Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Services => Topic started by: organofcorti on November 22, 2012, 09:28:39 AM

Title: organofcorti's PSA
Post by: organofcorti on November 22, 2012, 09:28:39 AM
organofcorti's Pool Safety Audits

tl;dr I can do numbers. PM me if you want me to do numbers stuff for you.

Good pool ops are genial geniuses. They have to be able to help miners with software problems, optimise pool service and troubleshoot service difficulties, promote their pool, ensure that the pool stays relevant by incorporating software and service upgrades as soon as possible, and lots of other things I will never know or understand. It's a full time job that requires an in depth knowledge of coding, network analysis, PR and who knows what else.

I've never run a pool, and I have only a vague idea what it involves. I have a mental image of Graet (;u=17548) slaving away over a hot server, stripped to the waist and chained at the ankles, but apart from this image I have no idea what goes on in the day of the life of a pool op - I simply don't have that skill set.

I do however have another useful skill set: statistical analyses of pool data. I can help in an area that many pool ops find much too boring and time consuming. However, analyses of pool data can be very useful. If you have a DGM, PPLNS, *MPPS or (god forbid) a proportional variant pool, an analysis of data can prove to your miners - visually or otherwise - that your "pool luck" is within a given confidence interval, and if it's not it may help you track down a reason - for example a block withholding attack. If you have a pure PPS pool you might want an analysis for your own uses, especially if you've had poor luck for a period of time and you want to find out if this is suspiciously poor or not.

I've been analysing pool data for well over a year, and I do have the skill set to produce analyses of any data you want to provide me. I'm most familiar with analyses of D1 equivalent shares per round / D, but if you have any other data you want analysed - for example, pool stale shares, network ping times, or any other parameter that is important when running a pool, I can do that for you.

I have an honours degree in engineering, post grad qualifications in health sciences and I do some research as a part of my day job. I also produce the blogposts at ( If you've never visited (, encourage to you now. You'll find lots of interesting information there.

I provide a basic audit, and a subscription service:

Basic. Your request for an audit is placed in the basic audit queue and will be completed within four weeks (but probably much less time than that). The first five to request and audit will have them done within a week. If you require the results urgently, see "Rush service" below. The basic audit is a free service, but you can order "extras" as below. You will need to provide the data in a format I'll can discuss with you via PM (or email if you prefer the conversation to be private).

The basic audit returns two plots and one table of results, and an explanation of how to read the plots.

Provided free:
  • A table of pool statistics for time period compared with population and population 95% confidence interval.
  • A plot of cumulative shares per round / D ("pool luck"), cumulative orphaned blocks per block, and hashrate per round for time period.

If your data does not contain sufficient information to determine one or more of these, any plot I have previously produced at that the data does support can be substituted free of charge.


Blogging preference:  0.5 btc if have a preference - pro or anti - regarding posting the results to

Confidence intervals:  0.5 btc if you want confidence intervals other than 95%

Discussion and explanation of your results: 2 btc per result.

Other charts and analyses:
  • 1 btc for any chart, table or analysis I have previously used in any NPW post.
  • 3 to 5 btc for a chart, table or analysis I have not produced before, with well detailed instructions for what is required.
  • 10 btc for any chart, table or analysis I have not produced before, but with vague instructions and requirements.

Rush service. If you require results sooner than four weeks, you can at any time request them to be analysed more rapidly if it is possible for me to do so.
  • 24 hour turnaround: 10 btc
  • 48 hour turnaround: 8 btc
  • 72 hour turnaround: 6 btc
  • 7 day turnaround: 4 btc
  • 14 day turnaround: 2 btc

Subscription service: 6 audits over 6 months for 3btc. Audit dates are determined at time of subscription.

Included are three analyses of your preference, as long as I have produced them previously (either for you or on These cannot be changed for the length of the subscription.

Extras: same as for the free service , except that it is a one time payment includes all audits until the end of the subscription (with one exception) at no extra cost.

The exception is "Discussion and explanation of your results", which is charged on a per audit basis.

Subscription rush service. If you want an audit completed before the next is due, you can at any time request them to be processed more rapidly.
  • 24 hour turnaround: 5 btc
  • 48 hour turnaround: 4 btc
  • 72 hour turnaround: 3 btc
  • 7 day turnaround: 2 btc
  • 14 day turnaround: 1 btc

If you have any questions about any analysis you need, either post here, PM me, or PM me with an email address.

Title: Re: organofcorti's PSA
Post by: ninjaboon on November 26, 2012, 03:29:36 AM