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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: roldstin on December 10, 2015, 08:58:55 PM

Title: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: roldstin on December 10, 2015, 08:58:55 PM
Cant understand why she break up with me, she says she doesnt have feeling from me anymore since the last 3 weeks. I dunno where to start, i dont know what to do bacause i got nothing ,really nothing now.She's working ,im studying and trying to get diploma so we could pursue our dreams together ,but since tuesday ,were not seeing each other . i dunno wht to do guys i dont know , give me advice please....

Title: Re: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: knightkon on December 10, 2015, 11:33:29 PM
You need to examine the whole relationship.  What did you do at the beginning of the relationship to woo her?  What is your relationship like behind closed doors?  Are you doing things to make her feel special and if so how often?  Women are strange, depending on your age, it happens sometimes.  There is the right march out there for you, this may just not be it.  Good luck.

Title: Re: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: bitfranky on December 10, 2015, 11:41:22 PM
@roldstin you need to move on there's nothing you can do because your girlfriend already found someone else.

Title: Re: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: Btlfedgolf on December 10, 2015, 11:43:30 PM
Best thing is to just move on.  Dwelling on what you or she did wrong won't solve anything.

Title: Re: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: Spoetnik on December 11, 2015, 12:48:16 AM
May be tough but move on..
Women have lots of time to think about dumping you.. she planned it for a while.
There is prob nothing you can do.

In the future be a better BF
and pick a better women.

Things don't work out for a reason.
Few people meet one mate and stick with them for life.

If you don't have lots of money you better be damn good in bed !
That is the gist of it LOL

Lots of fish in the sea !

Title: Re: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: BugoyNaKoykoy on December 11, 2015, 04:24:25 AM
boy you need to move on , many girls out side 

Title: Re: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: zivone on December 11, 2015, 05:12:43 AM
I never thought boys could be this dramatic posting love problems on a forum. Move on boy, a lot of fish in the sea. :D :D

Title: Re: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: funkydog on December 11, 2015, 06:09:11 AM
Do what i did...

Go to flight school, get your ATPL, get yourself a seat in a nice wide body jet, new girlfriend every week, repeat, do that for about 13 years, fall in love, make children, stop flying full time, marry, invest in BTC, lay back and enjoy.

Here is your plan.

Title: Re: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: darkstarzz69 on December 11, 2015, 06:11:56 AM
Just move on bro. It's not worth it to linger on and hope. If she can suddenly lose her feelings after being together for 6 years, she's not the one for you. Better now then after marriage or kids.

Title: Re: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: Rexxxem on December 11, 2015, 06:22:28 AM
Its best that you move on. Normally when this starts to happen it is the begging of the end. Whether it be quick or drawn out.

Your going to feel the natural emotions as long as you let yourself. If you want to sulk and feel bad for yourself for too long you will.
Take this time to finish your degree and focus on improving yourself as an individual. You will come out of this a much better person than you are right now.

Title: Re: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: Most on December 11, 2015, 06:31:48 AM
boy you need to move on , many girls out side 

Yeah that's true !

Title: Re: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: smoothie on December 11, 2015, 06:51:36 AM
There are plenty of fish in the sea....

take your pick...

move on...

Title: Re: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: nydiacaskey01 on December 11, 2015, 07:01:26 AM
Well it's easy for us to say "move on", "theres plenty of girls out there" but for OP's situation it's hard to that, I've been there same situation but mine is 7 years relation down the drain, the only thing I did to move on is prove to the girl that she made a wrong decision in leaving you and do it for your self not for the girl. After 2 years, she want's me back but I can't anymore because I have a new girl already which is my wife now.

Title: Re: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: fichtn12345 on December 11, 2015, 07:58:25 AM
Its best that you move on. Normally when this starts to happen it is the begging of the end. Whether it be quick or drawn out.

Your going to feel the natural emotions as long as you let yourself. If you want to sulk and feel bad for yourself for too long you will.
Take this time to finish your degree and focus on improving yourself as an individual. You will come out of this a much better person than you are right now.


Title: Re: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: Ayoko on December 11, 2015, 08:51:21 AM
Remember, it takes two to tango, so it’s never all one person’s fault when a relationship doesn’t work. By acknowledging your part, you can choose to change your attitudes or behavior that contributed to the problems. Before moving on, spend time understanding your past relationship and preparing yourself for the best that’s yet to come.

Title: Re: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: PrikiNo.1 on December 11, 2015, 12:45:43 PM
She's working ,im studying and trying to get diploma so we could pursue our dreams together ,but since tuesday ,were not seeing each other .

Dude, you already have the answer of your question! She start with a career and you don't, because you are still studying... :)

The most important thing so you can stay in healthy relationship is when the man makes the woman feel reliable. What I mean with this? - It is completely natural that the man is the one who is leading the woman. You can see this example in every spiritual or psychological book. The man by a definition is the head of the body and the woman is in fact the body! So if the body is act different from the head, then this two things will fall apart, logically. :D

My advice to you is: If she left you, then let her go and continue with your dreams and if one day she decide to comeback to you, then think twice before you do something... If you know what I mean.

Title: Re: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: Trifixion713 on December 11, 2015, 05:58:32 PM
I'll echo the previous posters who have said to move on and the fact there are countless other women out there - you can't change what has happened but you can change your future for the better. Take care of you right now and focus on your goals, enjoy your new-found freedom and in times like this in the past when I was younger and reeling from a break-up, meeting a new girl and having some no-strings-attached fun took my mind off my ex and gave me a new outlook. Life goes on, it is too short to let someone who wasn't the right one for you drag you down.

Title: Re: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: shanerc563 on December 11, 2015, 06:06:08 PM
All you are doing is holding yourself back by not moving on.  If you really think that you can not, then you have to do something to wow her to get her back, but none of is are going to be able to teach you what you need to do, you have to get on your big boy pants and make it happen.  Nothing in life is free.

Title: Re: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: rokkyroad on December 11, 2015, 06:08:53 PM
If she can suddenly lose her feelings after being together for 6 years, she's not the one for you.


Pretty sad after six years. Can't imagine your pain. Take care bud.

Title: Re: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: xmax on December 11, 2015, 06:11:36 PM
How about the best answer.  Today is Friday... Calla  friend and go out to a club and find some insanely hot chick, take her home and let her forget this girl.  Don't expect a relationship with her, but she should get your head back in place so that you can move on with your life.  Remember you are the catch here and is she does not realize this, that is her loss.  Good luck.

Title: Re: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: PrikiNo.1 on December 12, 2015, 01:21:33 PM
Mate, I am sure that you love her, but look on the bright side now...

You were able to love someone and the first thing that you should do know is to continue with you life. Maybe, you gonna need a time to heal your feelings, but I am sure that when you gonna meet you next person, you will be able to show her what is love and how you was practicing this feeling in your past experience.

Keep in mind to not go in another relationship if you still thinking of her. Because, if you do that, then you will have flash lights from you past girlfriend and the result will be fatal. Maybe you will gonna need month or couple of months, but when you will feel that you completely let her go from you head, then be sure that you are prepare for a new relationship. :D

Title: Re: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: bizerinm on February 05, 2016, 08:15:40 PM
I have a friend having long and nice relationship with her boyfriend..they traveled together in all parts of the world, had nice time, everything was perfect at least looking like that and then: he wanted to marry her and to have a family, but she didn't want she left him..he wanted something serious and she wanted just to date as before

Title: Re: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: opmac on February 05, 2016, 08:37:52 PM
Cant understand why she break up with me, she says she doesnt have feeling from me anymore since the last 3 weeks. I dunno where to start, i dont know what to do bacause i got nothing ,really nothing now.She's working ,im studying and trying to get diploma so we could pursue our dreams together ,but since tuesday ,were not seeing each other . i dunno wht to do guys i dont know , give me advice please....

Move on bro
Plenty of fish in the sea
Been down that road before and turned out to be better for me anyhow. I have gained more life experiences and have seen and learned so much more now.
You will get over it fast.

Title: Re: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: runpaint on February 05, 2016, 08:59:34 PM
You need to stop focusing all those negative feelings on yourself, and express some anger at something outside yourself.  Otherwise you'll just get depressed from holding it all in.

Aren't you angry?   You've given 6 years of your life to this woman, and she just decides to break all her promises and waste everything you've done, just because "she doesn't feel like it anymore"? 

What if she had children with you, would she just get tired of them too and abandon them?  That's what relationships are about - commitment and keeping promises.  Because sex is where babies come from, so it's understood that the relationship is supposed to be for life.

As soon as you allow yourself to feel the natural anger over her deceit and betrayal, you'll realize she's not worth crying over and you don't even want her back.  Pretty soon you can move on to the next stage, which is not even thinking about her anymore because she doesn't matter in your life.

Title: Re: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: MisO69 on February 05, 2016, 09:13:35 PM
Cant understand why she break up with me, she says she doesnt have feeling from me anymore since the last 3 weeks. I dunno where to start, i dont know what to do bacause i got nothing ,really nothing now.She's working ,im studying and trying to get diploma so we could pursue our dreams together ,but since tuesday ,were not seeing each other . i dunno wht to do guys i dont know , give me advice please....

Forget her. TRUST ME. Forget her... Nothing good comes after a breakup. Best to move on.

Also..... you're single so its PARTY TIME!

p.s. NEVER TAKE HER BACK. she will just dump you again.

got it? good luck.

Title: Re: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: European Central Bank on February 05, 2016, 09:38:48 PM
Man, some of you guys are terrible at advice. The last thing I'd wanna do is go and fuck someone else if a long term relationship with someone I loved had just finished. It's not exactly party time either.

If it were me I'd be spending as much time as possible with other people who cared about me, real friends and family. I'd be out doing as much as possible. I'd be tiring myself out in the gym or the country. I'd be doing things I've always wanted to do only for myself. I'd be thinking about what I want in my future and making plans to turn it into reality.

You won't get any sense or a straight answer out of her or yourself at this stage.

Title: Re: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: Cyaren on February 06, 2016, 04:20:50 AM
Some people are just that way... Just forget about her and move on.

Title: Re: After almost 6 years my ex girlfriend dump me ..
Post by: chennuan on February 06, 2016, 06:06:18 AM
She's working ,im studying and trying to get diploma so we could pursue our dreams together ,but since tuesday ,were not seeing each other .

Dude, you already have the answer of your question! She start with a career and you don't, because you are still studying... :)

The most important thing so you can stay in healthy relationship is when the man makes the woman feel reliable. What I mean with this? - It is completely natural that the man is the one who is leading the woman. You can see this example in every spiritual or psychological book. The man by a definition is the head of the body and the woman is in fact the body! So if the body is act different from the head, then this two things will fall apart, logically. :D

My advice to you is: If she left you, then let her go and continue with your dreams and if one day she decide to comeback to you, then think twice before you do something... If you know what I mean.
I think so too, perhaps she thinks she wants a more mature man (higher position).
So, you have to study hard now, for yourself, there will be a better girl.