Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining => Topic started by: Forp on June 06, 2011, 11:42:13 PM

Title: Warning: Beware of watercooled 6990 from Powercolor
Post by: Forp on June 06, 2011, 11:42:13 PM
Hi there,

today my new 6990 LCS from Powercolor with water cooling came.  ;D

While I was unpacking, a phone call came in by the shop where I had ordered yet another watercoold 6990 LCS from Powercolor. The guy told me that he can't deliver since they ran out of stock and - what's more important - they probably would not get new ones, having way too many burnt cards and warranty work is getting a problem for them. They could, of course, send me a do it yourself watercooler kit, but then without warranty for the card, and actually, they would recommend against it and suggest the air cooled one.

So I told him to put the order on hold and I would be back to him as soon as I had some more experience with the just-unpacked card.

There I went, putting together the new cooling circuit, leakage test, filling, test run and all that stuff. When I finally booted with the 2 cards (one water cooled 6990 and one air cooled 6990), Win 7 started to do some reconfiguration and driver installation on its own when all of a sudden there was this funny sound like spraying water, followed by buzzing sound. Screen went blank and air went smelly.  :o >:(

...and there it went the 6990 LCS from Powercolor.

The card is still completely dry, not a single drop of coolant. There was no leakage or stuff, but the sound and the smell spoke a clear language, as did a slightly brownish color.

Now I understood: What they guy on the phone meant was not an overclocking fatality but a burn-for-no-obvious-reason fatality. I did not even get so far as to have the drivers installed completely. Only thing which caught my attention and surprise was that device manager only showed 3 GPUs instead of 4 = 2x2.

Any similar experiences regarding Powercolor ?

It took me a while of configuring to get the air cooled 6990 workign again. Initially control center reported 0 clock frequency and the card did not show up properly.  :-[