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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: dotcom on November 19, 2012, 04:39:53 AM

Title: Israeli-Palestine conflict escalates
Post by: dotcom on November 19, 2012, 04:39:53 AM

Obama is quick to respond but tentative to intervene as the conflict escalates (A tendency that is being mirrored by leaders around the world including many EU nations).

I am also noticing that most people who are commenting on these stories across the various news sites are convinced that the media is being biased against their 'side of the conflict' (if you will). What surprises me is that in most of the articles I've read there appears to be little to no bias in either direction, just a statement of what happened, how many died, and what various nation's responses were. It seems that instead of taking into account all information and THEN making a decision, most people seem content to simply refuse any information that goes against what they already believe (or rather what they've already been told to believe by their political parties).

Title: Re: Israeli-Palestine conflict escalates
Post by: stochastic on November 19, 2012, 06:14:01 AM

Obama is quick to respond but tentative to intervene as the conflict escalates (A tendency that is being mirrored by leaders around the world including many EU nations).

I am also noticing that most people who are commenting on these stories across the various news sites are convinced that the media is being biased against their 'side of the conflict' (if you will). What surprises me is that in most of the articles I've read there appears to be little to no bias in either direction, just a statement of what happened, how many died, and what various nation's responses were. It seems that instead of taking into account all information and THEN making a decision, most people seem content to simply refuse any information that goes against what they already believe (or rather what they've already been told to believe by their political parties).

I have always been a proponent of a 1 state solution, or the Lock-in solution.

Title: Re: Israeli-Palestine conflict escalates
Post by: Lethn on November 19, 2012, 05:07:23 PM
I know Israel has done things to the Palestines that they have every right to be pissed off about but doesn't anyone else actually get a bit fed up with how the Hamas leader keeps calling for peace and then minutes later there are reports of missiles being fired into Israel? It's the political equivalent of the "Why are you hitting yourself?" gag, normally I wouldn't be too bothered about this kind of stupidity but they keep dragging civilians into it and don't seem to give a fuck which pisses me off.

If you want to kill each other for stupid reasons and you're determined to fine, but don't go dragging people who have nothing to do with it into your problems and be a selfish cunt about it.

Title: Re: Israeli-Palestine conflict escalates
Post by: Charlie Prime on November 19, 2012, 05:12:19 PM
I agree. During Operation Cast Lead in 2008-09 Israel killed 1,400 Gazans. More than 80% were civilians. Over 300 were children.

Palestinians are stupid. If a genetically superior bloodline needs Lebensraum, you get out of their way. The sailors of the U.S.S. Liberty who were monitoring Irgun death squads can tell you that.

For the "Who was there first" crowd, in the Torah the god Yahweh demands that Israelites invade neighbors and murder them. In exchange for the fresh blood, the Israelites get their neighbors’ stuff.

Consequently, it doesn’t matter who lived on the land first. When God says kill, you obey.

Title: Re: Israeli-Palestine conflict escalates
Post by: myrkul on November 19, 2012, 05:14:09 PM
If you want to kill each other for stupid reasons fine, but don't go dragging people who have nothing to do with it into your problems and be a selfish cunt about it.

Hear, Hear!

I say we lock Khaled Meshal and Benjamin Netanyahu in a room until either they kill each other or decide to make nice.

Title: Re: Israeli-Palestine conflict escalates
Post by: Lethn on November 19, 2012, 05:15:51 PM
LOL I was thinking about that myself! Seems like the best solution for everybody! :D

Title: Re: Israeli-Palestine conflict escalates
Post by: RodeoX on November 19, 2012, 05:37:08 PM
[theory] If I were Israel and were planning a spring offensive against Iran, then I would start by tamping down Hamas and it's ability to get involved locally. Then I could concentrate on Iran.  [/theory]

Title: Re: Israeli-Palestine conflict escalates
Post by: myrkul on November 19, 2012, 05:42:24 PM
[theory] If I were Israel and were planning a spring offensive against Iran, then I would start by tamping down Hamas and it's ability to get involved locally. Then I could concentrate on Iran.  [/theory]

If I were Israel, and wanted to give Iran a bloody nose, I'd ask my big friend the US to go bully them around.

Title: Re: Israeli-Palestine conflict escalates
Post by: dotcom on November 19, 2012, 06:29:53 PM
[theory] If I were Israel and were planning a spring offensive against Iran, then I would start by tamping down Hamas and it's ability to get involved locally. Then I could concentrate on Iran.  [/theory]

If I were Israel, and wanted to give Iran a bloody nose, I'd ask my big friend the US to go bully them around.

If Romney won they likely would have. With Obama winning they pry have a figurative coin flip of a chance for us to aid them and die in whatever wars they deem fit for us.

Title: Re: Israeli-Palestine conflict escalates
Post by: myrkul on November 19, 2012, 06:32:36 PM
[theory] If I were Israel and were planning a spring offensive against Iran, then I would start by tamping down Hamas and it's ability to get involved locally. Then I could concentrate on Iran.  [/theory]

If I were Israel, and wanted to give Iran a bloody nose, I'd ask my big friend the US to go bully them around.

If Romney won they likely would have. With Obama winning they pry have a figurative coin flip of a chance for us to aid them and die in whatever wars they deem fit for us.
Us? You got a mouse in your pocket?

Title: Re: Israeli-Palestine conflict escalates
Post by: Lethn on November 19, 2012, 06:34:07 PM

Title: Re: Israeli-Palestine conflict escalates
Post by: dotcom on November 19, 2012, 06:41:32 PM
[theory] If I were Israel and were planning a spring offensive against Iran, then I would start by tamping down Hamas and it's ability to get involved locally. Then I could concentrate on Iran.  [/theory]

If I were Israel, and wanted to give Iran a bloody nose, I'd ask my big friend the US to go bully them around.

If Romney won they likely would have. With Obama winning they pry have a figurative coin flip of a chance for us to aid them and die in whatever wars they deem fit for us.
Us? You got a mouse in your pocket?

I was born, grew up, and currently live in the U.S., hence "us" as a pronoun. I sometimes forget to speak in the 3rd-person when on internationally-used sites.

Title: Re: Israeli-Palestine conflict escalates
Post by: myrkul on November 19, 2012, 06:52:42 PM
[theory] If I were Israel and were planning a spring offensive against Iran, then I would start by tamping down Hamas and it's ability to get involved locally. Then I could concentrate on Iran.  [/theory]

If I were Israel, and wanted to give Iran a bloody nose, I'd ask my big friend the US to go bully them around.

If Romney won they likely would have. With Obama winning they pry have a figurative coin flip of a chance for us to aid them and die in whatever wars they deem fit for us.
Us? You got a mouse in your pocket?

I was born, grew up, and currently live in the U.S., hence "us" as a pronoun. I sometimes forget to speak in the 3rd-person when on internationally-used sites.
As was I, but I don't have any intention of aiding Israel, nor dying in a war. Nor do I buy into the collective mindset.

Now, if you happen to be an active-duty member of the US armed forces, and may actually be requested to go aid Israel and/or die in a war, then I can see the use of "us" as the group pronoun. Otherwise, the correct pronoun is "they."

Title: Re: Israeli-Palestine conflict escalates
Post by: dotcom on November 20, 2012, 02:00:16 AM
If Romney won they likely would have. With Obama winning they pry have a figurative coin flip of a chance for us to aid them and die in whatever wars they deem fit for us.

I'll still be forced to indirectly aid them, yes I won't be fighting. This wasn't like an official statement I was making to the press, I've never had a off-hand forum post torn apart this much lol.

Let me reword so I don't offend others delicate sensibilities:

If Romney won they likely would have. With Obama winning they pry have a figurative coin flip of a chance for us to aid them and for people around me to die in whatever wars they deem fit for the United States.

Title: Re: Israeli-Palestine conflict escalates
Post by: myrkul on November 20, 2012, 02:53:32 AM
If Romney won they likely would have. With Obama winning they pry have a figurative coin flip of a chance for us to aid them and die in whatever wars they deem fit for us.

I'll still be forced to indirectly aid them, yes I won't be fighting. This wasn't like an official statement I was making to the press, I've never had a off-hand forum post torn apart this much lol.

Let me reword so I don't offend others delicate sensibilities:

If Romney won they likely would have. With Obama winning they pry have a figurative coin flip of a chance for us to aid them and for people around me to die in whatever wars they deem fit for the United States.

lol... don't stress overmuch. I just like to prod people I see expressing individualist views with collectivist language.

Quote from: Margaret Thatcher
Watch your thoughts for they become words. Watch your words for they become actions. Watch your actions for they become... habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny! What we think we become.
(Yeah, I know... Even statists have good quotes, though.)

Title: Re: Israeli-Palestine conflict escalates
Post by: Brunic on November 20, 2012, 03:46:16 AM
I was talking with my mom when I saw the news on TV couple of days ago.

Me: "Hey mom, is it me or since I've been born, these countries have always been at war?"
My mom: "Don't worry, it was the same thing when I was born too."

That's when I understood that this conflict is completely ridiculous. Two bunch of idiots with missiles looking for reasons to use them.

Title: Re: Israeli-Palestine conflict escalates
Post by: Charlie Prime on November 20, 2012, 04:17:59 AM
It's not ridiculous.  They always light up Gaza a few months before an election.  Look at history.

Title: Re: Israeli-Palestine conflict escalates
Post by: Littleshop on November 21, 2012, 01:36:18 AM
It's not ridiculous.  They always light up Gaza a few months before an election.  Look at history.

Both sides want to fight.  Civilians on both sides pay the price though the civilians in Israel pay a far lower price per populous.   

Title: Re: Israeli-Palestine conflict escalates
Post by: legitnick on November 21, 2012, 05:43:00 AM

Title: Re: Israeli-Palestine conflict escalates
Post by: dotcom on November 21, 2012, 07:43:03 AM

I laughed so fucking hard

Title: Re: Israeli-Palestine conflict escalates
Post by: gineta on November 21, 2012, 07:51:46 AM
I agree. During Operation Cast Lead in 2008-09 Israel killed 1,400 Gazans. More than 80% were civilians. Over 300 were children.

Palestinians are stupid. If a genetically superior bloodline needs Lebensraum, you get out of their way. The sailors of the U.S.S. Liberty who were monitoring Irgun death squads can tell you that.

For the "Who was there first" crowd, in the Torah the god Yahweh demands that Israelites invade neighbors and murder them. In exchange for the fresh blood, the Israelites get their neighbors’ stuff.

Consequently, it doesn’t matter who lived on the land first. When God says kill, you obey.
Where say that exactly

Title: Re: Israeli-Palestine conflict escalates
Post by: mai77 on April 07, 2013, 11:30:29 PM
how the Hamas leader keeps calling for peace and then minutes later there are reports of missiles being fired into Israel?

well they have every right to take back their land from thieves.

Title: Re: Israeli-Palestine conflict escalates
Post by: antibanker on April 08, 2013, 02:22:17 PM
Israel must be forced back into the 1948 borders. Nothing else has any legitimacy.