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Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: chennan on December 22, 2015, 07:38:46 PM

Title: This is scary.. Potentially, could this stop BTC adoption in the long run?
Post by: chennan on December 22, 2015, 07:38:46 PM
So, we all know that we live in a world where politicians, or any type of authority figures for that matter, have some form of control on what we do in everyday life.  What China is ready to implement and make mandatory in 2020 could revolutionize how authoritative figures can maintain that power without the fear of a rebellion.

As if further proof were needed Orwell’s dystopia is now upon us, China has now gamified obedience to the State. Though that is every bit as creepily terrifying as it sounds, citizens may still choose whether or not they wish to opt-in — that is, until the program becomes compulsory in 2020. “Going under the innocuous name of ‘Sesame Credit,’ China has created a score for how good a citizen you are,” explains Extra Credits’ video ( about the program. “The owners of China’s largest social networks have partnered with the government to create something akin to the U.S. credit score — but, instead of measuring how regularly you pay your bills, it measures how obediently you follow the party line.”

Now, this could mean huge implications of what happens to Bitcoin in the future. If major nations like China start implementing this system, then they could force opinions down the throats of citizens, and the citizens won't mind because they get benefited from it.  This definitely is something people in Bitcoin should be worried about, because if the state decides that you shouldn't talk about, watch videos, or better yet just use Bitcoin, then that will mean that if you do then your "sesame credit" will go down and you won't have the benefits of those that do have a higher credit.

To make things even worse, if you do post stuff that goes against what the government wants you to post, then your friends and loved ones will have the incentive to "de-friend" you in a way... because if you are friends or acquaintances with someone on social media and that persons "sesame credit" is low, it will bring down your credit as well.  

Yikes.  :-[

Edit: I suggest people watch the video in the quote above... that video pretty much sums up everything and is pretty easy to digest.

Title: Re: This is scary.. Potentially, could this stop BTC adoption in the long run?
Post by: pedrog on December 22, 2015, 07:48:18 PM
This is an awesome plot for a Charlie Brooker's Black Mirror episode. :)

Title: Re: This is scary.. Potentially, could this stop BTC adoption in the long run?
Post by: AgentofCoin on December 22, 2015, 07:51:09 PM
What China proposes to do is not entirely unexpected, as technology advances, it will be used to control people.
The question is then whether their citizens will go along with it and become willful slaves,
or fight against it and stop it before it gets too big to take back. I suspect they will not fight it.

As to this news with the future use of bitcoin, the elite Chinese citizens will still use bitcoin (they love it),
even if the average citizen is denied. The elite of china think bitcoin is the future store of value. (Gold is so boring..)

Even if China made ChinaStateCoin and it was force upon the citizens, the elites would still own and use bitcoin.

Title: Re: This is scary.. Potentially, could this stop BTC adoption in the long run?
Post by: calkob on December 22, 2015, 07:55:23 PM
Who really cares, what they do in china, china has never had freedom like the west and our judeo christian ethic means that we will never give in to absolute tyranny.  If some scum bag elitist try's this in the west he will be in for one hell of a fight,  the only thing i can see working in the western world is a pleasurable tyranny which basically gives you everything you need and then dumbs you into control, its the only one that would work.  

Title: Re: This is scary.. Potentially, could this stop BTC adoption in the long run?
Post by: chennan on December 22, 2015, 07:58:32 PM
What China proposes to do is not entirely unexpected, as technology advances, it will be used to control people.
The question is then whether their citizens will go along with it and become willful slaves,
or fight against it and stop it before it gets too big to take back. I suspect they will not fight it.

As to this news with the future use of bitcoin, the elite Chinese citizens will still use bitcoin (they love it),
even if the average citizen is denied. The elite of china think bitcoin is the future store of value. (Gold is so boring..)

Even if China made ChinaStateCoin and it was force upon the citizens, the elites would still own and use bitcoin.

But what makes you think that China will be the only nation to implement something like this? I know that this is a huge leap of speculation... but if there becomes more of a "big government is a good thing" type of attitude, where socialist thinking is widely accepted, then this type of implementation can be used in any country if China gets good results from it.  People tend to not care any more if their rights are being trampled on, because as long as they remain a good little citizen, then they have nothing to fear. 

I mean shit, this is like some Hunger Games type of authoritarian protocol that's going to be implemented... but the fact that the government will give them "benefits" if they remain loyal, and accept this type of credit score to happen early on is scary as fuck to me..

Title: Re: This is scary.. Potentially, could this stop BTC adoption in the long run?
Post by: chennan on December 22, 2015, 08:02:26 PM
Who really cares, what they do in china, china has never had freedom like the west and our judeo christian ethic means that we will never give in to absolute tyranny.  If some scum bag elitist try's this in the west he will be in for one hell of a fight,  the only thing i can see working in the western world is a pleasurable tyranny which basically gives you everything you need and then dumbs you into control, its the only one that would work. 

The west is becoming more subservient to this kind of stuff.  If you are relating the US as "the west", then take a look at how many supporters Bernie has gotten in the last six or so months.  People are liking the idea of big government, and who is to say that he won't support something like this if China looks to become more "patriotic".  People don't really research anything anymore, especially including "the west"... so if they get benefits from it, that's all the people will really care about.

Plus think about it this way, Bitcoin is definitely a global economic tool... if people in China ban it for the mainstream to adopt, then it will definitely hurt the bitcoin economy.   

Title: Re: This is scary.. Potentially, could this stop BTC adoption in the long run?
Post by: AgentofCoin on December 22, 2015, 08:15:11 PM
What China proposes to do is not entirely unexpected, as technology advances, it will be used to control people.
The question is then whether their citizens will go along with it and become willful slaves,
or fight against it and stop it before it gets too big to take back. I suspect they will not fight it.

As to this news with the future use of bitcoin, the elite Chinese citizens will still use bitcoin (they love it),
even if the average citizen is denied. The elite of china think bitcoin is the future store of value. (Gold is so boring..)

Even if China made ChinaStateCoin and it was force upon the citizens, the elites would still own and use bitcoin.

But what makes you think that China will be the only nation to implement something like this? I know that this is a huge leap of speculation... but if there becomes more of a "big government is a good thing" type of attitude, where socialist thinking is widely accepted, then this type of implementation can be used in any country if China gets good results from it.  People tend to not care any more if their rights are being trampled on, because as long as they remain a good little citizen, then they have nothing to fear.  

I mean shit, this is like some Hunger Games type of authoritarian protocol that's going to be implemented... but the fact that the government will give them "benefits" if they remain loyal, and accept this type of credit score to happen early on is scary as fuck to me..

I have no concern that this could ever happen in certain western countries, unless:
(1) society collapses due to limited nuclear/biological war, or
(2) society collapses due to massive perpetual financial depression, or
(3) society collapses due to China invading/conquering those nations and imposing this "sesame credits".

In most western countries, there are still people who would fight against this. Especially in the USA.

Title: Re: This is scary.. Potentially, could this stop BTC adoption in the long run?
Post by: medUSA on December 22, 2015, 09:14:34 PM
I read the article, the "Sesame Credit Score" is tied to social media accounts, not people. If the chinese use different social media accounts to purchase goods and to express political views, there are no ties. Problem solved.

Bitcoin adoption is not driven by china. I believe they don't actually use bitcoin. Their trading volume is exaggerated and some buy bitcoin to transfer out of china. The "Sesame Credit Score" is not going to have any effect on global adoption.

Title: Re: This is scary.. Potentially, could this stop BTC adoption in the long run?
Post by: PakistanHockeyfan on February 09, 2016, 02:18:53 AM
It probably won't stop it. Bitcoin would need just a little bit more issues for it to be completely shut down, mind you. However, it is an interesting topic to bring up.

Title: Re: This is scary.. Potentially, could this stop BTC adoption in the long run?
Post by: owm123 on February 09, 2016, 02:31:57 AM
It probably won't stop it. Bitcoin would need just a little bit more issues for it to be completely shut down, mind you. However, it is an interesting topic to bring up.

It can be very significant development for bitcoin. China basically controls bitcoin mining and trading:

Title: Re: This is scary.. Potentially, could this stop BTC adoption in the long run?
Post by: Blawpaw on February 09, 2016, 02:38:23 AM
To tell you the truth, I don't even think the news is for real. Its more like a conspiracy theory than anything. Well, at least I hope so...

Title: Re: This is scary.. Potentially, could this stop BTC adoption in the long run?
Post by: romero121 on February 09, 2016, 06:28:23 AM
This is not gonna happen. It seems to be opposite to the human rights.
Many countries have tried blocking various things enter their, but the
real fact some way people get it if more attached.

Title: Re: This is scary.. Potentially, could this stop BTC adoption in the long run?
Post by: hacksmash on February 09, 2016, 06:29:22 AM

I have no concern that this could ever happen in certain western countries, unless:
(1) society collapses due to limited nuclear/biological war, or get paranoid
(2) society collapses due to massive perpetual financial depression, or get overly Religious
(3) society collapses due to China invading/conquering those nations and imposing this "sesame credits".anti-Muslim/anti-religious

In most western countries, there are still people who would fight againstgive in to this. Especially in the USA.


It does not take a 'collapses' ... just fear.

Title: Re: This is scary.. Potentially, could this stop BTC adoption in the long run?
Post by: bitbaby on February 09, 2016, 06:45:44 AM
That's expected from a communist nation, they make their own rules and citizens have to follow them, even if they're right or wrong. I don't think if they decide to do this, it'll affect Bitcoin in any way. The world doesn't have to follow China.

Title: Re: This is scary.. Potentially, could this stop BTC adoption in the long run?
Post by: NorrisK on February 09, 2016, 06:55:25 AM
They will never even be able to enforce this. It is just massively rediculous.. Besides the fact that it is very easy to make a fake profile on social media, it is even easier to use social media (on a proxy/vpn) that is not in that system. It will likely use the popular asian media and something like this could cause a shift towards western media.

Unless they start offering some major rewards, any slightly critical person would not fall for this. Or maybe I'm just not used to how the chinese are thinking.

Title: Re: This is scary.. Potentially, could this stop BTC adoption in the long run?
Post by: Jet Cash on February 09, 2016, 07:00:12 AM
It worse in the west. TTiP will mean that we will be under the control of the big corporations rather than the government. Just what the banks will try to do to Bitcoin. :)

Title: Re: This is scary.. Potentially, could this stop BTC adoption in the long run?
Post by: bitcoinboy12 on February 09, 2016, 07:06:47 AM
That's expected from a communist nation, they make their own rules and citizens have to follow them, even if they're right or wrong. I don't think if they decide to do this, it'll affect Bitcoin in any way. The world doesn't have to follow China.

Yes, they've been doing a lot of bad things but it even if it's well spread out across the Internet there's not much the world can do about it. Wish there'll be a country strong enough to face them head on.

Title: Re: This is scary.. Potentially, could this stop BTC adoption in the long run?
Post by: simon66 on February 09, 2016, 07:10:21 AM
I already assume that my government has a rating for me for how much of a terrorist they think I am or whatever. I think you should assume the same that the USA government has some sort of terrorist rating index on you too even if you are not in the USA..

This sounds to me like chna is saying "were going to do this too", but that they are going to reward the sheepiest of the sheeple for being sheepish I suppose.. Did they say anything about punishments for poor sheep scores rather than just the benefits for good scores?