Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: A.Zimmerer on January 07, 2016, 05:06:08 PM

Title: Peer = Bitcoin Full node
Post by: A.Zimmerer on January 07, 2016, 05:06:08 PM

I have a question regarding the term peer. If I enter "bitcoind getpeerinfo"
I get a list computers. Are these computers "bitcoin full nodes" with port 8333
opened ?

Title: Re: Peer = Bitcoin Full node
Post by: OmegaStarScream on January 07, 2016, 05:09:36 PM
According to the developer reference :
It says :

GetPeerInfo: returns data about each connected network node. Updated in 0.10.0

So I suppose yes , It's the case .

Title: Re: Peer = Bitcoin Full node
Post by: A.Zimmerer on January 07, 2016, 05:19:10 PM
Thanks for the reply. It only says network node. There is a big difference between a node and a full node.

Title: Re: Peer = Bitcoin Full node
Post by: shorena on January 08, 2016, 08:45:02 AM
Thanks for the reply. It only says network node. There is a big difference between a node and a full node.

A SPV Wallet like Multibit can be considered nodes as well, but its not a full node as it does not verify and relay all transactions and blocks. Usually node is just a shorthand for full node though.

Title: Re: Peer = Bitcoin Full node
Post by: franky1 on January 08, 2016, 08:56:28 AM
Thanks for the reply. It only says network node. There is a big difference between a node and a full node.

in short.. spv and other lite clients do not relay tx data between users. they push their transactions to a full node using other methods.. this means if you have a proper connection to other computers. then those computers are full nodes as they will be relaying tx data and block data.

peer is someone at the same level as you. so a full node's peer would be other full nodes.
you wont see crappy litewallets being connected to you as a peer, they push TX using other methods