Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: capn noe on December 02, 2012, 05:35:58 PM

Title: The Banning of Usagi
Post by: capn noe on December 02, 2012, 05:35:58 PM
Is the moderation team going to recognize how absolutely toxic Usagi is to every digital community he's ever been involved in, as he is here? He has the historical record of not only sustaining this level of multi-thousand a day word output, while throwing around pseudo-legalese, for a decade. This will continue FOREVER. His newsgroup history, as linked in other threads, shows that what he is doing here is part of his pathology. There will forever be accusations against people at a constant clip, dragging every single person that doesn't agree with him into it. Every time. FOREVER.

Ban Usagi, not for being a scammer but for being a toxic and horrible member of any digital community. The disruption this one guy causes is unbelievable. The mods here don't have to take his shit, there is no right to have access, and he's even proved his willingness to game the software.

I may be just some low-effort troll fishing around for a place in the BTC niche, but I can't be the only person to see this. He's hilarious, but my god it's so tiresome.

Ban him!

Title: Re: The Banning of Usagi
Post by: Lethn on December 02, 2012, 07:14:18 PM
Oh shut up, why is it that every internet community I take an interest has to fall apart because of annoying witch hunting, hate mongering, mob lynching pricks who insist that whenever there is a problem with one individual that acts like a cunt it is somehow the administrators fault and want to usurp the whole place to turn it into their own little idyllic paradise where they'll just end up banning anyone who does anything they don't like?

Please people, don't fall for the stupidity and annoyance of these shit stirrers and just put them on your ignore list like I'm going to, don't let them turn a forum about Bitcoin into their personal battleground.

Title: Re: The Banning of Usagi
Post by: capn noe on December 02, 2012, 07:33:16 PM
Oh shut up, why is it that every internet community I take an interest has to fall apart because of annoying witch hunting, hate mongering, mob lynching pricks who insist that whenever there is a problem with one individual that acts like a cunt it is somehow the administrators fault and want to usurp the whole place to turn it into their own little idyllic paradise where they'll just end up banning anyone who does anything they don't like?

Please people, don't fall for the stupidity and annoyance of these shit stirrers and just put them on your ignore list like I'm going to, don't let them turn a forum about Bitcoin into their personal battleground.

The moderators know already, and this isn't some slippery slope. Goat was banned for the same reason, and I'm sure now that Usagi is actively attacking the moderators here individually he won't be far behind. Why it hasn't happened yet is beyond me, maybe they are letting the last of the scam accusation threads wind down first. I dunno.

Title: Re: The Banning of Usagi
Post by: CharlesPonzi on December 02, 2012, 08:54:00 PM
maybe usagi believes if they accuse enough people it will hide their own scamming.

Title: Re: The Banning of Usagi
Post by: greyhawk on December 02, 2012, 11:29:17 PM
Oh shut up, why is it that every internet community I take an interest has to fall apart because of annoying witch hunting, hate mongering, mob lynching pricks who insist that whenever there is a problem with one individual that acts like a cunt it is somehow the administrators fault and want to usurp the whole place to turn it into their own little idyllic paradise where they'll just end up banning anyone who does anything they don't like?

Please people, don't fall for the stupidity and annoyance of these shit stirrers and just put them on your ignore list like I'm going to, don't let them turn a forum about Bitcoin into their personal battleground.

Actually usagi has been banned or ostracized from just about every internet community he frequented ever and afterwards these places turned into heavenly utopias full of butterflies, rainbows and sparkling unicorns. So there's maybe something to be gained here for BTCTalk.

Title: Re: The Banning of Usagi
Post by: Lethn on December 03, 2012, 06:38:14 AM
All I'm saying is don't make this place your battleground, if you want to do that then take it to private messaging or just ignore him.

Title: Re: The Banning of Usagi
Post by: 🏰 TradeFortress 🏰 on December 03, 2012, 09:15:21 AM
Perhaps your bickering is toxic to bitcointalk.

Title: Re: The Banning of Usagi
Post by: TECSHARE on December 04, 2012, 10:17:08 AM
maybe usagi believes if they accuse enough people it will hide their own scamming.

He did refuse to pay me for a project he contracted and attempted to intimidate me when I expected to be paid for work he requested and approved of. I was forced to open a scammer thread since he was uncooperative. Some one else paid his debt because he clearly was in the wrong. USAGIs response was to accuse me of scamming for having received a payment from some one else for work he commissioned and refused to pay for -_-

He clearly has no problem being scummy, divisive, childish, and is willing to commit theft of service. Maybe there is something somewhere I don't know about that he contributes here, but I doubt it makes up for the train wreck this guy leaves behind him everywhere he goes, and it is always someone else's fault.

Title: Re: The Banning of Usagi
Post by: J-Norm on December 05, 2012, 08:07:07 PM
To the OP: Under his name is a button called "ignore", it will solve your issue.

Title: Re: The Banning of Usagi
Post by: AfricanHunter on December 07, 2012, 02:51:57 AM
I personally think he/she is annoying as hell but can't see a ban for being annoying. Scamming yes.