Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Lending => Topic started by: timeflux on January 09, 2016, 03:55:09 AM

Title: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: timeflux on January 09, 2016, 03:55:09 AM
Hi Everyone. I'm looking for a ridiculous loan
1 BTC total, can be many investors or 1
This is a crazy risky gambling loan. I believe I can make 20 BTC tonight with it
And 60% 12btc back to investors, 8 BTC back to me

I have several seeds and accounts setup on dice sites ready to hit. 
Is it risky ? Heck yes, but the possible payouts are great

I've done it before only once but the thread technically was frowned upon but here's proof anyway
Of with I won 12 BTC and paid back early

Only crazy risk takers need apply, don't even bother trollers commenting on the ridiculousness of this post.
Other high rollers: Lets do this !


First investors to invest get in on the crazy. 1 BTC total. Tell your friends
And message me or post here with TX ids


Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: DebitMe on January 09, 2016, 03:57:46 AM
As you already said, this is ridiculous and has no chance of happening.  You are offering zero collateral and on top of that, you are telling people your going to gamble with it.  Sounds like you have a problem and need to find some help.

Obviously this user shouldn't be trusted with any amount of loan.  Do not send OP anything since you have a zero percent chance of getting it back.

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: timeflux on January 09, 2016, 04:02:31 AM
You can't  read I guess. Its more like a 70% chance than zero. I ❤ trollers
Oh and by the way he's the one who just gave me the negative trust with zero knowledge of me. Thanks buddy ! High five !

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: Brob12321 on January 09, 2016, 04:40:52 AM
Are you going to have a mysterious private investor loan you 1 btc again like what happened on your previous loan request for 1 btc.  If you know the guy in person that's one thing but besides that guy that loaned you the money last time, I seriously doubt you will get a hit. 

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: timeflux on January 09, 2016, 04:42:27 AM
this time no. I'm looking for unknown random investors that I don't know :)

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: DebitMe on January 09, 2016, 04:43:52 AM
You can't  read I guess. Its more like a 70% chance than zero. I ❤ trollers
Oh and by the way he's the one who just gave me the negative trust with zero knowledge of me. Thanks buddy ! High five !

Wrong on so many levels.  You do not have a 70% chance of 20X'ing your money.  That is impossible and the casinos would close if this were possible.
Second, I was not the first one to give you negative trust, you had another one on there from someone who didn't trust you.  So that is two times being wrong in less than 40 words.

I have all the knowledge of you that I need to accurately say that no one should trust you with any money and you probably don't have a higher education than high school.  So I put this challenge out there and if you can prove me wrong, I will change my trust to positive, delete my posts, and send you 5 btc to use in your gambling scheme.

Its a very simple challenge, prove to me, mathematically, how you have a 70% chance of turning 1 btc into 20 btc.

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: icem3lter on January 09, 2016, 04:51:05 AM
You can't  read I guess. Its more like a 70% chance than zero. I ❤ trollers
Oh and by the way he's the one who just gave me the negative trust with zero knowledge of me. Thanks buddy ! High five !

Wrong on so many levels.  You do not have a 70% chance of 20X'ing your money.  That is impossible and the casinos would close if this were possible.
Second, I was not the first one to give you negative trust, you had another one on there from someone who didn't trust you.  So that is two times being wrong in less than 40 words.

I have all the knowledge of you that I need to accurately say that no one should trust you with any money and you probably don't have a higher education than high school.  So I put this challenge out there and if you can prove me wrong, I will change my trust to positive, delete my posts, and send you 5 btc to use in your gambling scheme.

Its a very simple challenge, prove to me, mathematically, how you have a 70% chance of turning 1 btc into 20 btc.

It is simply impossible, OP is one of the thousands of fools that think gambling will help them make money. They think gambling businesses exist to give away money, when in reality they only exist to make money. They run a BUISNESS not a charity. High chances of victory results in loses for the company. The way the games are made guarantees that there is a greater chance of loss then victory. It needs to be this way for the BUISNESS model to work.

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: timeflux on January 09, 2016, 05:01:04 AM
ah sorry about the trust thing, I still don't understand it yet, I saw yours in bright red and assumed that was it. Apparently another user who has never dealt with me either, posted negative trust because I asked for a rep loan. This site isn't very fair if random members can add negative trust just because i posted something.

As far as the 70 % I have built up many seeds on dice accounts that have not hit a 97x multiplier in over 300 to 500 rolls average. In gambling they eventually do hit, that's why people gamble.
I've tested hundreds of thousands of rolls a 97x payout and the average losses is 270 rolls. My accounts are ready to hit soon, and even if one doesn't another one will. It's simple math and odds, that 8 accounts will not ALL go over 350 losses, it's damn near impossible because the sites only have a 1% house edge. One or many of them will hit soon.

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: timeflux on January 09, 2016, 07:11:47 AM
Challenge Accepted DebitMe:

also if you'd like DebitMe, i can PM you all my accounts and notes, so you can login, verify the rolls and seed #'s.
Or if you need a more advanced mathematical breakdown, I accept your challenge. But in a nutshell, if you roll a 100 sided die over 300 times and have not yet rolled a 100,
the odds are more favorable that you will roll one soon. I am aware of the gambler's falacy in this matter, however that only applies to one die, and unobserved phenomenon.
I have several dies (i.e. accounts) where i have already lost several hundred times, thus the observed odds which i have tested, prove to me that one of them, if not all of them will win soon.
If you'd like to test this yourself, find a dice-simulator and roll a million rolls at 97x multiplier, and you'll find the average observed loss streak is about 270. Sure in some rare cases, you'll see 600 or even 1,000 misses in a row, but this is so extremely rare, it would hardly ever happen several times on several accounts.

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: Duomo on January 09, 2016, 07:18:59 AM
No thank you, I will do this you if you provide legitimate collateral for this 1 Bitcoin loan. This is seems like something I wouldn't be interested in.  ;D

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: Amadues on January 09, 2016, 07:37:19 AM
Yes is a ridiculous loan… just a small btc, why not get by your self?
and 450 $ so far is not a ridiculous loan, a lot of people live for one month at least with this sum of money :)

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: Alaki on January 09, 2016, 07:42:57 AM
ah sorry about the trust thing, I still don't understand it yet, I saw yours in bright red and assumed that was it.
Ironically, Those Red bright numbers below your account makes you a raffish member.
Apparently another user who has never dealt with me either, posted negative trust because I asked for a rep loan.
Critically, asking reputation loans makes you more raffish.
This site isn't very fair if random members can add negative trust just because i posted something.
They are not a random or normal member. They are on DT (special ones). They are pellucid/diaphanous for everyone. They don't leave trust for unnecessary reasons.

Practically, a loan of 1 btc asked by a Jr. member is anamolous.

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: timeflux on January 09, 2016, 07:56:31 AM
Gotcha i see the mistake of the reputation loan, but when i got that we actually posted in the thread about it not being a reputation loan, as I was unfamiliar with the rules / terminology at the time.
This negative feedback should have been removed since we clearly stated in thread.;all

As for the red trust badge warning I got today, it was because of this thread. I blatantly said my loan was risky and crazy, and did not attempt to obfuscate the matter at hand,
or pretend it was anything else. Thus I think because I warned potential lenders of the risk, and was honest up front, I should not receive negative trust for this post. Or should i have posted it in another section?

Please let me know and help me clear this up.


Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: Amadues on January 09, 2016, 09:04:33 AM
Gotcha i see the mistake of the reputation loan, but when i got that we actually posted in the thread about it not being a reputation loan, as I was unfamiliar with the rules / terminology at the time.
This negative feedback should have been removed since we clearly stated in thread.;all

As for the red trust badge warning I got today, it was because of this thread. I blatantly said my loan was risky and crazy, and did not attempt to obfuscate the matter at hand,
or pretend it was anything else. Thus I think because I warned potential lenders of the risk, and was honest up front, I should not receive negative trust for this post. Or should i have posted it in another section?

Please let me know and help me clear this up.


For example, a thief was kindly and honest with his victim, then why send to jail?
He need to make another steal to another one victim?

Well, ask a ridicule loan, without collateral, and with the "potential risk to scam" it's equal to get a negative trust in a matters of minutes.

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: timeflux on January 09, 2016, 05:49:36 PM
That is your opinion, not fact. A scam is when someone tricks you, i am not attempting to trick anyone. But its ok I get it. This whole trust system is based on guilty until proven innocent, and people need to be protected from taking any risk whatsoever because they can't make their own decisions. If the world was run this way there would be no stock markets, loans or lotteries at all.  Good way to run things!

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: helloeverybody on January 09, 2016, 06:15:43 PM
So when you make your crazy bet and lose the 1btc then whats the chances of the lender getting paid back? pretty slim id say. Why wouldnt any potential lender just gamble the coin themselves ?

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: timeflux on January 09, 2016, 06:33:09 PM
Because as I mentioned I already have many accounts setup with many losses in a row. It is not a slim chance as you say.  Its simple odds really. Roll dice enough times and you do eventually win something, otherwise no one would ever gamble.I've already done the loss work, if someone instead chooses to use their own BTC they would be starting from scratch.  DebitMe I haven't seen you reply to my post about your challenge. Cat got your tongue?

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: helloeverybody on January 09, 2016, 06:34:52 PM
Because as I mentioned I already have many accounts setup with many losses in a row. Its simple odds really. Roll dice enough times and you do eventually win something, otherwise no one would ever gamble.I've already done the loss work, if someone instead chooses to use their own BTC they would be starting from scratch.  DebitMe I haven't seen you reply to my post about your challenge. Cat got your tongue.

Odds dont work like that though, If i was to roll the dice i would have as much chance as rolling whatever number i need as you would. Just because youve made x amount of rolls doesnt put you in a better position than anyone else to roll the number you want.

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: timeflux on January 09, 2016, 07:01:56 PM
Sort of correct but not really. Only when you are talking about infinite rolls, and not observed data. When you are talking about a coin flip 50/50 odds maybe, but higher multipliers not quite the same. Mathematicians talk about my positive expected value here:

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: Vod on January 09, 2016, 07:32:53 PM
If the world was run this way there would be no stock markets, loans or lotteries at all.  Good way to run things!

Bullshit.  Stock Markets, loans and lotteries are backed by the law and consequences if you cheat.

You are an anonymous account asking for irreversible currency.   It's the wild west in comparison.

Even if you won, chances of you keeping your word and paying out 12btc is slim to none.  You'd just make a new account.

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: Vod on January 09, 2016, 07:38:30 PM
But in a nutshell, if you roll a 100 sided die over 300 times and have not yet rolled a 100,
the odds are more favorable that you will roll one soon.

Wow - you know nothing about probability.

If I roll a 100 sided dice 300 times, and never once roll a 100, the chances of me rolling a 100 on the next roll is still 1/100

The chances of my rolling a 100 on any roll is 1 out of 100, no matter how many times the 100 has not come up.


Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: timeflux on January 09, 2016, 07:52:41 PM
If you lose on the stock market the law gives it back ? No.
Also you are making too many assumptions. My account is relatively old, though my post count is low.
You are making a big assumption by saying because my account is low status, that the odds of me paying investors if I win are "slim to none" that's pretty ballsy of you to make such an insult where you don't have any data to back it up. You're default idea is newbie = slim chance. That is incorrect since neither of us can prove if I am honest or not.

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: Vod on January 09, 2016, 07:57:13 PM
If you lose on the stock market the law gives it back ? No.

If you cheat on the stock market, the law steps in.  If I won $10,000 on the stock market and the stock market refused to pay, I would have legal recourse.

I'm stating for the amount of time you have invested in this account, you'll take the coins and run, regardless if you win or lose.  You can buy an older account with more posts for a lot less than 1btc.

Sorry if that hurts your feelings princess.   :-*

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: timeflux on January 09, 2016, 08:00:37 PM
But in a nutshell, if you roll a 100 sided die over 300 times and have not yet rolled a 100,
the odds are more favorable that you will roll one soon.

Wow - you know nothing about probability.

If I roll a 100 sided dice 300 times, and never once roll a 100, the chances of me rolling a 100 on the next roll is still 1/100

The chances of my rolling a 100 on any roll is 1 out of 100, no matter how many times the 100 has not come up.


I do know about probability, what you are saying though only exists in a perfect vacuum. Dice sites operate more like a deck of cards, where the client seed is your random variable shuffle and the server seed is like the deck, and each roll number being your random draw.    I also know about science.
The science behind this is if you test a finite number of rolls on dice sites, the observed data will show otherwise. My experiments have proven an event will likely happen over X amount of rolls. You can try this on any dice-simulator.

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: MRKLYE on January 09, 2016, 08:02:08 PM
OP should get a fucking job.

I heard is hiring.

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: timeflux on January 09, 2016, 08:04:57 PM
Nah doesn't hurt my feelings. Just proves you a fearful idiot. Just because you thought of a great way I could scam, doesn't mean I would. You have zero proof that i would or wouldn't, you are just stating a theory that a newbie would scam. I obviously struck a nerve if you are resorting to more insults. My name is actually very dear to me and I wouldn't get rid of this account or screen name even if someone offered me 100 BTC for it.

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: timeflux on January 09, 2016, 08:10:13 PM
I have a great job jerk Klye. LOL Klye is a known scammer haha i remember him from just-dice.   I make more money than you ever will. Though times were tight this month and was trying this in the meantime as I'm very bored between projects and have many accounts setup. I make about $4k a month but had alot of expenses lately and wont be able to buy bitcoin till the end of the month. Oh well. Will prove you all wrong with results and stats at the end of the month.
Why are people such assholes on this site? lol. May your karma guide you and make you better ❤ life can be very good if you're not a jerk :)

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: markj113 on January 09, 2016, 08:10:44 PM
Nah doesn't hurt my feelings. Just proves you a fearful idiot. Just because you thought of a great way I could scam, doesn't mean I would. You have zero proof that i would or wouldn't, you are just stating a theory that a newbie would scam. I obviously struck a nerve if you are resorting to more insults. My name is actually very dear to me and I wouldn't get rid of this account or screen name even if someone offered me 100 BTC for it.

Im sure you wouldn’t accept $45300 for your newbie username too  ::)

You could gamble those 100BTC and make 2000BTC as you state in your first post and just buy back your account for 30BTC and keep the rest lol

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: timeflux on January 09, 2016, 08:13:19 PM
Nope. Would not accept any amount to sell this account. Would be like selling my soul.

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: markj113 on January 09, 2016, 08:14:24 PM
well your soul has been red flagged and is now worth a big fat zero

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: MRKLYE on January 09, 2016, 08:42:22 PM
I have a great job jerk Klye. LOL Klye is a known scammer haha i remember him from just-dice.   I make more money than you ever will. Though times were tight this month and was trying this in the meantime as I'm very bored between projects and have many accounts setup. I make about $4k a month but had alot of expenses lately and wont be able to buy bitcoin till the end of the month. Oh well. Will prove you all wrong with results and stats at the end of the month.
Why are people such assholes on this site? lol. May your karma guide you and make you better ❤ life can be very good if you're not a jerk :)

lol, Known scammer. Pretty sure scammers steal BTC and disappear... Last time I checked I owed less than a BTC outstanding on the original KLYEMAX blunder and have a site up and was starting dividend testing tomorrow.. Your point is mute.

Let's be honest here. You're a fucking scamtard who doesn't make 4K a month. And the fact you're retarded enough to think anyone would entertain the idea of giving you 1 BTC to degen is hilarious. Seriously, You need to get your doctor to prescribe you new meds if you think that's even remotely acceptable.

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: timeflux on January 09, 2016, 08:49:53 PM
Yeah Klye sorry you were a scammer who took 25 BTC investment for klyemax then gambled it. Sorry you paid it all back now after 2 years. I'm impressed. You want to wager I don't make 4k ? I'll gladly take you up on that bet and prove it.

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: timeflux on January 09, 2016, 08:56:06 PM
well your soul has been red flagged and is now worth a big fat zero

Souls are infinite and worth more than you can imagine. My soul is rich and powerful knowing I'm nothing like you. But I wish you enlightenment and knowledge.

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: Brob12321 on January 10, 2016, 02:23:57 AM
I'm sorry if you roll a dice multiple times your odds of winning will always be the same.  If you have lost 5 times in a row the outcome of the next roll is not affected by the previous 5, that is not how it works.  Statistically you should win a set amount of time for a given percentage chance of winning but statistics have no affect on the outcome of a dice roll, statistics are simply a theory of what should happen.  I used to play dice sites and play 50/50 odds and I would have loosing runs that lasted 13 rolls, completely against any statistic but it happened because statistics do not change the outcome of a roll of the dice.

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: timeflux on January 10, 2016, 03:48:00 AM
Whatever you guys are using math only not observed data and logic. Logically after many rolls you will hit the multiplier you are looking for, otherwise all dice sites are cheating their customers and lying about percent to win and don't have a 1% house edge but far higher. So are the dice sites lying about the odds ?

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on January 10, 2016, 03:52:41 AM
You can't  read I guess. Its more like a 70% chance than zero. I ❤ trollers
Oh and by the way he's the one who just gave me the negative trust with zero knowledge of me. Thanks buddy ! High five !

Wrong on so many levels.  You do not have a 70% chance of 20X'ing your money.  That is impossible and the casinos would close if this were possible.
Second, I was not the first one to give you negative trust, you had another one on there from someone who didn't trust you.  So that is two times being wrong in less than 40 words.

I have all the knowledge of you that I need to accurately say that no one should trust you with any money and you probably don't have a higher education than high school.  So I put this challenge out there and if you can prove me wrong, I will change my trust to positive, delete my posts, and send you 5 btc to use in your gambling scheme.

Its a very simple challenge, prove to me, mathematically, how you have a 70% chance of turning 1 btc into 20 btc.

It is simply impossible, OP is one of the thousands of fools that think gambling will help them make money. They think gambling businesses exist to give away money, when in reality they only exist to make money. They run a BUISNESS not a charity. High chances of victory results in loses for the company. The way the games are made guarantees that there is a greater chance of loss then victory. It needs to be this way for the BUISNESS model to work.
Yeah, like that fucking balloon head who thought Master-P could get his victims' bitcoin back by gambling what bitcoin he had on hand.  Stupid stupid stupid.  And OP I would not be surprised if some degenerate gambler on this forum actually did give you a "loan" for gambling if you're promising 70% return.  But it's good that OP got that nice crimson trust feedback to warn the gullible.  There's no way any sane individual is going to believe what you claim.

Title: Re: 1 btc loan needed - multiple investors ok - possible high payout
Post by: timeflux on January 10, 2016, 05:27:21 AM
Eh you guys are way to serious
- posted a high risk opportunity and stated so
- posted in the initial post don't bother trolling if this doesn't interest you
- stated only high rollers and risk takers need apply
- I posted what I believe to be true and believe I could do it.
- am curious as to the state of posters on here, so many negative
 and serious comments. I hope you can become better people

Whatevs to me it was a fun idea if anyone was interested until I get some btc. 
I am not desperate for it.

Sorry if I made anyone upset, geesh have a martini or something guys.

Have a good night everyone and hope you can find cool things to do
for yourself and others. I only wish awesomeness for all of ya.

- flux out