Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: JackH on December 16, 2012, 11:47:45 PM

Title: Important topics - Add to a Master Sticky in each forum - Proposal
Post by: JackH on December 16, 2012, 11:47:45 PM
Hey all,

Some debates here on the Bitcoin forums are quite important for the entire community, and while some of them are being reborn by certain individuals, other disappear for good and are only possible to find if someone really digs into the forum.

Some topics are also important, if not historically for the development of Bitcoin, then as a debate into how certain things came to be in existence, or how certain things were debated which may for some reason have been abandoned, but are still relevant as a reference.

While most could agree the forums are a big mess and clutter, and that "newbie" insight is often missing, then how about creating a master thread for each forum topic and add very relevant data into that, like a wiki, or like a master thread.

Obviously importance differs from person to person, but I am sure we could at the very least all agree on certain topics worth mentioning. And not only as a historical record, but also as reference points.

Bitcoin is certainly changing the world as we know it, and a number of important issues debated throughout time on this forum has been playing part in that.

What do you guys say? Good, bad idea?

Title: Re: Important topics - Add to a Master Sticky in each forum - Proposal
Post by: gweedo on December 17, 2012, 12:06:57 AM
I think this would make the first page of the topic, just a bunch of stickies so I vote bad, maybe someone can create a page that will house links to them, or add them to the wiki, but just sticky them it will be crowd so fast.

Title: Re: Important topics - Add to a Master Sticky in each forum - Proposal
Post by: Lethn on December 17, 2012, 06:26:52 PM
While I can understand the thinking I think it's unnecessary really, I don't think certain topics of conversation should be deemed more important, that's how you get the horror that is mainstream news, I'd rather not see the Bitcoin forum devolve into that.