Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Gambling => Topic started by: Frost on December 12, 2015, 12:23:05 AM

Title: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Frost on December 12, 2015, 12:23:05 AM
Discuss: What is you gambling strategy, and what type of gambler are you? Do like risk or do you prefer slow gambling?

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: klf on December 12, 2015, 12:25:53 AM
I'm not a full time gambler and I don't believe in any one can make big or regular profits from gambling so I don't take much risk in losing money so I just do to small sports betting for fun and some times. According to me gambling is for fun and we should enjoy the games instead of worrying loses and after effects so I just put small bet and don't worry about the end results much.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: koshgel on December 12, 2015, 12:31:27 AM
It really depends what you're betting on for gambling strategy.

In sports betting tending to stick to the sports and teams you know the most about seems to translate to success. Using a slower strategy would be preferable though. Going all-in can yield large short term results but you also run the high risk of busting quickly.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: DarkStar_ on December 12, 2015, 12:33:03 AM
I prefer going slow, better chance of making a profit.

But I lose most of it anyway  ;)

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Junko on December 12, 2015, 12:41:49 AM
Go big or go home.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: quantumgravity on December 12, 2015, 12:52:56 AM
I play poker, so it always depends on my opponents. A lot of times I will sit back and just wait for good cards, but sometimes I'll sense weakness and start playing aggressively with mediocre cards and win because my opponents are too loss-averse.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: NorrisK on December 12, 2015, 01:01:55 AM
Slow and steady wins the race is my motto. I just don't have the balls to bet huge amounts.

Although, betting large is probably the only way to win big in gambling, as in the long term the house edge will always catch up if you do tons of small bets.
If you do a few large bets, you might end up at the positive site of chance.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Karartma1 on December 12, 2015, 01:12:23 AM
My gambling strategy is to win,always: if I don't I get pissed off very easily and I come here and blame the guys here who gave me the wrong picks. ;D

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: neochiny on December 12, 2015, 01:26:08 AM
Discuss: What is you gambling strategy, and what type of gambler are you? Do like risk or do you prefer slow gambling?

First of all. strategy is just good for the a short period of time when you gamble.
2nd i am chaos gambler. first i go for slow and when it goes through i go for risk
games... so in the end i usually lose. :( it is because of one thing. i cannot really control
my emotion and be calm all the time of gambling. well i think still need to learn much.
anyways good luck to all of us.. :P

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: nickaizoku on December 12, 2015, 01:28:44 AM
I always play with strategy but i felt that with any strategy it eventually go busted.
So im playing with risky. I think its better :)
Lose many time but if win, its win many and ill stop for today gambling.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: MinerHQ on December 12, 2015, 01:54:51 AM
I'm not a going big in gambling because at least I know I can't make money in gambling so I always bet small amounts. But here many people argue that they can make lot of money from gambling but I don't believe on this so I just use this betting as a fun activity. When I feel bored than If I got some time then I will look for some good match to bet small amount and play dice with free money from sites.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: nichu on December 12, 2015, 02:03:56 AM
i dont think u could make money gambling, i just started sports betting and that is it.its the only bit of gamble i do period :)

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: shanem on December 12, 2015, 02:16:30 AM
I have have any strategy for gambling. For me, I would prefer to bet ' all in '. Either I win or lose at around 50% chance. There is no point in playing martingale which uses up lots of time.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: paka on December 12, 2015, 02:21:23 AM
I prefer, taking high risk and high return.
Doing slow betting increases stress and anxiety..

If you're going to gamble use it as a source of entertainment not as a money making activity, you're likely going to burn out in the process.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Slark on December 12, 2015, 02:21:35 AM
I usually try to be patient, cautious and logical most of the time. But there are times when I am tilted (usually triggered by lost game, or series of unfortunate bets) and I lose my composure and bet higher to get even.
But when I play poker I like to bluff very often and take my risk, I don't know what is with that game that make me do that...

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Sir_lagsalot on December 12, 2015, 02:22:24 AM
Slow and steady wins the race. I martingale with a 2 BTC bankroll, and a 1 satoshi base bet. Works like a charm. Made a bitcoin and left. Never gambling again. Zip, Nada. I went on an 18 losing streak. A bit too risky for me.

Martingale is the best, by far.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: MTBTT on December 12, 2015, 03:28:51 AM
I just go "yolo" when I do gamble(I don't do it much).

There is really no point because if you have a strategy or if you don't have a strategy the odds of winning are the same. Martingale is based on infinite bankroll which is impossible to obtain.

Martingale will just waste your time "autobetting" as opposed to "yolo'ing", which not only provides great entertainment, also determines your result faster.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Rubberduckie on December 12, 2015, 03:32:40 AM
I go hard in sports gambling until nba playoffs. Then in the summer
I dont play much baseball just play poker until football season
starts then back to going heavy!

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: dinda22 on December 12, 2015, 03:35:21 AM
I play on sports gambling, I like to make parlay and I do not really like to take risks, I always play it safe by choosing 2-3 teams with a small odds and I am sure the team will win :)

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: TriggerX on December 12, 2015, 03:43:23 AM
I'm guessing strategically, shouldn't it be better if you risk a bunch at once? Because the house edge doesn't deduct our chance of winning over 100 rolls, it only deducts after 1 roll. I'm guessing go big or go home.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: krunox123 on December 12, 2015, 03:49:34 AM
To be honest, I don't like to gamble even though it brings a lot of excitement to me. But when I gamble, I never use any strategy.
I prefer to gamble slowly and take all the risk I can. Means, sometimes I risk all my gambling funds, sometimes I place a bet on a higher odds bet.
I think I am both risk taker and a slow gambler. :)

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: michietn94 on December 12, 2015, 04:45:47 AM
i am slow player i like to play slow and using strategy ecspecially in poker game or blackjack,

i like to wait for chances and slowly collecting the money

but for dice game i kind of liked to go fast and follow my feeling

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: diodio5 on December 12, 2015, 04:46:39 AM
Slow and patience is the key in gambling, no any strategy in gambling i just follow my feeling and don't take high risk

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: RealPhotoshoper on December 12, 2015, 08:39:54 AM
I do not specifically take time to gamble, but once i did it i prefer to take a risk as much as i can, you know why? gambling is about risk, if you dont want to risk or only take a little risk would be better you dont gamble. Many things you can do out there with very low risk than have to gamble with low risk.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Dannie on December 12, 2015, 08:53:47 AM
Discuss: What is you gambling strategy, and what type of gambler are you? Do like risk or do you prefer slow gambling?

I mainly gamble on sports events, and my strategy is to always check the teams' previous results and performance before making my decision. Also, I only consider it as a form of entertainment and only spend a small amount in gambling.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: bearex on December 12, 2015, 09:16:27 AM
Big stakes. If you are lucky you will win.

But if you go slow, you will get little money each time, but at the end lose it all.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: MRKLYE on December 12, 2015, 09:21:51 AM
Personally I'd always had been more of a long odds gambler personally. Never made much sense to risk more than I was set to gain from winning any particular bet. Most of the time I remember I used to shoot for 100x odds or perhaps 20% win chance as I found those sort of wins to be rewarding more-so than other types. As for my gambling strategy these days I honestly try to avoid it. I know know that it's nothing more than expensive entertainment that most of the time ends up with you broke.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: safari88 on December 12, 2015, 09:45:28 AM
no strategy, all depends on luck. because I like to play sports gambling. just play in a big team, but it does not guarantee to always win

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: fullypak on December 12, 2015, 10:09:18 AM
I think in most of the gambling we need a luck to win the money or games so I bet small amount on sports and so for made some profits but I don't bet on every game. In dice games no strategy will work so I don't play dice game for making money but I play for fun sometimes and I use site faucet money but never put my money in playing dice games.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: lixer on December 12, 2015, 11:31:36 AM
With my dicing game, I prefer to go slow rather being aggressive by betting bigger amounts. Slow and steady wins the dicing game also. Otherwise I will be thrown out of gambling in my way of automated dicing. For automated dicing, smaller betting is pretty enough.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Supercrypt on December 12, 2015, 11:36:36 AM
With my dicing game, I prefer to go slow rather being aggressive by betting bigger amounts. Slow and steady wins the dicing game also. Otherwise I will be thrown out of gambling in my way of automated dicing. For automated dicing, smaller betting is pretty enough.

Dice gambling is known for slow earners. To stay in gambling, you have no other choices other than betting in small amounts.
I believe with small amount of betting, luck also will favor us in making slow profits over time. Luck in quick time we can not expect all the time.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: asuryan180 on December 12, 2015, 11:52:14 AM
What is you gambling strategy,
I don't think i got one but usually i roll at 1.5x and probably follow some type of martingale.
and what type of gambler are you?
Now, i ain't one cause i just visit dice once in a while and won't bet more than 20 bucks, was a hardcore in my past.
Do like risk or do you prefer slow gambling?
Risky without a doubt , I don't think the strategies work with dice so it's no other way around.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: SyGambler on December 12, 2015, 02:55:57 PM
Discuss: What is you gambling strategy, and what type of gambler are you? Do like risk or do you prefer slow gambling?

for me as a poker player , my friend told me that I have to learn patience before learning the game
cause if you have 1000$ and you want to start playing you shouldn't play 10$ games till you beat 1$ , 3$ and 5$ games
I actually started from zero and building my roll with time , but in general in poker you have to go slow and steady even if you have money cause each buyin level has different skills and you need to beat your current level in order to move up

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: MRKLYE on December 12, 2015, 04:07:07 PM
When I gambled it was generally long odds or high risk yolo bets. Sadly neither of them have ever worked out for me and I'm realizing that gambling is a terrible waste of time these days. The house will always win no matter how you bet and its all up the the RNG (or the site) as to if you win or lose.
In short, Gambing no matter how you do it is a damn bad idea.. It's entertainment and its expensive.. I wish I would have learned this sooner.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Omikifuse on December 12, 2015, 04:12:15 PM
Slow has lower risk to win something, because you will have less probability of beating the house edge.

Go hard and quick is the only good chance you have to get some profit

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: pereira4 on December 12, 2015, 06:00:57 PM
I prefer going slow, better chance of making a profit.

But I lose most of it anyway  ;)

Do you really have more chances to make profit? I think it takes the same, you just divide the amount of tries but it's still probability fair which means it can go both ways. I always end up playing slots at maximun lines because going low on lines is not that exciting and I somehow feel like im losing on big opportunities to get really lucky.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: adicted on December 12, 2015, 06:13:17 PM
Discuss: What is you gambling strategy, and what type of gambler are you? Do like risk or do you prefer slow gambling?

I don't have any strategy as I believe gambling is all about luck and strategies will just quicken your lose. I am not regular gambler that plays from time to time, in 1 week I only gamble at least 2-3 times on different days. I really like risks as it add thrill and excitement to the game , slow gambling is boring IMO.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: HarryKPeters on December 12, 2015, 06:17:32 PM
With big bets I always choose a less risky strategy.
For little bets I do the opposite, high risky bets, followed by some less risky bets.

Normally the way I feel determines the strategy also. A good mood makes me not afraid of any risks involved.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: panjul07 on December 12, 2015, 06:35:59 PM
I always bet with small amount with higher multiplier, something like 1000 up to 10.000 satoshi try 990-9900x

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: BitMaxz on December 12, 2015, 06:48:12 PM
For me i play on any gambling sites also in local games like lotteries,
I just noticed that martingale is a good one strategy that can gain profit on any dice games.
But its risky and you need a big capital to make a profit, as they say no risk no gain.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: bitcoin-hunter on December 12, 2015, 06:49:27 PM
For some game like dice or roulette I play greedy and risky.
With poker games or like blackjack I play it slow and smart.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: PJDgang on December 12, 2015, 06:53:56 PM
All in on 1.1 cash out every 10 games = profit

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: CryptoBjorn on December 12, 2015, 06:57:14 PM
Well for me with online gambling I just always play slow and maybe some times greedy.
I just bet small amounts so that I can't lose a lot of money.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Frost on December 12, 2015, 10:32:23 PM
For me i play on any gambling sites also in local games like lotteries,
I just noticed that martingale is a good one strategy that can gain profit on any dice games.
But its risky and you need a big capital to make a profit, as they say no risk no gain.

I tried martingale often, you can get a long run, but the system can fuck you as same as on a 50/50 bet.
What I noticed is that small runs of martingale bets work very well, you simply need to know when to stop,
that works somewhat good for me.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: HarryKPeters on December 12, 2015, 10:39:10 PM
Well for me with online gambling I just always play slow and maybe some times greedy.
I just bet small amounts so that I can't lose a lot of money.

Risky is good if you want to earn big and fast. For me a more solid, slow approach has worked out best.
Placing small bets and increasing when I win. Until i reach my time and I quit.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: shogdite on December 12, 2015, 10:39:35 PM
Discuss: What is you gambling strategy, and what type of gambler are you? Do like risk or do you prefer slow gambling?

The only gambling strategy i have is betting set amount and not going over that. i'm a cautious small gambler when i choose to gamble (not often). When i win though i tend to transfer how much i am happy with from the site and keep doing that until i lose what is in the site and then leave with winnings taken out previously. That way you never regret anything and it starts to be fairly fun never losing more than you want to. Risking big can win big sure, but i can't handle the big losses. haha

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Duomo on December 13, 2015, 01:54:58 AM
I prefer to go slow in the beginning but I will raise my bets if I am doing well and I am up. I feel the hardest part of trying to understand that the risk associated with gambling is all in the mind. You can get up and leave at any time but the real question is whether do you want to if you are on a winning streak.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: BigMac on December 13, 2015, 02:23:11 AM
I am gambling for fun only, so my strategy is to limit my risk by strictly controlling how much I am going to deposit in gambling sites and putting the rest of my bitcoin in another separate wallet not easily accessible day-to-day.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: eternalgloom on December 13, 2015, 02:36:56 AM
Depends on which game I an playing, with roulette, I like to play very risky, betting 36 to 1, same with dice.
With slots, I always play with relatively low bet sizes on slots that have a progressive jackpot.

I do limit my overall gambling time to like once or twice a month, so when I do gamble, I spend my designated budget fast, without regrets.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Lasergun on December 17, 2015, 08:13:48 PM
Setting aside a specific amount of money that I can afford to lose helps me to keep my gambling on-budget. I betting only when I'm sober and in a good mood, always ignoring my emotions.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: fullypak on December 18, 2015, 02:48:57 AM
Setting aside a specific amount of money that I can afford to lose helps me to keep my gambling on-budget. I betting only when I'm sober and in a good mood, always ignoring my emotions.

It is good strategy. Since no one know whether we can win money from gambling or not so fixing certain budget for each session to of gambling will be an good idea. If win or lose don't exceed your fixed budget than one will be safe in gambling.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Kepler510 on December 18, 2015, 02:56:23 AM
Discuss: What is you gambling strategy, and what type of gambler are you? Do like risk or do you prefer slow gambling?
My gambling strategy is to find a weakness of gambling.

Once I know my weaknesses gambling will do huge bets to make a profit.

Yes, I liked the slow gambling

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: iv4n on December 18, 2015, 03:21:09 AM
Discuss: What is you gambling strategy, and what type of gambler are you? Do like risk or do you prefer slow gambling?

I play both ways. Prefer slow gambling a bit more, but there is situation when I start to push and play more aggresive. Of course its a gambling more risk more profit and that is what make me to play more risky, when low amounts start to be to low. Yes I`m greedy cause of that I lose more then I win, gambling require patience and self control. I think that come with expirience, I believe I`m better now then before two months. 

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Blawpaw on December 18, 2015, 03:42:30 AM
When playing Poker I like to adopt a Tight - Aggressive strategy ;)

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: mtnsaa on December 18, 2015, 03:53:24 AM
It really depends on the game, when I bet on Poker games I always go slow and take my time, I don't usually take risks. On Blackjack it's a little more of the same and I usually try to stay put but this game in particular always send me off the rails eventually and I start to "feel it". That usually means bad decisions.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Erza on December 18, 2015, 05:33:25 AM
Discuss: What is you gambling strategy, and what type of gambler are you? Do like risk or do you prefer slow gambling?
My gambling strategy is to find a weakness of gambling.

Once I know my weaknesses gambling will do huge bets to make a profit.

Yes, I liked the slow gambling

Is there any weakness through gambling? AFAIK this is based on luck so you can find any weakness there or do you mean you exploiting it? Then you keep on using that tricky things to keep on earning?

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: fox19891989 on December 18, 2015, 06:18:42 AM
It really depends what you're betting on for gambling strategy.

In sports betting tending to stick to the sports and teams you know the most about seems to translate to success. Using a slower strategy would be preferable though. Going all-in can yield large short term results but you also run the high risk of busting quickly.

 u are definitely right, in sports betting there is high margin/house edge, so we need to precisely analyze the matches, actually there are 2 sides we can choose and the odds may be double 1.9-1.95, just like throwing a coin and guessing the right side

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: BTT on December 18, 2015, 06:20:21 AM
I'm extremely risky because I believe gambling's no fun without the risk. I usually yolo first bet.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: ultimatesky on December 18, 2015, 09:02:16 AM
I like taking risks as well as going slow. I believe slow and steady wins the race. I prefer to start out slow and when I think I have a chance, I risk some more and see what happens. If I lose that round I will start slow again. Most of the time when I start to go slow again I win more than I'll lose.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Oscoda on December 18, 2015, 09:04:41 AM
I'm extremely risky because I believe gambling's no fun without the risk. I usually yolo first bet.

Maybe is not fun is also not fun when you lose your money.
You can have fun, but just try to win it. I know that you are playing your money that you can afford to lose so yeah.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: BoXXoB on December 18, 2015, 11:44:28 AM
The best strategy is no strategy at all in my opinion.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: futurebit640 on December 19, 2015, 12:16:13 AM

i'm slow player and i like to play slow no rush
and using strategy in  a game poker,blackjack,rummy ;) ;)

I'm also slow player and also never try to make money from gambling so I don't bet lot in any games. I only bet in sports and never play any of those poker or blackjack or rummy but I play dice game without my money just for fun. In sports betting also I will bet quite small money most of the times.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: lolgato on December 19, 2015, 12:17:29 AM
I typically make it go big or go home usually bet big but if I lose that big one I'm out for a week. ;D

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Mark Frappeles on December 19, 2015, 12:28:36 AM
If I can find a positive expectation strategy, of course I will be slow, because I will only win in the long run.

Otherwise, I will be fast, because it is my only chance to win and I won't waste much time

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: adicted on December 19, 2015, 02:09:50 PM
I'm extremely risky because I believe gambling's no fun without the risk. I usually yolo first bet.

I used to bet like that before but I always end up losing on the very first bet  :-\ Martingale works better to me than that YOLO strategy. But that one would be good if I'm quite bored with martingaling :D I just do yolo for a change

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: dothebeats on December 19, 2015, 02:40:25 PM
I'm extremely risky because I believe gambling's no fun without the risk. I usually yolo first bet.

That feeling of excitement and nervousness rushing within your spine? That's what a yolo bet means lol. :D Also doing this when I know I can forget the amount I wager on a dice site. It increases the enjoyment that I'm feeling every time I play on dice.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: vendetahome on December 19, 2015, 03:23:35 PM
im usually doing a lot of risky bets if i am gambling money though i dont think there is any big difference if you do small or big bets though with big ones i usually loose everything

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: pinoycash on December 19, 2015, 03:54:05 PM
No matter how slow or how fast you gamble,base on my experience the house always wins  ::)

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Bitcoinbro on December 22, 2015, 04:25:12 PM
I believe slow and steady wins the race. But it also depends on how much luck I got with me.
If i notice that I've won a couple of rounds I will double my bet.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: clixcoin on December 22, 2015, 04:42:31 PM
I like to do slow gambling i am not full time gambler like to bet on sports event and on dice game.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: faince222 on December 22, 2015, 04:44:24 PM
Discuss: What is you gambling strategy, and what type of gambler are you? Do like risk or do you prefer slow gambling?

I only play poker and I prefer to be aggressive, especially in cash game instead when I play sit and go I prefer to play slowly.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: jtalk on December 22, 2015, 04:51:41 PM
I am used to take risks and sometimes I go all in.This is the reason I am in loss but this habit of taking risk someday will make me cover all losses with interest.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: boopy265420 on December 22, 2015, 04:53:37 PM
At start I was also a risky player and wanted to be rich over the night.What I have learnt from all my experience is that slow and steady is always best strategy in gambling and I am good with this so far.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Slark on December 22, 2015, 04:55:05 PM
The best strategy is no strategy at all in my opinion.
It's not like there is strategy in gambling to begin with. So it doesn't matter if you all in or play it slow. If luck is on your side you will win anyway.
You all gambling 'strategy' is to accept you loses.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: sakira on December 22, 2015, 05:07:42 PM
I prefer to play slow or play it safe, which is important I always make a profit. but sometimes I also like trying to bet risk

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on December 22, 2015, 05:30:24 PM
Discuss: What is you gambling strategy, and what type of gambler are you? Do like risk or do you prefer slow gambling?

I haven't got a set strategy on any type of gambling that I do. I like to mix it up & try different things all time.

I'm on a bit of a losing streak at the moment though.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: safari88 on December 22, 2015, 05:36:20 PM
I always play the of both strategy and I prefer to make bets risks, such as making a pretty big odds :D

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Supercrypt on December 23, 2015, 04:13:43 AM
I always play the of both strategy and I prefer to make bets risks, such as making a pretty big odds :D

Yes, I also play rigorously as well slow manner too.
I my automated way of gambling initially I do start betting for one satoshi, once I cross 10k I will speed up either on loss percentage to double or betting amount to double. I even go for 100 fold raise in my betting amount usually. I do not judge myself as a slow gambler.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: |Bitcoin| on December 23, 2015, 04:46:45 AM
When I gamble I gamble at low profit and low risk game. For instance 1.1x at dice sites.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: enhu on December 23, 2015, 05:12:15 AM
Since the day I lose my btc on dice, I just do sports betting.
What I do and i think its safe to bet. I compare the statistics of both MMA fighter check their strengths and weaknesses on youtube videos before betting. It doesn't just help me won but also keep my head learning about the sports. You can also try this out on boxing like I did with cotto vs canelo. Somehow, 70 to 80% of my bets are on my side.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: diodio5 on December 23, 2015, 05:16:19 AM
When I gamble I gamble at low profit and low risk game. For instance 1.1x at dice sites.
yeah but it need more patience and chance 90% not guarantee to win
you can win 10 times, but don't forget if you lose one time, there was no point do you play

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: BTCevo on December 23, 2015, 06:03:14 AM
I always play the of both strategy and I prefer to make bets risks, such as making a pretty big odds :D

That is sure risk enough but you need to set how much your balance can sustain with that kind of strategy. I am sure that you need to at least hold 0.1 so you can start your martingale thing with 1000 satohsi so you can get some profit

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Frost on December 23, 2015, 07:55:31 AM
I always play the of both strategy and I prefer to make bets risks, such as making a pretty big odds :D

That is sure risk enough but you need to set how much your balance can sustain with that kind of strategy. I am sure that you need to at least hold 0.1 so you can start your martingale thing with 1000 satohsi so you can get some profit

Martingale doesn't always work, you can get 10 - 20 reds in a row... but I still use it too, I just refresh the key and the odds are more on my side.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: rio3233 on December 23, 2015, 08:11:48 AM
well, i don't have strategy for gambling. because i'm gambling on sportsbook not on dice site, so maybe the strategy is looking for both teams lineup or something. and i prefer risky but worth it.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: RealPhotoshoper on December 23, 2015, 08:12:28 AM
I always play the of both strategy and I prefer to make bets risks, such as making a pretty big odds :D

That is sure risk enough but you need to set how much your balance can sustain with that kind of strategy. I am sure that you need to at least hold 0.1 so you can start your martingale thing with 1000 satohsi so you can get some profit

Martingale doesn't always work, you can get 10 - 20 reds in a row... but I still use it too, I just refresh the key and the odds are more on my side.

Mixing martingale strategy probably will make it work, I mean like sometimes doubling the bets and sometimes resetting to the base bet and back doubling again.
But I prefer to make one time bet which have 49 : 51 percents chance , so I always go yolo in my first deposit if I lost I will try it in next week with double bankroll from previous lost bet and if I win , I immediately cashout the winnings .

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: LuckyYOU on December 23, 2015, 08:17:09 AM
well, i don't have strategy for gambling. because i'm gambling on sportsbook not on dice site, so maybe the strategy is looking for both teams lineup or something. and i prefer risky but worth it.

Worth it, why? If you lose is not worth it anymore right?
Yeah I see in SportsBook is not that much strategy you just need to see what the performance the team have and be lucky that they win.
Well with gambling playing risky I see why. But with dice and other game like dice is just not that great to be risky. I just prefer playing slow.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Zaun on December 23, 2015, 09:16:37 AM
My gambling strategy is just have my extra money go there and just play for fun.
If I lose that is fine and if I win well good. I don't play gambling for money actually I come there for just having fun.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: zecexe on December 23, 2015, 09:28:38 AM
I prefer slow and positive expectation strategy, assuming you can develop the skills involved, and also assuming that you have the self-discipline to follow it. A positive expectation strategy is one which can expect to win money over a long enough period of time.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: diodio5 on December 23, 2015, 10:53:03 AM
i haven't strategy for dice or slots or other except sports gambling
in dice, i play with no strategy just click by your feeling no methods
but for sport bet many strategy

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: egghead123 on December 23, 2015, 11:04:07 AM
I normally bet everything until I lose it all then earn some more btc in the real world and rinse and repeat the process.All in or nothing.I am the casino owners ideal customer.I suggest you do the opposite and all should be well.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: equator on December 23, 2015, 12:34:17 PM
if i am playing poker gambling online then i will be playing with strategy, if i am playing in sports that is also i will do fulll reaserch then i play with starting small and as i see full confidence i play all in . like todays big bash game went all in and won good.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Snail2 on December 23, 2015, 12:52:48 PM
If we are talking about luck based games, then perhaps the best strategy is no strategy at all. If there are no 100% working strategy, then why bother...

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: klf on December 23, 2015, 12:55:21 PM
I normally bet everything until I lose it all then earn some more btc in the real world and rinse and repeat the process.All in or nothing.I am the casino owners ideal customer.I suggest you do the opposite and all should be well.

As long as if you're not wasting lot of money from your pocket should be fine otherwise you should find a way to avoid gambling to reduce you're loses. I only bet on sports at some times only and mostly in cricket games. So for my profits may be around 1BTC or slightly more than that. I go always very slow in gambling.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: lite on December 23, 2015, 01:03:44 PM
I do not have any strategy just bet for 2x multiplier. i take risks only sometimes and i bet slowly all the time. ;)

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: BoXXoB on December 23, 2015, 01:09:53 PM
All in no rubbers.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Nimbulan on December 23, 2015, 02:01:29 PM
well i dont have a strategy that i would use all the time as i usually dont gamble very often though if i do i like to take as much risks as possible i do huge bets in small amounts of bets what usually makes me loose and finish without any profits thats why i dont gamble that much

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: fravia on December 23, 2015, 02:17:42 PM
my strategy is very simple in my opinion the strategy i use is called martingale and if i use it i play with very small sums in order to minimize the chances of loosing all the money i deposit to the gambling websites despite this fact i often manage to loose great amounts of money

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: patt0 on December 23, 2015, 02:47:47 PM
I did both, but now I usually only slow gamble. I came to believe that when it comes to gambling you really need a great bankroll management, so you can't just risk it, because you will get unlucky eventually, so you will lose it all if you risk to much.
The trick is to stay in the game by "slow gambling", and i you are good enough you might profit from it, and the bad days won't hurt your bank to much.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: btcdevil on December 23, 2015, 02:59:12 PM
i play only on sports betting and in this i do reasearch on match , the teams who are going to play and their past records and grounds strategy, after all reports preparation i play in the match live inplay,  i play slowly , slowly according to the situation of the match.

some time i play dice game

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: enhu on December 23, 2015, 03:29:34 PM
i play only on sports betting and in this i do reasearch on match , the teams who are going to play and their past records and grounds strategy, after all reports preparation i play in the match live inplay,  i play slowly , slowly according to the situation of the match.

some time i play dice game

Exactly what I do too. Sports betting is a lot safer although I would want to bet with other gambler instead than playing against the house. I wish someone will create a gambling site which acts as an escrow to bet against gamblers so we need not the bet on odds.

Martingale i think don' work for any game including dice, it will just be a waste.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: crytoboost on December 23, 2015, 05:52:10 PM
I also like to place bets on sportsbook because it has more chance than any format of gambling that is interesting for me to have fun there while enjoying the soccer matches with betting on it.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: denam on December 23, 2015, 05:54:01 PM
I like risky type of gambling mostly on dice sites. :D

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Bitcoin_Delivery on December 23, 2015, 06:03:58 PM
My strat on dice and casino games say that's is better to play slow for build a solid bankroll...
In sports betting I always bet only on single, or max double bet....I think that is very hard to win x-fold bets in regular basis.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: macbeth211 on December 23, 2015, 06:12:11 PM
if you want to earn in gamble, you must be slow  ::)

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Emersonnets on December 23, 2015, 08:17:25 PM
I don't gamble much but when I do I like to take the risks. This is only because when I do, I just keep thinking to myself that there's this certain budget that I have set up for myself. So it doesn't matter until I lose it all.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: BitMaxz on December 23, 2015, 09:43:57 PM
For me i play on any gambling sites also in local games like lotteries,
I just noticed that martingale is a good one strategy that can gain profit on any dice games.
But its risky and you need a big capital to make a profit, as they say no risk no gain.

I tried martingale often, you can get a long run, but the system can fuck you as same as on a 50/50 bet.
What I noticed is that small runs of martingale bets work very well, you simply need to know when to stop,
that works somewhat good for me.
i tried again martingale strategy in dicesite yesterday and i have notice that martingale strategy has a potencial to grow your bitcoins..
I tried this steps manually i dont use bot or auto betting because it fuck your bitcoins.
So heres my strategy
Settings winning chance put is 33.799 then my starting bet is 1 satoshi using martingale
I dont focus only on hi or low so i changing my bet to high and low
So i bet to low 1 satoshi lost i bet again but for now high for 2 satoshi lost i bet again for low with bet 4 i win
So doing this strategy i gain a profit with 1000 satoshi to 0.006 something..
Then after reaching that some times im greedy so i tried it to autobetting system with winning chance of 33.799 starting bet 1 satoshi martingale strategy
Then focus in hi. but in the end lost so its better to bet it manually than playing it in bot or autobetting...

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: cjmoles on December 23, 2015, 10:43:22 PM
First, bankroll management is extremely important in my gambling strategy.  I never put more then 10 percent of my bankroll in play at a time.  Second, I never put my money at risk unless the numbers are in my favor.  And, third, I never hesitate to get my money in when the numbers are in my favor (money is just a tool...I don't get attached to it)....volume is paramount when working with the law of large numbers.  Long term gains are a given if this strategy is enforced consistently!

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Frost on December 28, 2015, 06:28:45 AM
First, bankroll management is extremely important in my gambling strategy.  I never put more then 10 percent of my bankroll in play at a time.  Second, I never put my money at risk unless the numbers are in my favor.  And, third, I never hesitate to get my money in when the numbers are in my favor (money is just a tool...I don't get attached to it)....volume is paramount when working with the law of large numbers.  Long term gains are a given if this strategy is enforced consistently!

I do also only use 10% of my bank to play, and I move a big percentage of the winnings away ASAP too.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: lorylore on December 28, 2015, 09:35:55 AM
First, bankroll management is extremely important in my gambling strategy.  I never put more then 10 percent of my bankroll in play at a time.  Second, I never put my money at risk unless the numbers are in my favor.  And, third, I never hesitate to get my money in when the numbers are in my favor (money is just a tool...I don't get attached to it)....volume is paramount when working with the law of large numbers.  Long term gains are a given if this strategy is enforced consistently!

using only 10% of your bankroll per day bet is very important for me. i used to unable to bet with such intention at all and i lose a lot in a day. with now, i plan out wat r my esport bet for the day and allocate the 10% to all these bets accordingly. so each bet is like 0.5% to 2% and so even in my bad days, i still wont loss a lot.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: znickelbackz on December 28, 2015, 10:31:36 AM
with so much movies, manga, manhua, ... about gamble that I have exp, I must say the risky way is really cool, the path of true gambler, but reality is reality, play safe, less fun, but profitable.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: WhatTheGox on December 28, 2015, 10:45:48 AM
my strategy is very simple in my opinion the strategy i use is called martingale and if i use it i play with very small sums in order to minimize the chances of loosing all the money i deposit to the gambling websites despite this fact i often manage to loose great amounts of money

Think everyone goes through the martingale phaise i know i spent a good deal of time trying to work out why it could win.  Its fun to play that way though and always a big rush when you have got down to your last big bet trying to keep the run going.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: King tyga on December 28, 2015, 11:35:15 AM

i'm slow player and i like to play slow no rush
and using strategy in  a game poker,blackjack,rummy

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: dodgecharger on December 28, 2015, 11:37:31 AM
Every day I only gamble 5% of bankroll. If I lose, I will quit. I will come back tomorrow. If I win a bit, I will quit as well.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Ubertroco on December 28, 2015, 11:49:27 AM
I like to play it slowly and just games where I can use some skill like poker and blackjack

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: diodio5 on December 28, 2015, 02:47:53 PM
Im ussually play in dice the main thing is you must control your must be patience and play slowly
dont be greedy and dont take high risk ?

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: kpitti on December 28, 2015, 03:04:25 PM
I bet just with 20% of my Bitcoins as maximum. I do preffer slow grow, I have such experience when going for fast and risky bets I lost all.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: to64time on January 02, 2016, 07:36:39 PM
The most important thing about gambling is not to be to risky bankroll management is key. Many TV poker superstars r broke because of their poor bankroll management.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Ruzka on January 02, 2016, 08:47:51 PM
The most important thing about gambling is not to be to risky bankroll management is key. Many TV poker superstars r broke because of their poor bankroll management.

What is most important for you may not be for someone else.
You think slow and steady wins the race another thinks fast and risky wins the race.
Bankroll in poker is a really big thing yes because of the skill level that you can put into poker the bankroll will ensure you stomp through a bad run to get back to your winning.
In casino games against the house edge, bankroll is as pointless as playing the house imo. However you look at it in the end the chances are very high all the funds will be gone whether that was fast or slow.
If I was to do it again I would be super aggressive/risky.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: badjacks99 on January 02, 2016, 08:58:21 PM
I really prefer A more slow-paced gambling strategy. But it really depends on the game I'm playing in the situation I'm in. I mainly play poker and a big part of it is knowing when to be risky and go for a big plays. Dice or other games like that normally I just keep it real slow and steady, not trying to lose too much not trying to win too much.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: fravia on January 02, 2016, 10:15:26 PM
my gambling strategy is pretty easy and straightforward in my opinion everyone can use it and you dont need any knowledge for that, i just do a few bets for example 4 each with 1/4 of a balance i deposit to a casino, i always loose :D

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: cjmoles on January 02, 2016, 11:32:22 PM
My gambling strategy includes playing a high volume of positively expected value bets to take advantage of the law of large numbers.  I practice strict and disciplined bankroll management.  And, I balance my life with other activities to keep my cognitive abilities sharp.  I always keep in mind that there's no reason to make money if I am not going to enjoy life, so I dedicate a percentage of my winnings toward entertainment (toys) which is mandatory for me to deduct from my gambling bankroll.  I maintain an even profit margin and I only generate enough to enjoy a modest standard of living.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: diodio5 on January 03, 2016, 12:55:05 AM
The most important thing about gambling is not to be to risky bankroll management is key. Many TV poker superstars r broke because of their poor bankroll management.
I think it was also influential in playing strategy, sometimes we have to lose to get a bigger win as Martiangle, so I think a bigger bankroll, enough to help

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: hua_hui on January 03, 2016, 01:19:35 AM
i prefer to play slow, cuz i alrdy more or less know i am gonna loss so at least loss with more time pass and the gambling enjoyment is longer.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: klf on January 03, 2016, 03:08:53 AM
i prefer to play slow, cuz i alrdy more or less know i am gonna loss so at least loss with more time pass and the gambling enjoyment is longer.

I think every one knows that in gambling we can only lose but very rarely and very lucky people make some big money but if they again continue gambling than at the end they will lose all those money. If we know at the end we are losing than slow method is best to reduce our loses.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: jacee on January 03, 2016, 03:30:57 AM
As for me in a dice Inprefer betting low and slow and get profit from it rather than betting it all at once an instantly get a big profit. I don't like loosing at a single bet so I always refuse to bet high.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: blackmachinegun on January 03, 2016, 03:40:57 AM
i prefer to play slow, cuz i alrdy more or less know i am gonna loss so at least loss with more time pass and the gambling enjoyment is longer.
I also prefer to play slow when in dice, sometimes I have to think to click hi or lo
and it needs to be a strong feeling, haha slow to make us feel enjoy with gambling

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Daijess on January 03, 2016, 03:46:14 AM
My strategy are pretty harsh

I double when i win , i double down when i lose .

Made good money tho .

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Tavos on January 03, 2016, 03:47:39 AM
I like playing slow, but safe gambling, because it feels safer and I actually think I can profit.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: HardcoreSuperstar on January 03, 2016, 04:02:08 AM
I only gamble on sports.  I try to do a little bit of research before hand, but I mainly do it for fun. 

The max I'll bet is like $5 because that's what I'm comfortable with loosing

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Compa on January 03, 2016, 08:19:21 AM
My strategy are pretty harsh

I double when i win , i double down when i lose .

Made good money tho .

This is very risk, if you win you double again. You use martingale a strategy.
And this strategy or methode not good running with long time.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: relq on January 03, 2016, 08:24:02 AM
i prefer risky method because it's more profit and get fast bitcoin. that's why i always broke, i always all in when i get paid by signature campaign.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Buziss on January 03, 2016, 08:27:01 AM
My strategy are pretty harsh

I double when i win , i double down when i lose .

Made good money tho .

I am not a native English speaker, but doesn't "double down" mean doubling your wager? So you double your wager regardless of winning or losing your bet?  ???

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: MasoVa on January 03, 2016, 04:06:09 PM
i don’t like to playing risky i playing slowly when gambling
if i feel my profit is good i’m quit and back next day :)

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: akatsuki on January 03, 2016, 04:11:53 PM
Make bets after 5 losses at very high odds of winning like 90% . I martingale beyond that and my bots been running too long but hasn't lost.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: sherbyspark on January 03, 2016, 05:28:43 PM
Make bets after 5 losses at very high odds of winning like 90% . I martingale beyond that and my bots been running too long but hasn't lost.

That is just gamblers fallacy. You could also just loose the next 5 bets easily as each of them would again be just independent.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: MissionPhailed on January 03, 2016, 05:55:45 PM
For me, switching between:

Stake half of available bankroll with winning chance set at 50%.


Stake 10% of available bankroll with winning chance set at 10%.

This mostly results in quick and large profits or quickly nosediving to rock bottom. I prefer this over Martingale tactics or other methods that require lots of time and gambling.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: kevin go on January 04, 2016, 01:29:46 AM
Prefer slow...low risk low profit...and the other side i dont really have many btc...its why i keep play slow...

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Straux on January 04, 2016, 01:51:30 AM
I Gamble for the fun of it. I like going slow, so I can enjoy for longer. I also don't like to lose everything at once. If I lose everything, how do I even have a chance to recoup my losses?

Going fast increases the risk, and my heart beats really fast when I gamble. I'm afraid I'm getting high blood pressure... *chuckles*

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: asuryan180 on January 04, 2016, 07:49:47 AM
Going fast increases the risk, and my heart beats really fast when I gamble. I'm afraid I'm getting high blood pressure... *chuckles*
No it doesn't and you always have the same chances of winning/losing regardless of you rolling it manually or on auto pilot etc.
however,If you are betting some amount and is resulting in high blood pressure then you should not.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Ceizer54 on January 04, 2016, 11:02:59 AM
Discuss: What is you gambling strategy, and what type of gambler are you? Do like risk or do you prefer slow gambling?
I am not a slow gambler and i like taking risk because i believe gambling is all about risk and luck..i mean you can also lose even if you bet small or at low odds right? so why not take a risk to win big with small amount ;)
I usually bet 2.5x min on my every dice roll that i play either i lose or win :D

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: gizane on January 04, 2016, 01:05:36 PM
Prefer slow...low risk low profit...and the other side i dont really have many btc...its why i keep play slow...

Slow or fast it doesnt determined your profit anyway. You just need to luck although you have short of btc and if you are lucky when you do 9900x I think you will get some profit too

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: electronicfactura on January 04, 2016, 01:36:14 PM
I don't have any strategy I decide on the spot whether to keep going slowly or in case of recovering or just to win big sometimes place highly risky bets.Overall risky gambling brought me just losses more than profit.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: jtalk on January 04, 2016, 01:39:09 PM
I always prefer slow gambling and it is best way even gambling isn't safe by itself.Slow gambling most often makes me some money and I am happy with little winnings with this style of playing.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Hullo on January 04, 2016, 01:41:56 PM
I love to take risks as my motto is , go for big or go to home.Gambling is not for weak hearts ,better play video games in relaxed mode in living at home.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: diodio5 on January 04, 2016, 01:46:35 PM
Prefer slow...low risk low profit...and the other side i dont really have many btc...its why i keep play slow...

I think the slow and fast possibility of victory will remain the same, because it all depends on luck, the game is slow only for your suggestion

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: adicted on January 05, 2016, 07:36:31 AM
I love to take risks as my motto is , go for big or go to home.Gambling is not for weak hearts ,better play video games in relaxed mode in living at home.

Another good motto for risk takers like us is "No pain , no gain" :D Indeed, gambling is not for weak hearts but still, I know some people that is looking to get easy profit with gambling using "strategies" then will whine later on if they lose and beg bitcoins. Such weak people :D

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: torrentheaven on January 05, 2016, 07:38:48 AM
I prefer low risk safe gambling,For me safety is must no matter if profit is low,every dollar you save is your earning.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Nahl on January 06, 2016, 06:13:00 PM
i was never had special strategy when do a gamble and i will choose risky here because i have bad habit always bet all my money in one single bet sometimes and i think that's why i'm almost lost every time i did it

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: makingwin1 on January 06, 2016, 09:57:53 PM
i prefer to play very risky and do huge bets its not interesting to play with small amounts of money or use any strategies that clearly dont help you to win anything, i like the way i play gambling games

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: takingthis4 on January 06, 2016, 10:10:39 PM
I prefer low risk safe gambling,For me safety is must no matter if profit is low,every dollar you save is your earning.
the same like me i sometimes use some bots to gamble my money as i believe that even though they dont beat the house edge they might help you to win a little bit more money than you can do yourself

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: DarkStar_ on January 06, 2016, 11:24:16 PM
I prefer low risk safe gambling,For me safety is must no matter if profit is low,every dollar you save is your earning.
the same like me i sometimes use some bots to gamble my money as i believe that even though they dont beat the house edge they might help you to win a little bit more money than you can do yourself
Bots basically do what you do, except faster. no difference really, other then it's easier for you and your emotions won't take over.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: DeathAngel on January 06, 2016, 11:53:44 PM
Prefer slow...low risk low profit...and the other side i dont really have many btc...its why i keep play slow...


I am a boring gambler who takes low risks ;D

I don't like losing much.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: brianlee01 on January 07, 2016, 12:03:55 AM
Sometimes i play with more risky than slow because i always want to take win fast with low budget but from that sometimes i win big in several games casino. I do not prefer to play slow :P

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: sherbyspark on January 07, 2016, 12:07:16 AM
Prefer slow...low risk low profit...and the other side i dont really have many btc...its why i keep play slow...


I am a boring gambler who takes low risks ;D

I don't like losing much.

why bother gambling then ? Would be just better to bet a small amount at a high multiplier and be done with it.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: krunox123 on January 07, 2016, 12:59:53 AM
I love to take risks as my motto is , go for big or go to home.Gambling is not for weak hearts ,better play video games in relaxed mode in living at home.
Indeed. But you will be very mad if you keep losing in a game. >:(

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Bugf1x on January 07, 2016, 01:07:51 AM
I prefer slow, sure there's still risk, but a lot less.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: dodgecharger on January 07, 2016, 01:27:43 AM
I love to take risks as my motto is , go for big or go to home.Gambling is not for weak hearts ,better play video games in relaxed mode in living at home.
Indeed. But you will be very mad if you keep losing in a game. >:(
In gambling losing is normal. When I lose in a row, I know I have no luck today and better to quit now tomorrow will come back to play!

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Aleator on January 07, 2016, 01:46:53 AM
In gambling losing is normal. When I lose in a row, I know I have no luck today and better to quit now tomorrow will come back to play!
To quit after we lost almost a half of your balance, it's very very hard to click it. Play play and play you can stop it

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: panjul07 on January 07, 2016, 01:53:46 AM
In gambling losing is normal. When I lose in a row, I know I have no luck today and better to quit now tomorrow will come back to play!
To quit after we lost almost a half of your balance, it's very very hard to click it. Play play and play you can stop it

Indeed, almost 90% gamblers (even more) will continue betting when they got such losing streak in order to recover the previous loses. But mostly, they got busted :).

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Everybitbit on January 07, 2016, 01:57:45 AM
i think im a average gambler ;D
i dunno if im risky, but when i lose some i will try chase back losing with 2x more bet.
if i lose it again i will go 10x bet, until i got back my lose.. and start slowly again,.. never busted yet, but when i lose enough i quit..

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: brianlee01 on January 07, 2016, 02:17:56 AM
In gambling losing is normal. When I lose in a row, I know I have no luck today and better to quit now tomorrow will come back to play!
To quit after we lost almost a half of your balance, it's very very hard to click it. Play play and play you can stop it

Indeed, almost 90% gamblers (even more) will continue betting when they got such losing streak in order to recover the previous loses. But mostly, they got busted :).
It just happen to me many times, When i try to recover my lost with new deposit and then lost it all. Mostly this happen in Dice i'm sure.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: michinzx on January 07, 2016, 02:48:53 AM
In gambling losing is normal. When I lose in a row, I know I have no luck today and better to quit now tomorrow will come back to play!
To quit after we lost almost a half of your balance, it's very very hard to click it. Play play and play you can stop it

Indeed, almost 90% gamblers (even more) will continue betting when they got such losing streak in order to recover the previous loses. But mostly, they got busted :).
i think its because with gambling, its as easy to win as it is too lose, and people fool themselves into thinking if they lost it, they can win it back, just as easily. really bad mindset, if youve already lost you should just quit instead of risking digging yourself into an even deeper hole.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: 23dzmaz on January 07, 2016, 04:43:48 AM
i think im a average gambler ;D
i dunno if im risky, but when i lose some i will try chase back losing with 2x more bet.
if i lose it again i will go 10x bet, until i got back my lose.. and start slowly again,.. never busted yet, but when i lose enough i quit..

Well it's like martingale method, but it's to risky though to bet like that. if you have small bankroll it's gonna hard to winning your loses. especially like dice sites or blackjack, but if you bet on sportsbook i think you have a chance.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Compa on January 07, 2016, 07:54:53 PM
i think im a average gambler ;D
i dunno if im risky, but when i lose some i will try chase back losing with 2x more bet.
if i lose it again i will go 10x bet, until i got back my lose.. and start slowly again,.. never busted yet, but when i lose enough i quit..

This is a stategy very risky if you double your bet. I think its martingale strategy and not a good to use for a long time. I've tried this a strategy and i lose all my money.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: rekinthis on January 07, 2016, 11:56:02 PM
i think im a average gambler ;D
i dunno if im risky, but when i lose some i will try chase back losing with 2x more bet.
if i lose it again i will go 10x bet, until i got back my lose.. and start slowly again,.. never busted yet, but when i lose enough i quit..

This is a stategy very risky if you double your bet. I think its martingale strategy and not a good to use for a long time. I've tried this a strategy and i lose all my money.
yes it is martingale and in fact it never helps me to win any big money, i never use it right now and i play how i want and how i like

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: sukamasoto on January 08, 2016, 01:26:42 AM
i dont really have any strategy in gambling, i just play according to my mood,

but usually i start with slow and then once in a while i will risk it, but never win a lot though in fact,most of the time I lose, everytime i risk it

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Boosterious on January 08, 2016, 06:21:56 AM
Discuss: What is you gambling strategy, and what type of gambler are you? Do like risk or do you prefer slow gambling?
i'am not pro gambler,and i just play with small amount,and i have no strategy,just play safe and try to patient,can you tell me what the most effective gambling strategy?i play dice,any dice strategy?i love play on betcoin or primedice.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Altynbekova on January 08, 2016, 08:18:18 AM
If I can afford losing my money and let say I have 2000 dollars I will play 1000 dollars so greedy.
The other 1000 dollar I will just play safe so that maybe I can make a profit with it.

But I doubt it so I will just play it for fun. Need money to gamble...

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: bitlancr on January 08, 2016, 08:47:58 AM
I prefer to go slow and raise my bets as I win. This has worked out in my favor a couple of times. It has won me more times than any other strategy. Whenever I lose 1 gambling round I lower my bet to my initial bet and start from there. That's how I'm preventing to lose money and only lose the amount that I've won.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: BTCevo on January 08, 2016, 09:28:53 AM
i think im a average gambler ;D
i dunno if im risky, but when i lose some i will try chase back losing with 2x more bet.
if i lose it again i will go 10x bet, until i got back my lose.. and start slowly again,.. never busted yet, but when i lose enough i quit..

Btw how is that enough for you? Each person have different result of enough.
And you just keep on making higher multiplier, are you even winning once with 10x multiplier? The risk is getting higher and higher if you keep on losing. Different from if you keep multiplying on your balance I am sure you will get it if you have enough balance but by getting higher multiplier you have greater risk than usual bet and you said you never busted so you are pretty lucky then

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: krunox123 on January 08, 2016, 09:38:38 AM
If I can afford losing my money and let say I have 2000 dollars I will play 1000 dollars so greedy.
The other 1000 dollar I will just play safe so that maybe I can make a profit with it.

But I doubt it so I will just play it for fun. Need money to gamble...
Let's say you really have $2k to bet with and that $2k is the amount that you can afford to lose. Why don't you just bet it all since $2k is the amount you can afford to lose? Just saying.
But you can always use the gambling website faucet if you really can't afford to lose a single cent. :)

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: LuckyYOU on January 08, 2016, 09:47:16 AM
I like to do gamble really quickly and squeeze a gamble in every now and then.
If it comes down to spending money, I like to take it slow
I don't want to rush and lose the money I have set out to gamble with
That's no fun at all

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Bitcoinbro on January 08, 2016, 10:26:26 AM
This would just depend on what kind of mood I'm in.
If I feel like going hardcore, I go for it and play really fast
It doesn't always workout because the faster and the more I raise my bets, the higher chances I got of losing.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Bardman on January 08, 2016, 10:51:01 AM
I normally try to gamble a little after loosing a significant amount trading. I do it fast because I want high profit in a short time, in the end it doesn't really matter, slow or fast it ends up being the same if you play long enough.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Divinespark on January 08, 2016, 10:58:07 AM
I like to take it slowly. I am fundamentally risk averse, so I try to mix up my portfolio bets in such a way that I am stressing downside protection with some possible upside.
Obviously, this doesnt always work!

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Altynbekova on January 08, 2016, 11:08:23 AM
If I can afford losing my money and let say I have 2000 dollars I will play 1000 dollars so greedy.
The other 1000 dollar I will just play safe so that maybe I can make a profit with it.

But I doubt it so I will just play it for fun. Need money to gamble...
Let's say you really have $2k to bet with and that $2k is the amount that you can afford to lose. Why don't you just bet it all since $2k is the amount you can afford to lose? Just saying.
But you can always use the gambling website faucet if you really can't afford to lose a single cent. :)

Well look 1K dollar to be greedy is just fun to do. But if you have the other 1K I just want to play serious maybe I will make some profit with it and play it of course in a poker game. Yeah faucets is always a good thing to do if you want to learn to play gambling.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: egghead123 on January 08, 2016, 11:43:44 AM
sometimes I try to bet small amounts in as many different games as possible to see if I can accumulate a larger amount and am happy enough if I make some profit  but other days I go all in like an ape jumping off a tree

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Oceriw on January 08, 2016, 11:55:10 AM
I prefer slow but it's very tempting to go fast as well

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Kevin77 on January 08, 2016, 08:44:30 PM
I like to take it slowly. I am fundamentally risk averse, so I try to mix up my portfolio bets in such a way that I am stressing downside protection with some possible upside.
Obviously, this doesnt always work!

In fact,as far as gambling is concerned, I think there is no any working strategy available. Because what seems to work for one may not work for others. It's always better to quit when we are losing in row and continue it some other time.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: JeWay on January 08, 2016, 10:35:10 PM
I prefer to do slow, but if i see that i always profit from the game then i will change to the risky way

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: ajareselde on January 09, 2016, 12:04:18 AM
I like to take it slowly. I am fundamentally risk averse, so I try to mix up my portfolio bets in such a way that I am stressing downside protection with some possible upside.
Obviously, this doesnt always work!

In fact,as far as gambling is concerned, I think there is no any working strategy available. Because what seems to work for one may not work for others. It's always better to quit when we are losing in row and continue it some other time.

Not many people can control themselves when they're losing. It's actually harder to call it a day when you're losing than when you won even a little.
I know i make that mistake, and continue to up my bets trying to get back what i lost..and when i do, it doesn't end for the best in most cases.
I guess op's question varies from person to person, but in the end it doesn't change the outcome imho.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Lutzow on January 09, 2016, 12:07:20 AM
I prefer playing slow and sway with the rhythm of the winning an loosing streaks. I am not a risky person so I always keep my looses low so thus I keep it slow and then make a lil proit then stop.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: icem3lter on January 09, 2016, 12:13:23 AM
I prefer the strategy of NOT gambling. It is illogical and stupid for anyone to think they can make money gambling, you loose more money then you gain gambling.

That is how gambling companies make money. Why would a company whose sole motive is to make a profit give away more money than they make?

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: blackmachinegun on January 09, 2016, 01:50:38 AM
there is no relationship between the possibility to win by playing slow or fast, it all depends on luck,
luck will determine everything,
find your lucky day?

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: dodgecharger on January 09, 2016, 02:10:39 AM
there is no relationship between the possibility to win by playing slow or fast, it all depends on luck,
luck will determine everything,
find your lucky day?

Gambling is just for fun, no matter of win or loss. If you care too much, you will fall the gambling  trap and get addicted! It is not the type for you! You better stop doing it.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: znickelbackz on January 09, 2016, 04:37:13 AM
there is no relationship between the possibility to win by playing slow or fast, it all depends on luck,
luck will determine everything,
find your lucky day?

u suggest find lucky day like it's somewhat easy task, except it's not. what will u gonna do? ask some fortune tellers? pay attention for every luck signs like horse shoe, 4-leaf clover,...? and if u feel lucky for a moment, how do u know when it will end? can u tell it for sure u will be lucky for a whole day, or a whole week, or just 5'?
slow or fast? it relates with luck. too fast can lead to broke before the lucky day come, too slow can waste lucky day. with a bit patient and slowly play day by day can cover up all the days include lucky day and put it in action. that's the way to use lucky day needless to know when it is.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: dodgecharger on January 09, 2016, 04:49:38 AM
there is no relationship between the possibility to win by playing slow or fast, it all depends on luck,
luck will determine everything,
find your lucky day?

u suggest find lucky day like it's somewhat easy task, except it's not. what will u gonna do? ask some fortune tellers? pay attention for every luck signs like horse shoe, 4-leaf clover,...? and if u feel lucky for a moment, how do u know when it will end? can u tell it for sure u will be lucky for a whole day, or a whole week, or just 5'?
slow or fast? it relates with luck. too fast can lead to broke before the lucky day come, too slow can waste lucky day. with a bit patient and slowly play day by day can cover up all the days include lucky day and put it in action. that's the way to use lucky day needless to know when it is.
Did you mean you have no loss at all for the long run basing on your strategy? I wonder how long you are involving at gambling?

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: jjacob on January 09, 2016, 04:54:36 AM
Don't take risks and go in.
Go slow, enjoy it while it lasts.  :)

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: BitMaxz on January 09, 2016, 05:38:42 AM
there is no relationship between the possibility to win by playing slow or fast, it all depends on luck,
luck will determine everything,
find your lucky day?

u suggest find lucky day like it's somewhat easy task, except it's not. what will u gonna do? ask some fortune tellers? pay attention for every luck signs like horse shoe, 4-leaf clover,...? and if u feel lucky for a moment, how do u know when it will end? can u tell it for sure u will be lucky for a whole day, or a whole week, or just 5'?
slow or fast? it relates with luck. too fast can lead to broke before the lucky day come, too slow can waste lucky day. with a bit patient and slowly play day by day can cover up all the days include lucky day and put it in action. that's the way to use lucky day needless to know when it is.
Honestly you dont need fortune teller to know when your luck comes to you because luck is our hands and we had own decision to make our luck.
its useless if you dont work to make your luck so its depends in our selves if when our luck comes..dont prefer to fortune tellers because we are work for our own destiny.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: acharias on January 09, 2016, 07:03:37 AM
It depends on what type of game I play. I usually withdraw my initial deposit and play on with my profit. That way you never lose money.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: BTCevo on January 09, 2016, 07:31:47 AM
I prefer to do slow, but if i see that i always profit from the game then i will change to the risky way

There is no way that you could keep on getting profit on each site. In a long game you will lose, that is what I know so how do you manage to get all profit and stable by it? It doesnt make any sense

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: znickelbackz on January 10, 2016, 07:15:55 AM
there is no relationship between the possibility to win by playing slow or fast, it all depends on luck,
luck will determine everything,
find your lucky day?

u suggest find lucky day like it's somewhat easy task, except it's not. what will u gonna do? ask some fortune tellers? pay attention for every luck signs like horse shoe, 4-leaf clover,...? and if u feel lucky for a moment, how do u know when it will end? can u tell it for sure u will be lucky for a whole day, or a whole week, or just 5'?
slow or fast? it relates with luck. too fast can lead to broke before the lucky day come, too slow can waste lucky day. with a bit patient and slowly play day by day can cover up all the days include lucky day and put it in action. that's the way to use lucky day needless to know when it is.
Honestly you dont need fortune teller to know when your luck comes to you because luck is our hands and we had own decision to make our luck.
its useless if you dont work to make your luck so its depends in our selves if when our luck comes..dont prefer to fortune tellers because we are work for our own destiny.

"luck is our hands"? "decision to make our luck"? "work to make luck"? what's on the earth are u talkin' about? u are Harry Potter can make luck potion and drink it or what?

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: diodio5 on January 10, 2016, 07:26:56 AM
I prefer slow but it's very tempting to go fast as well
I think playing fast or slow will be the same, many gamblers who play slow but still lost, it was because they didn't have any luck
I haven't seen the effects winner of playing slow.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: pinoycash on January 10, 2016, 06:02:22 PM
I prefer slow but it's very tempting to go fast as well
I think playing fast or slow will be the same, many gamblers who play slow but still lost, it was because they didn't have any luck
I haven't seen the effects winner of playing slow.

By playing slow, you can have the time to think if you wish to push through playing, but playing slow is just a slower way lose,

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: LuckyYOU on January 10, 2016, 06:16:07 PM
I count myself as a slow starter. Always need some time to get focused.
When i am focused. I higher my bets and play with more discipline to maximize profit and minimize risk.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: pearnapple on January 10, 2016, 06:31:36 PM
my strategy is really bad to be honest, i play as risky and make as big bets as possible and i usually loose all my money that i deposit to a casino, i think its a really bad strategy and i dont recommend it to anyone for a use

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Altynbekova on January 10, 2016, 06:48:57 PM
I prefer slow but it's very tempting to go fast as well
I think playing fast or slow will be the same, many gamblers who play slow but still lost, it was because they didn't have any luck
I haven't seen the effects winner of playing slow.

Poker games? They always play slow some of them play so slow that the people are scared to bet.
Because that is poker you need to take some time to do it.
But yeah true with gambling you need to be lucky just don't play greedy.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: buyinbtc on January 10, 2016, 07:29:15 PM
i prefer to play slow with my bitcoins, i really dont like to risk a lot of money at once because in my opinion it can bring me to a huge loss in a few bets only, i think its the best not to risk more than you can afford to loose

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: rickadone on January 10, 2016, 07:54:32 PM
i prefer to play slow with my bitcoins, i really dont like to risk a lot of money at once because in my opinion it can bring me to a huge loss in a few bets only, i think its the best not to risk more than you can afford to loose

If you do not prefer taking risk means, you are slowly progressing in finding profits. But in gambling slow players win always. So, you may become one of the winner with your strategy.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: 2legit2 on January 10, 2016, 08:39:22 PM
i prefer to play slow with my bitcoins, i really dont like to risk a lot of money at once because in my opinion it can bring me to a huge loss in a few bets only, i think its the best not to risk more than you can afford to loose

If you do not prefer taking risk means, you are slowly progressing in finding profits. But in gambling slow players win always. So, you may become one of the winner with your strategy.
thats not true, neither slow players nor fast manage to finish in profit, you never know how your betting will turn out and you will always lose because of the house edge

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: busybee7 on January 10, 2016, 08:52:23 PM
i dont prefer to play neither risky nor slowly, i usually play in the way i feel is the best and in the way that would make me lose as less money as possible, all in all im not a really huge fan of gambling

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Superhitech on January 10, 2016, 08:54:55 PM
I gamble for fun, so I usually bet little amounts to get the most out of it as possible.

There isn't really that much strategy in gambling in games with a house edge, so usually I don't use any sort of "strategy" except martingale.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: martinacar on January 10, 2016, 11:53:41 PM
I gamble for fun, so I usually bet little amounts to get the most out of it as possible.

There isn't really that much strategy in gambling in games with a house edge, so usually I don't use any sort of "strategy" except martingale.

Even when I play for fun i use a strategy. Money is money, even small amounts of money.
So yeah i got a strategy by watching the game and check out competition. If the table is good for me, I play it.
Else i make sure to go away.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Superhitech on January 13, 2016, 03:56:07 AM
I gamble for fun, so I usually bet little amounts to get the most out of it as possible.

There isn't really that much strategy in gambling in games with a house edge, so usually I don't use any sort of "strategy" except martingale.

Even when I play for fun i use a strategy. Money is money, even small amounts of money.
So yeah i got a strategy by watching the game and check out competition. If the table is good for me, I play it.
Else i make sure to go away.

Checking out the competition is usually done in poker, I play luck based games for fun so there's not really any strategy involved.

However, when I bet on sports, I always try and choose the best picks even if it's for fun.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Erza on January 13, 2016, 05:27:39 AM
I gamble for fun, so I usually bet little amounts to get the most out of it as possible.

There isn't really that much strategy in gambling in games with a house edge, so usually I don't use any sort of "strategy" except martingale.

Even when I play for fun i use a strategy. Money is money, even small amounts of money.
So yeah i got a strategy by watching the game and check out competition. If the table is good for me, I play it.
Else i make sure to go away.

Checking out the competition is usually done in poker, I play luck based games for fun so there's not really any strategy involved.

However, when I bet on sports, I always try and choose the best picks even if it's for fun.

The best pick? Did you mean low odds so your winning chance will be good? Because best pick or low odds sometimes will lose too if you are no luck. Btw how can you check the poker table if this is the right table for you or not? There is no way to check by watching them play except you are joining their table to play it

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: VPScreator on January 13, 2016, 05:32:00 AM
My strategy is to start with very small amount and then keep,playing at 2.00 odds unless I loose. Its called martinagle and really its the best one I have seen and come across yet.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: Everybitbit on January 13, 2016, 05:35:07 AM
i prefer risky.. with slow strategy will end to bust too i think.
so i always make big bet on 2x and if i won 2 times i quit and play again for the next other day.
well if lose on 1st bet i double up my bet.. and if it lose again i called its a day.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: SyGambler on January 13, 2016, 05:38:05 AM
in +EV games like poker and sportsbetting I go slow and steady , since you can catch good chances in these two games
in -EV games I play high risk martinagle , go big or bust  ;D but usually I try to make maximum X10 of the bankroll in these games then I withdraw instantly

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: VPScreator on January 13, 2016, 05:39:47 AM
i prefer risky.. with slow strategy will end to bust too i think.
so i always make big bet on 2x and if i won 2 times i quit and play again for the next other day.
well if lose on 1st bet i double up my bet.. and if it lose again i called its a day.

That also is right, if you are lucky you win, and if you are unlucky you can also loose 20 bets in a row, but yeah still i pefer low bets on 2.00 odds.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: DaddyMonsi on January 13, 2016, 05:40:16 AM
I'm not the risk taker type, so I bet whatever is the minimum but sometimes when I feel the urge to hit maximum I go for it. Slow and small works for me in gambling since I gamble only for fun, this way I can stay longer in the site gambling or playing.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: BTCevo on January 13, 2016, 09:11:10 AM
I'm not the risk taker type, so I bet whatever is the minimum but sometimes when I feel the urge to hit maximum I go for it. Slow and small works for me in gambling since I gamble only for fun, this way I can stay longer in the site gambling or playing.

So you are doing this kind of gambling just to stay longer in particular site to keep on gambling? What I wanna ask is do you get your profit if you stay so long at your particular site? I dont think it is because the longer you play you will lose it for sure because on each site there is house edge so if you play in a long run you will be guarantee having loss

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: wikenpp on January 13, 2016, 09:46:52 AM
I'm not the risk taker type, so I bet whatever is the minimum but sometimes when I feel the urge to hit maximum I go for it. Slow and small works for me in gambling since I gamble only for fun, this way I can stay longer in the site gambling or playing.

That's a good strategy indeed. I try to play risky and both not risky
By mixing it up i mix my luck and the chance to get lucky which is good.

Title: Re: What is your gambling stategy? Are you risky, or do you prefer slow?
Post by: lolnabtc on January 13, 2016, 09:57:23 AM
keep all in till 0 / reach big amount which sedom happened  ;D