Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Bitware on December 16, 2015, 02:34:50 AM

Title: John Kasich, the bankers whore, just went after encryption...
Post by: Bitware on December 16, 2015, 02:34:50 AM
in the presidential debate... because terrorists.

It was a sideways attack on Bitcoin.

Trump attacked the internet too.

EDIT - Yet, they want to have data protection from Chinese and Russian hackers. Well, that would be encryption... wouldn't it...

Here is the full debate if anyone is interested -

Title: Re: John Kasich, the bankers whore, just went after encryption...
Post by: Gleb Gamow on December 16, 2015, 02:58:25 AM
in the presidential debate... because terrorists.

It was a sideways attack on Bitcoin.

Trump attacked the internet too.

Was Obama or Trump who removed the link from the OP?

Title: Re: John Kasich, the bankers whore, just went after encryption...
Post by: Bitware on December 16, 2015, 03:03:09 AM
in the presidential debate... because terrorists.

It was a sideways attack on Bitcoin.

Trump attacked the internet too.

Was Obama or Trump who removed the link from the OP?

There was no link. It's live TV. CNN to be specific.

Edit - Here is the full debate -

Title: Re: John Kasich, the bankers whore, just went after encryption...
Post by: AgentofCoin on December 16, 2015, 03:04:36 AM
in the presidential debate... because terrorists.

It was a sideways attack on Bitcoin.

Trump attacked the internet too.

Trump doesn't even have basic understanding how the internet works and Kasich is beating a dead horse.
Now that encryption is out in the general public sphere (apps and etc), you can't go and attempt to outlaw or control it.

Title: Re: John Kasich, the bankers whore, just went after encryption...
Post by: Bitcoinpro on December 16, 2015, 03:25:54 AM
the age of the dying stooges n goons

fake deaths will not doubt start to heat up

as they work out their exit strategies

Title: Re: John Kasich, the bankers whore, just went after encryption...
Post by: bitsmichel on December 16, 2015, 07:05:01 AM
in the presidential debate... because terrorists.

It was a sideways attack on Bitcoin.

Trump attacked the internet too.

EDIT - Yet, they want to have data protection from Chinese and Russian hackers. Well, that would be encryption... wouldn't it...

Encryption law would be a great thing. Now our data can simply be copied by terrorist or Chinese hackers.
If companies were obliged to encrypt customer data, America would be a lot safer.

Probably they want to ban encryption and make America into Disneyworld for terrorist and hacker.

Title: Re: John Kasich, the bankers whore, just went after encryption...
Post by: Bitware on December 16, 2015, 04:41:14 PM
in the presidential debate... because terrorists.

It was a sideways attack on Bitcoin.

Trump attacked the internet too.

Trump doesn't even have basic understanding how the internet works and Kasich is beating a dead horse.
Now that encryption is out in the general public sphere (apps and etc), you can't go and attempt to outlaw or control it.

But that's precisely what they are doing. Attempting to outlaw it for the regular folks, probably under regulation and licensing laws.

I find it interesting that any one of us can encrypt our data and the government can't break that encryption (we know because they're complaining about it), but banks, big corps and governments still have their (our) data unencrypted and loses it to hackers who then commit identity theft, then simultaneously claims they need to outlaw encryption for us while reforming their own data storage policies to enable encryption for only them-- because terrorism.

It's like trying to reason with my ex-wives, a drunk, an idiot, or irrational children.

Title: Re: John Kasich, the bankers whore, just went after encryption...
Post by: Snail2 on December 16, 2015, 04:55:20 PM
Retarded idea. Encryption is our only defence against hackers. Banning it would disarm the law obeying taxpayers and would leave the criminals and terrorists fully armed with more power than ever before (as they wouldn't give a flying fuck about the law). Everyone who has more IQ than a goldfish can see this, and realize that this isn't something against terrorists but it's against us.

Title: Re: John Kasich, the bankers whore, just went after encryption...
Post by: vero on December 16, 2015, 10:20:34 PM
Why is this debate only about foreign policy so far? What about jobs, crime, fixing the infrastructure, taxes, health care, etc.?

Title: Re: John Kasich, the bankers whore, just went after encryption...
Post by: Lethn on December 16, 2015, 10:41:33 PM
Funny, because in the recent Paris attack didn't the terrorists just use unencrypted SMS messages? Maybe it's because they know the governments are full of shit and that they can't go through all that information as easily as they claim.

Title: Re: John Kasich, the bankers whore, just went after encryption...
Post by: notbatman on December 17, 2015, 03:11:12 AM
Why is this debate only about foreign policy so far? What about jobs, crime, fixing the infrastructure, taxes, health care, etc.?

I watched part of the debate if you could call it that. Do they realize they came across as total bloodthirsty psychopaths, I'm guessing they're intentionally trying to lose? Ban encryption, shutdown the internet and spend billions of tax dollars to carpet bomb civilians, WTF?

What ever happened to "it's about the economy stupid"? Trump of all people should know better.

Title: Re: John Kasich, the bankers whore, just went after encryption...
Post by: BTCBinary on December 17, 2015, 05:36:14 AM
yeah with those guys in power there will a lot of things going down. If Trump gets elected there will be a new Witch hunt!

Title: Re: John Kasich, the bankers whore, just went after encryption...
Post by: zenitzz on December 17, 2015, 06:43:01 AM
Time to vote out the idiots presently in Congress on both sides of the aisle and replace them with fresh, new blood! The new Congress needs to give themselves an immediate pay cut, reverse affordable care, which is not affordable! Get rid of the lobbyists and special interest groups and work for the American people. We need to get out of the U.N. We also need Trump in office who will work to keep us all safe. Vote for Trump 2016! Clinton and Saunders are full of hot air and both of them need to retire. They will drag America down to the status of a third world country and we will be living in the middle ages!