Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Development & Technical Discussion => Topic started by: Pieter Wuille on December 09, 2012, 12:18:32 AM

Title: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Pieter Wuille on December 09, 2012, 12:18:32 AM
Hello all,

I've uploaded a new set of builds of bitcoind/Bitcoin-Qt to my builds page ( The new "turbo" build is based on current master on git, plus some more experimental patches (Hal Finney's optimized secp256k1 code (, and parallel script verification). The source code for these can be found here ( (.tgz archive here (

Disclaimer: don't use these for any serious stuff - I am not responsible for destroyed wallets or exploded CPU's.

Testing of these is very welcome.

As the most invasive change is in the block/transaction validation system, this is the most interesting part to test. I am very interested in reports about speed, CPU usage, memory usage, ... during initial block synchronization, in particular on Windows systems. Obviously, crashes or other unexpected behaviour is even more important.

As these builds use the new 0.8 database code ("ultraprune", as I called it before), they will not use the existing block files/database from 0.7.2 or earlier. There are several ways to import the data:
  • Put bootstrap.dat ( in your data directory.
  • Start the program with options -loadblock=path/to/old/blk0001.dat -loadblock=path/to/old/blk0002.dat.
  • If you already have a full 0.8 database (perhaps from a next-test ( build), you can use the new -reindex option to rebuild your index from scratch, redoing the block validation process, reusing the block data you already have on disk.
  • Obviously, you can also just let it synchronize from network, but as the current block-fetch logic is somewhat of a hack, you may get unlucky, and hit a slow peer, or have downloads that stop for long periods of time. It is advised to use -connect=IP to connect to a single fast peer (you can use my server,, for this purpose if needed) for that.

As these builds use parallel script verification (only enabled after block 193000, the last checkpoint), you may wish to control how many threads are used (don't use more than the number of CPU cores you have). By default, it will try to autodetect, but you can use the -par=N option to select the number of threads. One interesting thing you can test is comparing -par=1 with higher numbers, and check the speedup (in particular of the blocks after 193000).

Other options which may be useful to play with:
  • -dbcache=N tweaks the amount of cache used. N is a number in megabytes (default is 25), but higher numbers may result in significant speedups.
  • -logtimestamps adds timestamps to the output in the debug.log file, which may be very useful to compare speed.
  • -benchmark produces detailed timing information during block validation (not very accurate on Windows, unfortunately).

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: justusranvier on December 09, 2012, 02:47:10 AM
This is v0.7.1-244-g3ccb06f-beta starting from a completely bare directory, downloading the blockchain from a peer on the same LAN to remove internet connection speed as a factor.

time bitcoin-qt -par=8 -connect=192.168.XXX.XXX

real    48m58.429s
user    114m35.786s
sys     2m33.817s

Again with a larger cache.

time bitcoin-qt -par=8 -connect=192.168.XXX.XXX -dbcache=4096

real    42m10.028s
user    109m33.141s
sys     1m9.843s

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Rudd-O on December 09, 2012, 04:43:17 AM
This is v0.7.1-244-g3ccb06f-beta starting from a completely bare directory, downloading the blockchain from a peer on the same LAN to remove internet connection speed as a factor.

time bitcoin-qt -par=8 -connect=192.168.XXX.XXX

real    48m58.429s
user    114m35.786s
sys     2m33.817s

Again with a larger cache.

time bitcoin-qt -par=8 -connect=192.168.XXX.XXX -dbcache=4096

real    42m10.028s
user    109m33.141s
sys     1m9.843s

Multithreading seems to be working well!

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: finway on December 09, 2012, 06:02:31 AM
"C:\Program Files\Bitcoin\bitcoin-qt.exe" -reindex -par=4 -dbcache=500 -logtimestamps -benchmark

@ Windows7

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: dserrano5 on December 09, 2012, 02:22:27 PM
Starting from an empty ~/.bitcoin directory (having only bootstrap.dat and a bitcoin.conf with an rpc password) and running this:

nice bitcoind -logtimestamps -loadblock=dot-bitcoin/blk0001.dat -loadblock=dot-bitcoin/blk0002.dat -loadblock=dot-bitcoin/blk0003.dat -dbcache=50 -benchmark &

Took 1 hour 57 to reach height 211494 when at that moment the latest block was 211518. As soon as 211519 was found some minutes later the remaining blocks were processed/downloaded/whatever.

4 CPU cores. RAM usage reached 420 Mb RSS, after synchronization it ended up at 375 Mb. Restarting the daemon leaves it at 130 Mb. I've never used -dbcache until now, if that matters. Usual RAM usage until now was 80-90 Mb just after starting, then going up slowly as days passed (like in, 130 Mb after ~10 days).

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: gmaxwell on December 09, 2012, 05:46:08 PM
"C:\Program Files\Bitcoin\bitcoin-qt.exe" -reindex -par=4 -dbcache=500 -logtimestamps -benchmark

@ Windows7

Were you already synced with 0.8 before attempting that reindex?  If so that was horribly slow.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: finway on December 10, 2012, 12:46:53 AM
"C:\Program Files\Bitcoin\bitcoin-qt.exe" -reindex -par=4 -dbcache=500 -logtimestamps -benchmark

@ Windows7

Were you already synced with 0.8 before attempting that reindex?  If so that was horribly slow.

Yes, before reindex, i'm running pre0.8 1025build version, synced.

Laptop:  Intel Core i3, 4GB ram

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: fornit on December 10, 2012, 01:12:11 AM
turbo build just crashed on win 7 64. ran for quite a few hours and then came weirdo "this program requested visual studio runtime library to terminate it in an unusual way"-or something-message, which i successfully closed by reflex  :-\

was doing normal blockchain download stuck around 93% with 30 connections.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: goodbc on December 10, 2012, 04:51:41 AM
I downloaded the bitcoin-0.7.1-244-g3ccb06f-win32-setup.exe, installed on my test laptop (Dual core 2GHz Intel, 2GB DDR, with XP) and, without any other extra parameters, it took ~6:40 hours to process 193395 blocks of transaction history. The cpu use was so far ~ 25%.

After this I had to restart the client (the download apparently stopped) and the cpu usage increased to ~75% (sometimes 97-99%). Later it dropped to ~65% while download speed was ~ 250 KB/s.

A new restart was needed after 9:43 hours. The download bar at the bottom of the window disappeared, hopefully this won't scare a regular user.

Finally, the block chain fully synchronized after ~13:00 hours...

I have to admit I expected a way shorter time than that.

Disclaimer: your mileage may vary.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: gmaxwell on December 10, 2012, 07:44:44 AM
I have to admit I expected a way shorter time than that.
If you're syncing from the network even if your own connection is fast you're subject to luck of the draw on which peers you pull from. This is one reason Pieter was suggesting loadblock runs above.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Mushoz on December 10, 2012, 09:25:35 PM
I have to admit I expected a way shorter time than that.
If you're syncing from the network even if your own connection is fast you're subject to luck of the draw on which peers you pull from. This is one reason Pieter was suggesting loadblock runs above.

Do you happen to know when the way the blockchain gets downloaded gets changed? Perhaps even downloading in parallel from multiple peers?

Edit: And is there an ETA for the 0.8 release? I'm so looking forward to all these great changes to hit to main release :)

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Pieter Wuille on December 11, 2012, 12:01:48 AM
Do you happen to know when the way the blockchain gets downloaded gets changed? Perhaps even downloading in parallel from multiple peers?

When someone implements an improvement. I plan to have a look at this myself soon, but no promises.

Edit: And is there an ETA for the 0.8 release? I'm so looking forward to all these great changes to hit to main release :)

It still needs a lot of testing, and several things are missing before we can have a new stable release.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Mushoz on December 11, 2012, 03:47:37 PM
Do you happen to know when the way the blockchain gets downloaded gets changed? Perhaps even downloading in parallel from multiple peers?

When someone implements an improvement. I plan to have a look at this myself soon, but no promises.

Edit: And is there an ETA for the 0.8 release? I'm so looking forward to all these great changes to hit to main release :)

It still needs a lot of testing, and several things are missing before we can have a new stable release.

Sounds great, keep up the good work :) And no need to rush :)

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: jgarzik on December 12, 2012, 03:43:49 AM
Sounds great, keep up the good work :)

+1, Pieter has been doing the (majority?) of the Satoshi client heavy lifting.  He deserves lots of kudos and free beer.

And no need to rush :)

Actually, we do!  We need to stabilize 0.8 as quickly as is reasonably possible, because people are beginning to avoid 0.7.x due to slowness, choosing instead less secure but faster bitcoin clients.

Any and all testing, on any and all platforms, is greatly appreciated.

Even posting "it works, my platform is [Ubuntu version X | Fedora version Y | Windows version Z]..." is helpful.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: paybitcoin on December 12, 2012, 07:05:14 AM

Testing with bitcoin-0.7.1-244-g3ccb06f-win32-setup.exe and a bootstrap.dat from the torrent. All defaults, except using my server as the peer.
CPU is Win7 x64 Athlon II X4 2.8GHz (4 cores), 4GB RAM, HDD.

bootstrap.dat finished in 53 minutes at 25% CPU, ~120 MB RAM max. With no connection so its not downloading stuff in the background.
The rest of the blocks took 79 minutes. Download was constant at 350-450KBps (about 30% of my total DSL bandwidth.) 70-80% CPU the whole time, ~163 MB RAM max.

blocks dir is now 4.53 GB.

Went pretty smoothly. Much, much better than the previous days-long sync.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: kwukduck on December 12, 2012, 07:16:52 AM
Clean setup in win7_x64
Still syncing the blockchain (over 15 hrs now)
Barely any CPU usage, but using 1.3GB memory. Also seems to have a lot of disk activity making the system a bit slow.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: m0mchil on December 12, 2012, 02:14:25 PM
intel core i7 860 (4 physical, 8 logical cores)

bitcoin-qt built with gitian-builder from sipa/turbo rev 3ccb06f5ae538260817b6ef474f93029be41a64d

Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit, SSD A-DATA SX910 256 GB

64 bit, no -par (default), default cache

first 193000 blocks from bootstrap.dat - 11m:40s CPU time

real    9m50.565s
user    10m47.800s
sys     0m56.548s

64 bit, no -par (default), default cache

loading from blk000x.dat, up to arround block 211100

-loadblock=blk0001.dat -loadblock=blk0002.dat -loadblock=blk0003.dat

1 GB peak memory, ~80% average CPU usage, total CPU time 3h:16m

real    41m30.004s
user    196m43.378s
sys     2m47.834s

debug.log.ubuntu.12.04.x64.7z (

Windows 7 Professional x64, two Seagate 512 GB HDD in RAID 0

-loadblock=blk0001.dat -loadblock=blk0002.dat -loadblock=blk0003.dat

default cache, with '-par 8', initially it seemed to run in single thread mode - first 193 000 blocks loaded significantly slower than on Ubuntu (same hardware), reason perhaps is slower storage.

After block 193000 the average CPU utilization rose to ~75%. Looking at threads, there were 16 threads executing same code of which 8 were actually active.

92 minutes real time, 6h:05m CPU time, 72% average CPU utilization, 235 MB peak memory working set

I then tried with '-par=4' and setting CPU affinity to physical cores only. Now there were initially 12 threads at transaction crunching, with again only one actively processing pre-SatoshiDice blocks.

debug.log.win32.7z (

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: slothbag on December 13, 2012, 09:55:52 AM
I upgraded to the latest Jenkins build of bitcoin-qt ( pre-0.8 ) on windows.  I tried for a week and a half running -loadblock and -reindex, stopping restarting etc.. it was horribly slow, and going no where.

So I eventually downloaded the SIPA turbo build linked in the OP, deleted my existing blockchain, downloaded the bootstrap and let it run from scratch with an empty wallet..

Took about 6 hours to load in the bootstrap file while CPU sat at 30% and disk I/O not that high, so not sure what the bottleneck was there. then after block 190000 CPU jumped to 100% and it took about 10 hours to get back in sync to current block. Then I added my old wallet and rescanned that which went for maybe 10-20mins..

So significantly faster than the first time I sync'd 18 months ago.. but still quite frustrating.

I'm running a Atom CPU based nettop with windows 7, hence the slower than average speeds.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Pieter Wuille on December 13, 2012, 12:05:28 PM
I added yet another - and even more experimental - build (in the "-turbo-ldb17" directory here ( with levelDB 1.7, and several Windows-only changes (new Windows LevelDB backend, Boost 1.52, newer compiler suite). Tests/benchmarks/comparison with the other turbo build are very welcome, particularly on Windows (there are very few changes for other systems).

M0mchil already reported some GUI problems, but I'm confident those can be fixed if necessary. The question is really whether it's stable and performant. Also things like testing whether it recovers from sudden power loss or forceful quits of the application are nice.

Again a disclaimer: Use at your own risk, I'm not responsible for overheating systems or stolen wallets.

PS: If you report synchronization benchmarks, please mention on what kind of system (CPU/RAM) and CPU usage (after block 193000). Also, don't just synchronize from arbitrary peers over the internet - the variation between hitting a good or a bad peer makes the timing completely unreliable.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: justusranvier on December 13, 2012, 12:56:11 PM
Can you add a command line option for benchmarking that will cause the program to exit immediately after a successful synchronization?

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: grue on December 15, 2012, 06:51:34 PM
using 2012-12-13-turbo-ldb17
bitcoin-qt.exe -par=4 -connect= -dbcche=1536 -logtimestamps -benchmark
AMD Phenom II X4 @ 3.9 GHZ

Cpu usage starts off at 2%-25%, then goes down to 1%-5% about half way through block download.
Bitcoin-qt was downloading blocks at 540 kB/s.


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: finway on December 22, 2012, 05:41:58 AM
bitcoin-qt.exe -reindex -par=4 -dbcche=500 -logtimestamps -benchmark

it took 37 minutes to reach 193000
and it took 2 hours 27 minutes to reach 211865
before 193000, CPU usage:  almost 50%
after 193000 , CPU usage:   85% ~ 95%

Laptop, intel core i3, 4GB ram

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Rogue Star on December 22, 2012, 08:02:39 AM
Here's my results from the 15th. I was syncing solely from a local peer and did not use block loading

Version: bitcoin-0.7.1-283-gf6aadb1-win32 (aka "turbo" build)
Flags: -connect=x.x.x.x -keypool=0
Hardware: VM w/full hw acceleration
vOS: Windows 7 64-bit latest
vCPU: AMD A8-3850 2 cores @ 2.9 GHz
vRAM: 4GB @ 1333 MHz
vDisk: 7200 rpm
vNetwork: 1 gigabit link

performance syncing up to block 193K
Duration: 56m23s
CPU Utilization: ~50%
CPU threads: ~32
Network Utilization: ~1% over gigabit link

RAM usage:
100MB @ ~130K blocks
110MB @ ~148K blocks
120MB @ ~157K blocks
130MB @ ~176K blocks
140MB @ ~190K blocks

performance for full sync up to network (212433)
Duration: 5h 15m total
CPU Utilization: up to 100%
Network Utilization: ~0.25% over gigabit link

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: finway on December 25, 2012, 10:55:19 AM
Error report:
After a crush, i can't start bitcoin-qt, so i installed the newest build, still can't.

Windows7 32bit   AMD CPU  4GB ram.


Bitcoin version v0.7.1-283-gf6aadb1-beta (2012-12-13 11:11:02 +0100)
Using OpenSSL version OpenSSL 1.0.1c 10 May 2012
Startup time: 12/25/12 10:52:08
Default data directory C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin
Used data directory C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin
Using 2 threads for script verification LogDir=C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin\database ErrorFile=C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin\db.log
Bound to [::]:8333
Bound to
Loading block index...
Opening LevelDB in C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin\blktree
Opened LevelDB successfully
Opening LevelDB in C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin\coins
Opened LevelDB successfully
LoadBlockIndex(): last block file = 33
LoadBlockIndex(): last block file: CBlockFileInfo(blocks=246, size=35583097, heights=212710..212955, time=2012-12-18..2012-12-20)
 block index            3982ms
Loading wallet...
nFileVersion = 79900
 wallet                  329ms
InvalidChainFound: invalid block=000000000000030ced7d02b925d6a8709a4d1559afe535d863cbc56d0e569894  height=212955  work=672233111659878960356  date=12/20/12 23:05:13

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on December 27, 2012, 10:08:19 PM

If you think this message is the wrong place, place shift it to the correct topic/thread:

    Please have a look at my posting at  regarding "blkindex.dat" and "reindexing" real time speed of the bitcoin client.

And if you think it is appropriate, you are free to move it to this (or a better) board/thread.

BTW: Thank you for taking me out off the newbie-posting-restriction jail.


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Pieter Wuille on December 27, 2012, 11:29:38 PM
    Please have a look at my posting at  regarding "blkindex.dat" and "reindexing" real time speed of the bitcoin client.

And if you think it is appropriate, you are free to move it to this (or a better) board/thread.

BTW: Thank you for taking me out off the newbie-posting-restriction jail.

Hello there,

I can't take you out of the jail, but I can explain what we're doing in 0.8.

The old blkindex.dat file is a (very non-efficient, 12 bytes per txout) index that stores the disk position of all transactions in the blk00*.dat files, and for each transaction output whether and where it got spent. During block validation, this means that for every transaction that needs to be validated, we need to look up all input's previous transactions in the index, verify all inputs aren't spent yet, then read those transactions from disk, and then evaluate scripts, and finally update the index with spends and new transaction outputs created. This means the working set (the amount of data that needs to be readily available) is most of the block index, and part of the block data itself too (especially the recent/last part needs frequent access). This means fast access to gigabytes, and you're right to point out that this is slow. Too slow, because it is wasteful in two ways: 1) we need access to full transactions (even the parts that are already spent, or aren't necessary for validation of inputs) and 2) the index to search through contains all transactionsm even those that are already completely spent.

For 0.8, this is changed completely. There is no transaction index at all anymore. Instead, we keep - in addition to the block files - a database (LevelDB, not BDB) that contains just all unspent outputs (specifically, for every not-fully-spent transaction: its version, its height in the chain, and for all its unspent outputs: the value and the script) using an efficient encoding (so not pointers into the block files, the actual data itself). This database is right now (including all overhead and indexing structures) 146 MiB (126 MiB of which is actual data). This means this 146 MiB is the only thing that needs to be readily available during block validation, and it easily fits in caches in memory.

There is some overhead in maintaining a database, and encoding and decoding the txout data, but on my laptop, if I disable signature verification and increase the db cache size to 200 MB, reindexing to block 213769 (including all block and transaction validation, just not ECDSA verification) takes around 10 minutes (mostly at 100% CPU usage on one core). Using hash tables instead of trees for the cache, and increasing its size would further reduce that number. That's not the next limiting factor though. The bottlenecks are now the crappy block download mechanism (which sometimes stops for several minutes) and signature verification (which is needed in practice, and is several orders of magnitude slower than all the rest combined).

I do plan to make some improvements to the in-memory unspent-output-database-cache still, so that if made large enough, one shouldn't ever wait on disk, but I don't expect huge improvements there anymore. The most important changes for speeding up are reworking the block download mechanism, and parallellizing signature verification (which is already implemented, but not merged in mainline).

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: notme on December 28, 2012, 12:01:29 PM
Trying to compile the turbo build on linux I get these errors:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lshlwapi
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldbghelp

It seems to be complaining about windows only libraries being missing.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Pieter Wuille on December 28, 2012, 02:59:08 PM
Trying to compile the turbo build on linux I get these errors:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lshlwapi
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldbghelp

It seems to be complaining about windows only libraries being missing.

Which makefile are you using? And which version of the branch (A recent change removed dbghelp altogether, also for windows).

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on December 28, 2012, 09:39:35 PM
I can't take you out of the jail, but I can explain what we're doing in 0.8.
The first was no longer necessary (else I could not habe posted the previous notice in THIS topic/board) and
thx for the later. :)

So, reindexing and the "-loadblock" option in 0.7.1 not only made a new blkindex.dat file but furthermore do a fully validation (including the expensive signature check). I think there is no secret option in 0.7.1 or 0.7.2 to disable the signature verification when using "-loadblock", isn't it?

Else a new bitcoin-client user could simple load a valid blockchain from a URL he trusted and simply load it to get this "blkindex.dat" to save MUCH real time -- this was my aim. For history: I deleted the only 6 orphan blocks form my personal blk00*.dat and thus wanted/needed  a new blkindex.dat.

Quote from: Pieter Wuille
For 0.8, this is changed completely. There is no transaction index ..... This means this 146 MiB is the only thing that needs to be readily available during block validation, and it easily fits in caches in memory.
This sounds well - I like this idea. I just checked: nearly exactly a 7.5-th of all deposits/txout-channels is not redeemed currently. And I believe this fraction will increase in the future further more. To check/validate a NEW block/transaction, the bitcoin-client gets only this data in RAM is sufficient, but sadly not for my blockparser. :)
Moreover the idea to keep the whole out-scripts in memory is very good because there is only a very small number of effectively different response-scripts - they mainly differ only in different RMD-160-bit hashes for their public key. So, I guess in > 99% a table-no and this 20 byte hash is sufficient data to store the script. I also looked at all the input- and output-scripts and there are only very few effectively different ones -- so your "encoding and decoding the txout data" should be done quick and you can keep the coding-table small -- as long as the number of different out-scripts stay small (as in the past).

Quote from: Pieter Wuille
The bottlenecks are now the crappy block download mechanism (which sometimes stops for several minutes) and signature verification (which is needed in practice, and is several orders of magnitude slower than all the rest combined).
The last point can only be critical, if CPU-usage tends to 100% not the waiting time of the bitcoin client. The only checking my blockparser doesn't do is the merkeltree-hash of each block (I was still too lazy to do the coding) and this OP_CHECKSIG (resp. OP_CHECKMULTISIG), but I had read and understood its detailed description on Thus I can't judge how cpu-intensive this OP_CHECKSIG evaluation really is.

To be frank - I should add that I had hoped 0.8 would be released as a Christmas present and after this, once more as a New Years present, but my hope faded when I read more on the bitcoin forum. Thus I posted my proposal in the hope it could help to improve the 0.8 version. ;)

Thank you for your explanation. Now we can only continue to hope that 0.8 with the new data-structure will be released as reasonable quick as possible. ;)


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: notme on December 28, 2012, 10:41:27 PM
Trying to compile the turbo build on linux I get these errors:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lshlwapi
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldbghelp

It seems to be complaining about windows only libraries being missing.

Which makefile are you using? And which version of the branch (A recent change removed dbghelp altogether, also for windows).

I'm using the makefile generated by the qmake command.

The branch is the most up to date one in your github repository (sipa/bitcoin) head is:

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: niko on December 30, 2012, 05:13:52 PM
I decided to try out the low extreme, so I dug out a fossil and fired it up:

Windows XP SP3
Pentium M, 1.6 GHz
760 MB RAM
Disk space available initially: ~35 GB

Installed bitcoin-0.7.1-315-gfd95a8a-win32-setup.exe

bitcoin-qt.exe -logtimestamps -benchmark

Started up fine, connected through LAN to the specified peer, started downloading. Typical CPU load (essentially no competing processes) was 20%-65%, rarely over 70%. Peak memory usage ~180 MB.

It took 4.5 hours to arrive to 5800 blocks left, when it ran out of disk space. It popped a small error window, with "ok" as the only option, when clicked the client closed. It turned out the "coins" folder grew to over 30 GB.  What is this?

I cleaned up some old files to make additional 7GB of space available, and started again as above. It continued downloading, then progress bar disappeared. The animated "sync" icon in the corner was still active, and downloading and verification was still going on fine. The CPU usage appeared somewhat lower then earlier, 20%-40% typically. Three hours into it, ran out of disk space again! The "coins" folder now grew to >37GB.

Cleaned up more GB, restarted the client, and two hours later and few hundreds of blocks before the end it ran out of disk space again! "Coins" folder now 40.1 GB, 21,734 files.

Cleaned up more space, but bitcoin-qt now crashes immediately after start. Rebooted, still the same. Windows crash report:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
    <MATCHING_FILE NAME="bitcoin-qt.exe" SIZE="20755456" CHECKSUM="0x604C3D23" BIN_FILE_VERSION="" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" PRODUCT_VERSION="" FILE_DESCRIPTION="Bitcoin-Qt (OSS GUI client for Bitcoin)" COMPANY_NAME="Bitcoin" PRODUCT_NAME="Bitcoin-Qt" FILE_VERSION="" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="bitcoin-qt.exe" INTERNAL_NAME="bitcoin-qt" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="2009-2012 The Bitcoin developers" VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x40004" VERFILETYPE="0x1" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x13D233D" LINKER_VERSION="0x10000" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" LINK_DATE="01/30/2011 00:00:00" UPTO_LINK_DATE="01/30/2011 00:00:00" VER_LANGUAGE="Language Neutral [0x0]" />
    <MATCHING_FILE NAME="daemon\bitcoind.exe" SIZE="6174208" CHECKSUM="0x2B4948A" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x5ECEB6" LINKER_VERSION="0x10000" LINK_DATE="01/30/2011 00:00:00" UPTO_LINK_DATE="01/30/2011 00:00:00" />
    <MATCHING_FILE NAME="kernel32.dll" SIZE="990208" CHECKSUM="0xCC2C4544" BIN_FILE_VERSION="5.1.2600.6293" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="5.1.2600.6293" PRODUCT_VERSION="5.1.2600.6293" FILE_DESCRIPTION="Windows NT BASE API Client DLL" COMPANY_NAME="Microsoft Corporation" PRODUCT_NAME="Microsoft® Windows® Operating System" FILE_VERSION="5.1.2600.6293 (xpsp_sp3_gdr.121001-1622)" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="kernel32" INTERNAL_NAME="kernel32" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved." VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x40004" VERFILETYPE="0x2" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0xFBCBC" LINKER_VERSION="0x50001" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="5.1.2600.6293" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="5.1.2600.6293" LINK_DATE="10/03/2012 04:58:13" UPTO_LINK_DATE="10/03/2012 04:58:13" VER_LANGUAGE="English (United States) [0x409]" />


All in all, almost complete download via LAN and verification took ~10 hours.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Pieter Wuille on December 31, 2012, 12:53:44 AM
It took 4.5 hours to arrive to 5800 blocks left, when it ran out of disk space. It popped a small error window, with "ok" as the only option, when clicked the client closed. It turned out the "coins" folder grew to over 30 GB.  What is this?

This is very unexpected and wrong. The size of the coins directory shouldn't exceed 150 MB or so (unless you increase -dbcache, in which case it may grow to something like 150 + dbcache/2 MB). Can you tell me which files (extensions) are the bulk of the data?

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Pieter Wuille on December 31, 2012, 01:01:39 AM
This sounds well - I like this idea. I just checked: nearly exactly a 7.5-th of all deposits/txout-channels is not redeemed currently. And I believe this fraction will increase in the future further more.

So it would seem:

(a bit outdated, but the trends are clear)

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: niko on December 31, 2012, 01:30:22 AM
It took 4.5 hours to arrive to 5800 blocks left, when it ran out of disk space. It popped a small error window, with "ok" as the only option, when clicked the client closed. It turned out the "coins" folder grew to over 30 GB.  What is this?

This is very unexpected and wrong. The size of the coins directory shouldn't exceed 150 MB or so (unless you increase -dbcache, in which case it may grow to something like 150 + dbcache/2 MB). Can you tell me which files (extensions) are the bulk of the data?

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Diapolo on January 01, 2013, 11:23:06 AM
Seems to be a Windows related issue with LevelDB...


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Pieter Wuille on January 02, 2013, 10:34:50 PM
It took 4.5 hours to arrive to 5800 blocks left, when it ran out of disk space. It popped a small error window, with "ok" as the only option, when clicked the client closed. It turned out the "coins" folder grew to over 30 GB.  What is this?

Thanks for reporting this. We (mostly Gavin) found a general problem with the LevelDB code on older Windowses, The last build (0.7.1-313-g4fb7372) should fix this.

Please try again if you can.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: niko on January 03, 2013, 06:06:10 PM
It took 4.5 hours to arrive to 5800 blocks left, when it ran out of disk space. It popped a small error window, with "ok" as the only option, when clicked the client closed. It turned out the "coins" folder grew to over 30 GB.  What is this?

Thanks for reporting this. We (mostly Gavin) found a general problem with the LevelDB code on older Windowses, The last build (0.7.1-313-g4fb7372) should fix this.

Please try again if you can.

Tried again with - successfully downloaded blocks and verified, from scratch. It took about 11 hours. Setup the same as in my earlier posts here:
Windows XP SP3
Pentium M, 1.6 GHz
760 MB RAM
bitcoin-qt.exe -logtimestamps -benchmark

Peak memory usage ~180MB.

There may have been a WiFi problem towards the end of download (or client got stuck doing nothing). Finally I restarted it with port forwarding and made ~20 connections within hours. Received and sent coins.

All in all, even this weakling can download (via LAN) and verify complete blockchain overnight.

Minor issues:

- download progress bar still disappearing towards the end of download
- it says "processed X of 210000 blocks" - even though we are well past 210000
- CPU usage for the first ~third of blocks is 40%-100%, then it slows down to 0%-40% for the most part - not sure what the bottleneck is
- verification slows down progressively; would it make sense to base progress bar on megabytes, not on the block count?

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Diapolo on January 03, 2013, 06:13:29 PM
Minor issues:

- download progress bar still disappearing towards the end of download
- it says "processed X of 210000 blocks" - even though we are well past 210000

As the number of blocks on the network is only a rough estimate, we can't really rely on that number, I'm going to think about how this could be handled more user-friendly :).


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: notme on January 04, 2013, 12:52:31 AM
Trying to compile the turbo build on linux I get these errors:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lshlwapi
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldbghelp

It seems to be complaining about windows only libraries being missing.

Which makefile are you using? And which version of the branch (A recent change removed dbghelp altogether, also for windows).

I'm using the makefile generated by the qmake command.

The branch is the most up to date one in your github repository (sipa/bitcoin) head is:

I tried again tonight.  The dbghelp error is indeed gone now, but the shlwapi error persists.  Head is 4fb73728b2a924c8b940042b3b7fbe8ef7a4b274

Removing -lshlwapi from line 100 of (LIBS line) allows the build to complete.  It is now running with a fresh (empty) datadir and seems to be syncing nicely.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Pieter Wuille on January 04, 2013, 02:39:44 AM
Removing -lshlwapi from line 100 of (LIBS line) allows the build to complete.  It is now running with a fresh (empty) datadir and seems to be syncing nicely.

Thanks, fixed.

Seems I forgot testing building bitcoin-qt on Linux, after all tinkering to get the Windows build working again.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 12, 2013, 09:14:11 PM
Quote from: Pieter Wuille
The bottlenecks are now the crappy block download mechanism (which sometimes stops for several minutes) and signature verification (which is needed in practice, and is several orders of magnitude slower than all the rest combined).
The last point can only be critical, if CPU-usage tends to 100% not the waiting time of the bitcoin client. The only checking my blockparser doesn't do is the merkeltree-hash of each block (I was still too lazy to do the coding) and this OP_CHECKSIG (resp. OP_CHECKMULTISIG), but I had read and understood its detailed description on Thus I can't judge how cpu-intensive this OP_CHECKSIG evaluation really is.
Today, the first time my blockparser could verify the current block chain (until block height 216049) completely. (I removed a few bugs in the documentation at - but I did not implement  the hashtype SIGHASH_SINGLE and therefore did not check its documentation (because it is currently not used in the main block chain.) Thus I can now judge your "several orders of magnitude slower".
Indeed, roughly 99% of the CPU time is used for evaluation of all these OP_CHECKSIG (about 8 hours real time on my 2 GHz Athlon64-PC) when checking the total block chain.

My (first) guess: Either we need a much faster implementation of  the openssl function ECDSA_verify  or abandon this OPCHECK_SIG. E.g. a hash computation (and its verification) only should be of equal security, but it is much faster than verifying a signature. Already some bitcoin-transactions in the block chain have used a "OP_HASH160 <14> OP_EQUAL"-script as txout-script.


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Pieter Wuille on January 12, 2013, 10:40:46 PM
Using hashes for signatures, where you reveal a secret to spend an output that contained it hash, you give the world the ability to steal your coins as soon as you spend them. For example, any miner could change the transaction to send it them self by using your revealed secret. This is an inherent problem with symmetric cryptography. You need some secret that only you know to prove your identity.

I have seen systems validate over 5000 tx/s (on a 6-core, hyperthreading machine with hal's optimized ECDSA code), so I think in the near future, we're good (at least until the block size limit would be lifted). Not every machine will be a full node, but if hardware to keep up and sync at least at over 1 block/s, is available to consumers, we probably don't have that much to worry about.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 12, 2013, 11:56:34 PM
Using hashes for signatures, where you reveal a secret to spend an output that contained it hash, you give the world the ability to steal your coins as soon as you spend them. For example, any miner could change the transaction to send it them self by using your revealed secret. This is an inherent problem with symmetric cryptography. You need some secret that only you know to prove your identity.
I c, Thx. But to spend something I need NOT to prove my identity principially. The problem in the bitcoin-model are the miners, because only this special subcommunity can put my transactions (or what ever they want) into blocks. Thus I must trust them not to change my transaction or need another algorithm (signature) to check/prove that theses did not change my transaction. This I had forgoten. :-/ I always feel uncomfortable by relaying on these miners in this bitcoin-world - I mean, to be unable to write my wanted transactions by myself into the block chain.

I have seen systems validate over 5000 tx/s (on a 6-core, hyperthreading machine with hal's optimized ECDSA code), so I think in the near future, we're good (at least until the block size limit would be lifted). Not every machine will be a full node, but if hardware to keep up and sync at least at over 1 block/s, is available to consumers, we probably don't have that much to worry about.
Fine, and what about the guys still have half the CPU-power (or less) than me? :) I did a bit preciser estimation: I needed 160 sec to read the block chain up to height 21500 (and get all data in place), but then needed 1031 sec (the wrongly 1191 sec was including the 160 secs) to read and verify the next 1283 blocks (which contain a total of 838243 OP_CHECKSIG). Which shows a speed of 813 tx/s (not 704 tx/s) (script-verifications) -- far more realistic/typical than your 6-core hyperthreading parallel machine, IMHO.

BTW: I believe the most cpu-time consuming part of the signature-verification is the modulo-n arithmetic (with n a 256-bit number).


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Pieter Wuille on January 13, 2013, 12:02:17 AM
Thus I must trust them not to change my transaction or need another algorithm (signature) to check/prove that theses did not change my transaction.

Not just miners. Anyone relaying your transaction could modify it without invalidating it, with hash-locked transactions.

Fine, and what about the guys still have half the CPU-power (or less) than me? :) I did a bit preciser estimation: I needed 160 sec to read the block chain up to height 21500 (and get all data in place), but then needed 1191 sec to read and verify the next 1283 blocks (which contain a total of 838243 OP_CHECKSIG). Which shows a speed of 704 tx/s (script-verifications) -- far more realistic/typical than your 6-core hyperthreading parallel machine, IMHO.

I was talking about the near future - not about this very moment. The fact that the hardware exists today means it is accessible for consumers, which is what matters (i.e., one doesn't need a big investment to run/maintain a validating node). Also, not everyone needs to run a validating node (but the more accessible we can make it to do so, the better).

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 13, 2013, 01:35:50 PM
I've uploaded a new set of builds of bitcoind/Bitcoin-Qt to my builds page ( The new "turbo" build is based on current master on git, plus some more experimental patches (Hal Finney's optimized secp256k1 code (, and parallel script verification). The source code for these can be found here ( (.tgz archive here (

I just have downloaded the current source version (1869678 bytes), "tar -xf bitcoin-turbo.tar.gz" it and call in the new created directory bitcoin-turbo the "qmake" . But gets lots of error messages about being unable to find all these local language files:

Project MESSAGE: Building with UPNP support
Project MESSAGE: Building with UPNP support
lrelease warning: Met no 'TRANSLATIONS' entry in project file '/home/achim/Downloads/bitcoin-turbo/'
RCC: Error in 'src/qt/bitcoin.qrc': Cannot find file 'locale/bitcoin_bg.qm'
RCC: Error in 'src/qt/bitcoin.qrc': Cannot find file 'locale/bitcoin_ca_ES.qm'
RCC: Error in 'src/qt/bitcoin.qrc': Cannot find file 'locale/bitcoin_cs.qm'
RCC: Error in 'src/qt/bitcoin.qrc': Cannot find file 'locale/bitcoin_zh_CN.qm'
RCC: Error in 'src/qt/bitcoin.qrc': Cannot find file 'locale/bitcoin_zh_TW.qm'

So, what are the exact preconditions/dependencies for compiling this turbo-bitcoin source successfully? (Are there linux-binaries availible?).

I want to make a speed measurement of blockchain verification with this bitcoin-turbo release compared to my own blockparser.
Currently I'm able to make 939.88 script-verification/sec with my 2 GHz AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+ stepping 00 processor (a few years old)
using gcc 4.4.5 with (my default) options -march=athlon64 -O2.
Thus I wonder, a new, say 3 GHz cpu with 6 cores should even be able to acomplish 10000 script-verification / sec or more today ... not to mention optimized secp256k1 code.

Appendum: "qmake  -v" results in   
QMake version 2.01a
Using Qt version 4.7.2 in /usr/lib64/qt4


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Pieter Wuille on January 13, 2013, 03:02:29 PM
I just have downloaded the current source version (1869678 bytes), "tar -xf bitcoin-turbo.tar.gz" it and call in the new created directory bitcoin-turbo the "qmake" . But gets lots of error messages about being unable to find all these local language files:

Project MESSAGE: Building with UPNP support
Project MESSAGE: Building with UPNP support
lrelease warning: Met no 'TRANSLATIONS' entry in project file '/home/achim/Downloads/bitcoin-turbo/'
RCC: Error in 'src/qt/bitcoin.qrc': Cannot find file 'locale/bitcoin_bg.qm'

So, what are the exact preconditions/dependencies for compiling this turbo-bitcoin source successfully? (Are there linux-binaries availible?).

Building works fine on my laptop, but I believe I hit the same problem when trying to build release binaries for Linux in gitian. It may require the package 'qt4-linguist-tools'.

Thus I wonder, a new, say 3 GHz cpu with 6 cores should even be able to acomplish 10000 script-verification / sec or more today ... not to mention optimized secp256k1 code.

I've certainly seen more than that - 6000tx/s is over 12000txins/s.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 13, 2013, 03:21:42 PM

Building works fine on my laptop, but I believe I hit the same problem when trying to build release binaries for Linux in gitian. It may require the package 'qt4-linguist-tools'.
You deduce from your environment to other people's environment. :)
Seriously, when calling "qmake" in the directory $HOME/tmp/bitcoins/bitcoin-0.7.1-linux/src I get no errors but the message

Project MESSAGE: Building with UPNP support
Project MESSAGE: Building with UPNP support
Removed plural forms as the target language has less forms.
If this sounds wrong, possibly the target language is not set or recognized.

I don't know whether this should sound wrong or not, but obviously something has changed regarding "" compared to the old release 0.7.1.


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Pieter Wuille on January 13, 2013, 03:36:32 PM

Building works fine on my laptop, but I believe I hit the same problem when trying to build release binaries for Linux in gitian. It may require the package 'qt4-linguist-tools'.
You deduce from your environment to other people's environment. :)

That's why I add that builds in gitian show the same problem, so I confirm there is a problem here. I just haven't spent the time investigating why.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Pieter Wuille on January 13, 2013, 04:27:30 PM
That's why I add that builds in gitian show the same problem, so I confirm there is a problem here. I just haven't spent the time investigating why.

There was a syntactic error in the file (which was fixed before, but it seems the fix got lost). Newer versions of lrelease didn't break on it, but older ones did. It should be fixed now.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 13, 2013, 05:02:30 PM
There was a syntactic error in the file (which was fixed before, but it seems the fix got lost). Newer versions of lrelease didn't break on it, but older ones did. It should be fixed now.

A typo -- a single lost ". Unbelievable that this did not trigger a syntax error message in qmake.

Thanks Pieter, and sorry that I have pressed you effectively to debug it for me. :-/


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 13, 2013, 05:58:31 PM
Thanks Pieter, and sorry that I have pressed you effectively to debug it for me. :-/

I wonder whether I should point you to my next problem? "qmake" seems to finish fine and then I type "make" resulting in:

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/achim/Downloads/bitcoin-turbo/src/leveldb'
cd /home/achim/Downloads/bitcoin-turbo; /bin/sh share/ /home/achim/Downloads/bitcoin-turbo/build/build.h
fatal: Not a git repository (or any parent up to mount parent )
Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).

and a bit later it aborts in src/db.h:14:20: Error: db_cxx.h was not found. So I presume this bundled bitcoin-turbo.tar.gz assumes still some Git-structure/environment/dependency to work correctly. /usr/include/db4.8/db_cxx.h exists - but this is not on the /home filesystem and I dislike to test it on the (readonly) /usr filesystem.

BTW: If you dislike that I'm able to compile your pre-release without Git-knowledge, no problem for me if you thus refuse to support me. :)

Appendum: Meantime I have set/create an environment variable GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM=1 , but this has no effect. Same failure when calling "make".


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Pieter Wuille on January 13, 2013, 08:26:41 PM
The error is harmless. It uses git to determine the current version, but it has a fallback in case that fails.

The db_cxx error means you don't have libdb4.8++-dev or libdb5.1++-dev installed. See doc/build-unit.txt for instructions.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 13, 2013, 09:25:48 PM
The error is harmless. It uses git to determine the current version, but it has a fallback in case that fails.

The db_cxx error means you don't have libdb4.8++-dev or libdb5.1++-dev installed. See doc/build-unit.txt for instructions.
Sorry, that I like to disagree. The error message is from the compiler or preprocessor (not linker) that it don't find the (source) file db_cxx.h (which is in /usr/include/db4.8 as I wrote).

Meanwhile I discovered in these comments:

# Dependency library locations can be customized with:
and after inserting

directly after these comments lines. It worked.
Now it stops later complaining about

src/net.cpp:18:32: Error: miniupnpc/miniwget.h:

So it looks like I must check where all the needed PATHS really are and write it into .... wondering that the default include PATH is not searched by qmake. Well, thanks to only 3 different used libraries I need hopefully at most to customize 6 paths.


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 13, 2013, 10:24:20 PM
Dear Pieter

I'm a very little bit upset due to your quick and dirty patching of your current bitcoin-turbo/ file.


After disabling UPNP-support via the line
in the file everything works fine until the final linkage. There I got the error message:

g++ -static -fstack-protector-all -Wl,-O1 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib64/qt4 -o bitcoin-qt build/bitcoin.o build/bitcoingui.o ......
......  -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lQtCore -lgthread-2.0 -lrt -lglib-2.0 -lpthread

/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.4.5/../../../../x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld: cannot find -lboost_system

But these library seems to be in the standard /usr/lib directory. Thus I thought either the line was too long (2486 characters) or some kind of order
problem with the -L$LIBPATH -llibrary was the reason. After about a quarter hour -- I couldn't believe why g++ suddenly doesn't see these libraries --  my eyes
catched at the beginning of the line: "-static " -- and remembered the diff of the new made file from today and its predecessor in my downloaded *.tar.gz file. You have inserted

# use static linking
QMAKE_LFLAGS *= -static

in the  newly!

I removed the "-static" from the above g++ line and no problem to do the default dynamic library linkage, getting a 13 MB huge dynamical linked 64bit-executable bitcoin-qt! You should tell everybody, that you now expect all libraries to be statically linked! A new feature of the upcoming 0.8.0-release? ;)

BTW: Of course I like to encourage (dispite of all my critic) to continue your valuable work.

Best wishes,

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Pieter Wuille on January 13, 2013, 11:08:05 PM
Oh, that's not a change I made, though I should have caught it.

The -static was intended to only be added for Windows.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Pieter Wuille on January 13, 2013, 11:09:52 PM
Running full node means major consumption of upload bandwidth. With my 32 kB total upload, after 30+ nodes connect to me I can
hardly surf the Internet, even very simple websites. Few people I know have even bigger problem because they actualy pay per GB
transfered in any direction, so they stopped running full node.

In such a setup I'd advise you to disable listening, as that will reduce the amount of nodes trying to fetch block data from you significantly.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 13, 2013, 11:45:00 PM
Oh, that's not a change I made, though I should have caught it.
The -static was intended to only be added for Windows.

Because the bitcoin-turbo.tar.gz file was not changed which I downloaded after you just had announced the remove of the syntax error in  today in this thread, I looked into your git-repository and copied the new changed and made a diff to my downloaded in the tar-ball.

A last question for today (it got very late and I must get up tomorrow early): What is the x11-resource name of the color which backgrounds the "This is a pre-release ...." warning in the wallet-window and which controls the red of "(not synchron)" , such that I can change these specific colors?


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Pieter Wuille on January 13, 2013, 11:51:33 PM
A last question for today (it got very late and I must get up tomorrow early): What is the x11-resource name of the color which backgrounds the "This is a pre-release ...." warning in the wallet-window and which controls the red of "(not synchron)" , such that I can change these specific colors?

I have no clue at all about GUI stuff. Wladimir wrote that.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Diapolo on January 14, 2013, 07:32:38 AM
That's why I add that builds in gitian show the same problem, so I confirm there is a problem here. I just haven't spent the time investigating why.

There was a syntactic error in the file (which was fixed before, but it seems the fix got lost). Newer versions of lrelease didn't break on it, but older ones did. It should be fixed now.

So it was related to that single " I mentioned a few days ago on Github, HA ;).


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Diapolo on January 14, 2013, 07:56:51 AM
Oh, that's not a change I made, though I should have caught it.

The -static was intended to only be added for Windows.

Sorry, that is fixed in the last revision of the stack-protector pull now :).


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 14, 2013, 09:22:25 AM
Oh, that's not a change I made, though I should have caught it.
The -static was intended to only be added for Windows.
Sorry, that is fixed in the last revision of the stack-protector pull now :).

Sorry, I deduced (wrongly) from the fact that if it are your files (URL then at least you were responseable for this "-static" patch, sipa.

Please remove this total misleading message:

fatal: Not a git repository (or any parent up to mount parent )
Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set)

from the build-process, especially tragic if a different error occurs later which could have been founded (for an outsider) on this reason.

And one more proposal for the next official bitcoin-release:

Mention in the doc/build-unix.txt the possibility to customize theses 6 variables
# Dependency library locations can be customized with:
in the file.

BTW: If noone made errors, nobody could learn. :)


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 14, 2013, 11:04:32 AM

Last night I only started this bitcoin-qt with an empty $HOME/.bitcoin to see whether it principle worked. :)
Now the bitcoin-qt 0.7.99 is running first time seriously on my hardware (2 GHz Athlon-64 3200+ stepping 00 with a total of 4 GB ECC-Ram).

Firstly (an experiment) I had set two softlinks to the existing blk0001.dat and blk0002.dat and started with "./bitcoin-qt  -reindex -detachdb", but it immediately crashed without error-message (no bootstrap.dat exists).

Next I built the new bootstrap.dat  of size 4883237032 (block height 216283), deleting theses links to blk00*.dat and started
"/usr/bin/time ./bitcoin-qt -detachdb -benchmark" Now it runs
and seems to process all these blocks. After 15 min CPU-time consumed, it still had ~ 59000 left . I wonder why it is so slow, for signature-checkng too fast
but still uses mostly 98% CPU-time, some drops from time to time, but I estimate still > 90% CPU-time on average. Periodcially disk-writes occurs, but because it has taken 3.3 GB system-cache this doesn't really matter to real-time behaviour. Currently, I just look, at remaining ~ 31600 blocks, it still
processes as about 10 - 20 blocks /sec (difficult to estimate). I wonder what it is doing internally with such a high cpu-usage. Disk-reads are fairly sparse in real-time.

... to be continued (now 39 min CPU-time used and 23400 blocks left to be processed).

BTW: System is a flavor of Linux 2.6.32-gentoo-r7 x86_64.


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 14, 2013, 12:44:13 PM
block height 21000 was reached after 82 min cpu-time, currently it is at block height 214045 needed 128 min Cpu-time and got 93 % CPU-time in the real-time. And I discovered that the new blocks are stored in the sub-directory blocks together with rev*.dat files. I still have the feeling no signature-verification is done . It procesess currently with 439 tx/sec (no txin-count availible in debug.log). I think it will finish (reaching block height 216283) in the next 20 minutes when I'm at lunch. :)


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 14, 2013, 02:59:56 PM

/usr/bin/time ./bitcoin-qt -detachdb -benchmark
Application asked to unregister timer 0x3a000004 which is not registered in this thread. Fix application.
8680.81user 338.18system 4:18:23elapsed 58%CPU

Elapsed time is much too high, because it waits 1.5 hours until I finished it manually - 2 h 45 min real-time for loading the bootstrap.dat,
93.8 % CPU time looks right and about 12 minutes I/O-time until finish loading.
It only needs 1-2 seconds to finish bitcoin-qt after I have clicked the Quit-Button (-detachdb no longer needed?).
Total size of directory "blocks" is 5417516 kB containing 2*37 files (about 11% overhead, old blkindex.dat had 32% overhead compared to the blk00*.dat).
Directory "coins" has size 164324 kB.

I think there is still a lot of room for speed-optimization of the load of the initial bootstrap.dat. Moreoever I see no effect of this "-benchmark" option (maybe this ".....Fix application." message?)

BTW: I run it with "maxconnections=0" set in the bitcoin.conf file such that at the end of the load no further action was done.


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Pieter Wuille on January 14, 2013, 08:31:53 PM
I think there is still a lot of room for speed-optimization of the load of the initial bootstrap.dat.

I have never claimed otherwise. That is not the bottleneck now, however (crappy block download and signature validation are).

Moreoever I see no effect of this "-benchmark" option (maybe this ".....Fix application." message?)

It should report block connect/validation speeds in debug.log.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 14, 2013, 08:50:02 PM

There is highly probable a bug in the "-reindex" option called code.

After updating with the bitcoin-qt-0.7.99 to the current main blockchain , this works fine, I restarted it again:

./bitcoin-qt -maxconnections=0 -reindex -dbcche=500 -logtimestamps -benchmark

and it crashed after a few seconds without any error message.
Here is the tail of the debug.log

2013-01-14 20:37:15 Opened LevelDB successfully
2013-01-14 20:37:15  block index              51ms
2013-01-14 20:37:15 Loading wallet...
2013-01-14 20:37:15 nFileVersion = 79900
2013-01-14 20:37:16  wallet                  976ms
2013-01-14 20:37:16 Loading addresses...
2013-01-14 20:37:16 Reindexing block file blk00000.dat...
2013-01-14 20:37:16 Loaded 10094 addresses from peers.dat  40ms
2013-01-14 20:37:16 mapBlockIndex.size() = 0
2013-01-14 20:37:16 nBestHeight = -1
2013-01-14 20:37:16 setKeyPool.size() = 100
2013-01-14 20:37:16 mapWallet.size() = 0
2013-01-14 20:37:16 mapAddressBook.size() = 1
2013-01-14 20:37:16 Done loading
2013-01-14 20:37:16 refreshWallet

Maybe you get an idea.
BTW: Could you explain the new format of these blk*.dat files (and if easy, the rev*.dat) files or is this anywhere already documented?

Appendum: I just want to give you more debugging info and therefore started "gdb ./bitcoin-qt" and then inside
run "-maxconnections=0 -reindex -dbcche=500 -logtimestamps -benchmark"

and it runs ...


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Diapolo on January 14, 2013, 10:00:37 PM
You mean -dbcache, right? I also observed a crash while reindexing with current master, but I didn't yet take a closer look at it.


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 14, 2013, 10:37:27 PM
You mean -dbcache, right? I also observed a crash while reindexing with current master, but I didn't yet take a closer look at it.
I don't know, but I believe :)
I used the same options as
bitcoin-qt.exe -reindex -par=4 -dbcche=500 -logtimestamps -benchmark
except this -par=4


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 14, 2013, 10:54:09 PM
and it runs ...
2013-01-14 22:38:44 Reindexing finished
 98:20 min CPU-time until block-height 216823  and 99:16 min until 21650 height (the maxium no of blocks in the blk*dat files).

I lookup up in the debug.log : Start at 2013-01-14 20:42:55 which means 116:11 min total real-time or 85.4 % CPU-time.

Compare this with the bootstrap.dat of 216823 blocks using 150 min CPU-time. It should be about equal - but I did a simple trick. *gg*
I recompiled the turbo-bitcoin/sources with the g++ additional options -march=athlon64 -O2

Nearly a boost of 50% in speed up! I wonder why there is also in the official sources not at least a -O2 option for the g++-compiler.
Everything will profit from -O2.

BTW: This "./bitcoin-qt -maxconnections=0 -reindex -dbcche=500 -logtimestamps -benchmark"  (also with -dbcache inplace of -dbcche) crashes
the client reproducable after start. Sadly not, if invoked with gdb. :-(


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 14, 2013, 11:19:46 PM
I just notice this reindex-bug is a really nasty bug. If I restart bitcoin-qt next (only with -maxconnection=0) it starts immediately with reindexing. :-(
I quite it and start it again, it starts reindexing ...

Lots of lines
"ProcessBlock: ORPHAN BLOCK, prev=0000000000000640dd32c57bbda456631968a2d57ccc3d40190c767ab2ce7e99"
now writen to debug.log.

Ups! debug.log was truncated by bitcoin-qt -- only 77030 lines of these "ProcessBlock: ORPHAN BLOCK, prev=...."  inside now.

Well, I better should throw all away now .... and wait for Pieter to debug it.


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: 2112 on January 14, 2013, 11:55:35 PM
Sadly not, if invoked with gdb. :-(
I just wanted to remind you about "ulimit -c unlimited" to be able to meaningfully use the debugger after the crash. You're probably running with the default of "ulimit -c 0".

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 15, 2013, 10:52:07 AM
Sadly not, if invoked with gdb. :-(
I just wanted to remind you about "ulimit -c unlimited" to be able to meaningfully use the debugger after the crash. You're probably running with the default of "ulimit -c 0".
Sorry, but you remind me only dark fuzzy remembers decades ago that such a command exist(ed).

1) my ulimit has no -c option (only a -f option) on Linux (not only on my gentoo, but also on Ubuntu 10.2 I just checked)
2) called "ulimit" gives the default of unlimited
but most important
3) There occurs no crash in gdb, thus it is not meaningfull (in my context) to talk about "use the debugger after the crash". ;)

BTW: I just discovered the ulimit with many options on SunOS. "ulimit -c" sets the "core" limit of the process there. I wonder what core precisely is meant.

Anyway, thanks for your thoughts

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 15, 2013, 11:15:53 AM
I think there is still a lot of room for speed-optimization of the load of the initial bootstrap.dat.
I have never claimed otherwise. That is not the bottleneck now, however (crappy block download and signature validation are).

Sorry, but I think I should disagree strongly! This might to be an (or better the!) important bottleneck for each newbie who want to start to use bitcoin-qt.
You are true, it is no bottleneck for you and probably for > 95% of all forums posters here who has done already the initial download of the blockchain data. "crappy block download and signature validation" becomes the next bottle neck AFTER you have your personal block chain in a bitcoin-client-conform format!

I also dislike to see it to be replaced  (the currently undocumented "blkindex.dat"-format) by new formats in rev*dat, blk*dat, coins-directory (and  blktree-diretory?), if these stay undocumented or to be over-complex.  Again making it impossible to use directly this raw block chain data. I think I have shown with my block-parser, that conversion of this data into a bitcoin-qt usable structure can be done only in a few minutes on a typical hardware and not in more than 20 times real time for bitcoin-turbo and checking everything inside the main block chain except the script-verification! Yes, before, 0.7.?, it were more than 200-times of real time, so a great achievement of your new experimental 0.7.99 version.

Please remember: I only started activity in this Bitcoin Forum, because the VERY SLOW initialization with the main block chain by the (most spread) bitcoin-qt client might put off increasingly many want-to-be starters into the bitcoin world.


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 15, 2013, 11:45:46 AM
3) There occurs no crash in gdb, thus it is not meaningfull (in my context) to talk about "use the debugger after the crash". ;)
I got another idea. You could compile the source with the "-g" flag and then start your client as normal with the "-reindex"-option hoping still(!) the crash occurs and force the OS to produce a core-file (image of all his allocated memory into a file). Then you could investigate this core-file with gdb afterwards.

But I think, before realizing these thoughts, at first sipa must tell us his oppinion in this "-reindex" case.


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: 2112 on January 15, 2013, 12:28:28 PM
I wonder what core precisely is meant.
I apologize I wrote like everyone knows and understands the postmortem debugging.

$ cat bitcoind.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main() { return printf("Hello %s!\n",2112); }
$ make bitcoind
$ ulimit -a
core file size           (blocks, -c) 0
data seg size           (kbytes, -d) unlimited
$ ulimit -c unlimited
$ ulimit -a
core file size           (blocks, -c) unlimited
data seg size           (kbytes, -d) unlimited
$ ./bitcoind
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
$ ls core*
$ gdb ./bitcoind core
GNU gdb (GDB) 7.1-ubuntu
Reading symbols from /home/2112/bitcoind...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Reading symbols from /lib/
Core was generated by `./bitcoind'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0  0x00007f4f24cd7e32 in _IO_vfprintf_internal (s=0x7f4f2500c780,
    format=<value optimized out>, ap=0x7fffcba92680) at vfprintf.c:1617
1617   vfprintf.c: No such file or directory.
   in vfprintf.c
(gdb) where
#0  0x00007f4f24cd7e32 in _IO_vfprintf_internal (s=0x7f4f2500c780,
    format=<value optimized out>, ap=0x7fffcba92680) at vfprintf.c:1617
#1  0x00007f4f24cdf65a in __printf (
    format=0xffffe906 <Address 0xffffe906 out of bounds>) at printf.c:35
#2  0x000000000040053f in main ()

So on a reasonable OS program doesn't have to be compiled with debugging and/or run under the debugger to approximately locate the place where it crashed.

I think that it is a terrible legacy of Microsoft (and/or Apple) that various Linux distributions switched to "disable core dumps by default". The old "remove core dumps older than a week by default" was much better, because nobody would use the "program crashes, but not under the debugger" excuse.

Again, I want to apologize for writing like everyone already knows and just needed a reminder. Hopefully there will be at least one reader who wasn't familiar with the postmortem concept who now will learn how to override the default in their Linux installation to re-enable to perform good old core dumps. Nowadays core memory can probably be found only in museums, but the core dumps are still useful. Lets debug like it is 1970 again!

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 15, 2013, 02:59:05 PM
I wonder what core precisely is meant.
I apologize I wrote like everyone knows and understands the postmortem debugging.
No need to apologize - at least not apologize to me. :)

1) I did not grasp your idea, that I must/should force the OS to produce this core-file.

2) You seem to have a different environment (I even don't know your OS), where ulimit has this -c option.

3) We have the  rare case, that a program which crashes when invoked by the shell doesn't crash when invoked by gdb.

BTW: I still remember well,  when , about 20 years ago, nearly every crash of a program left a core file.


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 15, 2013, 03:39:22 PM
I think that it is a terrible legacy of Microsoft (and/or Apple) that various Linux distributions switched to "disable core dumps by default". The old "remove core dumps older than a week by default" was much better, because nobody would use the "program crashes, but not under the debugger" excuse.
The main problem is people don't express precisely what they are talking of or assume environments/dependencies others don't have/use. :-/

When checking for "ulimit" on my sytem/environment , I did "man ulimit" and later "which ulimit". So I  got my informations (also for ubuntu & SunOS) from the man-pages and from the which/PATH-search. So, should I apologize for not doing "whence ulimit", but "which ulimit", don't I?

ulimit (as typed in the command-line) is a shell-built-in (if you use an appropriate shell!) with all these many options, including option -c for size of core-limit, even in (my) Linux (if you use sh or ksh or bash, but not e.g. in csh or tcsh).

Appendum: There exists also the (obsolete) system/library-call ulimit, see "man ulimit 3".


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Pieter Wuille on January 15, 2013, 09:28:37 PM
Sorry, but I think I should disagree strongly! This might to be an (or better the!) important bottleneck for each newbie who want to start to use bitcoin-qt.
You are true, it is no bottleneck for you and probably for > 95% of all forums posters here who has done already the initial download of the blockchain data. "crappy block download and signature validation" becomes the next bottle neck AFTER you have your personal block chain in a bitcoin-client-conform format!

I'm not sure what you mean. The current downloading mechanism often takes hours just downloading (not including any verification or storage), a lot of which is waiting and not doing anything. Compare that to (order of magnitude) an hour of verification to reach block 210000 (without signature checks). After block 210000, signature checking becomes the bottleneck. So if we want to improve the experience for new users, the first step should be speeding up the download itself, and the signature verification. After that, we can have a look at further improvements for the verification itself.

I also dislike to see it to be replaced  (the currently undocumented "blkindex.dat"-format) by new formats in rev*dat, blk*dat, coins-directory (and  blktree-diretory?), if these stay undocumented or to be over-complex.  Again making it impossible to use directly this raw block chain data.

It's being replaced to improve performance. The file format of the block files (blk000?.dat before, blocks/blk000??.dat now) hasn't changed: it's a binary concatenation of blocks in network format. The coins directory is a LevelDB database in a cusitom compact format that represents the set of unspent transaction output. See the source code (specifically: main.h above, class CCoins) for the exact specification. The rev* files contain data to be able to disconnect blocks afterwards in case of reorganisation. Bitcoin needs exclusive access to the database anyway, so everything except the block files isn't intended to be used by third party code. If you need access to the raw blockchain/utxo data, use the getblock, getrawtransaction and gettxout RPC commands.

I think I have shown with my block-parser, that conversion of this data into a bitcoin-qt usable structure can be done only in a few minutes on a typical hardware and not in more than 20 times real time for bitcoin-turbo and checking everything inside the main block chain except the script-verification! Yes, before, 0.7.?, it were more than 200-times of real time, so a great achievement of your new experimental 0.7.99 version.

My priority is correctness/completeness of the verification, consistency of the database on disk, and minimizing the working set size. That on itself leads to improved performance, but there are certainly a lot of things possible to improve it. As said, not a priority now. Yes if you do everything in RAM using a hash map, I'm sure it will be faster (it should!).

Please remember: I only started activity in this Bitcoin Forum, because the VERY SLOW initialization with the main block chain by the (most spread) bitcoin-qt client might put off increasingly many want-to-be starters into the bitcoin world.

I'm very aware of the slowness, but changing in the reference code things takes time (to implement, to review and to test) - this  slows development down, but I'm sure the community wouldn't want even a blazingly fast release with subtle bugs in it that lead to a split of the network after a large part of the community adopts it. We do what we can, and most of us (including me) just do this in our free time. The real bottleneck is testing, so thanks for helping out here (though I really can't do much about a segfault without more details...).

Oh and by the way, use `qmake RELEASE=1` to build optimized binaries.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 15, 2013, 11:44:49 PM

I should lead-in by saying, "sorry that I pressed you to spend so much real time in this reply - only for me".  :-/

Sorry, but I think I should disagree strongly! This might to be an (or better the!) important bottleneck for each newbie who want to start to use bitcoin-qt.
You are true, it is no bottleneck for you and probably for > 95% of all forums posters here who has done already the initial download of the blockchain data. "crappy block download and signature validation" becomes the next bottle neck AFTER you have your personal block chain in a bitcoin-client-conform format!

I'm not sure what you mean. The current downloading mechanism often takes hours just downloading (not including any verification or storage), a lot of which is waiting and not doing anything. Compare that to (order of magnitude) an hour of verification to reach block 210000 (without signature checks). After block 210000, signature checking becomes the bottleneck. So if we want to improve the experience for new users, the first step should be speeding up the download itself, and the signature verification. After that, we can have a look at further improvements for the verification itself.
And I'm not sure what is (principlely) unclear in my sentences. :-/
You (the newbie) can get the download with maximal speed (his band-width limitation) by simply download a trusted bootstrap.dat! It can't be faster. It is our responsibility to provide in regular (short) time distances these block chains. E.g. each week. So simply!

BTW: I did load bootstrap.dat of the main blockchain until height 216283 once again with your 0.7.99 release (and compiled with -march=athlon64 -O2)
and got 36.5 minutes cpu-time until height 210000 and 96.5 minutes cpu-time until height 216283 which uses a total of 108 min real-time.
(My testing of this -reindex-bug had finally corrupted my blockchain data).
The last 6283 blocks needed exactly 1 h cpu-time or 0.57 sec/block. But better comparing transaction counts not block counts. The first 9344206 tx until block height 210000, could be loaded from bootstrap.dat into the bitcoin-qt data structures with  4266 tx/sec the remaining 1731667 transactions with 481 tx/sec (due to verification checks). Thus, if there would have been a new bootstrap.dat until block height 216283, total real-time would have been only 43 min. Well, my blockparser needs less than 2 min (without sig-checks yields > 92000 tx/sec) , but maybe your deletion of redeemed deposits is expensive (but I doubt). So I guess there is surely a factor 20 (or more) which could be improved (I did no aggressive coding in my parser to reduce cpu or real time).
And I already praised you -- you are faster already by a factor 10 (or even a bit more) compared to version 0.7.1. :)

BTW: Writing the data new to disk, needs neglectable cpu-time and no further real-time (I see it at the running 0.7.99 because it is done in parallel) , but this I can't do as long as I neither know the structure of blkindex.dat nor of your new structured files in 0.7.99 (I asked for). (A following item).
Sorry, it becomes too late in the night. I will continue tomorrow, discussing the/your following items/responses.


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 16, 2013, 04:02:18 PM
2nd part:

I also dislike to see it to be replaced  (the currently undocumented "blkindex.dat"-format) by new formats in rev*dat, blk*dat, coins-directory (and  blktree-diretory?), if these stay undocumented or to be over-complex.  Again making it impossible to use directly this raw block chain data.

It's being replaced to improve performance. The file format of the block files (blk000?.dat before, blocks/blk000??.dat now) hasn't changed: it's a binary concatenation of blocks in network format. The coins directory is a LevelDB database in a cusitom compact format that represents the set of unspent transaction output. See the source code (specifically: main.h above, class CCoins) for the exact specification. The rev* files contain data to be able to disconnect blocks afterwards in case of reorganisation. Bitcoin needs exclusive access to the database anyway, so everything except the block files isn't intended to be used by third party code. If you need access to the raw blockchain/utxo data, use the getblock, getrawtransaction and gettxout RPC commands.

I did (already yesterday) a  "cmp $HOME/.bitcoin.0.7.99/blocks/blk00000.dat $HOME/.bitcoin/blk0001.dat" which results in the (first) difference at byte 134214364. So they can not be simply concatenated to get the block-chain back, right? But maybe I have discovered a bug in the data structure/files.

Well, "everything except the block files isn't intended to be used by third party code", together with "It's being replaced to improve performance" this both sounds like old Mircosoft-windows argumentation. :-/ "Bitcoin needs exclusive access to the database" Huch? only if it is run - but this line of argumentation matches the previous.

BTW: Why do I sound so negatively? Because I must think of my horrible long initialiation of the block chain which lasts far more than 23 h real-time last december and you tell me that it is no bottleneck. Sorry, to be frank.


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Pieter Wuille on January 16, 2013, 04:17:34 PM
I did (already yesterday) a  "cmp $HOME/.bitcoin.0.7.99/blocks/blk00000.dat $HOME/.bitcoin/blk0001.dat" which results in the (first) difference at byte 134214364. So they can not be simply concatenated to get the block-chain back, right? But maybe I have discovered a bug in the data structure/files.

The old files are limited to (almost) 2GB. The new files are limited to 128MiB. Apart from that, they are exactly the same format, they just store fewer blocks per file. If you concatenate either (in the right order), you get a usable bootstrap.dat

Well, "everything except the block files isn't intended to be used by third party code", together with "It's being replaced to improve performance" this both sounds like old Mircosoft-windows argumentation. :-/ "Bitcoin needs exclusive access to the database" Huch? only if it is run - but this line of argumentation matches the previous.

Obviously you can use it for whatever you like while Bitcoin isn't running. I just mean that compatibility with external applications was not a design priority (except for the block files - they could have been made smaller as well, but we chose not to, in order not to break external applications).

BTW: Why do I sound so negatively? Because I must think of my horrible long initialiation of the block chain which lasts far more than 23 h real-time last december and you tell me that it is no bottleneck. Sorry, to be frank.

You're sort of hijacking this thread, ranting about things that are not priorities now.

In 0.7.x, block verification WAS the bottleneck (except when you were on SSD or a tmpfs), and that is the reason for all changes that will be in 0.8, and what this thread exists for. I'm just saying that after those, it isn't. Block downloading and signature verification are the bottleneck. And yes, using bootstrap.dat for initialization avoids the problem with slow block downloading, but that's not what you want to be telling new users. The priority should be making automatic syncup usable again.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 16, 2013, 04:42:07 PM
3rd part:

I think I have shown with my block-parser, that conversion of this data into a bitcoin-qt usable structure can be done only in a few minutes on a typical hardware and not in more than 20 times real time for bitcoin-turbo and checking everything inside the main block chain except the script-verification! Yes, before, 0.7.?, it were more than 200-times of real time, so a great achievement of your new experimental 0.7.99 version.

My priority is correctness/completeness of the verification, consistency of the database on disk, and minimizing the working set size. That on itself leads to improved performance, but there are certainly a lot of things possible to improve it. As said, not a priority now. Yes if you do everything in RAM using a hash map, I'm sure it will be faster (it should!).

"completeness of the verification" let the user decide what degree he wants. There is an option -checklevel (introduced by yourself, add e.g. a 7 for signature-check if you like, or whatever you like personally to fine-tune control the verification process when block loading) -- I tried do do all these with my blockparser I know bitcoin-0.7.99 does when bootstraping data (to get a fair real-time comparison).
But initialization with the bootstrap.dat which you got from a trusted source, should need no (deep?) verification to judify long real-times!

"As said, not a priority now" -- well I present you quantitative real-time measurement and you judge this is of no importance.
"Yes if you do everything in RAM using a hash map, I'm sure it will be faster (it should!)." Sorry, your 0.7.99 with bootstrap.dat also (could/should?) do everything in RAM, and I wrote already: the write back of the new data-structure in 0.7.99 happens in parallel to the CPU on my system, so no (a very, very negligible) real-time win possible, if no writing back to disk occurs. Your qualitative comment "it will be faster (it should!)", I already estimated quantitatively to be > 10 to give the true magnitudes. :-(

Yes, you can argue, that minimizing your working set has highest priority, and then I should shut up (I use about 2.3 GB totally, because I store all txout-scripts in memory, you need only to keep the unspent in memory, 1/7.5 or less).

BTW: I discovered today I can simply improve my performance by about 15 % if I only suppress all the statistics output for each block. But then my blockparser is limited by the disk-access speed when reading the bootstrap.dat, checking and building up the data structures, not the CPU-speed anymore.


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 16, 2013, 04:52:08 PM
I did (already yesterday) a  "cmp $HOME/.bitcoin.0.7.99/blocks/blk00000.dat $HOME/.bitcoin/blk0001.dat" which results in the (first) difference at byte 134214364. So they can not be simply concatenated to get the block-chain back, right? But maybe I have discovered a bug in the data structure/files.

The old files are limited to (almost) 2GB. The new files are limited to 128MiB. Apart from that, they are exactly the same format, they just store fewer blocks per file. If you concatenate either (in the right order), you get a usable bootstrap.dat

Sorry, I get tired, I just wanted to reply with  the 4th, last part, but it looks superflously. Therefore only one obviously point: even if you don't know what "cmp" do, and what you can conclude from my cited, given output, the sum of bytes in all these blocks/blk*.dat files is larger than the original bootstrap.dat. So you tell us false.
(and because all except the last are 2^27 bytes in size) you even need not to add up, only consider size modulo 2^27 of bootstarp.dat for a check).


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Pieter Wuille on January 16, 2013, 04:56:17 PM
"completeness of the verification" let the user decide what degree he wants. There is an option -checklevel (introduced by yourself, add e.g. a 7 for signature-check if you like, or whatever you like personally to fine-tune control the verification process when block loading) -- I tried do do all these with my blockparser I know bitcoin-0.7.99 does when bootstraping data (to get a fair real-time comparison).
But initialization with the bootstrap.dat which you got from a trusted source, should need no (deep?) verification to judify long real-times!

-checkblocks is about how much verification you want at startup about the data you already have. I find disabling checks when importing a bootstrap.dat very risky - someone distributing "trusted" files which have an accidental (or deliberate!) error in them is enough to cause a block chain split, which in case of widespread deployment could be devastating for the bitcoin economy. If there was something significant to be gained, it could be made optional with a flag with a big warning on that, but I doubt it will help much (I don't have numbers, and you're welcome to do benchmarks yourself if you want to help), as most time is maintaining the database and not doing checks.

"As said, not a priority now" -- well I present you quantitative real-time measurement and you judge this is of no importance.
"Yes if you do everything in RAM using a hash map, I'm sure it will be faster (it should!)." Sorry, your 0.7.99 with bootstrap.dat also (could/should?) do everything in RAM, and I wrote already: the write back of the new data-structure in 0.7.99 happens in parallel to the CPU on my system, so no (a very, very negligible) real-time win possible, if no writing back to disk occurs. Your qualitative comment "it will be faster (it should!)", I already estimated quantitatively to be > 10 to give the true magnitudes. :-(

Yes, thank you very much for those numbers. I know there are performance improvements possible, I've told you a zillion times now. This thread is about doing tests, so we can get 0.8 out as soon as possible, because 0.7.x's performance is terrible, and it won't be released before it is stable.

Can we please stop this discussion, and get this thread back to test results?

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Pieter Wuille on January 16, 2013, 04:58:59 PM
Sorry, I get tired, I just wanted to reply with  the 4th, last part, but it looks superflously. Therefore only one obviously point: even if you don't know what "cmp" do, and what you can conclude from my cited, given output, the sum of bytes in all these blocks/blk*.dat files is larger than the original bootstrap.dat. So you tell us false.
(and because all except the last are 2^27 bytes in size) you even need not to add up, only consider size modulo 2^27 of bootstarp.dat for a check).

You make the wrong assumption that because the file format is the same, the concatenation will be binary identical. In the 0.8 code, the files are pre-allocated in blocks of 16 MiB, to avoid high fragmentation. That means that at the end of those files, you'll have some zero bytes. So the concatenated files will have these zeroes too, and you'll get a slightly larger bootstrap.dat. Both the loading code in 0.7 and 0.8 should be able to deal with holes in the files, though.

See, I didn't lie.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 16, 2013, 05:01:46 PM
And yes, using bootstrap.dat for initialization avoids the problem with slow block downloading, but that's not what you want to be telling new users.
Are you joking? Your whole attitude and the reality (0.7.99 is experimental!) press new people to use bootstrap.dat and this will increase as longer you wait.
And if a newbie complains to me about long first initialization, of course I will point them to bootstrap.dat method, who won´t?


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: smtp on January 16, 2013, 05:06:01 PM
See, I didn't lie.
Then you have your own definition of "concatenation". But the reader of these postings can judge by themselves.


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: notme on January 16, 2013, 05:14:02 PM
And yes, using bootstrap.dat for initialization avoids the problem with slow block downloading, but that's not what you want to be telling new users.
Are you joking? Your whole attitude and the reality (0.7.99 is experimental!) press new people to use bootstrap.dat and this will increase as longer you wait.
And if a newbie complains to me about long first initialization, of course I will point them to bootstrap.dat method, who won´t?


It took my machine less than 4 hours to download from scratch, and most of that was waiting on peers to send the data.  What is the problem?

Really, if you don't have any bug reports or testing results, can you please start a new thread to discuss potential future improvements.  This thread is for testing 0.8 so that it can be released sometime this decade.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Pieter Wuille on January 16, 2013, 06:00:57 PM
Are you joking? Your whole attitude and the reality (0.7.99 is experimental!) press new people to use bootstrap.dat and this will increase as longer you wait.
And if a newbie complains to me about long first initialization, of course I will point them to bootstrap.dat method, who won´t?

Of course. I'll point them to bootstrap.dat now too. But that doesn't mean we don't have to fix the real problem (the fact that the built-in block download code is very crappy). If things were working as they should, we wouldn't need to tell new users about bootstrap.dat (although it may still be useful).

My attitude? I don't want to be responsible for a network fork. The purpose of the reference client is implementing a full node, and that means zero trust: it will verify all incoming data. If you can't live with the resource requirements that are needed for that, and consider trusting some instance to do checking for you, you're better off using a lightweight client (which only checks block headers - see SPV mode in Satoshi's paper), as those don't need trust in the data source and don't risk creating a network fork if the trusted data is wrong.

I think everything that had to be said, is said now. You may disagree with me, but if so, please take it elsewhere. I won't respond anymore to messages here which are not about getting 0.8 tested.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: niko on January 16, 2013, 07:14:22 PM
Is there anything in particular we should try with the latest build (Jan 15)?

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: notme on January 16, 2013, 07:15:44 PM
Is there anything in particular we should try with the latest build (Jan 15)?

Try loading from scratch with an empty data directory.  It's fast :).

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: niko on January 18, 2013, 06:36:25 AM
Tried again the low-end PC with the latest build:

Windows XP SP3
Pentium M, 1.6 GHz
760 MB RAM
wired LAN connection, bitcoin-qt.exe -logtimestamps -benchmark

Took about nine hours. Here are the ~30-minute excerpts from debug.log:

2013-01-17 15:06:47 Bitcoin version v0.7.1-353-g3afefd8-beta (2013-01-14 23:38:10 +0100)

2013-01-17 15:11:49 received block 00000000e7abef25d5ec8934b2905dd82fe46b081e9381849744dadadc9198ed
2013-01-17 15:11:49 - Connect 1 transactions: 0.00ms (0.000ms/tx, 0.000ms/txin)
2013-01-17 15:11:49 - Verify 0 txins: 0.00ms (0.000ms/txin)
2013-01-17 15:11:49 - Connect: 0.00ms
2013-01-17 15:11:49 - Flush 1 transactions: 0.00ms (0.0000ms/tx)
2013-01-17 15:11:49 SetBestChain: new best=00000000e7abef25d5ec8934b2905dd82fe46b081e9381849744dadadc9198ed  height=3167  work=13606664014944  tx=3218  date=2009-02-05 23:49:49

2013-01-17 15:41:28 received block 00000000000c4510fb6b1a939a71297dd696ca9fc6fcf7668208c494eb00129a
2013-01-17 15:41:28 - Connect 2 transactions: 15.63ms (7.813ms/tx, 15.625ms/txin)
2013-01-17 15:41:28 - Verify 1 txins: 15.63ms (15.625ms/txin)
2013-01-17 15:41:28 - Connect: 15.63ms
2013-01-17 15:41:28 - Flush 3 transactions: 0.00ms (0.0000ms/tx)
2013-01-17 15:41:28 SetBestChain: new best=00000000000c4510fb6b1a939a71297dd696ca9fc6fcf7668208c494eb00129a  height=87531  work=63638573136918620  tx=134628  date=2010-10-25 19:56:28

2013-01-17 16:11:20 received block 000000000000011cd76a8313d18ea0cb4d789978fecd159a230243b51985f23d
2013-01-17 16:11:20 - Connect 8 transactions: 0.00ms (0.000ms/tx, 0.000ms/txin)
2013-01-17 16:11:20 - Verify 11 txins: 0.00ms (0.000ms/txin)
2013-01-17 16:11:20 - Connect: 0.00ms
2013-01-17 16:11:20 - Flush 19 transactions: 0.00ms (0.0000ms/tx)
2013-01-17 16:11:20 SetBestChain: new best=000000000000011cd76a8313d18ea0cb4d789978fecd159a230243b51985f23d  height=139885  work=71942799566013213550  tx=1224773  date=2011-08-06 20:08:02

2013-01-17 16:41:12 received block 000000000000019c4df1c73f4b605ce0dfac15419d5f7efc7f9e1417715c8399
2013-01-17 16:41:12 - Connect 72 transactions: 0.00ms (0.000ms/tx, 0.000ms/txin)
2013-01-17 16:41:12 - Verify 201 txins: 15.63ms (0.078ms/txin)
2013-01-17 16:41:12 - Connect: 15.63ms
2013-01-17 16:41:12 - Flush 249 transactions: 0.00ms (0.0000ms/tx)
2013-01-17 16:41:12 SetBestChain: new best=000000000000019c4df1c73f4b605ce0dfac15419d5f7efc7f9e1417715c8399  height=171699  work=266924021998143281220  tx=2640821  date=2012-03-18 10:18:44

2013-01-17 17:11:16 received block 000000000000028079e07bdb0b0c63361880b3a5c85073dd98f9a9504b8d5502
2013-01-17 17:11:16 - Connect 125 transactions: 31.25ms (0.250ms/tx, 0.094ms/txin)
2013-01-17 17:11:16 - Verify 333 txins: 31.25ms (0.094ms/txin)
2013-01-17 17:11:16 - Connect: 31.25ms
2013-01-17 17:11:16 - Flush 428 transactions: 0.00ms (0.0000ms/tx)
2013-01-17 17:11:16 SetBestChain: new best=000000000000028079e07bdb0b0c63361880b3a5c85073dd98f9a9504b8d5502  height=187070  work=372869096415509690028  tx=4617893  date=2012-07-01 18:23:34

2013-01-17 17:41:14 received block 000000000000012dfce2a5a790c707112d1a3d69cfc3a80d2c7ba6c05b26bd49
2013-01-17 17:41:14 - Connect 895 transactions: 46.88ms (0.052ms/tx, 0.029ms/txin)
2013-01-17 17:41:14 - Verify 1589 txins: 46.88ms (0.029ms/txin)
2013-01-17 17:41:14 - Connect: 93.75ms
2013-01-17 17:41:14 - Flush 1614 transactions: 0.00ms (0.0000ms/tx)
2013-01-17 17:41:14 SetBestChain: new best=000000000000012dfce2a5a790c707112d1a3d69cfc3a80d2c7ba6c05b26bd49  height=197131  work=460455491179234775440  tx=6726284  date=2012-09-04 07:34:20

2013-01-17 18:11:22 received block 000000000000020c0c0f368e594a06dea40f96f157446aa60192fff00832b082
2013-01-17 18:11:22 - Connect 235 transactions: 15.63ms (0.066ms/tx, 0.032ms/txin)
2013-01-17 18:11:22 - Verify 483 txins: 15.63ms (0.032ms/txin)
2013-01-17 18:11:22 - Connect: 31.25ms
2013-01-17 18:11:22 - Flush 589 transactions: 0.00ms (0.0000ms/tx)
2013-01-17 18:11:22 SetBestChain: new best=000000000000020c0c0f368e594a06dea40f96f157446aa60192fff00832b082  height=205740  work=567751994200247679652  tx=8445902  date=2012-10-30 17:44:32

2013-01-17 18:41:06 received block 0000000000000207549b461347cd2ecc9a7914ae8fe3fdcdaf4c446b5a8f614a
2013-01-17 18:41:08 Flushed 0 addresses to peers.dat  31ms
2013-01-17 18:41:11 - Connect 474 transactions: 4718.75ms (9.955ms/tx, 5.203ms/txin)
2013-01-17 18:41:11 - Verify 907 txins: 4734.38ms (5.220ms/txin)
2013-01-17 18:41:11 - Connect: 4812.50ms
2013-01-17 18:41:11 - Flush 1059 transactions: 31.25ms (0.0295ms/tx)
2013-01-17 18:41:11 SetBestChain: new best=0000000000000207549b461347cd2ecc9a7914ae8fe3fdcdaf4c446b5a8f614a  height=210290  work=633247113574839609696  tx=9413266  date=2012-11-30 14:23:19

2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx cb64431484 (mapsz 6651)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx dbe05eeb5c (mapsz 6652)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 8142517fd0 (mapsz 6653)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 16d52d019b (mapsz 6654)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 29a97c4c21 (mapsz 6655)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 8f22d7d9d5 (mapsz 6656)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 20912b744d (mapsz 6657)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx a3ee47ae13 (mapsz 6658)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx a8face7aec (mapsz 6659)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx feb5f21da3 (mapsz 6660)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 4aca3abc42 (mapsz 6661)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 8cf102225c (mapsz 6662)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 8e598df2a4 (mapsz 6663)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 received block 0000000000000445188b833eb4e60b5d8fc3208d0a331bc89aa49bde1c630845
2013-01-17 19:11:13 ProcessBlock: ORPHAN BLOCK, prev=000000000000030b3bbb839923eeeba29a5d6829197f987cff8656faafb5428e
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 3835b37372 (mapsz 6664)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 766ce354cc (mapsz 6665)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx e38a74d735 (mapsz 6666)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 7265314c2a (mapsz 6667)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 1736e7aa63 (mapsz 6668)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 6cf5bc2d0c (mapsz 6669)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 6be01d22eb (mapsz 6670)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 0f4365d217 (mapsz 6671)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 1035b2eab1 (mapsz 6672)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx bcc75e6415 (mapsz 6673)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 813da0920d (mapsz 6674)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 04af77ad7b (mapsz 6675)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 8d617b9127 (mapsz 6676)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 32474c1e58 (mapsz 6677)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx c1d541608f (mapsz 6678)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx dff6e0e183 (mapsz 6679)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx c1d10a3a6b (mapsz 6680)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 ignoring large orphan tx (size: 22939, hash: 6594192053)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx fb8af03201 (mapsz 6681)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx d38f4464f7 (mapsz 6682)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 4792a6d1a0 (mapsz 6683)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx ce2261d632 (mapsz 6684)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 54cff21eb1 (mapsz 6685)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 2a4d40e5e8 (mapsz 6686)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 74b8b14f23 (mapsz 6687)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 8390becc3b (mapsz 6688)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 92e3eb4c6b (mapsz 6689)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 4aac75c43e (mapsz 6690)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 238d403d8e (mapsz 6691)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 8049d1c030 (mapsz 6692)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx ece3251c33 (mapsz 6693)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 9a14344359 (mapsz 6694)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 2acebce64e (mapsz 6695)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 5910521432 (mapsz 6696)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx a142371312 (mapsz 6697)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 548add4f5f (mapsz 6698)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 7205745479 (mapsz 6699)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 8742cbc03c (mapsz 6700)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 8e4ace9cd1 (mapsz 6701)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx dadc82a737 (mapsz 6702)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx efe3d28b89 (mapsz 6703)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx b81ad7f532 (mapsz 6704)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 25aaad74e2 (mapsz 6705)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 3f68b27c6e (mapsz 6706)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 071901591f (mapsz 6707)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 00df69e4de (mapsz 6708)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx efacbb1cae (mapsz 6709)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 2d351ba176 (mapsz 6710)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 04a39b3b50 (mapsz 6711)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx cda3dc582a (mapsz 6712)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx aabec9725d (mapsz 6713)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx dbcf582abe (mapsz 6714)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 255fabe2b1 (mapsz 6715)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 6c9224d40c (mapsz 6716)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 56682ce367 (mapsz 6717)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx e36502a3b8 (mapsz 6718)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 4ddf978e6d (mapsz 6719)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 2cffe8428e (mapsz 6720)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 949b140bf6 (mapsz 6721)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 78cc570ef5 (mapsz 6722)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 3137bc57b1 (mapsz 6723)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx a9c8e03b1f (mapsz 6724)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx c04eb9d4c4 (mapsz 6725)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 933309e35e (mapsz 6726)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 9f20af3983 (mapsz 6727)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx bbdd648e36 (mapsz 6728)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 8d32171de6 (mapsz 6729)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx f6986d503f (mapsz 6730)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 126bb4c1e2 (mapsz 6731)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx f0d49cb01b (mapsz 6732)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 8d2935a5c0 (mapsz 6733)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx f3c1bdb59f (mapsz 6734)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 9ef648b8f8 (mapsz 6735)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 007d124dbc (mapsz 6736)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 42c6861b51 (mapsz 6737)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 9232ad318f (mapsz 6738)
2013-01-17 19:11:13 stored orphan tx 528fe9faca (mapsz 6739)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx d353033ebd (mapsz 6740)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx d6ab1d1fda (mapsz 6741)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 0632ab2b9e (mapsz 6742)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 7e0a8b9a1c (mapsz 6743)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 6c27459121 (mapsz 6744)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 1ba74fa654 (mapsz 6745)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx a7c4621072 (mapsz 6746)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 5d1802125a (mapsz 6747)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 1b25c094c4 (mapsz 6748)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 9413888e19 (mapsz 6749)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 07dfd16688 (mapsz 6750)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx a9e7d5837b (mapsz 6751)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx fec541bc86 (mapsz 6752)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 656a13b7f4 (mapsz 6753)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx cac559109f (mapsz 6754)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx cc2fcdc279 (mapsz 6755)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 95540cc272 (mapsz 6756)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx c4a2f1360a (mapsz 6757)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx a07243d00b (mapsz 6758)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 06de72f3fd (mapsz 6759)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 17071efeeb (mapsz 6760)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx edb5625970 (mapsz 6761)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 739684907c (mapsz 6762)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx ace2db864d (mapsz 6763)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 6294e525c2 (mapsz 6764)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 6285ea2d47 (mapsz 6765)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx f37686c3b3 (mapsz 6766)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 5c3d13090e (mapsz 6767)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 478962b79c (mapsz 6768)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx c945fed0a4 (mapsz 6769)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 7efdad7d1b (mapsz 6770)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 22ff4f6053 (mapsz 6771)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 25610d6188 (mapsz 6772)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e034527d36 (mapsz 6773)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 237913aa81 (mapsz 6774)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 18c2c27902 (mapsz 6775)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 2aff86856e (mapsz 6776)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx f8b2b48408 (mapsz 6777)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx bedc1acc6d (mapsz 6778)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx dad1eaf115 (mapsz 6779)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 2698ae7d11 (mapsz 6780)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx c3a1b465a1 (mapsz 6781)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 55747cdc42 (mapsz 6782)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e2aa1f0d7c (mapsz 6783)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 562cc53ce7 (mapsz 6784)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 4f21ffff73 (mapsz 6785)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 0a6e41e249 (mapsz 6786)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx ad31135373 (mapsz 6787)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e205a2b53e (mapsz 6788)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx ebf088bd22 (mapsz 6789)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx b9fa0b1dab (mapsz 6790)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 162eb9903c (mapsz 6791)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 04fc5662c4 (mapsz 6792)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 541453b4da (mapsz 6793)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 140ce2bc9c (mapsz 6794)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 4d374ab52e (mapsz 6795)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 00b8a9ba57 (mapsz 6796)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 90320c1a22 (mapsz 6797)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e3bd01c04e (mapsz 6798)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 68a1bd51aa (mapsz 6799)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 058395fb06 (mapsz 6800)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 6a05543d2a (mapsz 6801)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx f2aea276dc (mapsz 6802)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 2e7cb28a09 (mapsz 6803)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 6a198e4d08 (mapsz 6804)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx fe2b0632be (mapsz 6805)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 114f1f182d (mapsz 6806)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 9e7bb7f8a0 (mapsz 6807)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 7b5e015b30 (mapsz 6808)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 53788344b0 (mapsz 6809)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 9413539cfe (mapsz 6810)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e699aae309 (mapsz 6811)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx a4d0852f4a (mapsz 6812)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 26ab251649 (mapsz 6813)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 26d3ac4c25 (mapsz 6814)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 492a633709 (mapsz 6815)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx fc89b4b582 (mapsz 6816)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 0d00cd9dca (mapsz 6817)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx af8f8e8283 (mapsz 6818)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx b42f205817 (mapsz 6819)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 25066606dc (mapsz 6820)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx c2aaf2cd73 (mapsz 6821)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx da7f9d74cd (mapsz 6822)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 347761e8f3 (mapsz 6823)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 57dd36dab2 (mapsz 6824)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx fac81dc5f3 (mapsz 6825)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 4239ea707b (mapsz 6826)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 63f7d5bbb7 (mapsz 6827)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx c05c088888 (mapsz 6828)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 664742bcac (mapsz 6829)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 574b46588d (mapsz 6830)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx bf60134e61 (mapsz 6831)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 951fa4b45b (mapsz 6832)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 944b10d9c0 (mapsz 6833)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 2a93736091 (mapsz 6834)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx cfa5a8be10 (mapsz 6835)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 363c280e9a (mapsz 6836)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx f03dc7baca (mapsz 6837)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 8e53474d7c (mapsz 6838)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 90b8c677ce (mapsz 6839)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx c4f25d20dd (mapsz 6840)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 6598309734 (mapsz 6841)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 1fdd27ef36 (mapsz 6842)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 2b1cdae560 (mapsz 6843)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 505f238918 (mapsz 6844)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 4c9e0855f2 (mapsz 6845)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 3dc378f82a (mapsz 6846)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx b1a6f2baca (mapsz 6847)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx b9ad95a382 (mapsz 6848)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 272e167d28 (mapsz 6849)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 9f0c7e1b08 (mapsz 6850)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx fff092fa24 (mapsz 6851)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 9e1e9e5c1b (mapsz 6852)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 9b70735d1e (mapsz 6853)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx d5db3510c4 (mapsz 6854)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 8e0e991080 (mapsz 6855)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx a2d875f9e4 (mapsz 6856)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx bd101dd32e (mapsz 6857)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 81874f8941 (mapsz 6858)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 7e4650a505 (mapsz 6859)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx a17bd2e7ba (mapsz 6860)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e361cf3326 (mapsz 6861)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx ba0cbb7f5e (mapsz 6862)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 415cb3e562 (mapsz 6863)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 85dfe35278 (mapsz 6864)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx b8c010414b (mapsz 6865)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 743868edb1 (mapsz 6866)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx d1e8a8d48f (mapsz 6867)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx f118682f3c (mapsz 6868)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 277ac09d9b (mapsz 6869)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx aa236ce04e (mapsz 6870)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 4e3fbbb5d3 (mapsz 6871)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 7b4c19a0df (mapsz 6872)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 458cf9b822 (mapsz 6873)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 5091b925ab (mapsz 6874)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 014dd3d28e (mapsz 6875)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 709c2c5101 (mapsz 6876)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 117973679a (mapsz 6877)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 7d29213af9 (mapsz 6878)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e7ee35e620 (mapsz 6879)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 8742e2e7d5 (mapsz 6880)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 300f6e157d (mapsz 6881)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx d5ab77db82 (mapsz 6882)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 975c315669 (mapsz 6883)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 ignoring large orphan tx (size: 5655, hash: 68c41a6236)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 3759e2e9b4 (mapsz 6884)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx b8a4baf345 (mapsz 6885)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 7ee56951fe (mapsz 6886)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx bc7a172398 (mapsz 6887)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx a3760b9c71 (mapsz 6888)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx c89e140390 (mapsz 6889)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 22d4318254 (mapsz 6890)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx b25d04f60f (mapsz 6891)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 16da08e263 (mapsz 6892)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx f105ce02a6 (mapsz 6893)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e3477507ae (mapsz 6894)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx c12ff833a1 (mapsz 6895)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 68a566b247 (mapsz 6896)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx c35a2c21ea (mapsz 6897)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 35301f1b1f (mapsz 6898)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 0659d1e214 (mapsz 6899)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx b75ecf5743 (mapsz 6900)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 88f55e7ee0 (mapsz 6901)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx ba5f856b95 (mapsz 6902)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx c52afaadd0 (mapsz 6903)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 8a4de513c3 (mapsz 6904)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx b0a8b19abe (mapsz 6905)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 2fcc717993 (mapsz 6906)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx d0fddd56ff (mapsz 6907)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 05d92120a7 (mapsz 6908)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 237c407f66 (mapsz 6909)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 72a97bc53b (mapsz 6910)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 0cef07bed5 (mapsz 6911)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 051720748d (mapsz 6912)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx f9c89c04e1 (mapsz 6913)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx deadcf5a07 (mapsz 6914)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e2581ae24d (mapsz 6915)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 6da43516b6 (mapsz 6916)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 3735a8c1d0 (mapsz 6917)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 5c23b392ed (mapsz 6918)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 22d11b3a8a (mapsz 6919)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 8c891489fa (mapsz 6920)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 0884e0c8ec (mapsz 6921)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 58d7079ffb (mapsz 6922)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 15e42cdc13 (mapsz 6923)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx a537dd40e3 (mapsz 6924)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e0a698a1d0 (mapsz 6925)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 0133b1bd17 (mapsz 6926)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 2d06c3d32d (mapsz 6927)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 7a2e50533e (mapsz 6928)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 9be23b74b0 (mapsz 6929)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 8bca7f5365 (mapsz 6930)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx cc0c0c9f00 (mapsz 6931)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 052c421cdd (mapsz 6932)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx aba6d8a178 (mapsz 6933)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 50b9e660ec (mapsz 6934)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 1a798bef1e (mapsz 6935)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 046304310c (mapsz 6936)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 4c6730a698 (mapsz 6937)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 7d2a00fb04 (mapsz 6938)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 69b70083a1 (mapsz 6939)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 2d01933ca9 (mapsz 6940)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 64681a3fbb (mapsz 6941)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 1864ff886d (mapsz 6942)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 5fd5da2aff (mapsz 6943)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 3fbd71925d (mapsz 6944)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx cf4503487d (mapsz 6945)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 1080a2c6c7 (mapsz 6946)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 0deda6869e (mapsz 6947)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 3f66f843a7 (mapsz 6948)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 6b27c3c048 (mapsz 6949)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 546466e7e3 (mapsz 6950)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx defb1d34b9 (mapsz 6951)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 757f5aea10 (mapsz 6952)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 968bd36c84 (mapsz 6953)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx b3e9d87ba3 (mapsz 6954)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 8eb9c03bed (mapsz 6955)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 19015ae83b (mapsz 6956)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 82c93d2472 (mapsz 6957)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx b941d6a3a7 (mapsz 6958)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 7914423717 (mapsz 6959)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 3f6a4764fa (mapsz 6960)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 339e8b88d5 (mapsz 6961)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 0fe7744628 (mapsz 6962)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 074b3b3b8d (mapsz 6963)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx bbe915d145 (mapsz 6964)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 102c2719cb (mapsz 6965)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx d46db40c77 (mapsz 6966)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 0d4210eb05 (mapsz 6967)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 59069473ab (mapsz 6968)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx c4ebbf00ca (mapsz 6969)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx c34a5686bb (mapsz 6970)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e70dc1396c (mapsz 6971)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 9d869bcbd7 (mapsz 6972)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 2646775a11 (mapsz 6973)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx d32936a6e0 (mapsz 6974)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx a617fbbe30 (mapsz 6975)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 3c248615db (mapsz 6976)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx ef3f238442 (mapsz 6977)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 45e64430fc (mapsz 6978)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx d677b7fdc7 (mapsz 6979)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 5e9fbdcd89 (mapsz 6980)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 489a94f663 (mapsz 6981)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 834a0a6f4b (mapsz 6982)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 50c54d1c07 (mapsz 6983)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx f778538244 (mapsz 6984)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 39aea73f6c (mapsz 6985)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 92c62357bf (mapsz 6986)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e6a0e4f466 (mapsz 6987)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 8be8302046 (mapsz 6988)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx f56409c527 (mapsz 6989)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 5dff97e666 (mapsz 6990)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx d64dfb2ce7 (mapsz 6991)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 9d82172227 (mapsz 6992)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx a8618d9774 (mapsz 6993)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 5c3ed6f253 (mapsz 6994)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx df7583cda0 (mapsz 6995)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 1f7629a7aa (mapsz 6996)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 0fe4878081 (mapsz 6997)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 5280c5615c (mapsz 6998)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 87dc82c148 (mapsz 6999)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 33e8e2a2d6 (mapsz 7000)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 8f7d0eb5f1 (mapsz 7001)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx f665284414 (mapsz 7002)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 9c4aa38be9 (mapsz 7003)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 5e1426ea17 (mapsz 7004)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 46e6b25cfb (mapsz 7005)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 056ec4bbf7 (mapsz 7006)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 179d04cfa3 (mapsz 7007)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 2685005c9f (mapsz 7008)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 410792cfc2 (mapsz 7009)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 4263fdede4 (mapsz 7010)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx d10ada15ca (mapsz 7011)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 272377fc1e (mapsz 7012)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 92793028c4 (mapsz 7013)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 9ed978604b (mapsz 7014)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 4d6d2eb7b2 (mapsz 7015)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 32e7f42202 (mapsz 7016)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 361d0be105 (mapsz 7017)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 075fac6443 (mapsz 7018)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx c94c443196 (mapsz 7019)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 99794e9a0f (mapsz 7020)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 2e204f77ef (mapsz 7021)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 611f50adb9 (mapsz 7022)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 4e8f48abf9 (mapsz 7023)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e37f1cbc7c (mapsz 7024)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx fbef46fbfe (mapsz 7025)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 4d69eb14e1 (mapsz 7026)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx a9f7890442 (mapsz 7027)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 4f4385d272 (mapsz 7028)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 74954680f2 (mapsz 7029)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx db1b38514e (mapsz 7030)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 980cab9703 (mapsz 7031)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 1fd6e33420 (mapsz 7032)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 608f623099 (mapsz 7033)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx f518b22dae (mapsz 7034)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 16b5c806ac (mapsz 7035)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 0455cacba6 (mapsz 7036)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e9c1c5ec77 (mapsz 7037)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 188dad04bc (mapsz 7038)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 961caa4a2a (mapsz 7039)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 451ce8ac7e (mapsz 7040)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 2a5166a56a (mapsz 7041)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e5e558c830 (mapsz 7042)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx ffd0193498 (mapsz 7043)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 2a1103d455 (mapsz 7044)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx d7a28102f2 (mapsz 7045)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 9dac5f3f60 (mapsz 7046)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx cc778412b8 (mapsz 7047)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e8b72dfabf (mapsz 7048)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 93e54aeaff (mapsz 7049)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 48e3cf66c6 (mapsz 7050)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 6a20f9fd6f (mapsz 7051)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 9bf52ddbaf (mapsz 7052)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 8044a6ef38 (mapsz 7053)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 662545ebf2 (mapsz 7054)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 7d8fb14c9c (mapsz 7055)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 7e58df6330 (mapsz 7056)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 23aa94ed96 (mapsz 7057)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 61e54174ac (mapsz 7058)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 0219898cce (mapsz 7059)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 6386bd6c47 (mapsz 7060)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 3e9b534ed1 (mapsz 7061)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 206851d1b2 (mapsz 7062)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 8c20cfaeeb (mapsz 7063)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 260d4c4d32 (mapsz 7064)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 8184713219 (mapsz 7065)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 8093517d6e (mapsz 7066)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 2c9c66a6c0 (mapsz 7067)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 8cc699aa9f (mapsz 7068)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx b01a5d5329 (mapsz 7069)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 79a15e5f89 (mapsz 7070)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 818349218e (mapsz 7071)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 12de4714dc (mapsz 7072)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 60421a0b99 (mapsz 7073)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 12ffa70073 (mapsz 7074)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e42ea15855 (mapsz 7075)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 1d0cbd4cd0 (mapsz 7076)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 34cfe38721 (mapsz 7077)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx c60075f0bc (mapsz 7078)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 0ea568b267 (mapsz 7079)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 58f18a23be (mapsz 7080)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 3d38ab964f (mapsz 7081)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 69736e57f5 (mapsz 7082)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 874b8e5aec (mapsz 7083)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 9f5dbe5660 (mapsz 7084)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx a138fd4f60 (mapsz 7085)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx b46c2e593b (mapsz 7086)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx eed899d00a (mapsz 7087)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 60fbc0dee7 (mapsz 7088)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 0310144984 (mapsz 7089)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx f211c51fee (mapsz 7090)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx b202d3cb1b (mapsz 7091)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 19327ba427 (mapsz 7092)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 5570b694d0 (mapsz 7093)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx a899af5177 (mapsz 7094)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx c9304baa9d (mapsz 7095)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 received block 00000000000002d2176b37b9cf8b5efe26ed427ad0bbdab45a063ccd824252f3
2013-01-17 19:11:14 ProcessBlock: ORPHAN BLOCK, prev=0000000000000445188b833eb4e60b5d8fc3208d0a331bc89aa49bde1c630845
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 12aa398973 (mapsz 7096)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 4cb71aa585 (mapsz 7097)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 80d0e9d446 (mapsz 7098)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx f5e041bde7 (mapsz 7099)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 56b3f68157 (mapsz 7100)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx bcd0510a1f (mapsz 7101)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 3b7533a5cd (mapsz 7102)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 2d4c400116 (mapsz 7103)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e0f06a8294 (mapsz 7104)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 695d8f3648 (mapsz 7105)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx bc94451d1a (mapsz 7106)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 84ef1e7b5e (mapsz 7107)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 83ac500327 (mapsz 7108)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 6ae7b25dba (mapsz 7109)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 9dd1de37c4 (mapsz 7110)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 01bec6b640 (mapsz 7111)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx f20da853e3 (mapsz 7112)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx f19cf27a49 (mapsz 7113)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 4912e535e4 (mapsz 7114)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 44f9348522 (mapsz 7115)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx fbd8a03e24 (mapsz 7116)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 74aa8cba4d (mapsz 7117)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx f8a43f757d (mapsz 7118)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 479cbac1af (mapsz 7119)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 010e54671e (mapsz 7120)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 5baccdae6e (mapsz 7121)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 ignoring large orphan tx (size: 7994, hash: 06a3591784)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 3d79ec0e33 (mapsz 7122)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 159b1197a0 (mapsz 7123)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 7e0559ee77 (mapsz 7124)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 1324ab562a (mapsz 7125)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 332136b962 (mapsz 7126)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 344570800d (mapsz 7127)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx b3ebc22f47 (mapsz 7128)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 536db2155d (mapsz 7129)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 08de5233a0 (mapsz 7130)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 2e4330f973 (mapsz 7131)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx de051cebdb (mapsz 7132)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 23f6c661ff (mapsz 7133)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx a0c1e3ecd3 (mapsz 7134)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 96401dd160 (mapsz 7135)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 0e0cc14b3b (mapsz 7136)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 614ca459ee (mapsz 7137)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 2c22977543 (mapsz 7138)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 6da15fd472 (mapsz 7139)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 08fbf723dd (mapsz 7140)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx dbe2065abf (mapsz 7141)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 55c1a20ecc (mapsz 7142)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 52309938e7 (mapsz 7143)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 6425740a5b (mapsz 7144)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx acd3eead39 (mapsz 7145)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e490d6c625 (mapsz 7146)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 91f333fd40 (mapsz 7147)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 469e78f53a (mapsz 7148)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx c3044e0d46 (mapsz 7149)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 9ec66b91e7 (mapsz 7150)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 7f1ddb0470 (mapsz 7151)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx f79b1692c0 (mapsz 7152)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx f3f73d2af7 (mapsz 7153)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx ecbc87b01a (mapsz 7154)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 204320562b (mapsz 7155)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 7e2f63e7cc (mapsz 7156)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 received block 0000000000000374cc5210432cbc43f0ca9a7efd08a907040e8117cf45ced018
2013-01-17 19:11:14 ProcessBlock: ORPHAN BLOCK, prev=00000000000002d2176b37b9cf8b5efe26ed427ad0bbdab45a063ccd824252f3
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx f78b3ad562 (mapsz 7157)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e50f9c93e4 (mapsz 7158)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx a72ed900ee (mapsz 7159)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 3e6c3fa7d2 (mapsz 7160)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 9d19001971 (mapsz 7161)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx a7d3c783e5 (mapsz 7162)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx d306194101 (mapsz 7163)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx d795ca48c5 (mapsz 7164)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx af297f71cf (mapsz 7165)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 69fb578d88 (mapsz 7166)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx d2a1a62e66 (mapsz 7167)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 755b422acf (mapsz 7168)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx adf3f9c5e9 (mapsz 7169)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx dbb2996f85 (mapsz 7170)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e4169abf76 (mapsz 7171)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx f9515fc7c8 (mapsz 7172)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx a6b1b1886e (mapsz 7173)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e1ce978ea0 (mapsz 7174)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 7ea0515163 (mapsz 7175)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 8e8962ba0d (mapsz 7176)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx b31d48ea96 (mapsz 7177)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 3f176c5b91 (mapsz 7178)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 7e2fe0ceec (mapsz 7179)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 874d714d13 (mapsz 7180)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx b7beeb468f (mapsz 7181)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 017483423f (mapsz 7182)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 2c49534102 (mapsz 7183)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 3397254d76 (mapsz 7184)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 7748cba49d (mapsz 7185)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx d1352174f5 (mapsz 7186)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 5209776ead (mapsz 7187)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 81cba4e449 (mapsz 7188)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 6a721c7f5e (mapsz 7189)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx a7fdc5bc8f (mapsz 7190)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 4f693fc538 (mapsz 7191)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 412c9964fa (mapsz 7192)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx bfcca92649 (mapsz 7193)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx d2413cca51 (mapsz 7194)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 2253644024 (mapsz 7195)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx b2ae3cfaea (mapsz 7196)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 48a92882d1 (mapsz 7197)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx cd1c20a556 (mapsz 7198)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 7bb54015d5 (mapsz 7199)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 0ffdefbab0 (mapsz 7200)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx ec476b49c1 (mapsz 7201)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 067f7fea75 (mapsz 7202)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 91d6f7ea9d (mapsz 7203)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 63400cc375 (mapsz 7204)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx cdb34e3626 (mapsz 7205)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 40f784d2e4 (mapsz 7206)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx f91560becc (mapsz 7207)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx de16419175 (mapsz 7208)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 9214176189 (mapsz 7209)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 112e788962 (mapsz 7210)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e0e36f39ff (mapsz 7211)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx c0d7770df2 (mapsz 7212)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx c202df772c (mapsz 7213)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e8b89a035f (mapsz 7214)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 81341817bb (mapsz 7215)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 8f7e433cfb (mapsz 7216)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 643a2cda01 (mapsz 7217)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx eed9cb3d26 (mapsz 7218)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 3cb950b729 (mapsz 7219)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 62a280dace (mapsz 7220)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx edd3bc500a (mapsz 7221)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx da6d7161d6 (mapsz 7222)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx c34e837e7b (mapsz 7223)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e3216c04a8 (mapsz 7224)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 0f4abd37dc (mapsz 7225)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 89126a99ef (mapsz 7226)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 17ec5e23a7 (mapsz 7227)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e7462ecaab (mapsz 7228)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 1f9880359b (mapsz 7229)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 5de5e690f1 (mapsz 7230)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx dc455b4d75 (mapsz 7231)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 7b18ca42cf (mapsz 7232)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 3134ff5047 (mapsz 7233)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 24063f9edb (mapsz 7234)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e066e941f0 (mapsz 7235)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 882245dc89 (mapsz 7236)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 7afd0f80f2 (mapsz 7237)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e670702a37 (mapsz 7238)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx faf3dc0540 (mapsz 7239)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 CTxMemPool::accept() : accepted f44449018c (poolsz 14)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 8589f51aac (mapsz 7240)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 5e3267f8e6 (mapsz 7241)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 08ee81bb11 (mapsz 7242)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx e40d190b18 (mapsz 7243)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 5334577e67 (mapsz 7244)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx f246e72f3d (mapsz 7245)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 1b5c50366b (mapsz 7246)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 4e6f309c7c (mapsz 7247)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx a715638d44 (mapsz 7248)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 4811bf8ff1 (mapsz 7249)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx d7c08a680c (mapsz 7250)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 4fef9531e9 (mapsz 7251)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 658f439ead (mapsz 7252)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx d5b2087e6b (mapsz 7253)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 394d6f94c9 (mapsz 7254)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx fe67803aaa (mapsz 7255)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 5ecdcaaaad (mapsz 7256)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 4542bec7ca (mapsz 7257)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 8c8459a5ff (mapsz 7258)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 1da48d55ba (mapsz 7259)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 21404028a4 (mapsz 7260)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 8ad70735a0 (mapsz 7261)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 31e53de588 (mapsz 7262)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx b81748c0fe (mapsz 7263)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 98709b233e (mapsz 7264)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 9cfd9f6985 (mapsz 7265)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 2d55ed33ec (mapsz 7266)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx dba0f32c0e (mapsz 7267)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 0316528b9c (mapsz 7268)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 7c6c3688b1 (mapsz 7269)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 229ee74e61 (mapsz 7270)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 9a90a5ce62 (mapsz 7271)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx fab93a44e6 (mapsz 7272)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 06d8ea5d3e (mapsz 7273)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx c7408f3857 (mapsz 7274)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 89fe925108 (mapsz 7275)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 5f4c855cbd (mapsz 7276)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 3fb708120b (mapsz 7277)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 889ef13408 (mapsz 7278)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 23ec5a6a95 (mapsz 7279)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 84447b8e97 (mapsz 7280)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 2cfac7f2fc (mapsz 7281)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx b1350231bf (mapsz 7282)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx a17bda3326 (mapsz 7283)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx d0da050989 (mapsz 7284)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx a2127fb7b2 (mapsz 7285)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx c6c3b008fa (mapsz 7286)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 6470cb32e5 (mapsz 7287)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx f77c59bf89 (mapsz 7288)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 7b72b1f24f (mapsz 7289)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 4a24e9cd1f (mapsz 7290)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx afa3b54a01 (mapsz 7291)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx ede53dfec5 (mapsz 7292)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 8264e26c4b (mapsz 7293)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 6afae7d023 (mapsz 7294)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx f4a7cc0e9b (mapsz 7295)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 695b7adac7 (mapsz 7296)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 2de15f8fe3 (mapsz 7297)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 4fc11a55db (mapsz 7298)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx b77b52e24e (mapsz 7299)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 68a5acf644 (mapsz 7300)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 20068291aa (mapsz 7301)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx acff53a892 (mapsz 7302)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 5620eef063 (mapsz 7303)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 7368c34510 (mapsz 7304)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 9c934de434 (mapsz 7305)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 538c97923b (mapsz 7306)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 6eaad1ca2d (mapsz 7307)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 117a0bcdff (mapsz 7308)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 352614fb77 (mapsz 7309)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 9610dc8ead (mapsz 7310)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 8f9c99e4a6 (mapsz 7311)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx ca46dce228 (mapsz 7312)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx c0023f763f (mapsz 7313)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 5d14df9b79 (mapsz 7314)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 09f132e223 (mapsz 7315)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 9097adbf04 (mapsz 7316)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 567916d0d8 (mapsz 7317)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx f9dabfb14c (mapsz 7318)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx a0fb1b31b7 (mapsz 7319)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 5b8ab65712 (mapsz 7320)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 0390428339 (mapsz 7321)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx b476300ddf (mapsz 7322)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 01418d8cca (mapsz 7323)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 971f8623ca (mapsz 7324)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 83eee01758 (mapsz 7325)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 4ddc660108 (mapsz 7326)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 40c9e5cc7a (mapsz 7327)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 1ae6fecf9f (mapsz 7328)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 6128b3ed3d (mapsz 7329)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 3c2095c207 (mapsz 7330)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx c03c03cdd3 (mapsz 7331)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 8b0c3fae72 (mapsz 7332)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 0e4c48e631 (mapsz 7333)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 0490c0a88e (mapsz 7334)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 122a274a20 (mapsz 7335)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 83cb8cdf5f (mapsz 7336)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx c662eda95e (mapsz 7337)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 1f8c36253a (mapsz 7338)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx f546358dd5 (mapsz 7339)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx a6fb6807da (mapsz 7340)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 2e88c0b3e8 (mapsz 7341)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx d6e92888ba (mapsz 7342)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx b55fdf7544 (mapsz 7343)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 1dece1c10b (mapsz 7344)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx fb700bcce5 (mapsz 7345)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx eb36455510 (mapsz 7346)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 238a2db63c (mapsz 7347)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 850a7235c2 (mapsz 7348)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx bf2a0dfc0f (mapsz 7349)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 37ae5ca60d (mapsz 7350)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 2804a554a7 (mapsz 7351)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 501a366dba (mapsz 7352)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 6772be7a0f (mapsz 7353)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx d5b30f1552 (mapsz 7354)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 2ab1acad56 (mapsz 7355)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 4cd00856c4 (mapsz 7356)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 54a6d900e6 (mapsz 7357)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 7c1468f6a6 (mapsz 7358)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 5d64317eef (mapsz 7359)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 5045289f55 (mapsz 7360)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 1013b54981 (mapsz 7361)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 153843cc36 (mapsz 7362)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx df1e4704ec (mapsz 7363)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 66aca2e1c1 (mapsz 7364)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx ab87274069 (mapsz 7365)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 05fefe4bd0 (mapsz 7366)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 3a88e8de2d (mapsz 7367)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx f3ac021b67 (mapsz 7368)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx a9a48c6a35 (mapsz 7369)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 38a3c511ff (mapsz 7370)
2013-01-17 19:11:14 stored orphan tx 93943fda5f (mapsz 7371)
2013-01-17 19:11:15 received block 00000000000001c9c0927b4e0ed222789714581d6cced7d32be84af3628f8434
2013-01-17 19:11:22 - Connect 570 transactions: 7015.63ms (12.308ms/tx, 5.621ms/txin)
2013-01-17 19:11:22 - Verify 1248 txins: 7015.63ms (5.621ms/txin)
2013-01-17 19:11:22 - Connect: 7046.88ms
2013-01-17 19:11:22 - Flush 1599 transactions: 15.63ms (0.0098ms/tx)
2013-01-17 19:11:22 SetBestChain: new best=00000000000001c9c0927b4e0ed222789714581d6cced7d32be84af3628f8434  height=211001  work=643748744896176013536  tx=9557893  date=2012-12-05 17:22:57

2013-01-17 19:41:17 received block 00000000000002d4d9c3d7a7d9e97b314197634b519af93861d92a8f928b7d8a
2013-01-17 19:41:19 - Connect 162 transactions: 1687.50ms (10.417ms/tx, 4.623ms/txin)
2013-01-17 19:41:19 - Verify 365 txins: 1687.50ms (4.623ms/txin)
2013-01-17 19:41:19 - Connect: 1687.50ms
2013-01-17 19:41:19 - Flush 439 transactions: 15.63ms (0.0356ms/tx)
2013-01-17 19:41:19 SetBestChain: new best=00000000000002d4d9c3d7a7d9e97b314197634b519af93861d92a8f928b7d8a  height=211621  work=652906285570196506336  tx=9720244  date=2012-12-10 08:34:15

2013-01-17 20:11:10 received block 00000000000003e54445f7f3f26b24734887a80ccd8f0e29732b38c3c9196fc1
2013-01-17 20:11:13 - Connect 175 transactions: 2531.25ms (14.464ms/tx, 4.731ms/txin)
2013-01-17 20:11:13 - Verify 535 txins: 2546.88ms (4.761ms/txin)
2013-01-17 20:11:13 - Connect: 2578.13ms
2013-01-17 20:11:13 - Flush 622 transactions: 15.63ms (0.0251ms/tx)
2013-01-17 20:11:13 SetBestChain: new best=00000000000003e54445f7f3f26b24734887a80ccd8f0e29732b38c3c9196fc1  height=212176  work=660957054346119685231  tx=9878527  date=2012-12-14 12:10:46

2013-01-17 20:41:25 received block 00000000000002ba2d3d124ede97c2d5b9430bd29cb3909fd9a4d35e9cbd597e
2013-01-17 20:41:30 - Connect 784 transactions: 5531.25ms (7.055ms/tx, 4.974ms/txin)
2013-01-17 20:41:30 - Verify 1112 txins: 5531.25ms (4.974ms/txin)
2013-01-17 20:41:30 - Connect: 5609.38ms
2013-01-17 20:41:30 - Flush 1338 transactions: 15.63ms (0.0117ms/tx)
2013-01-17 20:41:30 SetBestChain: new best=00000000000002ba2d3d124ede97c2d5b9430bd29cb3909fd9a4d35e9cbd597e  height=212652  work=667847174091112515731  tx=10031069  date=2012-12-18 13:54:56

2013-01-17 21:11:17 received block 000000000000010d710f8a255d2c51d096f454116a0e66fb6e457d35b4ed420c
2013-01-17 21:11:17 - Connect 37 transactions: 156.25ms (4.223ms/tx, 3.720ms/txin)
2013-01-17 21:11:17 - Verify 42 txins: 156.25ms (3.720ms/txin)
2013-01-17 21:11:17 - Connect: 171.88ms
2013-01-17 21:11:17 - Flush 76 transactions: 0.00ms (0.0000ms/tx)
2013-01-17 21:11:17 SetBestChain: new best=000000000000010d710f8a255d2c51d096f454116a0e66fb6e457d35b4ed420c  height=213078  work=674013541762051477481  tx=10177173  date=2012-12-21 23:20:16

2013-01-17 21:41:11 received block 0000000000000252d7a5e126f5e69f9fc03c56eb4b96dc9ba87ca3d16abe143f
2013-01-17 21:41:11 - Connect 62 transactions: 406.25ms (6.552ms/tx, 2.621ms/txin)
2013-01-17 21:41:11 - Verify 155 txins: 421.88ms (2.722ms/txin)
2013-01-17 21:41:11 - Connect: 437.50ms
2013-01-17 21:41:11 - Flush 196 transactions: 0.00ms (0.0000ms/tx)
2013-01-17 21:41:11 SetBestChain: new best=0000000000000252d7a5e126f5e69f9fc03c56eb4b96dc9ba87ca3d16abe143f  height=213586  work=681366862834438783981  tx=10323498  date=2012-12-25 18:29:16

2013-01-17 22:11:06 received block 00000000000001580e802dc4d822d30a83895f5211abf90b4acd8603b69f93b9
2013-01-17 22:11:15 - Connect 698 transactions: 8875.00ms (12.715ms/tx, 5.261ms/txin)
2013-01-17 22:11:15 - Verify 1687 txins: 8875.00ms (5.261ms/txin)
2013-01-17 22:11:15 - Connect: 8921.88ms
2013-01-17 22:11:15 - Flush 1754 transactions: 0.00ms (0.0000ms/tx)
2013-01-17 22:11:15 SetBestChain: new best=00000000000001580e802dc4d822d30a83895f5211abf90b4acd8603b69f93b9  height=214095  work=688063697195939463856  tx=10459906  date=2012-12-29 00:00:38

2013-01-17 22:41:13 received block 00000000000001a6382b9a5305b0704e62bc77b1564baa90b6e0feb107b31055
2013-01-17 22:41:13 - Connect 9 transactions: 46.88ms (5.208ms/tx, 2.930ms/txin)
2013-01-17 22:41:13 - Verify 16 txins: 46.88ms (2.930ms/txin)
2013-01-17 22:41:13 - Connect: 46.88ms
2013-01-17 22:41:13 - Flush 25 transactions: 0.00ms (0.0000ms/tx)
2013-01-17 22:41:13 SetBestChain: new best=00000000000001a6382b9a5305b0704e62bc77b1564baa90b6e0feb107b31055  height=214727  work=696151803843239392536  tx=10605906  date=2013-01-02 00:27:27

2013-01-17 23:11:13 received block 000000000000032a8da12d4b5d9a0df0ba135249e222dac6e1cebf69350b0eae
2013-01-17 23:11:18 - Connect 500 transactions: 4671.88ms (9.344ms/tx, 5.445ms/txin)
2013-01-17 23:11:18 - Verify 858 txins: 4671.88ms (5.445ms/txin)
2013-01-17 23:11:18 - Connect: 4750.00ms
2013-01-17 23:11:18 - Flush 1202 transactions: 0.00ms (0.0000ms/tx)
2013-01-17 23:11:18 SetBestChain: new best=000000000000032a8da12d4b5d9a0df0ba135249e222dac6e1cebf69350b0eae  height=215269  work=703088123151525090866  tx=10755228  date=2013-01-05 13:18:39

2013-01-17 23:41:13 received block 00000000000001b892f486cc4e8dcace8fbe722126a4a1b81fa07df9e75c3e7c
2013-01-17 23:41:17 - Connect 489 transactions: 4359.38ms (8.915ms/tx, 5.323ms/txin)
2013-01-17 23:41:17 - Verify 819 txins: 4359.38ms (5.323ms/txin)
2013-01-17 23:41:17 - Connect: 4437.50ms
2013-01-17 23:41:17 - Flush 998 transactions: 15.63ms (0.0157ms/tx)
2013-01-17 23:41:17 SetBestChain: new best=00000000000001b892f486cc4e8dcace8fbe722126a4a1b81fa07df9e75c3e7c  height=215795  work=709917060211053043020  tx=10893874  date=2013-01-09 03:20:46

2013-01-18 00:11:29 received block 000000000000051430baf2c168b3bdd4ea85db1578f4cc16c7f806b308fcc5e2
2013-01-18 00:11:36 - Connect 534 transactions: 6359.38ms (11.909ms/tx, 5.317ms/txin)
2013-01-18 00:11:36 - Verify 1196 txins: 6359.38ms (5.317ms/txin)
2013-01-18 00:11:36 - Connect: 6421.88ms
2013-01-18 00:11:36 - Flush 1307 transactions: 15.63ms (0.0120ms/tx)
2013-01-18 00:11:36 SetBestChain: new best=000000000000051430baf2c168b3bdd4ea85db1578f4cc16c7f806b308fcc5e2  height=216159  work=714997379876504659424  tx=11028193  date=2013-01-11 20:29:56

2013-01-18 00:41:11 received block 00000000000000825f49ec951fd298345ff685d6d0eeb5755a739bef78501b46
2013-01-18 00:41:18 - Connect 490 transactions: 6671.88ms (13.616ms/tx, 5.469ms/txin)
2013-01-18 00:41:18 - Verify 1220 txins: 6671.88ms (5.469ms/txin)
2013-01-18 00:41:18 - Connect: 6718.75ms
2013-01-18 00:41:18 - Flush 1397 transactions: 31.25ms (0.0224ms/tx)
2013-01-18 00:41:18 SetBestChain: new best=00000000000000825f49ec951fd298345ff685d6d0eeb5755a739bef78501b46  height=216567  work=720691804116900976712  tx=11169766  date=2013-01-14 21:16:00

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Gabi on January 20, 2013, 05:48:23 PM
I'm trying this client, downloaded it yesterday. I don't have precise data since i didn't run it continuosly but i can say that it was much much faster and much less heavy on hard disk. I started it without a blockchain and let it download from peers, yes i know, not optimal but it worked well. Memory usage is a bit high, it was at 600MB during the chain download, now it's at like 400 but it's fine

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: mb300sd on January 22, 2013, 01:12:24 AM
Running 2 nodes, everything seems to work and downloading is definitely faster

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: bracek on January 22, 2013, 03:57:17 PM
downloaded  bitcoin-0.7.1-353-g3afefd8-win32-setup

win 7, 64 bit
8 gb ram

uninstalled version 0.7.2. the last one from

I did not delete folder or any files from where older version was

installed this bitcoin-0.7.1-353-g3afefd8-win32-setup

it sees my wallet as encrypted and locked (like it should be)

started at
ventilator is not silent, but moderate, with ocasional overdrives that last 5 to 10 seconds

the message says "reindexing blocks on disk"
it never went over 8 active connections,
I connect to internet through nearby hotspot,
map port using upnp is checked by default,
connect through socks proxy was unchecked by default
i did not touch that at all
I don't know how to portforward bitcoin and never did that, but I noticed the green bar on the last released

version 0.7.2, and it oscilated between 19 and 36 connections the other day when I looked

15:53 -->  168000 blocks
16:03 -->  193500 blocks
16:13 -->  209300 blocks
ventilator started spinning loudly non-stop
after 200k blocks

16:23 -->  213000 blocks

blockchain was last updated on my disk with version 0.7.2 , a few days ago, so last 300 will be updated with this

new version,

16:33 --> 216200 blocks
ventilator did not slow down from block 200k

16:37 --> 500 blocks remaining

16:38 -->  239 blocks remaining, message changed to "synchronizing with network"
ventilator slowed down significantly, almost silent, ocasional overdrives of few seconds

16:41 --> 95 blocks remaining

16:43 --> 10 blocks remaining

looks like it is ok

I shut it down with end process tree

after 15 sec i started it again
it took about 30-35 seconds to open gui

connected to someone within 5 seconds.

I dont like the idea of sending coins into it.

armory 0.87
16:47 started scanning blockchain
16:50 armory shows the same number of blocks as bitcoin gui...


bitcoin was turned off for at least half an hour before restart,

after computer restart,
I manually started bitcoin (option to start with windows is turned off)
it got stuck at "verifying block database integrity"
and after a few minutes error message prompted on screen
"corupted block database detected please restart the client with -reindex"

how to even do that ?

I guess I will delete all from bitcoin folder and start actual full blockchain download
laptop was turned off

after start, bitcoin opened with no problems

today I deleted all files from bitcoin folder,
started download
after 15 minutes it processed 102k blocks

after 30 min 120k blocks
after 1 hour 133k
      90 min 139k
2 and half hours 155k
4 hours    185k
6 hours    206k
7 hours    214k

finished exactly after 8 hours

I started armory 0.87 offline icon from start menue while bitcoin still had 350 blocks to verify

I pressed a button in armory to go online,
it started scanning the blockchain, finished showed current block count, and it said it is connected,
but watching wallets had balances -- btc and I was not able to create unsigned transactions

I don't know if this is armory or bitcoin problem

after I turned armory off, and started the regular icon of armory (not the one with word offline in name)
armory scanned and connected and balances were in place, and I was able to create unsigned transactions


today again bitcoin "stopped responding" on startup,
nothing unusual was done yesterday, or forced shutdown, or settings changed

but, after a minute it did actually start, connected, loadaded blocks


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: inglian on January 24, 2013, 12:49:21 AM
Great results with bitcoin-0.7.1-353-g3afefd8-win32
  • Windows 7
  • HP 8440 laptop with 4 cores
  • 8GB RAM
  • FiOS connection
  • bitcoin-qt.exe -datadir=C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\LargeDB\Bitcoin071 -logtimestamps -dbcache=250

bootstrap.dat was in place. I didn't see much multithreading, but the blockchain bootstrap and update ran fast. debug.log excerpts:
2013-01-23 03:11:54 SetBestChain: new best=00000000839a8e6886ab5951d76f411475428afc90947ee320161bbf18eb6048  height=1  work=8590065666  tx=2  date=2009-01-09 02:54:252013-01-23 03:44:50 
Loaded 193000 blocks from external file in 1976602ms
2013-01-23 03:59:43 SetBestChain: new best=00000000000006a1e50bedf15148d15aafa469aa02c0e9ad1d8fa3a479bb770e  height=193001  work=420251477813705134572  tx=5770265  date=2012-08-09 06:17:15
2013-01-23 04:05:29 SetBestChain: new best=000000000000046242d4984ecf2217e9afa113f2835bffbff118f2df4d80b216  height=194000  work=429298255956894417423  tx=5993959  date=2012-08-15 10:02:59
2013-01-23 04:44:27 SetBestChain: new best=000000000000034a7dedef4a161fa058a2d67a173a90155f3a2fe6fc132e0ebf  height=200000  work=493482865315456673820  tx=7316696  date=2012-09-22 10:45:59
2013-01-23 05:48:37 SetBestChain: new best=000000000000048b95347e83192f69cf0366076336c639f9b7228e9ba171342e  height=210000  work=628963747775700992096  tx=9344662  date=2012-11-28 15:24:38
2013-01-23 06:52:09 SetBestChain: new best=000000000000036d1e5c410c393017277f8ccb59cb30a9143e818e788ecd2515  height=217000  work=726735151411243146775  tx=11340810  date=2013-01-18 09:24:24
2013-01-23 06:58:57 SetBestChain: new best=0000000000000369ae94ccf9ac51e1b89251ba18904c1d0685f31c100d0eab59  height=217650  work=735807150813835318925  tx=11562582  date=2013-01-23 04:29:53
2013-01-23 07:00:31 SetBestChain: new best=000000000000049506cb15e13a38c2f9116d530603698d0bf3dabcb0a3bf091a  height=217665  work=736016504646202830590  tx=11569307  date=2013-01-23 06:59:32

Worked fine with a small transaction in and back out.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: niko on January 24, 2013, 05:24:02 AM
Obviously, the new code offers a great improvement in the speed of initial verification. New users can now set up a full node and start using it much faster then opening and verifying a PayPal account. Great.

I have to ask now - excuse my ignorance - what is the worst thing that could happen if there is a mistake or an oversight in the new algorithm?  Obviously, block hashes are identical to those from the current reference client.  Does this mean all unspent coins are safe and secure?  Is there any serious risk in moving forward with 0.8?

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: dansmith on January 31, 2013, 12:36:44 PM
Tested bitcoin-0.7.1-353-g3afefd8-linux from scratch on a low-spec Ubuntu 12.04 w/ 0,9GHz Celeron M CPU & 1GB ram on ext4 on external USB2.0 HDD.

It took me 2 computer resets, because bitcoin-qt would gobble up all RAM bringing the machine to a non-responsive state.
Approximately 48 hours is what I needed to finish syncing from scratch. CPU was loaded @ 60% throughout.
I always had 8-9 connections on a fast internet link.
Datadir weighed in at 6,2 GB.

The bright side is that bitcoin-qt now shuts down in 3 secs. (the GUI still takes 2+ mins to show up when launching bitcoin-qt)

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: notme on February 01, 2013, 08:00:15 AM
Tested bitcoin-0.7.1-353-g3afefd8-linux from scratch on a low-spec Ubuntu 12.04 w/ 0,9GHz Celeron M CPU & 1GB ram on ext4 on external USB2.0 HDD.

It took me 2 computer resets, because bitcoin-qt would gobble up all RAM bringing the machine to a non-responsive state.
Approximately 48 hours is what I needed to finish syncing from scratch. CPU was loaded @ 60% throughout.
I always had 8-9 connections on a fast internet link.
Datadir weighed in at 6,2 GB.

The bright side is that bitcoin-qt now shuts down in 3 secs. (the GUI still takes 2+ mins to show up when launching bitcoin-qt)

Dude, memory is way too cheap to put yourself through the torture of running a machine with 1 GB of ram.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: BkkCoins on February 03, 2013, 03:24:03 AM
Dude, memory is way too cheap to put yourself through the torture of running a machine with 1 GB of ram.
Unless you're paying for a server such as a VPS.
In this case every MB of memory pushes the monthly cost up.

I keep getting crashes on my bitcoind install running an Electrum server.

From the debug log:
02/03/13 02:35:30 CTxMemPool::accept() : accepted a3fbde782d (poolsz 713)
02/03/13 02:35:31

EXCEPTION: St9bad_alloc      
bitcoin in ThreadMessageHandler()      

This seems to happen every few days for me right now. Is there a memory leak that is causing eventual depletion?

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: niko on February 03, 2013, 03:35:52 AM
^^^I've installed and verified pre-0.8 from scratch several times on a 768 MB fossil running WinXP (see earlier posts). Never got close to running out of RAM. IIRC peak usage was 190 MB. Might be a problem specific to Linux?

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: dserrano5 on February 03, 2013, 01:29:20 PM
Dude, memory is way too cheap to put yourself through the torture of running a machine with 1 GB of ram.
Unless you're paying for a server such as a VPS.
In this case every MB of memory pushes the monthly cost up.

I keep getting crashes on my bitcoind install running an Electrum server.

From the debug log:
02/03/13 02:35:30 CTxMemPool::accept() : accepted a3fbde782d (poolsz 713)
02/03/13 02:35:31

EXCEPTION: St9bad_alloc      
bitcoin in ThreadMessageHandler()      

This seems to happen every few days for me right now. Is there a memory leak that is causing eventual depletion?

My "memory" problems in my VPS turned out to be not related to the available RAM, but to the number of running processes/threads (I have a limit of 128 threads). You may be finding the same issue.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: notme on February 04, 2013, 06:34:31 AM
Dude, memory is way too cheap to put yourself through the torture of running a machine with 1 GB of ram.
Unless you're paying for a server such as a VPS.
In this case every MB of memory pushes the monthly cost up.

I keep getting crashes on my bitcoind install running an Electrum server.

From the debug log:
02/03/13 02:35:30 CTxMemPool::accept() : accepted a3fbde782d (poolsz 713)
02/03/13 02:35:31

EXCEPTION: St9bad_alloc      
bitcoin in ThreadMessageHandler()      

This seems to happen every few days for me right now. Is there a memory leak that is causing eventual depletion?

bad_alloc.... do you have no swap?

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: rasputin on February 05, 2013, 12:19:44 AM
I keep getting crashes on my bitcoind install running an Electrum server.


This seems to happen every few days for me right now. Is there a memory leak that is causing eventual depletion?
Absolutely, at least for me (64-bit Linux). The memory leak predates the 0.8 build, just for the record.

I've worked around it by installing monit and creating this config file:
$ cat /etc/monit/conf.d/bitcoind 
check process bitcoin matching "bitcoind .*daemon"
    start program "/home/bitcoin/bin/bitcoind -datadir=/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin -daemon"
        as uid bitcoin and gid nogroup
    stop program "/home/bitcoin/bin/bitcoind -datadir=/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin stop"
        as uid bitcoin and gid nogroup
    if mem > 420 MB for 3 cycles then restart
    if 3 restarts within 10 cycles then timeout

Monit starts bitcoind whenever it isn't running, and forces a restart once the process is using more than 420MB of physical memory.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: BkkCoins on February 05, 2013, 05:56:20 AM
Thank you for the multiple suggestions. I haven't had time to explore it more fully yet. It is running on a 1GB VPS under OpenVZ. I believe this has no swap or at least is handled differently. At this moment it's using 686 MB / 1024MB available, and this is typical. This includes electrum and bitcoind. About 468 MB of that is bitcoind. I think it does increase over time but haven't kept records.

There probably is a threads/process limit set by the virtual host. I don't know how to check that off hand but I recall there being some vz cmds and beancounter type stuff I could find out and check.

I could probably fix it by just restarting bitcoind and electrum every 24 hours. But for now I'll let it go and check now and then to see if the memory use climbs up.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: dserrano5 on February 05, 2013, 11:57:22 AM
There probably is a threads/process limit set by the virtual host. I don't know how to check that off hand but I recall there being some vz cmds and beancounter type stuff I could find out and check.

# grep numproc /proc/user_beancounters

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: BkkCoins on February 05, 2013, 02:48:01 PM
There probably is a threads/process limit set by the virtual host. I don't know how to check that off hand but I recall there being some vz cmds and beancounter type stuff I could find out and check.

# grep numproc /proc/user_beancounters
I get these numbers: 39 66 1000 1020
But it's running fine atm, and steady at 660 MB total.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: nexusakachus on February 18, 2013, 12:58:01 AM
runs smooooooth


macbook pro 6.2 osx 10.8.3 build 12D58

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: notme on February 18, 2013, 10:38:04 PM
Any word on when this will be released?

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Diapolo on February 19, 2013, 06:10:49 AM
Any word on when this will be released?

I'm sure we will see an RC2 and perhaps an RC3 before this version gets released.


Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: notme on February 19, 2013, 06:47:45 AM
Any word on when this will be released?

I'm sure we will see an RC2 and perhaps an RC3 before this version gets released.


Actually, this wasn't even RC1.

RC1 is out now though:

Not many complaints, solid for me too.  Hopefully we can get enough testing and get this pushed out before too long.  It really is a huge improvement.

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: notme on February 19, 2013, 10:12:09 PM
Any word on when this will be released?

I'm sure we will see an RC2 and perhaps an RC3 before this version gets released.


Actually, this wasn't even RC1.

RC1 is out now though:

Not many complaints, solid for me too.  Hopefully we can get enough testing and get this pushed out before too long.  It really is a huge improvement.

0.8.0 is out:

Title: Re: Experimental pre-0.8 builds for testing
Post by: Pieter Wuille on February 25, 2013, 09:06:02 PM
Since 0.8.0 final is released, I'd like to thank everyone who participated in testing the pre-release versions. Several problems were found after user reports, and others at least showed that many people noticed the improvements. There is certainly still room for improvement, but we're making progress in small (and sometimes bigger) steps.
