Bitcoin Forum

Other => Obsolete (selling) => Topic started by: co149 on June 07, 2011, 01:15:16 AM

Title: Books I've Written.
Post by: co149 on June 07, 2011, 01:15:16 AM
(Abstracted from a blog post at (  If I can push my books and Bitcoins in one swell foop, I'm happy!)

I have a couple of books out.

  • ZAP ( ( is a novel, available at FastPencil, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble; paper and various electronic editions are available.
  • The Osburn Elapsed Calendar ( ( is only available on paper through FastPencil.

Until now.

If you have Bitcoins, I will make either of these books available to you for personal use as PDF.  The files will be unencumbered by DRM or anything silly like that.  (I'll trust you not to rip me off.  ;D)

Price is negotiable.  I would like to get BTC 0.75 for ZAP and BTC 0.25 for Calendar.  You may think they're worth less than that, and that's fine.  Or, maybe you want to pay a little now and more if you decide you like the book.  Great!  I'll take ... uh ... 20% down to get the book emailed to you, then you can send more later.  Or, if you just hate what I've written, you won't send more.

Drop me a note at kd7dvd [whirlpool] gmail [spot] com telling me which books you'd like and drop coin into the address in the sig. 

Then I'll have money to use to buy food, drink, and drugs to get the next book done!  Win-win!

(If you'd rather buy the book for USD or other bank currency, please use the FastPencil links above.)

Title: Re: Books I've Written.
Post by: altcoinex on January 31, 2018, 04:38:10 PM

Title: Re: Books I've Written.
Post by: maremostro on May 19, 2018, 10:07:44 PM

I can too especially weed to enhance my (you know the part from expanse when the fella is studying working of a human) nueral pathways activity

here is a bit I wrote

I also ponder on god as a rule (set of laws) so utterly complex that it was called god

I think you will enjoy it

I live on a boat so am homeless (but in good spirits)

Doing airdrops and bounties but I promise for  btc donation I go to btc atm and cash out