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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: zenitzz on December 15, 2015, 02:00:23 AM

Title: UN accused of 'shocking' lack of action over murder and rape in South Sudan
Post by: zenitzz on December 15, 2015, 02:00:23 AM
MSF criticises ‘complete and utter failure’ of UN peacekeeping mission to stop systematic atrocities, on the two-year anniversary of the start of conflict

The UN peacekeeping mission in South Sudan has been accused of a “complete and utter failure” to protect civilians in one of the most dangerous and volatile parts of the war-ravaged country.

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) says that although civilians in southern Unity state – an oil-rich area and key battleground in the civil war – have been subjected to murder, rape and abduction for many months, there has been a “shocking” lack of action from the UN Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (Unmiss).

“There has been a complete and utter protection failure on Unmiss’ part in southern Unity,” said Pete Buth, deputy operations director of MSF Holland and manager of MSF’s activities in Unity state.

“There has not been any protection to speak of until now while the violence has been ongoing and there have been thousands of people coming into the [Protection of Civilians] sites in Bentiu from southern Unity – those who manage to flee – and they have been telling their stories.”

He added: “It’s not like this is a secret. They talk about the most horrendous incidents of sexual violence and I’m sure we’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg.”

Sexual violence is so common that one woman told MSF staff: “If I came to the clinic every time I’d been raped, I’d be here every day.”

According to the international medical charity, people in southern Unity are so afraid that they are hiding and sleeping in swamps and rivers, and eating waterlilies to stay alive. At night, children are drowning when they slip from the arms of their exhausted parents.

While atrocities including forced cannibalism, sexual violence and the attacks on civilians in their hospital beds have been reported across the country since the fighting erupted in December 2013, Unity state has endured some of the worst and most protracted violence.

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Title: Re: UN accused of 'shocking' lack of action over murder and rape in South Sudan
Post by: bryant.coleman on December 15, 2015, 02:42:34 AM
For more than 30-years, the South Sudanese resisted a genocidal campaign launched against them by the Arabs. They defeated the Arabs, and as a result they gained the independence for their territory. And now.... they are fighting against each other. Rivalries have always existed between the two major groups (Dinka and Nuer), but now it has crossed all the limits. The Nuer is taking help from the very group (Arab) which had tried to exterminate them earlier.

Title: Re: UN accused of 'shocking' lack of action over murder and rape in South Sudan
Post by: bizerinm on February 02, 2016, 12:21:34 AM
Sudan is from 19th century problematic country, from Mahdi. Nothing changed only now have modern arms. South Sudan is killed by inner war of tribes fighting themselves and making most horrible crimes. And South Sudan is christian. Now independent state but a hell on earth

Title: Re: UN accused of 'shocking' lack of action over murder and rape in South Sudan
Post by: countryfree on February 02, 2016, 12:53:18 AM
Things are not easy, but ultimately there's a money problem here. You'd want large well equipped armed forces to maintain peace in Sudan, but who wants to pay for them? It's a very large territory, it would take thousands of men and vehicles, but there's no money to finance all that.

Title: Re: UN accused of 'shocking' lack of action over murder and rape in South Sudan
Post by: Ernstew on February 02, 2016, 08:01:13 PM
It's big and very rich land they have oil, gold...but are extremly undeveloped they have onlu 60 km of roads!! Other is jungle, goat passages..Big army should be there but better should try to make peace between those tribes dinka and the other one. But there is also impact of rest of Sudan which is trying to make more chaos in this misserable country.

Title: Re: UN accused of 'shocking' lack of action over murder and rape in South Sudan
Post by: countryfree on February 03, 2016, 12:05:07 AM
Yes, there's oil in South Sudan. That may save them sometimes, but not now. When the barrel goes back to $150, things will change. If it goes to $250, things will change even more. But that won't happen before several years. Thousands will die meanwhile...

Title: Re: UN accused of 'shocking' lack of action over murder and rape in South Sudan
Post by: bizerinm on February 03, 2016, 11:16:30 AM
Yes, but this is undeveloped and unspoiled land, maybe they have gold also, or other things which can bring them money..but they are total in past century and with this war between tribes nobody want to invest there