.

Yup... the government system in the US is very decentralized. Although Obama is the POTUS, there are other people who are pulling the strings, such as Joe Biden and Hillary Cinton. And many of these people are on the payrolls of various powerful corporations. Essentially, it is the big corporations such as Boeing, Exxon and Chevron which are running the USA.

Title: Re: Obama wants to kill you.
Post by: davidKp on December 02, 2015, 01:35:19 AM
Well, with Hillary and Jeb bush this will not only be the same but it will get worse, Obama resist to take military actions until the pressure is high, but the other two are part of that elite, I mean, Clinton and Bush families.. how can it be even possible for the bush family to keep sending candidates after what they did!.

The war can be very close now, they will do whatever its needed to implement the new world order, "sacrifice a few now to save many later", only the great Rusia are containing them for now.

Why is Europe still suporting USA?? they will be the first to get destroyed and oblirated in a war with Rusia, they are the first line, Obama feels safe with thousands of km away from Rusia.

Read RT, Rusia today, it's not Rusian propaganda, propaganda is the western CNN media but some are so brainwashed by it that they don't see it.

All the facts Rusia exposes come along with proofs, but not in CNN.

CNN says USA has 5 times more aircrafts in Siria than Rusia, but they dont say no matter if they have 1000 aircraft there if they do only a FEW attacks to Daesh (10 times less than Rusia), and the ones they do, they alert Daesh 45 minutes before so they can escape.


Title: Re: Obama wants to kill you.
Post by: Arrakeen on December 02, 2015, 02:13:46 AM
Do you have a proof?

Did you ever get proof for Iraqi war yet? Or still waiting? 8)

Title: Re: Obama wants to kill you.
Post by: Blithe on December 02, 2015, 04:44:26 AM
Its funny that during the previous world wars, millions dies without even a nuclear bomb or some sort. But whats gonna happen and how many casualties would a war cause if they got nuclear bombs. Are they gonna purge humanity?

Title: Re: Obama wants to kill you.
Post by: BADecker on December 02, 2015, 05:14:53 AM
Come on, people. Don't you realize, yet, that the real reason for government is so that the shrewd crooks have a place to gather? Keep them all in one spot, fighting amongst themselves, so that the rest of us can live in peace.

Go ahead and join the military, so they can use you to fight their dirty wars for them. Just remember, it's your own fault if you do.


Title: Re: Obama wants to kill you.
Post by: Blithe on December 02, 2015, 12:01:19 PM
ww3 is making sense here. With this turkey, isis, Putin quotes. Other 3rd world countries would be stock on who to ally.

Many issues are sure comming for the 1st black president of the US. Hmm

Title: Re: Obama wants to kill you.
Post by: Gothorum on December 03, 2015, 04:31:58 PM
Obama may want to kill us, neither affirm or deny it. what scares me most is who will be president after him, probably Donald Trump...

Title: Re: Obama wants to kill you.
Post by: ACAB on December 04, 2015, 12:19:27 AM
I don't think Obama has any intention to kill me. He doesn't even know me. (If he knows he like me :))
He's living his last times as a president, so let the man enjoy his time.

Title: Re: Obama wants to kill you.
Post by: frankenmint on December 04, 2015, 12:27:59 AM
Hello everybody..

Well i think the time has arrive, Obama and his demented elite have advanced from creating terrorist groups like al qaeda which later become into isis to create take overs on the sovereign countries they want to control without the disaprove of the international community.

In other words, they are acting just like Hitler but as they learnt from him, they knew is not good to be the "bad boy" of the movie, so they have been creating this virtual and not existent problems on those countries to have an excuse to send troops and control them, at the end the result is the same: an invasion of a sovereign contry.

But now that their plans have not been as planned, that "shady" and discrete operation is not valid anymore!, Obama is directly promoting a WW3!, now they ended caring even what the international community is saying to accomplish their goals.

Obama said it was a valid move to shot down the Rusian aircraft!! That could be enough motives for others to start a big war, so it seems obama care more of Rusia killing their "moderate" rebels (who shoots soldiers in parachute) than starting the WW3 because maybe that's what they want!, they want a big war to save their country from bankrupt!.

So any president triying to trigger and provoke another country who has thousands of nuclear weapons to enter a big war means he want to start the WW3.

If a new big war starts now it will obviously kill millions of people in tens of countries, this means Obama doesnt care if you or your relatives die, that's it, the beast revealed itself as what it is: the evil.

I think we've found /u/bithugs - trying to make us say anti-govt. so they can track you down, arrest you, and confiscate your coin under federal civil forfeiture law.

Title: Re: Obama wants to kill you.
Post by: BADecker on December 04, 2015, 08:55:41 AM
Hello everybody..

Well i think the time has arrive, Obama and his demented elite have advanced from creating terrorist groups like al qaeda which later become into isis to create take overs on the sovereign countries they want to control without the disaprove of the international community.

In other words, they are acting just like Hitler but as they learnt from him, they knew is not good to be the "bad boy" of the movie, so they have been creating this virtual and not existent problems on those countries to have an excuse to send troops and control them, at the end the result is the same: an invasion of a sovereign contry.

But now that their plans have not been as planned, that "shady" and discrete operation is not valid anymore!, Obama is directly promoting a WW3!, now they ended caring even what the international community is saying to accomplish their goals.

Obama said it was a valid move to shot down the Rusian aircraft!! That could be enough motives for others to start a big war, so it seems obama care more of Rusia killing their "moderate" rebels (who shoots soldiers in parachute) than starting the WW3 because maybe that's what they want!, they want a big war to save their country from bankrupt!.

So any president triying to trigger and provoke another country who has thousands of nuclear weapons to enter a big war means he want to start the WW3.

If a new big war starts now it will obviously kill millions of people in tens of countries, this means Obama doesnt care if you or your relatives die, that's it, the beast revealed itself as what it is: the evil.

I think we've found /u/bithugs - trying to make us say anti-govt. so they can track you down, arrest you, and confiscate your coin under federal civil forfeiture law.

We love the American government, because it allows us to say anything we want, and to sue the pants off people in government who take our property - our right to free speaking - away.
