Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: miner49er on November 23, 2012, 07:45:51 PM

Title: noob needs help bitcoin-qt will never synch?
Post by: miner49er on November 23, 2012, 07:45:51 PM
sorry for this post, but I cannot find related topics aywhere:

So, I decided to try bitcoin mining. I have had an old old rig that has a PCI-e slot given to me :
acer veriton pro.
S370 Pentium D 945 dual core 3.4Gh
2 GB pc 333 DDR2 RAM (dual channel)

Radeon 5770 GPU

Installed Win 7 64-Bit. Installed bitcoin-qt win 32 V0.7.1-beta(with Qt v 4.8.2 included). Installed Guiminer 2012-11-18.

I have had it running for 3 days now, and am almost close to sync 98.51% on 2061XX block ou tof 2092XX blocks.

and I am looking at the current block count on block explorer here:

Here is my big question:
it appears that the current block count is incrementing faster than my solo bitcoin-Qt server instance can process the chain. Will this computer ever get into sync so I can start up my solo miner in GUIMiner?

thanks to any one who can help me out;

Title: Re: noob needs help bitcoin-qt will never synch?
Post by: DarkHyudrA on November 23, 2012, 07:57:06 PM
Stop solo mining, seriously.

Mine trough pools of PPS, just saying.
And, of course, you can mine and sync your client at the same time.

Best Regards,

Title: Re: noob needs help bitcoin-qt will never synch?
Post by: miner49er on November 23, 2012, 08:04:52 PM
yes i know everyone would say that, but I honestly have no clue what I am doing here, so thought solo would give me a little experience before I jumped into the pool thing.
so , for example, I have restarted my Solo instance and it reported synching up to 209253 which was the current block on block explorer. It churned through about 15 remaining blocks before the blockexplorer current block changed up to 209254.

so i guess i am making headway... But, will my wallet ever sync up? the synchro notic is still a block behind? anyone ever have this happen?

thanks again.

Title: Re: noob needs help bitcoin-qt will never synch?
Post by: mitty on November 23, 2012, 10:15:30 PM
Sorry to state the same as other people in this topic, but you probably won't make anything solo mining unless you have significant hashing power.  If anything you should try a PPS pool to "get a little experience" as it's the way the majority of miners mine.  50btc (3% fee I think) or btcguild (5% fee) are probably good pools to play around with.

As for your actual question...  If it's been on for days and not catching up, you could try deleting the bitcoin folder (or just moving the files elsewhere just in case) and try letting it sync again.  It should only take about a day.  I've synced 3 computers and while it did take forever, it finished in each case.  Not sure if it'd help, but maybe make sure your router has UPnP or port forwarding enabled?

Title: Re: noob needs help bitcoin-qt will never synch?
Post by: miner49er on November 23, 2012, 10:25:23 PM
thanks mitty,
I did not port forward my router or enable UPnP on my router, just to be extra secure with this machine. I am showing the 8 connections to the bitcoin network.
I tried connecting to BTCguild, but keep failing using GUIMiner. would that be due to no incomming connections? i have to port forward 8332 to my mining machine in my router?

can I do pool mining if running solo server ?

Title: Re: noob needs help bitcoin-qt will never synch?
Post by: miner49er on November 23, 2012, 10:33:05 PM
anyone want to send me a donation just to see if it registers? the tinyest amount possible s fine.

Update- i am now under 1000 blocks on this old rig, I may just sync yet, before this PC melts from the stress.....

Title: Re: noob needs help bitcoin-qt will never synch?
Post by: miner49er on November 24, 2012, 01:58:03 AM
~98 blocks remaining  :D come on funny feeling!

Title: Re: noob needs help bitcoin-qt will never synch?
Post by: miner49er on November 24, 2012, 02:17:16 AM
W007! i am synched!!!!

.... uh... now what? *anti-climactic siggh*

Title: Re: noob needs help bitcoin-qt will never synch?
Post by: miner49er on November 24, 2012, 04:21:44 AM
so i did finally just join a pool....