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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Xenland on November 18, 2012, 06:01:51 AM

Title: Birth Cirtificate is a fictious name, Responding to this name is fraud
Post by: Xenland on November 18, 2012, 06:01:51 AM

I'll just leave this right here....

Title: Re: Birth Cirtificate is a fictious name, Responding to this name is fraud
Post by: JoelKatz on November 18, 2012, 06:28:51 AM
So what's the magic words I have to say that makes it so that I don't have to pay any taxes? I already tried "I forgot" -- no luck.

Title: Re: Birth Cirtificate is a fictious name, Responding to this name is fraud
Post by: repentance on November 18, 2012, 08:28:36 AM
Sounds like a variation on Freemen on the Land and Sovereign Citizen bullshit.

This particular judgement is well worth reading if you want to understand why such claims have no legal validity whatsoever.

Title: Re: Birth Cirtificate is a fictious name, Responding to this name is fraud
Post by: Xenland on November 18, 2012, 08:53:14 AM
All i know is that i identify my self (as required by california) as i wont be attempting to challange this but beyond identifying my self the police serve the republic and unless im victimizing someone or causing damges the only thing a cop can do is make you by force, deceit, intimidation to give up your common man rights at which that point when you give up your rights your contracting the UNITED STATES (the company residing in District of columbia) into settling something that you agreed to(which is probubly nothing). Under constituional law no man is above god and has equal rights. There fore the corporation called UNITED STATES cannot just violate your rights unless the republic (the people) contract the UNITED STATES into settling two parties rights into court.

I have successfully evaded cops multiple times peacefully by saying identifing my self with an identification card but also at the same time tell the speaking officer  that the united states identifies me as seen on that identification card and that me as a human being cannot be identified. Then I continue to tell officers that i will co-operate with all commands and wont resist but my co-operation is not censent to search, concent to appear in a line up, or censent to contract with the officers its affiliates, or the united states and its contractors or affiliates.

It seems when i do that to cops in a calm manner they get striaght really quick  and they giveive me a harder time then usual like forcably search my vehichle and find "parapheinila" but they have no grounds to break common law and thus i get let go everytime with my parapheinla in tact no damages done to my vehicle either.

Its great being a freeman!

Title: Re: Birth Cirtificate is a fictious name, Responding to this name is fraud
Post by: Xenland on November 18, 2012, 08:57:18 AM
To joelkats

By using united states dollars you are contracting with the united states protection of your work assests

Stop using USD start using bitcoins no more contract no more taxes but we need some entity for protection so ill still pay taxes just so i can contract them if needed in an anarchaic world.

Title: Re: Birth Cirtificate is a fictious name, Responding to this name is fraud
Post by: Xenland on November 18, 2012, 09:20:42 AM
It kind of makes sense to me in this way "Since my mother/dad/parents named me, it is morally wrong to identify my self as such since I have never registered my fictitious name personally and wilfully with the UNITED STATES". So for me to answer by "MY NAME HERE" it would be a breaking of common law as I am entering contract with the UNITED STATES with a false identification.

Title: Re: Birth Cirtificate is a fictious name, Responding to this name is fraud
Post by: Xenland on November 18, 2012, 09:48:14 AM

This particular judgement is well worth reading if you want to understand why such claims have no legal validity whatsoever.

Looks like Canadian court preceding not United states, this matter is different I think considering that instead of a "Government" we now have a "Corporation" with the customers acting like cattle so now they are being treated like cattle and now they are angry because they didn't know they just have to take control over their lives and live as a True, just loyal person with no double-sided intent and to the goal of providing happiness between all meeting parties.

Title: Re: Birth Cirtificate is a fictious name, Responding to this name is fraud
Post by: Benatar on November 18, 2012, 09:49:38 AM
Can I have some of the LSD you've been taking?

Title: Re: Birth Cirtificate is a fictious name, Responding to this name is fraud
Post by: Xenland on November 18, 2012, 09:51:40 AM
Can I have some of the LSD you've been taking?

Title: Re: Birth Cirtificate is a fictious name, Responding to this name is fraud
Post by: Xenland on November 18, 2012, 09:56:51 AM
Also the problem is by showing up to court for "legitimately not doing any thing" is you saying "I know i did something wrong, and I'm going to let you deal with it"

Also I took two-tabs from this site