Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: fimp on December 15, 2012, 04:23:59 PM

Title: Danish Member of Parliament on Bitcoin: "Exciting!"
Post by: fimp on December 15, 2012, 04:23:59 PM
"Exciting! A lot points to that those who always think anything new must fail are mistaken once again."

Disclosure: He's my brother.

Title: Re: Danish Member of Parliament on Bitcoin: "Exciting!"
Post by: TraderTimm on December 15, 2012, 07:19:53 PM
Appreciate your post, but I really loathe facebook. Care to post an excerpt possibly?

Title: Re: Danish Member of Parliament on Bitcoin: "Exciting!"
Post by: grue on December 15, 2012, 07:30:49 PM
Appreciate your post, but I really loathe facebook. Care to post an excerpt possibly?

seriously? you hate a site so much that you need someone else to view it for you?

Ole Birk Olesen

500.000 produkter inden for IT og elektronik kan nu købes med Bitcoins: En internetvaluta, som ikke er skabt af noget stat, og som ikke kan kontrolleres af nogen stat:

Iranerne har opdaget Bitcoins som deres måde at betale for ting fra udlandet, uden at styret kan opdage det:

Wordpress' blogunivers tager nu imod Bitcoins, fordi bl.a. Paypal blokererer for betaling til Wordpress fra over 60 af verdens lande:

Spændende! En del tyder på, at de, som altid dømmer alt nyt til fiasko, endnu engang har taget fejl.

Udviklingen i kursen på Bitcoins (

Title: Re: Danish Member of Parliament on Bitcoin: "Exciting!"
Post by: TraderTimm on December 16, 2012, 09:42:55 AM
Appreciate your post, but I really loathe facebook. Care to post an excerpt possibly?

seriously? you hate a site so much that you need someone else to view it for you?

Yes, I loathe their data collection and monetization strategies. Never mind the whole joke their 'privacy' settings are.

For those interested, here's the google translate text:

Ole Birk Olesen

500,000 products in IT and electronics can now be purchased with Bitcoins: An Internet currency that is not created by any state, and can not be controlled by any State:

The Iranians have discovered Bitcoins as their way of paying for things from abroad, without the handlebars can find it:

WordPress blog universe now accepts Bitcoins, because such Paypal blokererer for payment to WordPress from over 60 countries of the world:

Exciting! Some suggest that those who always judge everything new for failure, has once again made ​​a mistake.

Developments in the price of Bitcoins (

Title: Re: Danish Member of Parliament on Bitcoin: "Exciting!"
Post by: Lethn on December 16, 2012, 10:14:24 AM
Very nice, all we need is one or two Bitcoins to freely accept them and it will be a success I think.