Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: gabgab on June 07, 2011, 06:15:55 AM

Title: Bitcoins does not serve any benefits to the human kind.
Post by: gabgab on June 07, 2011, 06:15:55 AM
doctors save lives, firemen make our homes safe, astronauts explore the outer space etc...

bitcoins do nothing except pushing numbers around to make the early adaptors rich.

Title: Re: Bitcoins does not serve any benefits to the human kind.
Post by: MemoryDealers on June 07, 2011, 06:18:53 AM
They also prevent governments from stealing from people by inflating the money supply.

Title: Re: Bitcoins does not serve any benefits to the human kind.
Post by: mcdeeda on June 07, 2011, 06:21:31 AM
one could easily say the same thing about most economic, technological, hell, any developments

"doctors save lives, firemen make our homes safe, astronauts explore the outer space etc...

US dollars do nothing except pushing numbers around to make the bankers rich."

"doctors save lives, firemen make our homes safe, astronauts explore the outer space etc...

Video games do nothing except pushing numbers around to make the game companies rich."

"doctors save lives, firemen make our homes safe, astronauts explore the outer space etc...

jeans do nothing except pushing numbers around to make the clothing manufacturers rich."

"doctors save lives, firemen make our homes safe, astronauts explore the outer space etc...

soda pop does nothing except pushing numbers around to make Coca Cola rich."

Title: Re: Bitcoins does not serve any benefits to the human kind.
Post by: DATA COMMANDER on June 07, 2011, 06:23:24 AM
doctors save lives, firemen make our homes safe, astronauts explore the outer space etc...

bitcoins do nothing except pushing numbers around to make the early adaptors rich.

No one is forcing anyone to use Bitcoin. No one (that I know of) is trying to trick people into using them. (Most newbies who post on this forum are told to fuck off if they don't like the idea.)

And yet the price of a bitcoin is almost $20. How do you explain this? Is every single person who's bought or mined a bitcoin just an idiot? Because no one is coercing them into using Bitcoin, and yet they are.

Title: Re: Bitcoins does not serve any benefits to the human kind.
Post by: benjamindees on June 07, 2011, 06:25:29 AM
The purpose of currencies and markets is to exchange information about who is doing what, what needs to be done, and what would just be duplicate work.  This makes everyone's jobs easier and more effective.  If no one wanted astronauts to explore outer space, for instance, and instead people wanted more doctors to save lives, then prices would indicate this and jobs could be allocated more efficiently.

So yes, as a very efficient currency, Bitcoin is just pushing numbers around.

Title: Re: Bitcoins does not serve any benefits to the human kind.
Post by: drugsmang on June 07, 2011, 06:26:45 AM
doctors push pills for pharma, firemen get drunk and fight with cops, astronauts explore the inside of a space station and do research for Dupont and the military. cosmonauts slingshot around the sun and punch you in the balls for trollinalongtheforums

Title: Re: Bitcoins does not serve any benefits to the human kind.
Post by: FreeMoney on June 07, 2011, 06:28:43 AM
If people don't find them valuable how could the first users profit? If people do find them valuable th

Title: Re: Bitcoins does not serve any benefits to the human kind.
Post by: wumpus on June 07, 2011, 06:38:49 AM
doctors save lives, firemen make our homes safe, astronauts explore the outer space etc...
You could pay doctors, firemen and astronauts with them.

Title: Re: Bitcoins does not serve any benefits to the human kind.
Post by: TraderTimm on June 07, 2011, 12:13:00 PM
Any invention that allows people to be free while using it is worth everything to humanity.

Title: Re: Bitcoins does not serve any benefits to the human kind.
Post by: billyjoeallen on June 07, 2011, 12:33:43 PM
bitcoin facilitates trade, which makes both parties better off.  This in turn facilitates specialization, when increases productive efficiency due to the economy of scale. 

Title: Re: Bitcoins does not serve any benefits to the human kind.
Post by: rezin777 on June 07, 2011, 01:39:38 PM
bitcoins do nothing except pushing numbers around to make the early adaptors rich.

Would you be interested in Bitcoins if they were trading for .001 USD each and there were 2 websites that had any info about them? Probably not, but the early adopters were and that is why they are necessary. So if they manage to hold on to their coins until they are worth large sums of USD (no easy task), they deserve it, because here you are starting new threads about Bitcoins.

Title: Re: Bitcoins does not serve any benefits to the human kind.
Post by: theboos on June 07, 2011, 02:45:13 PM
bitcoin facilitates trade, which makes both parties better off.  This in turn facilitates specialization, when increases productive efficiency due to the economy of scale. 

+1. A more liquid currency with a single fast, easy, anonymous, untaxable, and secure method of payment allows much more efficient commerce than the US dollar which can be taxed and fee'd and is very difficult to transfer despite the numerous ways of doing so.

Title: Re: Bitcoins does not serve any benefits to the human kind.
Post by: AllYourBase on June 07, 2011, 02:53:39 PM
doctors save lives, firemen make our homes safe, astronauts explore the outer space etc...

bitcoins do nothing except pushing numbers around to make the early adaptors rich.

Obvious troll is obvious

Title: Re: Bitcoins does not serve any benefits to the human kind.
Post by: fetokun on June 07, 2011, 02:57:03 PM
doctors save lives, firemen make our homes safe, astronauts explore the outer space etc...

bitcoins do nothing except pushing numbers around to make the early adaptors rich.

Obvious troll is obvious

that's what I was going to say

Title: Re: Bitcoins does not serve any benefits to the human kind.
Post by: barbarousrelic on June 07, 2011, 03:13:45 PM
Money allows for the division of labor, which has done more to advance mankind than probably any other development.

Bitcoin serves as a more usable form of money.

Title: Re: Bitcoins does not serve any benefits to the human kind.
Post by: kwukduck on June 07, 2011, 03:24:17 PM
Obvious troll is obvious...
We should really stop feeding them every time a post like this pops up...

Title: Re: Bitcoins does not serve any benefits to the human kind.
Post by: Horkabork on June 07, 2011, 03:56:55 PM
On the scale of things, because there are so many humans alive and that very, very few people actually have unique skills or the potential to advance human knowledge or progress in any way, you could say that 99% of people do not serve any benefits to the humankind.

Twenty years after I die, probably most people who knew me personally will be themselves dead or enough time will have passed that memories and influences I had on them would be negligible. Since I'm in a science field, probably about 30 years after I die any effect that my meager life's work would have on scientific knowledge will have been expanded upon as much as possible, becoming little more than a citation at the end of certain papers, and my influence would be all but forgotten.

50 years after I die, evidence of my existence to my offspring's offspring will be limited to photos of a stranger, my name, and a few sentences about what I did, where I lived, and how I was related to them.

100 years after death, all that will exist of my influence on mankind will be my name in genealogical databases and archival data and my presence as a number in various statistics.

In about 300 years, if I'm lucky, the last person to ever read or say my name will have already done so.

In about 800 years, my genetic contribution to mankind, unless I personally have some beneficial very rare gene unique to just me, will be absolutely nothing.

In 1000 years, any rare, minute societal or cultural effect that I might have had will be gone as everything I was ever part of is mooshed together with the common events of billions of other people and generalized in history books.

History has taught us that, unless you are wildly rich, incredibly powerful, or you do something, make something, or invent something that a billion other people didn't think of yet, you might as well have never existed for your puny influence on the world. History has also taught us that the most accessible way for a common person to be remembered 1000 years from now is to be, essentially, a mass murderer and/or rapist. You don't need power, money, or to do something related to skill or intelligence, you just have to kill a lot of people and rape a lot of women. Actually, power or wealth might come secondarily to you if you become this mass murderer.

If successful, you'll influence laws and society for decades. You'll probably influence some people for their entire lives, if you can possibly be horrible enough to stain them emotionally. If you are a really decent rapist, then your genetic influence will probably last quite a while, especially if you rape in states that don't like abortions, even in cases of rape by mass murderers. If you can murder or rape selectively, such as selecting people who match some phenotype or genotype, then your genetic influence would be much, much greater.

This might not be a negative influence to human kind either, so long as you are looking at a scale 1000 years out and have a completely utilitarian perspective, whereas murdering only people with genetic disorders would be horrible in the short term, if you were really good at it, people for hundreds of years afterward would owe you for removing faulty genes from the gene pool.

I'm afraid, gabgab, that even though doctors save lives, and all the other stupid occupations you listed, very little that an individual does actually does jack shit to human kind. But since, being an intelligent person as you are, you realize this, then by criticizing people who aren't rich, powerful, or or able to do or make that one-in-a-billion contribution, you're actually criticizing people for not doing the one thing that could actually influence human-kind, in any way, positive or negative. You're criticizing people for not becoming mass murdering rapists, as that is the only thing that most of us could possibly do to affect humankind.

You sick fuck.

Title: Re: Bitcoins does not serve any benefits to the human kind.
Post by: Kman54 on June 07, 2011, 04:26:43 PM
you realize doctors and firemen are human beings, while BTC is a currency right?  Your statement is equivelent to saying apples and bananas are good for eating, you can't eat BTC so its stupid.

Genius argument you came up, now back under the bridge troll.

Title: Re: Bitcoins does not serve any benefits to the human kind.
Post by: royalecraig on June 07, 2011, 04:35:04 PM
Doctors save lives ?

The 4th leading cause of death in the Western World is Pharmaceutical Drugs.

And the kitchen Cupboard / Grocery store come a close 5th.

Title: Re: Bitcoins does not serve any benefits to the human kind.
Post by: Dobrodav on June 07, 2011, 05:00:21 PM

...You ....

I am read that all, and  found that funny, and anough well written.
Your typing did not lost in wain.

Title: Re: Bitcoins does not serve any benefits to the human kind.
Post by: Bitatoes on June 07, 2011, 05:10:57 PM

If successful, you'll influence laws and society for decades. You'll probably influence some people for their entire lives, if you can possibly be horrible enough to stain them emotionally. If you are a really decent rapist, then your genetic influence will probably last quite a while, especially if you rape in states that don't like abortions, even in cases of rape by mass murderers. If you can murder or rape selectively, such as selecting people who match some phenotype or genotype, then your genetic influence would be much, much greater.

yeah, but what is remembered is more a reflection of those remembering than it is of those remembered. In other words, it's a sign of how the world is now that we think back farthest on our murdering/raping ancestors and our more evolved future generations may reflect back on things like massive economic advances brought via something uniquely ours so far throughout history, technology. The times they are a changin!

Title: Re: Bitcoins does not serve any benefits to the human kind.
Post by: buckeye on June 07, 2011, 06:35:24 PM
doctors save lives, firemen make our homes safe, astronauts explore the outer space etc...

bitcoins do nothing except pushing numbers around to make the early adaptors rich.

Your first premise is generally true, but what about your second premise?

bitcoins do nothing except pushing numbers around to make the early adaptors rich.

I know it probably seems that way to you, but there are always new adapters who come along and confound the earlier adapters.

You just have to figure out how to become a new adapter able to confound the earlier adapters.

Title: Re: Bitcoins does not serve any benefits to the human kind.
Post by: Bazil on June 07, 2011, 06:57:48 PM
Don't feed the troll?  Look at the comments he's been leaving

Title: Re: Bitcoins does not serve any benefits to the human kind.
Post by: WilliamJohnson on June 07, 2011, 07:23:51 PM
As you probably know it, Bitcoin does have a few benefits (independence from a central organization, no inflation spiral, low transaction fees, accounts that can't be frozen, allows anonymity...)
"Pushing numbers to make XXXX rich" is unfortunately common with most currencies. Think of the financial industry.

Now, about the early "adapters" getting rich...
I, for one, welcome our new electric overlords. :D

Title: Re: Bitcoins does not serve any benefits to the human kind.
Post by: rahl on June 07, 2011, 09:15:50 PM
doctors save lives, firemen make our homes safe, astronauts explore the outer space etc...

bitcoins do nothing except pushing numbers around to make the early adaptors rich.

And you think there would be doctors and firemen without money? There wouldn't because being able to do price comparisons in a universal medium of exchange is very beneficial to transmitting information in the market, which is the cause of signals telling people that they can actually make a decent living from being doctors and firemen.

Government money is constantly manipulated which means that it does a very poor job of transmitting information, which is why we have recessions and in almost every area either too few or too many doctors and firemen and resources are being wasted. Bitcoin will do a much better job at this if it becomes universal thus providing enormous benefit to mankind.

As for astronauts I don't think it makes any kind of economic or entrepreneurial sense to send people into deep space at this stage. Researching colonization and sending people into low orbit for satellite maintinence and tourism maybe. But the space shuttle is a fucking disaster in waste of resources at something barley ever worked and the entire space program is just a government circus.