Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: PublicP2poolNode on December 19, 2015, 03:28:53 PM

Title: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: PublicP2poolNode on December 19, 2015, 03:28:53 PM
It all started for me back in April of 2014.

The following year my girlfriend and I had broken up for a few months because I had become so obsessed with reading about bitcoin and was being neglectful to her needs.

I had promised her that I wouldn't constantly be on my phone reading all the news related to bitcoin and watching the price fluctuations and on July 16th 2014 I asked her to marry me.

I kept my promises to her for a while. Until April 2015 when my miners that I used for solo mining actually found a block.

It was my first time finding one after over a year of trying and seeing 25 coins in my wallet worth almost $6,000.00 was so exhilarating and I felt like I was on cloud 9

I told my fiance about it and for the first time she was happy i had gotten involved into mining bitcoin.

I made a promise never to touch them until we we ready to retire.

A few days later I purchased 1 bitcoin and rented some hashpower and tried my luck at solo mining again.

Before I had spent even 1/4 of that bitcoin I found another block.

Woo hoo! This is easy I told myself.

Of course I told her about it and again she was very pleased.

This time I promised I would only use five coins to try and solo mine another block.

Well I lost the five.

Then more, then more and more and more until I had lost it all.

I couldn't tell her what I had done, couldn't admit that I had turned into a compulsive gambler and threw it all away.

So what did I decide to do?

I took out a home equity loan and borrowed $30,000.00 so I could purchase about 75 coins at the time.

I just knewI had figured out a system and with that many coins I would be able to get back what I had lost and repay my home equity loan.

So from April 2015 until mid December 2015 I tried every method I could come up with to try and outsmart the system.

At times I would spend an average of 1 bitcoin per day assuming it would take me no longer than 25 days to find a block and if I found one earlier then that then obviously I had come out ahead and I would pick a different address to solo mine to. It had to work, how couldn't it. At other times I would rent enough hashpower that I should have found a block within 12 hours.

Well it was quiet a roller coaster. From April of 2015 until mid December of 2015 I would estimate I found at least ten blocks probably more.

But I never could get back to where i started. I would get to the point where I was about to lose it all then I'd find a block.

Then I'd use that one to try and find more. When I was about to lose it all again, I'd find another one.

This process of losing almost everything and then gaining back a little, rinse wash and repeat continued for 8 months.

It was the most stressful time of my life.

All I could think about was getting back what I had lost so I wouldn't have to tell my fiance what I had done.

She felt neglected because I was always swiping my phone to see my new "best share" and to see how close I was to finding another block and a dark cloud followed me everywhere I went.

My negativity and despair showed on my face and she didn't understand why because I couldn't be honest about what I was doing because I was so ashamed.

Every day she would complain how I was always on my phone and not paying any attention to her, and I wanted so bad to just get back what I had lost and give her the attention she wanted and needed.

Long story short. She left me and I lost it all.

The moral of my story is dont let bitcoin take ahold of you like it did me, relationships are what matter and once you lose them you can't get them back.

She's already moved on and found a man that is giving her the attention she needs and I'm lonely, broken hearted and in more debt than I've ever been in, in my life.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: Slark on December 19, 2015, 03:36:13 PM
Op, please don't blame your life problems on bitcoin. Bitcoin is just money, an asset, a tool. You are the one who are in charge of your life.
You did not find the balance between your personal life and your bitcoin obsession and that is your fault. (I know it may sound harsh, but that is the truth)

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: 27QVUTZj8rgZP1 on December 19, 2015, 03:37:54 PM
In my opinion:
All I can say is: It wasn't Bitcoin's fault.

I am amazed how people try to find a culprit for their own mistakes.

End of opinion.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: Parazyd on December 19, 2015, 03:41:51 PM
Money makes you go blind. Well, I guess you learned a valuable lesson there...
Not everything is that bad, move on and push your life in a better direction. But if you think Bitcoin ruined your life, you're terribly wrong. You're just blaming something else for your mistakes.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: thejaytiesto on December 19, 2015, 03:45:52 PM
"Bitcoin, I wish I never knew you.

I destroyed my life and all that I love because of you. "

Wait, are you really blaming Bitcoin for what happened to you? How can you blame computer code? Man, give me a break. Im sorry for your loss, but blaming Bitcoin and not yourself will not make you learn a valuable lesson.

I can read up on Bitcoin all I want and nothing bad has happened to me. Then again, I don't have a gf.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: OmegaStarScream on December 19, 2015, 03:48:27 PM
I feel sorry man , I really do . However you should take some responsibility on what happened because those was decisions you made and no one forced you to do .
You gambled and you had to know that gambling have consequences and you have to assume now . I can't seem to understand how this is bitcoin as-well since this could happen (and it's happening) to people who use fiat .

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: QuestionAuthority on December 19, 2015, 03:50:33 PM
Don't be so upset about it, things could always be worse.

BTW: Your fiancé didn't leave you because of Bitcoin. She left you because your a schmuck. She already has a pussy she doesn't need another one.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: BruceLee007 on December 19, 2015, 03:52:07 PM
i believe that you are right i spend a lot of time on reading about bitcoins or being on this forum checking the news and i know that its a bad thing to spend too much time on bitcoins but it became a part of my life so i cant really do anything about this

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: ATguy on December 19, 2015, 03:53:11 PM
This often happens when chasing loses gambling with obvious negative expected value. I never realized this could happen from renting Bitcoin hashrate, but obviously it can become a form of gambling.

Although I bought my mining rig, I dont expect the value go back either (unless Bitcoin price skyrockets), so at least I limited my loses this way.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: xuan87 on December 19, 2015, 04:00:14 PM
I feel sorry for the guy that start this thread, but i think the problem lies in each individual,  blaming something is not a right thing

we have our own hobby like collecting action figure or something, bitcoin also the same, so you need to divide your time wisely and please dont blame bitcoin, bitcoin already provide for us food and extra income

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: mobnepal on December 19, 2015, 04:02:30 PM
Bitcoin is just a type of money and we all know money and greed can easily destroy every relation you have. So better to blame yourself being greedy and oversmart, overconfident about your mining power rather than innocent bitcoin.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: tokeweed on December 19, 2015, 04:10:43 PM
It all started for me back in April of 2014.

The following year my girlfriend and I had broken up for a few months because I had become so obsessed with reading about bitcoin and was being neglectful to her needs.

I had promised her that I wouldn't constantly be on my phone reading all the news related to bitcoin and watching the price fluctuations and on July 16th 2014 I asked her to marry me.

I kept my promises to her for a while. Until April 2015 when my miners that I used for solo mining actually found a block.

It was my first time finding one after over a year of trying and seeing 25 coins in my wallet worth almost $6,000.00 was so exhilarating and I felt like I was on cloud 9

I told my fiance about it and for the first time she was happy i had gotten involved into mining bitcoin.

I made a promise never to touch them until we we ready to retire.

A few days later I purchased 1 bitcoin and rented some hashpower and tried my luck at solo mining again.

Before I had spent even 1/4 of that bitcoin I found another block.

Woo hoo! This is easy I told myself.

Of course I told her about it and again she was very pleased.

This time I promised I would only use five coins to try and solo mine another block.

Well I lost the five.

Then more, then more and more and more until I had lost it all.

I couldn't tell her what I had done, couldn't admit that I had turned into a compulsive gambler and threw it all away.

So what did I decide to do?

I took out a home equity loan and borrowed $30,000.00 so I could purchase about 75 coins at the time.

I just knewI had figured out a system and with that many coins I would be able to get back what I had lost and repay my home equity loan.

So from April 2015 until mid December 2015 I tried every method I could come up with to try and outsmart the system.

At times I would spend an average of 1 bitcoin per day assuming it would take me no longer than 25 days to find a block and if I found one earlier then that then obviously I had come out ahead and I would pick a different address to solo mine to. It had to work, how couldn't it. At other times I would rent enough hashpower that I should have found a block within 12 hours.

Well it was quiet a roller coaster. From April of 2015 until mid December of 2015 I would estimate I found at least ten blocks probably more.

But I never could get back to where i started. I would get to the point where I was about to lose it all then I'd find a block.

Then I'd use that one to try and find more. When I was about to lose it all again, I'd find another one.

This process of losing almost everything and then gaining back a little, rinse wash and repeat continued for 8 months.

It was the most stressful time of my life.

All I could think about was getting back what I had lost so I wouldn't have to tell my fiance what I had done.

She felt neglected because I was always swiping my phone to see my new "best share" and to see how close I was to finding another block and a dark cloud followed me everywhere I went.

My negativity and despair showed on my face and she didn't understand why because I couldn't be honest about what I was doing because I was so ashamed.

Every day she would complain how I was always on my phone and not paying any attention to her, and I wanted so bad to just get back what I had lost and give her the attention she wanted and needed.

Long story short. She left me and I lost it all.

The moral of my story is dont let bitcoin take ahold of you like it did me, relationships are what matter and once you lose them you can't get them back.

She's already moved on and found a man that is giving her the attention she needs and I'm lonely, broken hearted and in more debt than I've ever been in, in my life.

Cliff notes?

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: chennan on December 19, 2015, 04:11:03 PM
Well that was a heart wrenching story OP... but I'm going to agree with everyone on here that you shouldn't be blaming bitcoin one bit.  What you should be blaming is genetics, because more than likely you have tendencies to addiction. Are you now drinking more heavily to "forget" about this whole thing while still frequenting here and reading up on Bitcoin ALL the time? My instincts tell me yes.

Also, it seems like you could just be addicted to the thrill of just "winning" anything... like if you were to go to a gas station and bought some scratchers and won maybe $10, you would put $100 more into scratchers... and then if you would win $100 with that you would put $1,000 into scratchers and then loose it all, which drives you into a deep depression and wishing you have never tried such foolish things in the first place.

I know how this feels, because I'm prone to addiction as well.  I have a better feel for seeing when I'm becoming to involved with something and need to take a break.  Like if I were to go online gambling, I force myself to only allow X amount of coins to be lost, and once that happens, no matter how hard it is, I would get up and leave and try to find something else meaningful to do with my life (IRL).  Go outside OP, find a hobby that requires you to get out of the house, you may feel that it's not worth it at first, but after a couple days of doing that you will probably feel a lot better than you do currently.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: Soros Shorts on December 19, 2015, 04:13:13 PM
She left you because your a schmuck. She already has a pussy she doesn't need another one.

Technically speaking, one cannot be a schmuck and a pussy at the same time.

Regardless, it is the obsession with wealth that is root of the problem.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: vodaljepa on December 19, 2015, 04:13:36 PM
It's always easy to blame your problems on someone or something else

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: Bitware on December 19, 2015, 04:19:56 PM
That's not a Bitcoin story. That's the story of a man-child who doesn't know how to manage his emotions/fear, time, finances, nor his relationships.

I never had one single life problem "caused by Bitcoin" and I still have the same woman, but then, I'm not a whiny child who makes poor decisions without thinking and researching the hell out of _insert_issue_here_, and I don't blame inanimate nor virtual objects for my flaws.

Perhaps you should simply grow up. Look for strong male role models who got their shit together to exemplify. Also, seek help for your gambling problem.

Were you by chance raised by a single or divorced mother who's father was kept out of your life?

You sound like a woman btw.

Best of luck, son.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: croato on December 19, 2015, 04:25:02 PM
Solo mining is sort of gamble, you did know that and you chose to gamble anyway. So blaming Bitcoin for your loses and ruined marriage is like regular gambler would blame dollar for his loses. Get over it mate, stop doing that and you will be fine. Life goes on.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: Farma on December 19, 2015, 04:36:38 PM
if in my opinion, it is not the fault of bitcoin, but it is the fault of the person who really infatuated with bitcoin so forget everything that is not concerned with bitcoin, so I think do not be too focused on bitcoin, focus also on the real world  :)

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: jonald_fyookball on December 19, 2015, 04:42:39 PM
OP you were playing a loser's game with renting hash power.
How could you not realize that cloud mining is basically
a scam business model?  And spend $30,000 on it?  I
don't even believe you.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: DannyHamilton on December 19, 2015, 04:45:50 PM
Cliff notes?


  • Had girlfriend
  • Spent excessive time obsessing about bitcoin, lost girlfriend
  • Promised to stop obsessing about bitcoin, girlfriend becomes fiancée
  • Failed to understand the mathematics of economic theory and basics of bitcoin mining
  • Lied to fiancée about losing money in attempt to gain more bitcoins
  • Covered up the lie by lying more and using excessive debt to try and gain more bitcoins
  • Obsessively used the same process that caused the debt to try to gain enough bitcoins to get out of the overwhelming debt before fiancée finds out
  • Fiancée found out.  No more fiancée. No more bitcoins. No more money.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: quentincole32 on December 19, 2015, 04:57:42 PM
It all started for me back in April of 2014.

The following year my girlfriend and I had broken up for a few months because I had become so obsessed with reading about bitcoin and was being neglectful to her needs.

I had promised her that I wouldn't constantly be on my phone reading all the news related to bitcoin and watching the price fluctuations and on July 16th 2014 I asked her to marry me.

I kept my promises to her for a while. Until April 2015 when my miners that I used for solo mining actually found a block.

It was my first time finding one after over a year of trying and seeing 25 coins in my wallet worth almost $6,000.00 was so exhilarating and I felt like I was on cloud 9

I told my fiance about it and for the first time she was happy i had gotten involved into mining bitcoin.

I made a promise never to touch them until we we ready to retire.

A few days later I purchased 1 bitcoin and rented some hashpower and tried my luck at solo mining again.

Before I had spent even 1/4 of that bitcoin I found another block.

Woo hoo! This is easy I told myself.

Of course I told her about it and again she was very pleased.

This time I promised I would only use five coins to try and solo mine another block.

Well I lost the five.

Then more, then more and more and more until I had lost it all.

I couldn't tell her what I had done, couldn't admit that I had turned into a compulsive gambler and threw it all away.

So what did I decide to do?

I took out a home equity loan and borrowed $30,000.00 so I could purchase about 75 coins at the time.

I just knewI had figured out a system and with that many coins I would be able to get back what I had lost and repay my home equity loan.

So from April 2015 until mid December 2015 I tried every method I could come up with to try and outsmart the system.

At times I would spend an average of 1 bitcoin per day assuming it would take me no longer than 25 days to find a block and if I found one earlier then that then obviously I had come out ahead and I would pick a different address to solo mine to. It had to work, how couldn't it. At other times I would rent enough hashpower that I should have found a block within 12 hours.

Well it was quiet a roller coaster. From April of 2015 until mid December of 2015 I would estimate I found at least ten blocks probably more.

But I never could get back to where i started. I would get to the point where I was about to lose it all then I'd find a block.

Then I'd use that one to try and find more. When I was about to lose it all again, I'd find another one.

This process of losing almost everything and then gaining back a little, rinse wash and repeat continued for 8 months.

It was the most stressful time of my life.

All I could think about was getting back what I had lost so I wouldn't have to tell my fiance what I had done.

She felt neglected because I was always swiping my phone to see my new "best share" and to see how close I was to finding another block and a dark cloud followed me everywhere I went.

My negativity and despair showed on my face and she didn't understand why because I couldn't be honest about what I was doing because I was so ashamed.

Every day she would complain how I was always on my phone and not paying any attention to her, and I wanted so bad to just get back what I had lost and give her the attention she wanted and needed.

Long story short. She left me and I lost it all.

The moral of my story is dont let bitcoin take ahold of you like it did me, relationships are what matter and once you lose them you can't get them back.

She's already moved on and found a man that is giving her the attention she needs and I'm lonely, broken hearted and in more debt than I've ever been in, in my life.

i'm also start to worry,i think i'm addicted to bitcoin,everyday looking for bitcoin, life from bitcoin,and sometime my girl also complaint about my time,yes because my time spent all day on front of my computer. i hope i dont have story like you..and really sorry for the guy that start this thread :)

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: biggbox on December 19, 2015, 04:59:15 PM
What are your plans now to get out of this mess that you are in? What's the interest rate for the loan that you are having now? Do you have a job to tide over?

It all started for me back in April of 2014.

The following year my girlfriend and I had broken up for a few months because I had become so obsessed with reading about bitcoin and was being neglectful to her needs.

I had promised her that I wouldn't constantly be on my phone reading all the news related to bitcoin and watching the price fluctuations and on July 16th 2014 I asked her to marry me.

I kept my promises to her for a while. Until April 2015 when my miners that I used for solo mining actually found a block.

It was my first time finding one after over a year of trying and seeing 25 coins in my wallet worth almost $6,000.00 was so exhilarating and I felt like I was on cloud 9

I told my fiance about it and for the first time she was happy i had gotten involved into mining bitcoin.

I made a promise never to touch them until we we ready to retire.

A few days later I purchased 1 bitcoin and rented some hashpower and tried my luck at solo mining again.

Before I had spent even 1/4 of that bitcoin I found another block.

Woo hoo! This is easy I told myself.

Of course I told her about it and again she was very pleased.

This time I promised I would only use five coins to try and solo mine another block.

Well I lost the five.

Then more, then more and more and more until I had lost it all.

I couldn't tell her what I had done, couldn't admit that I had turned into a compulsive gambler and threw it all away.

So what did I decide to do?

I took out a home equity loan and borrowed $30,000.00 so I could purchase about 75 coins at the time.

I just knewI had figured out a system and with that many coins I would be able to get back what I had lost and repay my home equity loan.

So from April 2015 until mid December 2015 I tried every method I could come up with to try and outsmart the system.

At times I would spend an average of 1 bitcoin per day assuming it would take me no longer than 25 days to find a block and if I found one earlier then that then obviously I had come out ahead and I would pick a different address to solo mine to. It had to work, how couldn't it. At other times I would rent enough hashpower that I should have found a block within 12 hours.

Well it was quiet a roller coaster. From April of 2015 until mid December of 2015 I would estimate I found at least ten blocks probably more.

But I never could get back to where i started. I would get to the point where I was about to lose it all then I'd find a block.

Then I'd use that one to try and find more. When I was about to lose it all again, I'd find another one.

This process of losing almost everything and then gaining back a little, rinse wash and repeat continued for 8 months.

It was the most stressful time of my life.

All I could think about was getting back what I had lost so I wouldn't have to tell my fiance what I had done.

She felt neglected because I was always swiping my phone to see my new "best share" and to see how close I was to finding another block and a dark cloud followed me everywhere I went.

My negativity and despair showed on my face and she didn't understand why because I couldn't be honest about what I was doing because I was so ashamed.

Every day she would complain how I was always on my phone and not paying any attention to her, and I wanted so bad to just get back what I had lost and give her the attention she wanted and needed.

Long story short. She left me and I lost it all.

The moral of my story is dont let bitcoin take ahold of you like it did me, relationships are what matter and once you lose them you can't get them back.

She's already moved on and found a man that is giving her the attention she needs and I'm lonely, broken hearted and in more debt than I've ever been in, in my life.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: btcprospecter on December 19, 2015, 05:01:12 PM
What a harrowing story. What a nightmare to lose everything chasing loses is never a good idea but like most money related things greed always becomes the problem expecially when you see what you had and how easily you got it just bad luck on chasing it. it could of gone the other way

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: nekochan05 on December 19, 2015, 05:07:18 PM
i feel sorry for your problem, man.
but don't blame on bitcoin.. bitcoin can't take your soul, all happened because you let your bad management of time and your low self-control on what you obsessed to take control your life/your soul
at least, you can got lesson about life from this all..
try to control yourself and manage your time for make a better life..

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: Jeremycoin on December 19, 2015, 05:10:30 PM
The title should be change to "Don't let money overtake your soul"

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: Lauda on December 19, 2015, 05:19:02 PM
Op, please don't blame your life problems on bitcoin. Bitcoin is just money, an asset, a tool. You are the one who are in charge of your life.
Correct. OP is wrong. Bitcoin has probably been the closest thing to me since sometime in 2013 and my life just keeps getting better because of it. OP has made insane mistakes with ignorant gambling and probably did not really realize that when he spends X amount of Bitcoins somewhere that it is a lot of "real" money (with real I mean cash equivalent). I've seen this problem with quite a few people.

The title should be change to "Don't let money overtake your soul"
Better: "Don't gamble & don't blame Bitcoin for your idiocy". Hopefully being harsh will help him learn from his mistakes.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: Nimbulan on December 19, 2015, 05:35:27 PM
im not too much worried about it reading about bitcoins and using it takes only a small part of my life and everything is going pretty fine for me in my opinion so bitcoins are not causing me any problems in contrast it makes my life better as i earn some money

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: johnyj on December 19, 2015, 05:53:41 PM
It all started for me back in April of 2014.

The following year my girlfriend and I had broken up for a few months because I had become so obsessed with reading about bitcoin and was being neglectful to her needs.

I had promised her that I wouldn't constantly be on my phone reading all the news related to bitcoin and watching the price fluctuations and on July 16th 2014 I asked her to marry me.

I kept my promises to her for a while. Until April 2015 when my miners that I used for solo mining actually found a block.

It was my first time finding one after over a year of trying and seeing 25 coins in my wallet worth almost $6,000.00 was so exhilarating and I felt like I was on cloud 9

I told my fiance about it and for the first time she was happy i had gotten involved into mining bitcoin.

I made a promise never to touch them until we we ready to retire.

A few days later I purchased 1 bitcoin and rented some hashpower and tried my luck at solo mining again.

Before I had spent even 1/4 of that bitcoin I found another block.

Woo hoo! This is easy I told myself.

Of course I told her about it and again she was very pleased

Stop right here, give the coins to her and a nice story!  :D

All story have a bad end if it lasts enough long

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: iv4n on December 19, 2015, 06:19:30 PM
I sold my soul to the devil, and devil come back for more!!! 

Well we shoul behave like that for about everything around us, not just bitcoin. But some things are good to be overtaken from mmm

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: megatron1337 on December 19, 2015, 06:22:57 PM
some people have compulsive personalities and i think you are one of those. I understand it's difficult to let go,but sometimes you just have to stay away and remember how it affects everybody around you.
Also stop feeling sorry for yourself,get up,walk with your chin up and move forward.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: cellard on December 19, 2015, 06:28:52 PM
The main point of Bitcoin is being able to stop being on debt. I personally would never get on debt or take a loan in hopes to get more Bitcoin, I prefer to work and risk said money (that I can afford to lose on that particular time) than speculate with being able to pay back interest.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: bitcoinstarter on December 19, 2015, 06:29:59 PM
Cliff notes?


  • Had girlfriend
  • Spent excessive time obsessing about bitcoin, lost girlfriend
  • Promised to stop obsessing about bitcoin, girlfriend becomes wife
  • Failed to understand the mathematics of economic theory and basics of bitcoin mining
  • Lied to wife about losing money in attempt to gain more bitcoins
  • Covered up the lie by lying more and using excessive debt to try and gain more bitcoins
  • Obsessively used the same process that caused the debt to try to gain enough bitcoins to get out of the overwhelming debt before wife finds out
  • Wife found out.  No more wife. No more bitcoins. No more money.

Thank you for this. Much needed!

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: Mr. Forum on December 19, 2015, 06:51:09 PM
I am sorry buddy for what you had to go through. I can honestly say that there is always an addiction related to the trading of bitcoins. If you are not careful of what you are doing and the number of times you spend in your laptop, then you will have to loose a lot. I remembers i had been so much involve in this bitcoin thing to an extend that I was forgetting the responsibilities i had to my family. Just setting your limits and the extend to which you are working will be a savior to a lot of things.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: Chef Ramsay on December 19, 2015, 07:05:18 PM
My advice for noobs, to avoid situations unfolding like this, is to just keep accumulating what you can in bitcoin and store it wisely. Don't start investigating every potential way to score easy bitcoin because this is what leads to unhealthy greed and consequentially, to bad decisions. Don't trade, mine, gamble, just keep it honest and if you have a long range, positive outlook for bitcoin then everything will fall into play in due time. However, since the price of coins is on the rise, every .1 that you can grab for yourself and save will be a plus for you down the road. That's why trading the unknown is troublesome, unless you already have a stash and you're just playing w/ loot from your checking account.

In essence, getting into bitcoin leads one to read as much as possible about the whole ecosystem and the wanting to grab more coinage in any way possible w/o understanding and/or respecting the risks. At some point, those that haven't saved up and are chomping at the bit to get more coinage are desperate to try less trusted means of acquiring and the result could end in the same way as the OP. The sad thing is none of this will change as each subsequent subset of people will learn about and get into bitcoin at different price ranges and then will have undergone different seasons in the bitcoin world which will have tested their nerves in different ways but if one can keep on buying more coins and saving them w/o the urge to gamble, they'll be fine as the coin matures into what they assumed it was going to be once they decided to buy in in the first place. Most of us have made mistakes because of the learning curve and if I could do it over again (which I don't wish to), I would've just saved every last coin I ever bought.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: dothebeats on December 19, 2015, 07:16:26 PM
A sad story, but you can't blame bitcoin for what happened to you. You've already lost a significant sum in your first take into your 'method' and yet you have the guts to get a loan and repeat that same method and somehow game the system so that you'll get your money back. That's idiocy at its finest, man. I feel sorry, but somehow I don't seeing that it's your fault in the first place.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: calkob on December 19, 2015, 07:25:46 PM
It all started for me back in April of 2014.

The following year my girlfriend and I had broken up for a few months because I had become so obsessed with reading about bitcoin and was being neglectful to her needs.

I had promised her that I wouldn't constantly be on my phone reading all the news related to bitcoin and watching the price fluctuations and on July 16th 2014 I asked her to marry me.

I kept my promises to her for a while. Until April 2015 when my miners that I used for solo mining actually found a block.

It was my first time finding one after over a year of trying and seeing 25 coins in my wallet worth almost $6,000.00 was so exhilarating and I felt like I was on cloud 9

I told my fiance about it and for the first time she was happy i had gotten involved into mining bitcoin.

I made a promise never to touch them until we we ready to retire.

A few days later I purchased 1 bitcoin and rented some hashpower and tried my luck at solo mining again.

Before I had spent even 1/4 of that bitcoin I found another block.

Woo hoo! This is easy I told myself.

Of course I told her about it and again she was very pleased.

This time I promised I would only use five coins to try and solo mine another block.

Well I lost the five.

Then more, then more and more and more until I had lost it all.

I couldn't tell her what I had done, couldn't admit that I had turned into a compulsive gambler and threw it all away.

So what did I decide to do?

I took out a home equity loan and borrowed $30,000.00 so I could purchase about 75 coins at the time.

I just knewI had figured out a system and with that many coins I would be able to get back what I had lost and repay my home equity loan.

So from April 2015 until mid December 2015 I tried every method I could come up with to try and outsmart the system.

At times I would spend an average of 1 bitcoin per day assuming it would take me no longer than 25 days to find a block and if I found one earlier then that then obviously I had come out ahead and I would pick a different address to solo mine to. It had to work, how couldn't it. At other times I would rent enough hashpower that I should have found a block within 12 hours.

Well it was quiet a roller coaster. From April of 2015 until mid December of 2015 I would estimate I found at least ten blocks probably more.

But I never could get back to where i started. I would get to the point where I was about to lose it all then I'd find a block.

Then I'd use that one to try and find more. When I was about to lose it all again, I'd find another one.

This process of losing almost everything and then gaining back a little, rinse wash and repeat continued for 8 months.

It was the most stressful time of my life.

All I could think about was getting back what I had lost so I wouldn't have to tell my fiance what I had done.

She felt neglected because I was always swiping my phone to see my new "best share" and to see how close I was to finding another block and a dark cloud followed me everywhere I went.

My negativity and despair showed on my face and she didn't understand why because I couldn't be honest about what I was doing because I was so ashamed.

Every day she would complain how I was always on my phone and not paying any attention to her, and I wanted so bad to just get back what I had lost and give her the attention she wanted and needed.

Long story short. She left me and I lost it all.

The moral of my story is dont let bitcoin take ahold of you like it did me, relationships are what matter and once you lose them you can't get them back.

She's already moved on and found a man that is giving her the attention she needs and I'm lonely, broken hearted and in more debt than I've ever been in, in my life.

sorry to hear about your problems man but bitcoin isnt the problem its you, you r a gambler, if it hadnt been bitcoin then it probably would have been something else..... name your vice.  again sorry to hear but you need to get some help with dealing with your compulsive nature.

all the best

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: knowhow on December 19, 2015, 07:43:50 PM
Ambitious is what made you lost both things,you made wrong choises,being marryed you must be clear ,is the same to have another woman soon or later your wife will catch.I had thinked before ,sometime ago request a loan to play bitcoins todays i would be smiling and would had repay the loan since bitcoin last months is getting more value,but i have a family that is more important then my ambitious ,soo i had choose family ,later i can give a try but must be shared since you are playing with savings from both not only you anymore.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: Harrison Bergeron on December 19, 2015, 08:43:34 PM
SFYL, OP. I genuinely wish that you had quit while you were ahead (i.e. after your first two successfully mined blocks).

For those of us who are interested in trying out our luck at the cloud mining game, would you mind informing us the name of company or service from which you rented hash power?

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: l8nit3 on December 19, 2015, 08:48:26 PM
What a story, thank you for sharing, it couldnt have been easy to post this in such a public way. I'm sorry to hear that BTC has effected you in such a way, and hope you much luck and success in your future endeavours.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: adamstgBit on December 19, 2015, 08:58:35 PM

The following year my girlfriend and I had broken up for a few months because I had become so obsessed with reading about bitcoin and was being neglectful to her needs.

Been there done that  ;D
I separated with the mother of my 2 kids, in part because of my bitcoin obsession

The moral of my story is dont let bitcoin take ahold of you like it did me, relationships are what matter and once you lose them you can't get them back.
cant argue with that, dont bitcoin so much your gf feels you love bitcoin more than her.

She's already moved on and found a man that is giving her the attention she needs and I'm lonely, broken hearted and in more debt than I've ever been in, in my life.
Good, you should do the same... take some time to work on yourself and good things will come.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: adamstgBit on December 19, 2015, 09:01:07 PM
try and find a girl that knows about / likes bitcoin, i do believe these mystical creatures exist   :D

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: QuestionAuthority on December 19, 2015, 09:12:09 PM
What a story, thank you for sharing, it couldnt have been easy to post this in such a public way. I'm sorry to hear that BTC has effected you in such a way, and hope you much luck and success in your future endeavours.

It was easy to post it in public because none of you know who I really am. What is hard is reading some of the responses to my story. But I guess it helps in a way.

Man up and get on with your life. Get a new woman, it's not that hard to do. If she couldn't stand by you during your hard times then good riddance. Go bankrupt or get two jobs and pay off your debt, visit a therapist about your addictions and stop whining like a bitch.

Do you have any idea how many people here have lost thousands more than you have? Let's put it this way, pirate@40 stole 700,000 btc from members of this forum. Mark Karpeles cost forum members 850,000 btc and there are too many more thefts to even mention. I've seen one estimate that claims as many as 15% of all bitcoins in existence have been stolen from their rightful owners. If everyone that lost money with Bitcoin made a thread about it there wouldn't be anything here but whining threads.

By the way, I've lost about 400 btc to various "investments" here. At the current exchange rate that would equal roughly $185,000. Get over yourself.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on December 19, 2015, 09:17:23 PM
Cool story, bro.  Blockchain proof or it didn't happen.  Does everyone here believe everything they read?

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: dooglus on December 19, 2015, 09:21:47 PM
Technically speaking, one cannot be a schmuck and a pussy at the same time.

Huh, I never realised that schmuck is derived from the Yiddish word for "penis".

Origin of schmuck:
 Yiddish shmok, literally, penis
  First Known Use: 1892

Origin of pussy:
 perhaps of Low German or Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse pūss pocket, pouch, Low German pūse vulva, Old English pusa bag
  First Known Use: 1699

Thanks Soros :)

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on December 19, 2015, 09:26:16 PM
OP too long - most likely a load of trolling crap

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: QuestionAuthority on December 19, 2015, 09:27:50 PM
Technically speaking, one cannot be a schmuck and a pussy at the same time.

Huh, I never realised that schmuck is derived from the Yiddish word for "penis".

Origin of schmuck:
 Yiddish shmok, literally, penis
  First Known Use: 1892

Origin of pussy:
 perhaps of Low German or Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse pūss pocket, pouch, Low German pūse vulva, Old English pusa bag
  First Known Use: 1699

Thanks Soros :)

Fascinating, I didn't know that either. I just thought it meant sucker.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: zepaulim on December 19, 2015, 10:19:22 PM
Cool story, bro.  Blockchain proof or it didn't happen.  Does everyone here believe everything they read?

One thing to say. ouch!  :o :o

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: maokoto on December 19, 2015, 10:41:01 PM
I do not feel he is putting the blame on Bitcoin. I only read it and get reminded of something very important "the love of money is the root of all evil".

What he did was a form of gambling, and that is something that surrounds many things: actual online gambling, forex, stock market... and also Bitcoin. I am grateful for that reminder.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: Bought on December 19, 2015, 10:42:19 PM
Bitcoin isn't all life's for... there's many better things out there for you to explore ;)

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: Decoded on December 19, 2015, 10:48:09 PM
To be honest, you were kind of pretty much really kind of alot maybe addicted. Don't blame your bad decisions on bitcoin. Didn't you realise your girlfriend was getting annoyed with you neglecting her? What the hell is wrong with you? Open your eyes for once, keep them away from your screen.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: thirdchance57 on December 20, 2015, 12:08:38 AM
Op, please don't blame your life problems on bitcoin. Bitcoin is just money, an asset, a tool. You are the one who are in charge of your life.
You did not find the balance between your personal life and your bitcoin obsession and that is your fault. (I know it may sound harsh, but that is the truth)

I have to completely agree with what is being said; you can not blame Bitcoin for all your problems in life, let alone any of them.  You are able to make your own decisions and choose what you want to do with like, you just choose not to spend time with your girl and such.  You blaming Bitcoin would be like me blaming you for missing work tonight because I choose to make a response to this BS.  Become a man and take responsibility for your own actions.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: mirana12345 on December 20, 2015, 01:06:25 AM
If the story is genuine, it's quite sad that you allowed for greed to take over your life. It wasn't about bitcoin, bitcoin was just means to try to achieve
success and money, and if u didnt use it, you would choose something else like a stock or whatever.
Let that be a lesson to you, and nevermind the debts, they will pass if you work hard. But i still don't get why you didn't tell her the whole story from start..

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: Yakamoto on December 20, 2015, 01:29:26 AM
I believe the story, after OPs proof showing the addresses and the transactions. I have to say that I actually feel bad for him, even though he probably should have been able to manage his interests a little better.

I don't want to be too harsh or criticize OP, but I'm not sure what he was thinking exactly.

But, I guess they say that money is the root of all evil and it certainly played out in OPs case.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on December 20, 2015, 01:30:41 AM
Cool story, bro.  Blockchain proof or it didn't happen.  Does everyone here believe everything they read?

One thing to say. ouch!  :o :o
OK then!  I retract my skepticism, sir.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: RaginglikeaBoss on December 20, 2015, 01:53:29 AM
Cliff notes?


  • Had girlfriend
  • Spent excessive time obsessing about bitcoin, lost girlfriend
  • Promised to stop obsessing about bitcoin, girlfriend becomes wife
  • Failed to understand the mathematics of economic theory and basics of bitcoin mining
  • Lied to wife about losing money in attempt to gain more bitcoins
  • Covered up the lie by lying more and using excessive debt to try and gain more bitcoins
  • Obsessively used the same process that caused the debt to try to gain enough bitcoins to get out of the overwhelming debt before wife finds out
  • Wife found out.  No more wife. No more bitcoins. No more money.

 WTF?!  This is totally not what happened.  Firstly, they were never married and secondly, the reason the girlfriend left was because they were engaged for over a year and a half with no wedding date set.  Where did you get this mis-information?!  You would never get a job at Cliff's Notes! I shudder to think of how you would butcher Shakespeare where you to condense it for us.
 Do NOT use this guys notes for study purposes people!

I thought his fiancé broke up with him because he had a girlfriend...

...Or was it his girlfriend that broke up with him because of his fiancé?


Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: DrLove2048 on December 20, 2015, 01:57:17 AM
Sucks OP, best you can do is learn from your mistake and go on. Nothing you can do will fix it at this point.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: TeamButtcoin on December 20, 2015, 02:13:03 AM
Op, please don't blame your life problems on bitcoin.

In my opinion:
All I can say is: It wasn't Bitcoin's fault.

But if you think Bitcoin ruined your life, you're terribly wrong. You're just blaming something else for your mistakes.

Wait, are you really blaming Bitcoin for what happened to you? How can you blame computer code? Man, give me a break. Im sorry for your loss, but blaming Bitcoin and not yourself will not make you learn a valuable lesson.

I can read up on Bitcoin all I want and nothing bad has happened to me. Then again, I don't have a gf.

BTW: Your fiancé didn't leave you because of Bitcoin. She left you because your a schmuck.

i think the problem lies in each individual,  blaming something is not a right thing

you shouldn't be blaming bitcoin one bit.  What you should be blaming is genetics

That's not a Bitcoin story. That's the story of a man-child who doesn't know how to manage his emotions/fear, time, finances, nor his relationships.

You sound like a woman btw.

So blaming Bitcoin for your loses and ruined marriage is like regular gambler would blame dollar for his loses. Get over it mate, stop doing that and you will be fine. Life goes on.

if in my opinion, it is not the fault of bitcoin

but don't blame on bitcoin.. bitcoin can't take your soul

Let's all not forget the most important thing, that Bit-Coins not be cast in a poor light!!!11

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: DannyHamilton on December 20, 2015, 02:13:15 AM
WTF?!  This is totally not what happened.  Firstly, they were never married

You're right.  My mistake.  Apparently, I'm much better with technical details than with noticing that that in a story he "asked her to marry him", but that the wedding never actually happened.

Sorry about that.  I've gone back and fixed my post.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: faridkifly on December 20, 2015, 02:22:24 AM
Op, please don't blame your life problems on bitcoin. Bitcoin is just money, an asset, a tool. You are the one who are in charge of your life.
You did not find the balance between your personal life and your bitcoin obsession and that is your fault. (I know it may sound harsh, but that is the truth)

yeah i agree with you dude, bitcoin is just a currency.
indeed bitter reality, but that's the reality

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: xhomerx10 on December 20, 2015, 02:22:47 AM
WTF?!  This is totally not what happened.  Firstly, they were never married

You're right.  My mistake.  Apparently, I'm much better with technical details than with noticing that that in a story he "asked her to marry him", but that the wedding never actually happened.

Sorry about that.  I've gone back and fixed my post.

 Yeah I didn't really care, I was just having some fun ;)
I went back and fixed my post too.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: Amph on December 20, 2015, 09:43:13 AM
this remind me a bit how they blame bitcoin when terrorist use it, it's the same shit, bitcoin it's not the problem everything around it is

but usually it's more easy to blame bitcoin than the right problem

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: Velkro on December 20, 2015, 10:02:01 AM
So from April 2015 until mid December 2015 I tried every method I could come up with to try and outsmart the system.
You wanted outsmart math? :D Man, i don't want to insult you, let just say you have gambler gene.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: equator on December 20, 2015, 11:08:34 AM
this remind me a bit how they blame bitcoin when terrorist use it, it's the same shit, bitcoin it's not the problem everything around it is

but usually it's more easy to blame bitcoin than the right problem

absolutely perfectly said bro, who ever loses in gambling blames bitcoin, who ever loses some thing they blame bitcoin, they just dont want to get  the correct reason of problem and just wanted to blame on bitcoin and get safed, he won so much and planned it but due to greedy he lost everything and this is his own problem and now after lossing blaming bitcoin.

first the person have to gain power on his greedyness then only he can be success.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: lahm-44 on December 20, 2015, 12:01:08 PM
what the hell how could you even think of getting a lot of blocks after lossing your coins from the first block . look you lost that money so you should clearly tell her the trust o come on its just a pile of money and you van make more if you work on somewhere but taking loan for gambling is off the life it clearly means that you are doing a biggest mistake of your life.think if you had told her the trust when you lost the money you got from the 2nd block yesshe will be angery but aftera little time she will forgive you too. but now you have done a bigger mistake and just bypassing it day by day mining is not a good job at currenct stage. if you want tocrepay the loans then i will advice you to do anything else atleast which will give you profit,mining is only slowly consuming your money

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: bitsmichel on December 20, 2015, 12:09:40 PM
this remind me a bit how they blame bitcoin when terrorist use it, it's the same shit, bitcoin it's not the problem everything around it is

but usually it's more easy to blame bitcoin than the right problem

absolutely perfectly said bro, who ever loses in gambling blames bitcoin, who ever loses some thing they blame bitcoin, they just dont want to get  the correct reason of problem and just wanted to blame on bitcoin and get safed, he won so much and planned it but due to greedy he lost everything and this is his own problem and now after lossing blaming bitcoin.

first the person have to gain power on his greedyness then only he can be success.

That's a good example. Bitcoin is just the currency, its not the cause of terror, broken relationships or losses in gambling. People always look for the easiest things to blame.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: r0ach on December 20, 2015, 12:53:18 PM
It appears you have joined

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: LuckyYOU on December 20, 2015, 12:59:31 PM
Sucks to hear this, this just proves that money isn't everything. Money doesn't mean anything without your loved ones.
I hope you learn from this and maybe this story will open some people's eyes and will have them take a look at themselves and how bitcoin is affecting their lives.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: trafficolaa on December 20, 2015, 01:04:03 PM
That is really funny kind of story when someone failed to take responsibility of his failure i think it all happened just because of op greediness because i feel money is more important for him than any other thing and now putting blame on bitcoin so that i would like to say JUST GROW UP MAN  :P

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: Slark on December 20, 2015, 01:17:05 PM
Sucks to hear this, this just proves that money isn't everything. Money doesn't mean anything without your loved ones.
I hope you learn from this and maybe this story will open some people's eyes and will have them take a look at themselves and how bitcoin is affecting their lives.
People fail to understand that this is not the problem of money or bitcoin. It is human nature and greed that is at fault here. It is the same as blaming guns for shooting.
Do you know that Switzerland has free access to weapons the same as US does? Do you heard about any shootings there? Moral of the story - don't blame others for your mistakes.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: Newcoins2020 on December 20, 2015, 01:29:32 PM
Sucks to hear this, this just proves that money isn't everything. Money doesn't mean anything without your loved ones.
I hope you learn from this and maybe this story will open some people's eyes and will have them take a look at themselves and how bitcoin is affecting their lives.
People fail to understand that this is not the problem of money or bitcoin. It is human nature and greed that is at fault here. It is the same as blaming guns for shooting.
Do you know that Switzerland has free access to weapons the same as US does? Do you heard about any shootings there? Moral of the story - don't blame others for your mistakes.

What a joke. Don't blame greed on the mistakes you've made. It's not in human nature to be greedy, it's just you as a person who is greedy to keep wanting more and more. Not everyone has greed in them. Some people are pretty satisfied with the things that mother nature gave them, they don't need certain stuff to live their lives like something like money. They can live off their land and grow their own food. I know some people who live this way and they are happier than anyone who deals with money. Some people need to take a grip of themselves and own up to their own mistakes and  the decisions they have made.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: partysaurus on December 20, 2015, 01:39:20 PM
It all started for me back in April of 2014.

The following year my girlfriend and I had broken up for a few months because I had become so obsessed with reading about bitcoin and was being neglectful to her needs.

I had promised her that I wouldn't constantly be on my phone reading all the news related to bitcoin and watching the price fluctuations and on July 16th 2014 I asked her to marry me.

I kept my promises to her for a while. Until April 2015 when my miners that I used for solo mining actually found a block.

It was my first time finding one after over a year of trying and seeing 25 coins in my wallet worth almost $6,000.00 was so exhilarating and I felt like I was on cloud 9

I told my fiance about it and for the first time she was happy i had gotten involved into mining bitcoin.

I made a promise never to touch them until we we ready to retire.

A few days later I purchased 1 bitcoin and rented some hashpower and tried my luck at solo mining again.

Before I had spent even 1/4 of that bitcoin I found another block.

Woo hoo! This is easy I told myself.

Of course I told her about it and again she was very pleased.

This time I promised I would only use five coins to try and solo mine another block.

Well I lost the five.

Then more, then more and more and more until I had lost it all.

I couldn't tell her what I had done, couldn't admit that I had turned into a compulsive gambler and threw it all away.

So what did I decide to do?

I took out a home equity loan and borrowed $30,000.00 so I could purchase about 75 coins at the time.

I just knewI had figured out a system and with that many coins I would be able to get back what I had lost and repay my home equity loan.

So from April 2015 until mid December 2015 I tried every method I could come up with to try and outsmart the system.

At times I would spend an average of 1 bitcoin per day assuming it would take me no longer than 25 days to find a block and if I found one earlier then that then obviously I had come out ahead and I would pick a different address to solo mine to. It had to work, how couldn't it. At other times I would rent enough hashpower that I should have found a block within 12 hours.

Well it was quiet a roller coaster. From April of 2015 until mid December of 2015 I would estimate I found at least ten blocks probably more.

But I never could get back to where i started. I would get to the point where I was about to lose it all then I'd find a block.

Then I'd use that one to try and find more. When I was about to lose it all again, I'd find another one.

This process of losing almost everything and then gaining back a little, rinse wash and repeat continued for 8 months.

It was the most stressful time of my life.

All I could think about was getting back what I had lost so I wouldn't have to tell my fiance what I had done.

She felt neglected because I was always swiping my phone to see my new "best share" and to see how close I was to finding another block and a dark cloud followed me everywhere I went.

My negativity and despair showed on my face and she didn't understand why because I couldn't be honest about what I was doing because I was so ashamed.

Every day she would complain how I was always on my phone and not paying any attention to her, and I wanted so bad to just get back what I had lost and give her the attention she wanted and needed.

Long story short. She left me and I lost it all.

The moral of my story is dont let bitcoin take ahold of you like it did me, relationships are what matter and once you lose them you can't get them back.

She's already moved on and found a man that is giving her the attention she needs and I'm lonely, broken hearted and in more debt than I've ever been in, in my life.

feel sry for you! i been in the same spot in my life but with sport betting instead of bitcoin mining (gambling) and it sucks :/

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: Daniel91 on December 20, 2015, 02:03:42 PM
It all started for me back in April of 2014.

The following year my girlfriend and I had broken up for a few months because I had become so obsessed with reading about bitcoin and was being neglectful to her needs.

I had promised her that I wouldn't constantly be on my phone reading all the news related to bitcoin and watching the price fluctuations and on July 16th 2014 I asked her to marry me.

I kept my promises to her for a while. Until April 2015 when my miners that I used for solo mining actually found a block.

It was my first time finding one after over a year of trying and seeing 25 coins in my wallet worth almost $6,000.00 was so exhilarating and I felt like I was on cloud 9

I told my fiance about it and for the first time she was happy i had gotten involved into mining bitcoin.

I made a promise never to touch them until we we ready to retire.

A few days later I purchased 1 bitcoin and rented some hashpower and tried my luck at solo mining again.

Before I had spent even 1/4 of that bitcoin I found another block.

Woo hoo! This is easy I told myself.

Of course I told her about it and again she was very pleased.

This time I promised I would only use five coins to try and solo mine another block.

Well I lost the five.

Then more, then more and more and more until I had lost it all.

I couldn't tell her what I had done, couldn't admit that I had turned into a compulsive gambler and threw it all away.

So what did I decide to do?

I took out a home equity loan and borrowed $30,000.00 so I could purchase about 75 coins at the time.

I just knewI had figured out a system and with that many coins I would be able to get back what I had lost and repay my home equity loan.

So from April 2015 until mid December 2015 I tried every method I could come up with to try and outsmart the system.

At times I would spend an average of 1 bitcoin per day assuming it would take me no longer than 25 days to find a block and if I found one earlier then that then obviously I had come out ahead and I would pick a different address to solo mine to. It had to work, how couldn't it. At other times I would rent enough hashpower that I should have found a block within 12 hours.

Well it was quiet a roller coaster. From April of 2015 until mid December of 2015 I would estimate I found at least ten blocks probably more.

But I never could get back to where i started. I would get to the point where I was about to lose it all then I'd find a block.

Then I'd use that one to try and find more. When I was about to lose it all again, I'd find another one.

This process of losing almost everything and then gaining back a little, rinse wash and repeat continued for 8 months.

It was the most stressful time of my life.

All I could think about was getting back what I had lost so I wouldn't have to tell my fiance what I had done.

She felt neglected because I was always swiping my phone to see my new "best share" and to see how close I was to finding another block and a dark cloud followed me everywhere I went.

My negativity and despair showed on my face and she didn't understand why because I couldn't be honest about what I was doing because I was so ashamed.

Every day she would complain how I was always on my phone and not paying any attention to her, and I wanted so bad to just get back what I had lost and give her the attention she wanted and needed.

Long story short. She left me and I lost it all.

The moral of my story is dont let bitcoin take ahold of you like it did me, relationships are what matter and once you lose them you can't get them back.

She's already moved on and found a man that is giving her the attention she needs and I'm lonely, broken hearted and in more debt than I've ever been in, in my life.

feel sry for you! i been in the same spot in my life but with sport betting instead of bitcoin mining (gambling) and it sucks :/

You know, I had similar experience with online gambling.
Never, never allow that virtual life take over your real life. Period!
Computer and Internet can't love you, hug you, can't give you real family, friendship, human touch et.
It's illusion, not real.
So, make balance in your life or you will ruin what is the most important in your life, believe me.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: QuestionAuthority on December 20, 2015, 02:26:32 PM


feel sry for you! i been in the same spot in my life but with sport betting instead of bitcoin mining (gambling) and it sucks :/

You know, I had similar experience with online gambling.
Never, never allow that virtual life take over your real life. Period!
Computer and Internet can't love you, hug you, can't give you real family, friendship, human touch et.
It's illusion, not real.
So, make balance in your life or you will ruin what is the most important in your life, believe me.

And yet, you advertise a gambling site in your signature! Can you see my sig line? It's advertising Gamblers Anonymous, a help line for addicted gamblers. There's help staring people in the face and I bet that link has never been clicked. That's why I have no sympathy for people like the OP. Unlike other diseases, gambling addiction is easy for the infected to spot. They may choose to live in denial but they understand that they have a problem but refuse to get help.

I've had gambling addicted friends and one call to GA fixed their lives. GA has a lot of resources available including financial advisors and bankruptcy legal support. Blaming Bitcoin instead of himself just means he's still sick and needs treatment. Someone needs to slap him in the face and wake him up. It may seem like I've said cruel things to him but I consider what I've said a long distance slap in the face. Click the link and change your life.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: randy8777 on December 20, 2015, 02:32:58 PM
i can understand that people get fascinated by bitcoin, but i don't understand how some one can let his personal life suffer due to a far going interest in bitcoin. bitcoin is a more than welcome new technology. people should enjoy it and don't let it take over their life in a negative way.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: VeritasSapere on December 20, 2015, 02:50:12 PM
Solo mining today is just like gambling, this is why pools are important, it makes mining much more predictable by reducing the variance. Finding balance I have also always found difficult, remember what is important in life.

Bitcoin is definitely an important part of my soul today, I feel like my life is better for it. I hope that your situation improves and that you find happiness. There is much beauty and joy in life, maybe try and focus on that a bit more.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: bitcoinprofit on December 20, 2015, 04:02:21 PM
Cool story, bro.  Blockchain proof or it didn't happen.  Does everyone here believe everything they read?

I agree.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: Daniel91 on December 20, 2015, 04:30:02 PM


feel sry for you! i been in the same spot in my life but with sport betting instead of bitcoin mining (gambling) and it sucks :/

You know, I had similar experience with online gambling.
Never, never allow that virtual life take over your real life. Period!
Computer and Internet can't love you, hug you, can't give you real family, friendship, human touch et.
It's illusion, not real.
So, make balance in your life or you will ruin what is the most important in your life, believe me.

And yet, you advertise a gambling site in your signature! Can you see my sig line? It's advertising Gamblers Anonymous, a help line for addicted gamblers. There's help staring people in the face and I bet that link has never been clicked. That's why I have no sympathy for people like the OP. Unlike other diseases, gambling addiction is easy for the infected to spot. They may choose to live in denial but they understand that they have a problem but refuse to get help.

I've had gambling addicted friends and one call to GA fixed their lives. GA has a lot of resources available including financial advisors and bankruptcy legal support. Blaming Bitcoin instead of himself just means he's still sick and needs treatment. Someone needs to slap him in the face and wake him up. It may seem like I've said cruel things to him but I consider what I've said a long distance slap in the face. Click the link and change your life.

Gambling is not illegal and not necessary bad thing, if you can control yourself and not to become addict.
I learned my lesson and now I'm able to find balance between my virtual and real life.
If someone wants to visit gambling sites, they will find it, doesn't matter if I advertise it or not.
People have to learn how to control themselves.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: happygeorge on December 20, 2015, 04:31:22 PM


feel sry for you! i been in the same spot in my life but with sport betting instead of bitcoin mining (gambling) and it sucks :/

You know, I had similar experience with online gambling.
Never, never allow that virtual life take over your real life. Period!
Computer and Internet can't love you, hug you, can't give you real family, friendship, human touch et.
It's illusion, not real.
So, make balance in your life or you will ruin what is the most important in your life, believe me.

And yet, you advertise a gambling site in your signature! Can you see my sig line? It's advertising Gamblers Anonymous, a help line for addicted gamblers. There's help staring people in the face and I bet that link has never been clicked. That's why I have no sympathy for people like the OP. Unlike other diseases, gambling addiction is easy for the infected to spot. They may choose to live in denial but they understand that they have a problem but refuse to get help.

I've had gambling addicted friends and one call to GA fixed their lives. GA has a lot of resources available including financial advisors and bankruptcy legal support. Blaming Bitcoin instead of himself just means he's still sick and needs treatment. Someone needs to slap him in the face and wake him up. It may seem like I've said cruel things to him but I consider what I've said a long distance slap in the face. Click the link and change your life.


Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: happygeorge on December 20, 2015, 04:32:43 PM
This story (including your proofs) could make a great, sad song!!!

Try to find a musician and make it into a One-Hit-Wonder!

Good luck...!!!  --- I would find a female singer ;)

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: Lauda on December 21, 2015, 12:15:10 PM
Gambling is not illegal and not necessary bad thing, if you can control yourself and not to become addict.
I learned my lesson and now I'm able to find balance between my virtual and real life.
If someone wants to visit gambling sites, they will find it, doesn't matter if I advertise it or not.
People have to learn how to control themselves.
I concur. As long as you do it for fun/relaxation/other reasons and it does not become your addiction it is fine. Anyone who says it is only bad is quite ignorant. Similar to online games, drinking, etc., it is fine if you can control yourself. You can't blame alcohol if you become an addict as you've willingly started drinking it. Similarly OP can't blame Bitcoin in this case either.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: maku on December 21, 2015, 12:27:11 PM
This is not the story about bitcoin being tool of evil. It is story about human being incapable of control himself.
We can swap word: *Bitcoin* in this story with words: porn, alcohol, drugs or gambling and it pretty much will be the same.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on December 21, 2015, 12:29:52 PM

... I had become so obsessed with reading about bitcoin and was being neglectful to her needs.

I had promised her that I wouldn't constantly be on my phone reading all the news related to bitcoin ...

iam still in that phase after 3 years  ;D

true words.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: neochiny on December 21, 2015, 12:44:19 PM
lolz.. dont blame bitcoin.
all of what happen to you is your own fault.
and it becomes that you take your girlfriend for granted.
and obssessed with gambling. after you knew about btc it doesnt tell you to gamble.
but i think you learn your lesson. as for me.. once i become an addict in gambling also but
i dont blame anyone. i blame myself for being so greeady.. :P but i learned my lesson.
you can still start a new.. :P gooodluck..

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: enhu on December 21, 2015, 12:59:24 PM
real or imagined, its still a sad story though.

I can't believe one will simply forget about a girlfriend when there are more things to do with your girl. Watching movies, planing and dining out and everything includes sex. Are your offline friends also into bitcoin? I doubt that. so why is your life revolved only in btc. Its all your fault.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: spartacusrex on December 21, 2015, 01:25:37 PM
too late..

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: Denker on December 21, 2015, 01:40:12 PM
This is not the story about bitcoin being tool of evil. It is story about human being incapable of control himself.
We can swap word: *Bitcoin* in this story with words: porn, alcohol, drugs or gambling and it pretty much will be the same.

Totally agree. It's about discipline and having control over yourself.
And when I for instance say to friends that I'm addicted to Bitcoin it's because this is something completely new we never had before and many people where looking for something like this (monetary sovereignty). And because of Bitcoin being still very young and small in terms of market and number of users and infrastructure, a lot of exciting things and improvements are happening all the time.
But this way I'm not ruin myself.I'm more educating myself, because this will influence many markets and industries in  few years.
Can't be that bad right?! :)

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: knowhow on December 23, 2015, 06:12:59 PM
I know i have a vicious that is internet ,i cant stay away from computer todays more then some hours,i use cellphone when im away ,but 1 day without it make me a bored person sometimes,but i limit the time i use it and if my wife is using i stay connected otherwise i turn off,anyway ,bitcoin potencial is huge and this is a colateral wrong decision,but imagine if bitcoin is worth 1000dollars as before,the thing is he had reinvested the hard block he found anwyay,sure the most of us would use those to try to grow.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: wmtomlinso on December 24, 2015, 10:25:33 PM
Most of you totally miss the point the OP is making.   He's not blaming bitcoin - I never thought that for a moment.   He's telling his story, saying, "...can you believe this happened to me?  If any of this sounds remotely like you, BACK OFF, BE CAREFUL!"

A message i will take to heart.  I need to quit now so I dont end up like him.    Hitting that block really is a BIG Rush, i can see how thats a very addictive drug.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: HostSurf on December 24, 2015, 11:02:50 PM
Well too late.. I am already too deep into it.
How contagious is this virus, should i visit a doctor, warn my friends & famliy?

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: knightkon on December 24, 2015, 11:33:56 PM
Most of you totally miss the point the OP is making.   He's not blaming bitcoin - I never thought that for a moment.   He's telling his story, saying, "...can you believe this happened to me?  If any of this sounds remotely like you, BACK OFF, BE CAREFUL!"

A message i will take to heart.  I need to quit now so I dont end up like him.    Hitting that block really is a BIG Rush, i can see how thats a very addictive drug.
I am sorry, this may be the story in the back end, but people only want to believe what they want and how they want to believe it.  The way this story is worded, he seems to be blaming it on BTC and not taking any responsibility for his own actions.  This could happen to anyone with anything.  Something similar happened to me with YouTube, but not so sever.  You need to take responsibility for what you did and make it clear that you know what you did.  Do not stress that this happened because of something else.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: wmtomlinso on December 24, 2015, 11:34:12 PM
Most of you totally miss the point the OP is making.   He's not blaming bitcoin - I never thought that for a moment.   He's telling his story, saying, "...can you believe this happened to me?  If any of this sounds remotely like you, BACK OFF, BE CAREFUL!"

A message i will take to heart.  I need to quit now so I dont end up like him.    Hitting that block really is a BIG Rush, i can see how thats a very addictive drug.

Wow! Somebody finally gets what I'm trying to say :)

I get it because I am in the same boat...   I hit 3 blocks in a month....  sounds like the same road already  

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: AtheistAKASaneBrain on December 25, 2015, 12:59:29 AM
Mining is exactly the same as gambling, except that the guys that came first have way more lottery tickets than you, you should know that unless you have other source of income, mining would never be a stable job unless you are really big in the game.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: EdenHazard on December 25, 2015, 06:16:43 AM
It all started for me back in April of 2014.

The following year my girlfriend and I had broken up for a few months because I had become so obsessed with reading about bitcoin and was being neglectful to her needs.

I had promised her that I wouldn't constantly be on my phone reading all the news related to bitcoin and watching the price fluctuations and on July 16th 2014 I asked her to marry me.

I kept my promises to her for a while. Until April 2015 when my miners that I used for solo mining actually found a block.

It was my first time finding one after over a year of trying and seeing 25 coins in my wallet worth almost $6,000.00 was so exhilarating and I felt like I was on cloud 9

I told my fiance about it and for the first time she was happy i had gotten involved into mining bitcoin.

I made a promise never to touch them until we we ready to retire.

A few days later I purchased 1 bitcoin and rented some hashpower and tried my luck at solo mining again.

Before I had spent even 1/4 of that bitcoin I found another block.

Woo hoo! This is easy I told myself.

Of course I told her about it and again she was very pleased.

This time I promised I would only use five coins to try and solo mine another block.

Well I lost the five.

Then more, then more and more and more until I had lost it all.

I couldn't tell her what I had done, couldn't admit that I had turned into a compulsive gambler and threw it all away.

So what did I decide to do?

I took out a home equity loan and borrowed $30,000.00 so I could purchase about 75 coins at the time.

I just knewI had figured out a system and with that many coins I would be able to get back what I had lost and repay my home equity loan.

So from April 2015 until mid December 2015 I tried every method I could come up with to try and outsmart the system.

At times I would spend an average of 1 bitcoin per day assuming it would take me no longer than 25 days to find a block and if I found one earlier then that then obviously I had come out ahead and I would pick a different address to solo mine to. It had to work, how couldn't it. At other times I would rent enough hashpower that I should have found a block within 12 hours.

Well it was quiet a roller coaster. From April of 2015 until mid December of 2015 I would estimate I found at least ten blocks probably more.

But I never could get back to where i started. I would get to the point where I was about to lose it all then I'd find a block.

Then I'd use that one to try and find more. When I was about to lose it all again, I'd find another one.

This process of losing almost everything and then gaining back a little, rinse wash and repeat continued for 8 months.

It was the most stressful time of my life.

All I could think about was getting back what I had lost so I wouldn't have to tell my fiance what I had done.

She felt neglected because I was always swiping my phone to see my new "best share" and to see how close I was to finding another block and a dark cloud followed me everywhere I went.

My negativity and despair showed on my face and she didn't understand why because I couldn't be honest about what I was doing because I was so ashamed.

Every day she would complain how I was always on my phone and not paying any attention to her, and I wanted so bad to just get back what I had lost and give her the attention she wanted and needed.

Long story short. She left me and I lost it all.

The moral of my story is dont let bitcoin take ahold of you like it did me, relationships are what matter and once you lose them you can't get them back.

She's already moved on and found a man that is giving her the attention she needs and I'm lonely, broken hearted and in more debt than I've ever been in, in my life.

a very valuable experience, thank you for sharing stories like this, I'm sure one day your story will awaken and inspire others. I also got precious lesson  from your story, and hopefully you can re-build all your good life :)

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: samasas on December 25, 2015, 08:45:26 AM
Mining is exactly the same as gambling, except that the guys that came first have way more lottery tickets than you, you should know that unless you have other source of income, mining would never be a stable job unless you are really big in the game.

Mining is not the same as gambling. It is similar to investment. The profitability depends on the bitcoin price and difficulty, which are not random.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: dhimasnk on December 25, 2015, 09:59:33 AM
OMG, sad story of your life. But it is not wrong because bitcoin. Bitcoin just money.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: HarHarHar9965 on December 25, 2015, 10:11:08 AM
OMG, sad story of your life. But it is not wrong because bitcoin. Bitcoin just money.
Lol. Don't feel too much about bitcoins. Nowadays All relationshihp are coming to us with sake of money only that means money is the matter for see the soul as well. So I will say bitcoin can overtake the soul in this world.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: Betwrong on December 25, 2015, 10:19:53 AM
That's a very sad story OP. I feel for you and I'm really sorry that that happened to you.

I only disagree with this "relationships are what matter and once you lose them you can't get them back." If relationships is what matter to you then you can get them back. Maybe it will be another woman but after finding her you will have your life back no matter how bad the circumstances you are in now.

Good luck and don't ruin everything next time.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: knowhow on December 25, 2015, 01:30:18 PM
This history only show how the dream to get easy money or to get rich may end with your real wife,with the 25 won i should had converted a part into fiat bought a gift,and the rest i would let into the wallet for the future,never would reinvest all money bitcoins at once.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: mtnsaa on December 25, 2015, 02:53:50 PM
Although it is a sad story you can almost replace Bitcoin to any other hobbie that becomes an obsession, investment, videogame or even a perfectly legal job if you think about it. There are people addicted to their jobs in the same way many are addicted to food or drugs.

So my point is, if it wasn't Bitcoin it would be another thing, you definitely have a problem that needs to be treated because you will do it again.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: BTCBinary on December 25, 2015, 08:22:05 PM
You are too blind to see the real cause. She left you not because of the Bitcoins, but because of your obssession. It would happen the same thing if you just gambled in online casinos.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: eternalgloom on December 25, 2015, 08:51:50 PM
You were basically just gambling there and you lost, not the fault of Bitcoin, just addiction to the thrill of solo mining and taking huge risks imo.
At least you learned a lesson, albeit an expensive one.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: mixan on December 25, 2015, 09:02:52 PM
That is hard story to hear at this time of the year. To lose so much and then to blame it on bitcoin is not the way to go.
The only thing you can do is see it as lesson an move on or else it will make you bitter in life and it wil forever dominate your view on the world and of other things in life. It will eventually take all joy from your life and that is a start to a destructive path that no one will want to endure. Not at this time of year. You got to watch It's a wonderful life again this year if you already haven't to remind you of how life would be or not be if your situation was any different.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: angaper on December 25, 2015, 11:41:20 PM
What a sad story, but unfortunately it is very easy to be engaged to this kind of problems when your control of emotions is too weak and you can't avoid the harmful influence of greed in each of your decisions. I have also faced this same problem, but trading in the forex market, and it was also an important cause to finish my previous relationship.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: Sir_lagsalot on December 26, 2015, 01:05:40 AM
Honestly, spare us the sob story. You're trying to ask for tips, it's so obvious by your signature

You were gambling and lost, its not bitcoins fault that you lost.

Couldn't you tell that your girlfriend was upset? Even I, who spends alot of time on this forum, and coding my bots, can set even my girlfriend is upset. Don't you have any empathy?

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: ShrykeZ on December 26, 2015, 01:09:50 AM
Very similar concept to those that get addicted to anything, be it Bitcoin, Gambling. Acquire and use what you can afford to, don't jeopardize your life over it.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: knowhow on December 28, 2015, 07:51:12 PM
I love internet and bitcoin my wife usually says i spend too many time at it,but she uses the cellphone at the same time or even more time then i use computer,anyway,i had showed here about bitcoin and well she understand why bitcoin and the beneficts.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: BellaBitBit on December 28, 2015, 07:57:48 PM
I am sorry to hear this and I am sure it has been frustrating.  Usually behaviors like this are not dependent upon the object of obsession (in this case Bitcoin).  If it wasn't Bitcoin it could be something else.

Title: Re: Don't let bitcoin overtake your soul
Post by: knowhow on December 29, 2015, 12:50:33 AM
Well the most of us regret not know or be part of bitcoin when it started soo the interest into bitcoin and the expectation related to bitcoin make us being too many time follow the price and value,the most here for sure check this every hour,i see atleast once a day.